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Lance Despite being traumatized, students still came to school the day after the... Incident which later became known as 'The Galra Halloween Murder'. Counselors were busy taking in ten students every hour, and police came to question the party guests. Keith was thankful he wasn't interrogated

Hunk walks into the locker room where Lance, Keith, and Matt are putting on their gym clothes

Lance: Hey, bud. You okay?

Hunk: Uh... Yeah. Still kinda shaken up. The police kept asking questions, and they had photos. I-I didn't wanna see that!

Lance: Look, you don't have to talk about it. I just want you to know we're here for you.

Matt: Yeah. If you, or Shay wanna talk, without police asking you a hundred questions, you know where to find us.

Hunk: Thanks guys. He smiles a bit

Keith: There's the smile. Now hurry up, and get dressed.

Lance: It's dodgeball today! He bends down to tie his shoes, but suddenly yelps when a strong hand made contact with his ass

Matt: Kuro!

Kuro: If he doesn't want me grabbing, he shouldn't put out the merch!

Kuro Dark- Linebacker. He is the sleaziest guy in school. He's always grabbing people's butts, and trying to make out with them. Right now, he had his grope-meter set on Lance McClain

Keith: Keep your hands off my boyfriend!

Kuro: I was just getting him warmed up for you, geez. He high-fives some of his friends on the way out of the room

Lance: That jerk!

Keith: I swear to God, I'm gonna kill him!

Matt: Whoa, careful what you say, Keith. With all these murders going around, you're gonna end up as a suspect.

Lance: Matt, Keith would never murder anyone.

Keith: Right. Thinking Oh, Lance. If only you knew.

Hunk: You guys go ahead, I'll meet you in the gym.

Matt, Lance, and Keith nodded and headed into the gym. Keith once again found a new victim to add to his list. He'd be doing the school a huge favor. Kuro was the school perv. He would always grope students, front and back. He was like a more sleazy version of Lotor. Speaking of Lotor, he still had hell to pay. How dare those two try to flirt with Lance McClain? If you could even call that flirting. It was assault, and Keith was going to make them-


Keith perked up when he heard those words. He saw Lance, mid-stretching, and Kuro was standing right behind him with a shit-eating grin. Lance stands up straight and walks away

Kuro: Come on, babe! Give us a show!

Lotor: Yes, Lance. Don't be so stingy.

Lance: Muttering Oh my God.

Keith: What are you even doing here, Lotor? You're not even in this damn class!

Lotor: I transferred. Anything to see Lance McClain in shorts.

Matt: Why don't you two go bang each other? Release the tension!

Keith: And in case you haven't heard, Lance. Is. With. Me!

Lance: Trying to calm him down Keith...

Lotor: How cute. But Lance, He grabs his hand and pulls him away from Keith would you rather have an emo with outdated hair, or a quarterback with hair people would kill for?

Lance: Do you even need to ask? He pulls his hand away and goes back over to Keith ¡Así que vete a la mierda, bastardos comedores de mierda!

Lotor and Kuro walk away with their hands up in defense, knowing to never mess with Lance when he's angry and speaking Spanish

Matt: Stunned What did you say to them?

Lance: You don't wanna know.

Hunk, Romelle, and Pidge walk in the gym with their uniforms on

Pidge: Hey. We just heard angry Spanish. Who did Lance cuss out this time?

Lance: Lotor and Kuro.

Romelle: UUUGGGHHH!! I hate them! Can you teach me curse words in Spanish so I don't get in trouble for curing in English?

Lance: Yeah, I'll set up a lesson plan.

The teacher blows the whistle and the game begins

Time Skip

Romelle's team ended up beating Kuro's team. By the time the game ended, class was finished and the students went to go get changed, but a few stayed behind to put the dodgeballs back. As Lance was heading to the locker room, he passed by a door which opens, and a hand yanks him inside. A click is heard, and the door is locked. Lance looks at his captors in fear. Lotor and Kuro

Lance: What do you want?

Lotor: Oh, Lance. You know exactly what we want. He trails his hand all over Lance's chest

Lance: S-stop.

Lamcs reaches for the door, but Kuro grabs his arm and yanks him away, then pushes him down to the floor. He drops down, straddling his legs

Lance: GET OFF!

Kuro: God Lance, be more grateful. He ignores Lance's protests and connects his lips to his, forcing his tongue inside while Lotor sucks on his exposed neck

Lotor: See how much we love you? I bet Keith doesn't do this. He continues sucking on his neck, leaving behind dark hickeys

Lance: Please stop!

There is loud knocking at the door

Keith: Is someone in there?

Kuro: He glares at Lance You better not.


Lotor: You little bitch.

Kuro gets off of him and unlocks the door, then he and Lotor run right past Keith, Romelle, and Pidge, leaving them confused until they see Lance crying

Keith: LANCE! He runs towards the trembling boy and holds him in his arms What happened?

Lance: I told them to stop. They didn't. I'm sorry, Keith.

Romelle: Lance, She kneels beside him don't blame yourself. You did nothing wrong.

Matt: She's right, it's their fault.

Keith: That's it. I'm taking you home. Let's go. His voice sounded more angry than sympathetic

Pidge: I-I'll go get Shiro.

Keith: Yeah, you do that. He leads Lance away, leaving Hunk, Romelle, and Pidge in the hallway, stunned at what just happened

It was a quiet drive to the McClain house. No one said a word, Shiro didn't push for answers, or play any music. He parks in the driveway and Keith and Lance step out the car

Shiro: I'll pick you up later. Call if you need anything.

Keith: Alright. He nods before walking Lance inside where they're met with Lydia McClain

Lydia: Lance, mijo ¿qué pasó?

Lance struggles to find the words until Keith holds his hand

Lance: Yo ... Dos chicos me encerraron en un armario con ellos... Y ... He shows her the hickey Lotor left, and she immediately runs over to hug him

Lydia: ¿Quien hizo esto? She starts running her fingers through his hair like she used to when he was younger. This calmed him down whenever he was having a bad day

Lance: He looks away and covers up the hickey... Lotor y Kuro.

Lydia: She tenses at the names ¡No me importa lo ricos que sean sus padres! ¡Asesinaré a esos dos bastardos!... Once she calms down, she turns to Keith and speaks to him in English I'm going to get bandages for his neck. Make sure he's okay.

Keith: Yes ma'am.

Lydia: She smiles, then turns back to Lance Llama si necesitas algo. She kisses him on the cheek, then leaves the house

Keith leads Lance into his room, and they sit on the bed in silence for what felt like hours

Lance: ... Keith, I-

Keith: Stop apologizing. It sounded more like a command rather than trying to comfort him It's not like you asked for it... Right?

Lance: N-no! I didn't...

Keith: Good. And it could've been worse. Be glad I came just in time.

Lance: I... I am. Thanks.

Keith: ... You know I hate when this happens. Lance looks confused People trying to have their way with you, take you away from me... Makes me sick. Lance flinches at that last sentence I don't want that happening again. I wanna know where you are when we're not together. And when we're together, I want you close to me all the time.

Lance thought this seemed wrong at first considering what just happened, but he honestly couldn't blame Keith for being so possessive. He was just worried and wanted Lance to be safe... That's what he thought

Keith: Lance?

Lance is snapped out of his thoughts when he sees Keith looking at him expectantly

Keith: Do you understand?

Lance: ... Yeah. You just want me to be safe.

Keith: Of course I do. His voice sounded much calmer than before, allowing Lance to relax And, I want people to know you belong to me. He points to the choker necklace, then brings Lance in for a warm embrace Now. Who do you belong to?

Lance: You.

Keith: Good. Are you anyone else's?

Lance: No.

Keith: Right. You're mine and no one else's. I'll love you more than anyone ever could. He leaves kisses on Lance's neck, nothing like the ones Lotor left. These were gentle and soft

Lance: ... K-Keith. He lets out a small moan I love you so much. Keith moves his hand a little lower, and Lance stops it No. Not now.

Keith: ... He looks annoyed for a moment, then sighs and takes Lance's hand in his, continuing to leave small kisses on his neck I swear to God, that Lotor and Kuro will never hurt you ever again...

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