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"Balmerans, this is Princess Allura. You don't know me, but I am here to help. I know what it's like to watch your home planet die. For I come from planet Altea, a planet I has long been destroyed by the Galra. But I refuse to give up. And now, you all have the same choice," Allura began.

I had closed my eyes to listen to her words on another level, as I bowed my head in respect for the glorious white haired warrior. I began to see the Balmerans listening to her words. Families and friends, listening side by side. It was a beautiful sight.

"You can decide now to devote your life to making sure this never happens to another planet. I am eternally sorry for what is happened to the Balmera, but I beg you, do not let its dying be in vain. Honor the Balmera's death by refusing to give up. Join me in my fight against the Galra," Allura finished.

Then, the small, but very wise and beautiful grandmother of Shay placed her hand on the wall.

"Your words have touched our hearts," she told the Princess.

Allura smiled full heartedly, "Thank you."

"No, thank you. You've given us reason to hope again," she said, smile just as genuine as Allura's.

"Everyone, head to the caves just under the surface," The blue eyed beauty ordered.

We all began to run toward the surface, bedding to get everyone out of there as soon as possible.

"Coran, were just beneath the surface. Triangulate my position. This is your landing zone," she informed as we had finally gotten to our destination.

The ground began the shake once more as Coran began to ready the ship for landing.

"They're making their way to the top," Allura replied to Keith as Coran and her conversed with the Paladins.

"Bring them out! Hurry now!" Coran shouted as his pod opened up.

I had just climbed the ladder when the ground shook once more and it fell, along with a lot of other things, now turning into dangerous debris.

"No!" Allura shouted as the ground began to split open.

"It's on the verge of collapsing! We have to go!" Coran shouted, running towards us.

"But the Balmerans!" Allura protested.

"They're trapped!" Rax and I said in unison.

"What can be done? Time is short!" Rax continued.

The ground began to rumble in pain again.

"Every hit weakens the Balmera. Have you evacuated yet? What's happening?" Hunk shouted.

"The Balmerans are trapped. Just keep distracting the beast!" Coran informed.

"Uh, do you want us to distract it by dying? Because that's what's gonna happen!" Hunk asked.

"Guys, remember when I said we didn't have to beat it?" Shiro asked.

"Yes, I remember that," Hunk replied.

"We might have to beat it," Shiro said.

"We are lost! All are trapped with no chance for escape!" Shay cried as she bundled into a ball.

Allura bent down and rested her hand on Shay's, "We can't give up give up."

"But what can be done?" Shay asked, removing her hands from her head.

A bright blue light shone under the Castle of Lions.

"The Balmera!" Shay gasped. "The ground beneath your mighty ship appears healed. It's essence thrives. But how?"

"The Castle!" Allura shouts.

"Not just the Castle, but you, as well," the Grandmother Balmeran spoke. She reached out and tugged on my hand.

She thinks I can do this to? I knew I had to try, but I didn't think it would work.

"It's true. Your Altean energy combined with the ship's crystal has revitalized this part of the Balmera," Coran confirmed as light began to show underneath the Princess and I, as well.

But I'm not Altean. Is there another reason due to this destiny thing going on? I pondered as Allura realized the situation.

"That's it! Maybe we can perform the ceremony you spoke about. We can save the Balmera," Allura spoke.

"What ceremony?" Rax asked, his voice in complete chaos due to emotions.

"In the days of the old, when Alteans we're given the gift of crystals from a Balmera, it would repay it's sacrifice by preforming a ceremony. A sacred Altean would re-fuse the Balmera with quintessence. In this way, we had a symbiotic relationship," I explained, completely stealing Coran's words straight out of his mouth.

"The Galra have only been taking. It's time we give back," Allura said, looking to me and walking over to the bright blue spot on the Balmera's surface. "We can connect with the crystal in the bridge and use the Castle's power as an amplifier," Allura explained.

"When your father preformed ceremony, it was on a much smaller scale. I beg you. To heal an entire planet, it could take more energy than you possess. You may not live through it," Coran said worryingly.

"Then it's a good thing we have two people. I know you're scared for me, Coran, but we must try," Allura told our worried friend, trying to soothe his nerves.

Shay's family placed their hands on the outer skirts of the circle, as Allura and I stood hand in hand in the middle. The rest of the Balmerans, minus the children, began to place their hands on the Balmera as well.

Allura and I focus the Crystal's energy and raised our arms from our sides as the energy amplified and shone down on us.

As Allura and I performed the ceremony, the Paladins seemed to be having a lot of trouble, which I knew, of course, but it only made it harder for me to focus on the task at hand. Luckily, they formed Voltron once again and were keeping the beast distracted and well put up with for the time being. Minus the fact that we almost got hit.

Allura and I, then, knelt down and three our hands onto the ground, increasing the power of the energy and healing the Balmera.

The ceremony ended right after the Paladins punched, well, Keith punched, the Lizard beast into supposed defeat. The intense ceremony caused the Princess and I to collapse in energy loss.

"Princess, Skyling, are you alright?" Shay questioned as she rushed over and picked up Allura's while Rax picked up mine.

"Did it work?" We asked in unison as our eyes opened.

"Yes. The Balmera lives. It thanks you," Rax informs us as he places his free hand on the Balmera.

Just as the Paladins ran up and we all had a moment of peace, the monster awakened.

"No!" Allura gasped in shock, Shay and Rax helping us to our feat.

It's supercannon began to ignite.

" I thought- maybe-- no," I rambled in fear, my mind unable to concentrate

Thankfully, the Balmera helped us just in the nick of time! It's crystals grew around and inside the beast, trapping it in the beautiful creation.

"No way," Hunk gasped.

"The Balmera justs saved us," Coran explained.

"Look at the crystals!" Allura said in awe, a smiling creeping up her face.

Crystals began popping up all over the Balmera's surface, making it look even more beautiful than before.

"Oh, who's a good Balmera? You are. Who ate the big monster? You did. Yes, you did. Yes, you did," Hunk said, rubbing the Balmera as he spoke to it in a voice you would either talk to an infant or animal.

"Dude, what are you doing?" Keith asked.

"What? It's alive, and it wuvs my scwatches," Hunk chuckled as he continued on, while Keith held the bridge of his nose.

I giggled at the boy's actions and tackled him into a hug, and laoghed as I, too, began to scratch the Balmera.

[insert Shunk moment💛 AAA]

The sun began to rise over the new and improved Balmera.

As Hunk said, it was the dawn of a new day.

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