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I'll post the rest of this comic at the bottom lmao

It has been a few hours since the Balmera Battle. Everyone was asleep, and cleaned up.

I paced my room, wondering on what to do and say. Tonight was the last night I could visit Alfor. I had so many questions, but no idea what to actually say.

"I feel like a quiznacking anime character!" I shouted, running my hands through my hair.

I was in my favorite Kid Flash t-shirt and white fuzzy shorts. My hair was in a fountain bun, or a rainbow bun, whatever you call it. My face was completely clean, slightly tan, and sprinkled with freckles.

I continued to pace until my phone began to chime with my "Go to bed, it's 12am" alarm. I grabbed my phone off the vanity and turned the alarm off, placing it back and down and taking a glance in the mirror. I began to walk towards the bed, but hesitated.

"What in the—," I backtracked to the mirror and grabbed my ears. "They were not this pointy before, right?" I hummed in defeat from my exhaustion and decided to figure it out later.

I sighed, grabbing a small blanket and wrapping it around my shoulders. I placed my hand on the the pad, signaling the door to open.

Crossing my arms and holding each edge of the blanket between my fingers, I quietly but hastily walked through the echoey castle. I really really hated the haunting castle at night. You could hear every little noise that emanated. It was just one big haunted maze.

My feet slapping against the stone cold floor echoed throughout the castle halls, only making me cold and even more on edge than I was.

As I reached Alfor's room, shivers went down my spine. I hesitated as I placed my hand on the signature pad.

As the door opened, I swore that it creaked.

I slowly stepped inside, the door slamming shut behind me, causing me to jump about a foot or two.

"K-K-King Alfor? A-are you there?" I questioned, taking a few steps into the room. I awaited the hologram to pop up, but all there was was silence.

"King Alfor, please. My name's Kiona," I was standing at the 'podium' now,"and I have some-" I was cut off by a bright flashing light and grass surrounding my feet, causing me to fall on my butt and the blanket to drop.

Flowers from back home began to grow along with cascading weeping willow trees. I began to tear up at the sight.

"It's.. its just like home!" I thought out loud. "I forgot how beautiful it was," I said.

"It truly is," a deep voice boomed, causing me to yelp and turn around to meet the source.

"Alfor," I breathed in awe.

"My apologies. I didn't mean to startle you," he spoke as I stood up. "So what brings you here, young one?" The blue illuminated Altean asked, sitting down on the pedestal, patting the spot next to him.

"Well, I had to. It's my last chance to do so, so- yeah," I said, plopping down beside the King. I looked down and began to fiddle with my fingers and ripping some grass out of the ground, "I'm just scared. I mean, I have these visions of what's going to happen exactly up until Shiro disappears at the end, of what I like to call season two. I first began to have them when I was six years old, knowing that I had take the black Paladin's place, or something of the sort... Since then, I've been tearing my life apart to save everyone else's," I began to explain, standing back up, twiddling with a lily that I plucked from the grass that was tickling my toes.

"Like, what's going to happen if I succeed? What's going to happen if I fail? Will I just die? Can I somehow screw up the space time continuum? Will I ever get to live my life without having to worry about the destiny I was made to live up to?!" I ranted, now up pacing in front of Alfor, making large arm gestures.

"I mean, come on! I'm only fifteen, almost sixteen!! Normal people my age are going on dates, kiss the people they love, no matter the gender, figuring out who they are! And what am I doing? Making sure I take Takashi's place during the legendary battle between the Galra Empire and Voltron: Defenders of the Universe, or whatever the universe decides what it has in store for me!" I continued, my voice beginning to crack.

"So, did the universe just drop this burden onto my shoulders, for what? So my life can be destroyed and filled with anxiety and depression. There's been too many times I've actually wanted to kill myself to just relieve all this pain, but then I realize I'm this stupid selfish kid who just needs to suck it up to save the universe," I began to cry out of frustration and the flashbacks of my pain.

"And what happens to them? Will they live out their dreams? Will they find themselves and live happy lives? Will they fall in love? Will they get to live their lives without the weight of the universe on their shoulders? What about them??"

"I want to tell them. I want to tell her! I want to defeat Zarkon, bring Lance home, Katie her family, Hunk his food, Keith his family, Allura and Coran Altea and you! And Shiro, I just want him to have peace and happiness along with every else in the universe, including his husband.

I tried to wipe the tears away with the back of my hand,"It just isn't fair Alfor! I'll never watch my family grow up and graduate! I'm useless here. All I can do is sit and wait! I'll never be able to fall in love or know what love is!! I can't tell them! I can't tell anyone besides a you," I cried, unable to stop the waterfalls that had commenced.

"I just wish.... I just wish I didn't have to hurt.. I wish no one had to hurt... I mean, why would the universe even want this sad excuse of a being to save it? Just look at me! I'm a joke on two legs and apparently now pointy ears," I paused, my back facing the King, arms crossed again. "I miss home, Alfor. I miss my sisters and brothers. I miss my other friends and family. I miss school and hugs from my mamá and papá. The way they both smell... it felt like home..," I fell to my knees as I turned back towards the alien.

"Child. You are a very intelligent and strong being. I know this is a difficult burden that was bestowed upon you, but it does not matter whether you fail or succeed, you would will done your best, so it will be just fine. The space time continuum cannot be changed. The end game will always it's way to happen. So, just make the best of it. Enjoy your life. You are still very young. You are an amazing and brave child, so do not think so lowly of yourself. You are greatness. You deserve greatness. Do not forget that," he finished, his speech making my heart feel warm again.

I tackled him into a hug, forgetting he was a hologram. But, he hugged back. I gasped I shock, but I didn't care. I just hugged tighter.

I began to see his family tree, almost as if I were flipping through a photo album. The picture of him, his wife, and Allura made me smile. But after that, there was an Altean man with short white hair and olive skin standing next to and hugging a human. A women with curly, dark brown hair, light brown skin, and dark chocolate eyes. She wore a beautiful red dress that hugged her in all the right places that ended just above her knees. .

I noticed the set of earrings that she wore were a lot like my heirloom earring and necklace that had been passed down from my mother's side of the family.

They were my heirloom earrings.

But before I could say anything, Alfor disappeared along with the beautiful scenery around us in a puff of blue dust.




I snapped out of my dazed trance, turning my head to meet the booming voice.

I furrowed my eyebrows for a lot of reasons, my mind overwhelmed due to what I had just seen.

The tan skinned boy ran towards me, as I just sat there on my knees, staring at the metal floor.

He knelt down to me, worry engulfing him. "What are you doing here? It's freezing!" He shouted, grabbing my handing in his. "You're freezing!"

"Oh... sorry, Lance... I, um, I didn't mean to worry you," I muttered.

The blue eyed boy sighed,"Está bien," he looked at me worriedly.

"I, uh, brought a blanket," I said still a bit in a daze, scrambling and showing him the blue cloth.

"Yeah, a paper thin one!" He argued, wrapping me up into a human burrito. He began to scold me in Spanish, muttering it so it was inaudible to anyone who were any an farther away than we were. "No deberías estar aquí solo con ropa. Usted podría conseguir freaking herido o enfermo o peor! Necesitas ser la princesa más responsable. Me haces preocupar cuando haces cosas como esta. ¿Qué pensaría tu madre de que hicieras esto? Me preocupo por ti. Eres como mi hermanita. Tengo que cuidar de ti. Ten cuidado, mi dulce estrella. Por favor...," he muttered. I could tell he was cursing in his mind.

He held me close as he pulled me to my feet, "I know how much this Castle scares you at night. What were you doing? No, what were you thinking," he continued to scold me.

I stared at the floor as we walked out of the room. "I'm sorry, Lance. I didn't mean to bother and wake you and worry you, I just- never mind. It's not important. And I'm fine! Lance, really," I replied, shining him a smile, but the tears still pooled in my eyes.

"Yeah, uhu, sure," he rolled his eyes, beginning to bow under his breathe in Spanish, walking me down the halls while still holding me close.

"I'm fine, Lance. I just--" a tear ran down my face and hit the floor making his ears twitch and head turn.

We halted. "Kiona," his voice and face softened," It's alright. You don't have to tell me, okay?" He placed his hands on my shoulders, giving me a sympathetic look. "You've been through a lot. We all have. Just know you can always come to me if you need anything, yeah?" He said, his voice like goo; soft and empathetic.

"Gracias, Lance...," I tried to laugh, but just caused more tears as my thoughts swarmed.

He held my cold face in his soft warm hands and wiped my tears away with his thumbs sweeping across my cheeks, causing me to lean into the touch.

He then pulled me into a tight embrace and kissed the top of my head. He rested his chin on top of my head as we just stood and hugged in the empty hallway, my tears wetting his chest.

We stayed there for quite a while before the blue eyed boy sighed and pulled away. He pulled off his jacket and wrapped it tightly around me, then hugging me by my side. I held on to zipper ridges of the jacket tightly, realizing how warm the jacket surprisingly was.

I rested my head on his side as my tears slowed down, the only sounds to be heard were the thumping of Lance's heartbeat and slapping our feet hitting the floor.

As we reached the corridors to my room, I hesitated, causing the brunette gaze down at me with a questioning look.

I looked at him tentatively,"Lance... I'm sorry I couldn't take your place. I wish you were home with your family. Happy and carefree. Hugging your parents and taking in their scent that just smells and feels like... like...," I began to tear up again.

"Home....," he finished, his eyebrows furrowing.

"Yeah... I wish Zarkon never became evil and we could be back home...," I paused, "It's weird, but, I really miss the rain," I said, staring back at the door.

"Me too," he paused. "And the crunchy leaves and brisk smell of the fall," his voice began to crack.

"And the first snowfall of the year. My siblings would get so excited," I laughed, tears falling once again.

"Don't forget about Christmas. They're wake me up by jumping on my and screaming that it was Christmas," Lance laughed, his eyes welling as he thought back to the times of Earth. He sniffed and shook his head. "I-uh... Buenos nochés, Princesa," he sniffed, turning his back.

"Oh, um... Buenos nochés, hermano mayor," I muttered as he began to walk off. I stared at the floor, each tear falling with a surge of pain to my heart.

I began to run. "Lance!" I ran as fast as I could, so fast the blanket and jacket flew off of me with ease. As I reached him I spread my arms wide and hugged him as hard as I could from behind, my face buried in his back.

"Please stay.... Just for tonight.... I have headphones," I muttered into his back.

"Por supuesto," he replied, smiling.

And with that we walked back to my room, picking up the slight mess I made.

He laid down on the left side of the bed as I plugged the headphones into my phone. I handed him the sound muffling headphones and laid down beside him, turning off all the lights, but one lamp.

The Cuban boy pulled me on top of him, kissed my forehead, and I just laid on his chest, his sweet smelling jacket and my heavy comforter over me, and my mouth twisting with sadness.

Our eyes twinkled with sadness as we silently cried out our homesick feelings. He hugged me tightly as he stared up at the ceiling. I gripped his shirt as I stared at the wall.

And we cried.

We cried until we fell asleep, dreaming about the impossible.

(Based off this fan art. Let me know who the artist is if you know so I can give credit)

Original ending;

"How 'bout you stay with me tonight," the Cuban boy suggested.

I nodded my head with a smile without hesitation.

We then continued over to the Blue Paladin's sleeping quarters. The door slid open and Lance grabbed some extra blankets and pillows, beginning to set a bed up on the floor. Then, proceeding to plop me on the bed.

"No no no no no! I can't take the bed--" I protested, waving my hands, well, large sleeves around.

"No seas tonto! Now, lay down," he ordered, softly.

I tiredly obeyed and laid down in the surprisingly soft bed.

"Multa. But next time I'm sleeping on the floor," I huffed as he covered me up. I began to wrap myself more in his warm, sweet smelling jacket, which I, without thinking, pulled up over my nose, breathing in the welcoming smell.

"Sure," he chuckled, rolling his eyes in the processes. "Now, you need some rest," he said as he finished tucking me in and kissed my forehead once again.


"Yeah?" He replied as he sat down on his makeshift 'bed'.

I began to grin his signature grin, "You're such a mom," I told him.

He gasped dramatically, "I am not!"

"Are to! And Keith is your husband!" I snickered.

"Pfft---," the Cuban boy became very flustered, "Pidge is your wife!" He sputtered back.

My eyes widened and my face went red, "HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT?!" I whisper screamed.

"Oh, like it's not obvious! You're totally star struck for Pidgeon!" He retorted.

"Pfffft-- like how you are for McMullet? I smirked.

"So you don't deny it?!" He laughed, trying to avoid the subject.

"Whatever, Lance. You're in love with Keith and we both know it," I glared, smirking.

"Multa. We're both gay for the McChristmas team," he admitted, throwing his hands in the air.

I rolled my eyes, smiling and blushing like any starstruck shy girl would.

"And you, young lady, need to go to bed!" he scolded.

"Geez, Mom, such a party pooper!"

We both broke into laughter.

"Buenos nochés, Princesa," he chuckled.

"Buenos nochés, Sharpshooter," I giggled.

As I watched him doze off, I whispered, "I'll never forget you."

And then, I too, was consumed by darkness with a smile.

Please comment what you think of this below! It took me forever to actually get this done, so I do appreciate your patience and apologize for the wait.

Stay crash my lovelies!! ~~

I told you I'd give the rest of the comic x3

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