26-Crystal Venom

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I woke up calmly, slipping out of the Cuban boy's grasp. I rubbed my eyes, and yawned. I was exhausted! I guess crying all night long with one of your bestest friends ever takes a lot out of you.

I slung my feet over the side of the bed, careful not to wake the sleeping beauty and walked over to the vanity. I unwrapped myself from the comfort of Lance's jacket and placed it on the seat.

My face had lines stained with tears all over my face. I sighed and ruffled my hair as I shook my head, trying to wake myself up.

I looked over at brown haired friend and smiled. He's an amazing and selfless human being, I thought. I threw on some clean clothes; a white spaghetti strap tank top, a white washed pair of ripped jeans, folded up above the ankles, and my black converse.

I yawned once more as I walked through the halls, placing my hair in a ponytail. I paused, looking and pulling at my ears. I pursed my lips and let my hair down, pulling the top section of my hair into a ponytail so that my hair way out of my face but my ears stayed hidden. I started heading towards the detainment room, knowing that we'd be called over there soon.


Pidge was typing away on her computer, hard at work, when Coran's com called for her.

"Pidge, please come down to the detainment room," Coran asked of her.

She groaned and made her way towards the room of detainment. But the tainted crystal was glowing and pulsing with energy. Dangerous energy.

Back to Kiona's POV

I arrived at the room just as Coran made the announcement for everyone to come over. I sat down and yawned, leaning my head jack against the pod across from Sendak. I closed my eyes and began to let my mind wander to last night's events.

But suddenly, Coran and everyone else piled into the room, one by one smiling at me, causing me to smile back. I stood up and cracked my back, sighing in relief.

"Okay, guys, Sendak's almost all hooked up," the red-headed man began. "But, look, I have to warn you, this technology was used to keep Altean memories alive, not to interrogate prisoners," he explained.

"Coran, we understand this isn't what the technology was meant for, but if we can extract Sendak's memories, we may gain valuable intelligence on Zarkon's troop locations," Shiro replied to the Altean's worry.

"Yeah, and then we can be like, 'Knock-knock' ' Who's there?' 'The avenging fury of Voltron, son!'" Lance added, with many hand motions.

"Fascinating. So, how exactly does this work?" Katie asked, ignoring Lance, as usual.

"As memories are extracted, they are written bit by bit an individual molecules of the micro storage strands," Coran explained as he continued to work.

"When I go, I want all the stuff in my brain stored in a giant ship," Lance said.

"The amount of information in your brain could be stored in a paper airplane," Keith pestered.

Lance, of course got defensive,"Oh, yeah? Well, the amount of information you have, Keith, could be...," Lance tried to retort.

"Yeah?" Keith asked.

"-Uh... its less than what I have!" He shouted with pride.

"-Oh, good one, Lance!" Hunk praised.

Shiro just looked at them with annoyance and disappointment. I just shook my head, rolling my eyes with an itsy-bitsy smile.


"This is how you incorporate King Alfor's memories in the Castle of Lions?"Pidge question as she examined the pod thing that Coran was working on.

"Precisely, but it's never been attempted before on an unwilling participant," he replied.

The tube began to glow, but nothing really happened.

"Uh, is this what's supposed to be happening?" Hunk asked.

"Let's give it some time," Shiro said.

We waited for what felt like probably a few hours at the most. I, being me, was very impatient.

Hunk fell asleep and before he fell, I raced behind him and tried my best to catch him, but he just toppled me over too.

"Well, I can't wait around anymore. I'm going to hit the training deck," Keith said, stretching out his arms and walking off.

A while after, Pidge loses her patience too. "Okay, if anyone needs me, I'll be in the lab," she says. "Maybe I can pull some information from Sendak's Galra crystal."

"Time to feed the beast. I'm going to make some breakfast," Hunk said while Lance was doing bicycle kicks in the air.

"Well, i'm afraid I can't wait here any longer, either. I have a million duties to attend to. Between that Galra crystal infecting our system, and then fighting off those ships in preforming the Balmeran rejuvenation ceremony, the old Castle of Lions had taken quite a beating. Every system needs to be recharged and repaired," Coran said, stretching as the Hunk man left the room.

"I'll stay. Somewhere in Sendak's mind is the information about Zarkon that we need," Shiro said.

I got a bit worried. "Are you sure? You should eat before you do anything. I can stay here while you get some grub?" I offered but he quickly shut me down.

"No, Kiona. You need your rest after the ceremony. I'll be just fine," he said.

I gave him a worried look and sighed.

"I'll go take a shower then. Got to be ready in case anything happens," I said, heading towards my quarters. "And Shiro? Let us know right away if anything happens, yeah?" I say, but the black paladin is silent. I sigh and continue walking.

I walked into my room, locking the bathroom door behind me and grabbing one of the warmed fluffy towels and hanging it on the rack next to the shower.

I stepped into the shower, my mind forgetting that the castle was buggy and my friends needing help, but focused on Alfor and I's visit.

I turned on the water, turning the knob so the temperature would be just below boiling hot. I closed my eyes and tilted my face towards the shower head.

My mind continued to wander as the hot water beat down on my skin, massaging it.

I turned and ran my fingers through my hair as I began to thing about that Altean figure with my Abuela, well, one of my grandmothers.

I began to wash my hair and such.

The water began to fill past my ankles which suddenly caught my attention.

"What the quiznack?" I muttered, trying to turn off the water but it just went faster. "Oh crow, oh crow!" I tried to unlock the door but I began to panic, I began to screech for help, glad the glass was frosted to a point.

The temperature of the water began to change from warm to freezing. I began to freak out. The water was to my waste and I know I can't hold my breathe for long.

"HELP!! Somebody please! Help me!" I screamed, feelings of panic and fear began pour into the atmosphere. I began to sob, pounding on the glass.

The water then turn from cold to boiling, burning my skin, it's level now up to my chest.

"Think, Kiona, think!" I yelled, trying not to think of the burning pain all over.

I then put my back to the glass and my feet on the wall in front of me. The water was nearing my chin so I climbed and high as I could until there was no more wall.

I pushed as hard as I could against the glass.

"Quiznack," I shouted as I realized my back was supposed to be on the wall and I was supposed to be kicking the glass. I shouted in anger and swam over to the wall, switching positions as the water was now where I was, changing the temp once again to below freezing.

I kicked as hard as I could, screaming with each kick.

"GO! BREAK! PLEASE! AARGHH!" I screamed.
I then took a big gulp of air as the shower filled all the way, I closed my eyes and kicked with all the strength I had left and the glass shattered all over the floor, the water spilling out and me left, luckily, on the one spot without glass.

I coughed up the water in my lungs, curling up in a ball, leaning against the wall and snagging the towel next to me as I tried to catch my breath. 

I was cleaned myself up and put myself into an Altean dress, short, blue, and comfortable. I brushed my hair, in shock of me almost drowning. I slipping on a pair of blue ballet flats and began to go back into the castle, realizing that we were going to be hurled into a star.

I ran through the halls, going towards the trained deck.

"END TRAINING SEQUENCE, NOW," could be heard to I booked it, grabbing my bayard that sat on my belt.

"Keith!" I shouted. I formed my bayard into a gun.

I ran into the room with Keith backing towards the door. I then cut in and shot the gladiator back to give us some time to escape.

As the doors shut I formed Hunk's gun and tried to seal the room shut, but I was too late.

I could sense Lance was already in deep trouble.

"Keith, we need to go, now!" I shouted grabbing his arm and running straight towards the air lock. "Keith, I need you to go this way, I need to make sure Shiro is okay!" He nodded and we spit.

I hope the gladiator follows him so he can be lead to Lance, I thought.

"Shiro!" I shouted. "I hope I'm not too late," I muttered.

But instead of finding Shiro, I found everyone else.

"Guys! We need to get to Shiro! He might be in--"

"Shiro is tough, we need to find Hunk and Pidge," Lance said.

"But Sendak-"

"Lance is right, Kiona. Shiro can take care of himself. Now let's go!" Keith cut me off.

"How can you guys be taking a nap while this castle is trying to kill us?" Lance shouted angrily as we entered the lab.

"Taking a nap? We've been floating around in Zero G! You know how scary that is?" Hunk replied, standing up.

"That's not scary! That's fun! I was almost ejected into the space!" Lance shouted.

"Well, I got attacked by killer food, and that's the most horrifying thing you can imagine! The stuff of nightmares! It'll haunt me to my grave!" Hunk replied.

"Well, I had a robot trying to kill me!" Keith added.

"And I almost drowned in my own shower! I'm just glad I broke the glass in time!" I yelled, recalling the horrifying memory.

"I don't care what you say, Coran. This castle has gone apples and bananas!" Lance yelled.

The Altean groaned. "Perhaps the infection from Sendak's Galra crystal is worse than we thought," he said, bringing our attention to the scary crystal behind us.

"Well, let's get rid of it," Hunk said.

"It's too late. When Sendak plugged it into the ship, it corrupted the entire system," Coran explained.

"Sendak! We need to get to Shiro!" I shouted, remembering what I was running around for before I let up with these guys.

I ran back out into the halls, searching for the black paladin.

"Please hold on, Shiro. We're almost there," I said to myself.

The ship began to move faster than before.

"Oh no...," I began to change my course to the control deck. I was panting hard, having difficulty catching my breathe.

"Alfor! Princess!" I shouted as I entered the room.

"Allura, don't listen to him, he's not real. The ship is corrupted. Stop this ship!" I tried to explain, nearing the princess.

I looked over at the corrupted king. "Alfor. Stop it this instant. You are going to kill us all!" I shouted, but he said nothing in return. "Remember our talk? Last night? Did that mean anything to you?!" I yelled, gritting my teeth and clenching my fists.

His gaze turned to me. "Of course it did! And now you can finally go home. We can go to Altea and see the amazing parts of your history," he tried to beckon me into his web.

I took a step back. "No. I-I can't. Altea is dead. It was torn apart," I said.

"Then how about Earth. I'll take you home, return you to your family. You won't have to live with the burden of saving the universe. Everything will be just fine," my eyes began to water at the thought of going home. The thought of being able to leave this burden behind. I began to near the king and his outstretched hand when my friends entered the room.

"Allura, Kiona, what's going on?" Shiro demanded.

"We're going to Altea. We're going home," Allura said, "My father is taking us."

"We're going to Earth. We're going home," I said at the same time as she.

The Paladins races towards us, and I took his hand.

"Stay away from my family!" Alfor shouted, creating a forcefield around Allura and I. I stopped.

"Uh..." Hunk said

"Allura, wake up!" Shiro shouted. "Kiona!"

"The crystal must have corrupted King Alfor's artificial intelligence. It's taking over!" Coran shouted.

We then appeared in front of a huge star, but to me it looked like Earth, and to the Princess, it looked like Altea.

I stood in between the Princess and Alfor, my hand in the King's.

"We're headed straight for a star and it's about to explode!" Pidge said.

"Father, I can see Altea," Allura said.

"Earth is just as beautiful as it was when we left it," I said.

"Girls! Girls, wake up! What you're seeing isn't real!" Coran shouted. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at the floor.

The scenery around me changed into a field of juniberries.

But wait, how did I get here? This isn't earth. My brain began to hurt from thinking so hard.

"The juniberries, the most exquisite flower of all," Allura said. I looked over at her.

Wait. This can't be real. Altea is no longer. I groaned as I shut my eyes and held my head.

Once I opened them I was back in the control deck. I looked back at everyone. They were all shouting at me, but I couldn't hear them.

"Guys? Where's earth?" I said, sounding drowsy. I looked back in front of me. "That's not earth!" I observed, seeing a glitching Altea in front of me.

My eyes widened, my mind coming back to me. I looked towards Allura. I closed my eyes again and was back in the field with her. I went over and touched her shoulder in worry.

"Allura, please! You've got to listen to me!" I shouted, copying Coran's words.

"Is this real?" She questioned.

"Of course it is real, Daughter. That flower you're touching is real," Alfor said.

"But where is the fragrance of the sweet juniberries?" I recited.

She took the flower, smiling, and sniffed the beautiful flower.

She gasped in realization, coming face to face with the star in front of us.

"That's not Altea," she said.

"When that star goes supernova, it will destroyed the entire system. Allura, you must reset the course and get us out of here!" Katie shouted.

The princess reached for the controls, but they zapped her and she fell out of the forcefield, leaving Alfor and I inside.

"Father, please, I beg you to turn the ship around," Allura begged. "If we don't do it soon, we will perish!"

"I know. That is my intention," he stated.

"What? Why?" The Princess said, alarmed.

"Don't you see, dear daughter? Zarkon can never be defeated. He's been ruling for 10,000 years," he growled.

"But we must continue to fight!" Allura and I shouted in unison.

"Fight for what? It is all over for Altea. You don't have to live a lifetime of war. You can still be with me and the rest of your people," he said.

Father, please! The paladins and I can still stop Zarkon!" Allura shouted, "Somewhere in there, you must want that to happen."

Alfor began to glitch. "Allura, my A.I. Has been corrupted. You must disconnect my power source-- We can stroll across the Blossom Canyon every morning, just like we used to," his corrupted side and good side fighting. "Remember how much you love that?"

"I remember. I'll see you soon, Father," Allura said solemnly. "I've got to get into the A.I. chamber to disconnect my father's power source manually," she said.

"But that means losing King Alfor forever!" Coran said.

"Paladins, get to your Lions! I need you to slow the Castle's decent into the star," Allura ordered, running to go let go of her father forever.

"I can try to override the system to open the hangers," Coran said.

"I'll help!" I said grabbing the controls even though they were zapping me with quintessence. I groaned in pain, trying my best to help Coran override the system quicker.

Once the Paladins were safe I could only feel and see Allura's memories and feel her sorrow.

I began to cry as my visions took me to her. My heart was pounding so hard and my cries were too loud to hear their conversation. I didn't want to hear or see it again.

A loud choking sob escaped my mouth as she broke the capsule. I know I didn't know him, but the emotion and heartbroken love torn apart in the room overwhelmed me.

I was back at the control panel and Alfor disappeared.

"She did it," Coran said in sorrow.

I just stared at the floor, tears slowing down as the continued to roll down my face.

"Yeah," I muttered," she did."

The alarms began to blare and I tried my best to get the thrusters to change directions, but I was not accustomed to its controls. I was zapped one last time you the leftover evil Alfor, making me fall to the floor.

Luckily, the princess was already in my place. She stared up the castle to work for her and pulled up the communication screen.

"Paladins, get to your hangers. We're getting out of here," Allura told them.

As the entered the castle, Allura pulled open a worm hole just in time. And we were through it just as it exploded.

Shiro placed a hand on Allura's shoulder. "I'm so sorry about your father, Princess," he apologized.

"We all are," Hunk said.

"Thank you. But that was not my father," the princess stood up, "The real King Alfor great man and a great father. He may not be here with us anymore, but his dream lives on through all of us, and his legacy is Voltron."

Hey guys!! I hoped you like the 3,114 word chapter! I spent a couple hours or so writing it, and yes, it was the whole episode. Apparently a 22 minute episode is a couple hours of work.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!! Leave a comment and maybe even a vote if you liked it!

Stay crash my lovelies! See you soon!

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