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"Somewhere inside Sendak's memories we should be able to find The information that gives us the key to take down Zarkon," Allura says as we all watched Pidge go through the Galran's memories.

"I don't think your father would approve of searching through an enemy's memories," Coran butts in.

"I know, but we have to do everything we can to defeat Zarkon," Allura replies.

"Once we learn all his weaknesses, we can drive up to his front door and challenge him to a fight. When I gets the universe," Lance says, trying to boost his ego; if it could get any bigger.

"Anything good yet, Pidge?" Shiro asks, ignoring Lance.

"We were only able to salvage bits and pieces," she replies, solemn running through her voice.

Keith sighs in slight frustration,"We need something to work with. Right now, we don't even have a decent map of the empire," he states calmly.

"Who needs a map? After 10,000 years of conquering, I could probably fire my bayard at any random point in space and had to Galra ship," Lance snips.

Shiro let's out a frustrated breath," if I could just find trip locations or supply routes, small targets we can hit and run, then we could start to free planets one by one," he explains.

"Borinnng. I want the big kaboom," Lance irritatingly says, interrupting Shiro.

I roll my eyes, keeping my cool as much as I can.

"Zarkon's been building his empire for 10,000 years. We're not going to tear it down over night with five in experienced pilots and one support ship," Shiro says irritation lacing his tone of voice.

I roll my eyes, noticing that he forgot about me, pretty much.

"Hitting him where he lives would be a huge mistake," Shiro continues.

"Okay, I've cross-referenced Sendak's memories with the info I got from the downed ship back on Arus. Most of it was a garbled mess, but one thing kept repeating, something called a 'Universal Station'," Pidge informs us.

"Universal Station? Like the kind of station that controls the entire universe?" Hunk asks, getting in Katie's way.

She gently pushes his head out of the way, "Well, we are translating it from Galra so it could be 'Galactic Hub'," she says.

"Or 'Space Base'!" Lance adds, pausing for effect. "What?" He asks, looking at all of staring at him.

"I'm pulling up the location of your Universal.. Hub.. Station.. Base on our screens now," Coran says, doing as he says.

"So, where is it?" Lance asks.

"I don't know. Our long-range sensors are unable to find anything at those coordinates," Coran explains.

"Maybe he remembered it wrong," Keith suggests, sadness molding his face.

"Or maybe we just stumbled across a top-secret base in Sendak's memories," Katie says, leaning her head in her hands; her glasses doing that anime glasses glare thing.

"Only one way to find out. Let's go take a look," Allura says, setting the ship in course.

As we approached the site, Hunk was snoring like a dog, drool, snot bubbles, and all.

"We should be close enough to get a good scan, but far enough away to avoid being noticed, Allura says as Hunk falls out of chair and is all embarrassed.

(Lance be lookin like Bi Bo Bi)

"There is is," Shiro says as the station came into view, the rest of us, well, everyone but me standing in awe.

"It appears the gravitation between the two planets warps the electron emission spectrum enough to keep the planet off the deep space scanners," Coran says.

"So, you can only see it if you really know where to look," Katie says, holding her chin in thought.

The team then begins to ponder the ideas and purposes of the station. Wondering why it's hidden and such.

I, on the other hand, was sitting upside down in Hunk's chair, kind of tuning out the group and just counting the stars.

(Angry Shiro)

Then, they go on doubting the princess's abilities. I huff and get myself out of the chair and approach the team.

"Fine. Suit up," Shiro says, giving up, leaving everyone else in question.

"You guys are ridiculous. She's a quiznacking princess for star's sake! She's highly capable of taking care of herself," I say, Allura's face set with a satisfied smirk. "And oh yeah. I'm coming too," I say walking towards my room to suite up.

"Pst, hey," Shiro whispers, catching one of the guard's attention, then knocking him to the floor.

We take out the centuries and drag them aside and out of our way.

"How's it look out there?" Shiro asks.

"All clear," Mullet responds.

"This shouldn't take too long," the Hunk man says.

"We'll have all the information we need in a few minutes," Pidge says as she types away on her laptop. "Hunk and I have made some improvements, and some well needed help from Kiona, since the last time I tried to download Galra info," she explains, looking at me as she includes me in the credit, making my face go warm and my smile grow wide.

"We should get a nice clean translation immediately," she continues as a little Pidge appeared on the screen laughing, it kind of looking like Robin's little hacking character. Pretty sure that's where she got the idea from. "Hunk had a great idea about how to do it."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do you guys remember when we studied algorithms at the Garrison, and Mr. York told us that joke about the ghost learning symbolic logic and innumerably infinite sets?" Hunk asks, proud about how he remembered all of that.

"Boring!" Lance rudely remarks, just asking me to smack his shoulder. "Ow!" He yells, making a sad/mad look at me while rubbing his shoulder.

"Right, yeah, totally, it was boring. Anyway, the joke goes--" Lance cuts him off with a groan. I growl at him and send him, the what he calls, the "mom look".

"Hey, guys, sorry to interrupt, but I think we got company," Keith says causing us to all duck down.

Okay so this is unfortunately all I've been able to get done the past week and I'm sorry it's so short. It'll be longer next chapter, I promise

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