Lance x Space Pirate! Reader - Say My Name Part 4

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Song - Look What You Made Me Do By: Taylor Swift

    Lance hadn't been able to get (Y/N) out of his head. He kept replaying the memory of that night in his head, hearing your voice over and over again as he remembered how you had saved him.

    Where were you now?

    He promised the protection of Voltron to you, but ever since you had disappeared, he hadn't been able to find you. You had literally disappeared off of the face of the Earth; or rather, the edge of the solar system.

    What if the Galra had caught up with you and captured you and your crew already? What if they robbed you themselves, taking everything you had, including your crew, and leaving you to feel the guilt of it all? What if they were torturing you for information about Voltron and their location?

    He hated not knowing.

    He knew absolutely nothing about where you were, until, that is, they received a distress beacon from a familiar ship on a nearby planet.

    He just hoped you were okay.

    They had caught up with you. A Galran battleship had found the planet you and your crew were hiding on, and decided that they were going to have some fun with you. You called Voltron, hoping they remembered their promise to help you against the evil purple creatures.

    By now, the soldiers had overtaken your crew, forcing you to your knees as you watched them carry your team onto their ships one by one. You fought against your captors every now and then, only to receive a sharp stab in your back from the butt of their gun.

    You were getting angry. You watched as their harshly dragged your unwilling mates, only for their prsioner to trip and fall to the ground. If that happened, they were either dragged along on their backs or their knees.

    You watched the depressing line go by, everyone staring at you with the same hopeless look, until you noticed one person in particular being dragged on the ground.

    Shark Bait.

    "Shark Bait!" you shouted at your friend, attempting to run over to him before being pushed down again. The soldier dragging him only smirked deviously at you before pulling his gun out and shooting your best friend in the leg.

    That soldier just made his worst enemy.

    You snarled at the unknown tormentor, an animalistic-growl ripping through your throat. Your eyes glew a bright (F/C) as you summoned an energy from deep inside of you.

    You remembered something your mother had told you when the Galra first came to power.

    "One day, you will be something very special. You will take down Zarkon. Your father was an Altean alchemist, you have powers you won't be able to fully understand yet. When the time is right, you will know how to use them. Do what you think is right, my flower."

    This energy was what your mother had been talking about.

    The soldier who had once been sneering at you was now looking at you with pure fear in his eyes. Nobody, even your own prisoners, had looked that terrified of you.

    And you liked it.

    You felt the energy concentrate itself to the palms of your hands, almost urging you to do something. You smirked, placing your hands on the two guards who were holding you back.

    You gasped as you watched ice form around the two guards, freezing them to their spots. You smiled, your eyes traveling to the other soldiers who were now staring at you with confusionand terror.

    Who was this girl?

    You smirked, waving your hand towards the guards and blasting each and every one of them with ice, taking them down one by one.

    You ran over to where Shark Bait was laying on the ground.

    "H-how are you doing that?" he awed.

    "I don't know! I'm just going with it!" you enthused excitedly.

    "Whatever it is, don't stop!" he smiled at you.

    You placed your hand on his wound, hoping that freezing it might help numb it. But, instead of ice coming from your hands, a special magic that seemed to heal the wound went to work.

    "Woah," you breathed in amazement.

    "What the?" Shark Bait gasped, "Y-you healed it!"

    "Wow," you couldn't even form coherent thoughts.

    "Come on, let's go kick some Galra butt!" he cheered, grabbing your hand and pulling you onto the ship so you could get your friends back.

    The lions darted out of from the hangers of the Castle just in time to watch as your figure disappeared onto the Galra ship. They looked around your pirate ship, finding frozen soldiers lying randomly on the floor.

    "What happened here?" Hunk asked through his communicator, his voice wavering from nervousness and a tiny hint of fear.

    "I don't know, but I have a feeling it has something to do with that space pirate..." Pidge commented.

    Lance felt butterflies in his stomach just from the mention of her. He was head over heels in love, no matter how much he wanted to deny it.

    "Let's go find out then, shall we?" Keith spoke as he flew ahead of the group.

    "Hold on, Keith. Let's make a game plan," Shiro ordered.

     Lance was bouncing inside of his lion. He just wanted to see you again, even if he just caught a glimpse of you. He didn't care how weird that sounded, all that mattered was finding you before the Galra did.

    "Alright, Hunk and Lance, you start shooting the front of the ship, and I'll shoot from the air in an attempt to distract them. Once we have their guns pointed at us, Keith and Pidge can create an entryway from under the ship. You two will go in and collect the pirates," Shiro ordered.

    Lance didn't like this plan. He wanted to go in and save you, not be a dummy for the Galra to try to shoot at for fifteen minutes until you were freed. Saving you was his job, and he wasn't about to let Keith take all of the glory for himself.

    "Shiro, Red moves a lot faster, plus Keith is a lot better at dodging shots than I am. I don't want to slow us down. How about Keith helps Hunk and I'll help with stealth?" Lance spoke up for the first time in minutes.

    "You good with that, Keith?" Shiro asked.

    "Sound good," Keith spoke in a monotonous tone.

    "Alright then, move out, team," Shiro ordered as everyone got into their positions.

    ~Time Skip~

    Lance was roaming the halls with Pidge hot on his tail. She had pulled up a holographic map of the ship, giving him directions to your exact location. Pidge already knew about his crush on you, he didn't even have to tell her. She just knew.

    She kinda shipped it, but she still liked the idea of Keith and Lance together a lot more. But, whatever made her friend happy was fine with her.

    So, when they saw what you were capable of, they were really shocked.

    You were met by a large group of sentries, all poised with their guns ready in a firing position. Lance gasped quietly as he watched the scene unfold in front of him. He didn't want to start shooting yet. He still had the element of surprise, and wasn't ready to give it up quite yet. All he could do was wait in terrified anticipation for what each side would do.

    But, you did something unexpected. You growled at the sentries, your eyes glowing (F/C) as you launched yourself at them.

    Once you landed on the sentry in front of you, Lance noticed you had changed. You now had four legs, and were covered in fur. He could hear growls escaping from your throat, and watched as you clawed at every soldier with furry paws.

    You had transformed into a big, grey wolf.

    Lance's eyes widened in disbelief as he watched you take down sentry after sentry with barely any trouble at all. A few shot at you, but it would only make you angrier before your ripped the heads off of the sharpshooters in question.

    Lance couldn't even think straight as he watched you transform to your old self before walking on to find the prisoner's cells. He barely heard Pidge calling over her communicator.

    "Guys...I think you need to see this..."

    ~Time Skip~

    "What do you mean she has powers?" Allura demanded the Paladins as you and your crew boarded her ship.

    "Why don't we let (Y/N) explain?" Shiro asked as everyone's eyes, including your own crewmates', fell onto you.

    "Okay, so...When I was younger, my mom told me that I had powers. These were given to me from my father...Apparently, I wasn't 'expected', and that's why my father had to leave, but my mother loved me despite that. Anyways, he was an Altean alchemist who went by the name of Alfor, I think-" you tried to explain before being cut off.

    "ALFOR?!" Allura screamed at you.

    "I-I think so?" you asked as you tried to figure out why she was glaring at you.

    "You're lying, Alfor was my father and King of Altea, he didn't have any other children," Allura spoke sternly.

    Everyone else allowed their eyes to flicker between the two of you. You heard gasps of recognition as they seemed to make the connection. The Paladins had noticed earlier that the two of you seemed fairly similar, and this was a good enough reason to prove that.

    "Allura, she does have the power of Voltron, she is Alfor's daughter," Coran spoke up.

    "Father wouldn't have done that to my mother!" Allura screamed in denial.

    "Allura, we have much to discuss later. There's something I need to tell you," Coran ended the conversation, "(Y/N), you must stay here and train to help us defeat Zarkon. It is your destiny. As for your crew, we will give them refuge on planets that are home to other allies."

    Your crew looked wearily at you, unsure of what you should do. You looked around waiting for a sign, before your mom's voice played again in your head.

    "You will be something special. You will take down Zarkon."

    "Alright, count me in."

Yay, part four!!!! I'm so sorry for taking so long, school has been crazy. I will probably only be able to post on the weekends, unless there's a day without homework or I have time to make a headcannon. Is anyone interested in a part five? Or should I leave that to your imagination? 

Also, thank you to EeveeliciousSinisterdragon321Skyfireaj05SweetTeayThe_brown_eyed_girl (did I spell it right?), Disneylover8TaraAlcmisssuisidal69, and chasinqstars12 for requesting a part four!!! Also, thanks again to misssuisidal69 for another great idea! I hope I've done this justice for you guys!!!

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