Lance x Space Pirate! Reader - Say My Name Part 5

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    That night, after settling a fight between Keith and Lance on where you would sleep, Coran pulled Allura towards the pods they had awoken from a long time ago.

    "What is going on, Coran? How come some space pirate who kidnapped our Blue Paladin gets to come in and throw such a huge game changer into the mix?" Allura sighed as she dramatically leaned against one of the pods they had been cleaning earlier that day.

    "Princess, there's something I need to tell you..." Coran trailed off nervously as he looked at her with worried eyes. How was someone supposed to start a conversation like this?

    "Well obviously!" the frustrated Princess bursted out before realizing what she had done, "Sorry..."

    "Okay, well you see, right before Zarkon tried to overtake Altea, King Alfor had a meeting with the rest of the former paladins. They were discussing the next stage of the removal of Zarkon, but alas, without a Black Paladin, Voltron was useless. So, they started thinking of ways to create another weapon...That's where (Y/N) comes in," Coran explained.

    "What's she got to do with any of this?" Allura spat venomously at her advisor.

    "She's the weapon they created. Alfor found her mother hidden away at a rebel base on a hidden planet--"

    "Father would never have done anything like that to Mother! How could you even suggest such a vulgar thing?!" Allura glared daggers at him, unable to believe a word she heard coming out of her best friend's mouth, even if he did have an awesome mustache.

    "By this time your mom was too old to bear children, there was no way for her to participate in this plan no matter how much she wanted to. Plus, they all knew the weapon would be safer if she was away from the action, and Altea was considered the main battleground. Your mom gave Alfor permission to go ahead with the plan without her. He refused to do it without consent from her," Coran shot back, shutting up the bratty princess almost instantly.

    "Now, during the woman's pregnancy, she was given small doses of quintessence from the comet that they had made Voltron out of. She was given such a small dose it wouldn't be able to affect neither participant. This quintessence, however, gave the baby powers like that of Voltron. That's why she can do all of these things. That's why she's so important to us. Zarkon doesn't know about her existence, and any sentry that saw her was taken out before they could report to him. She's our secret weapon, Allura. She's going to help us take down the Galra Empire," Coran spoke softly yet matter-of-factly.

    "How do we know she's not lying?" Allura inquired with a questioning look.

    "Do you realize how long she's been a teenager?" Coran rolled his eyes.

    "No...She's Lance's age, isn't she?" Allura walked over to Coran with a confused look plastered to her face.

    "You'll have to ask her," Coran spoke sharply, acting as if he had said more than he should have.

    "I guess you're right..." Allura sighed in defeat, knowing better than to push the topic. It wasn't long before Allura's head shot up as she made eye contact with Coran, her eyes bright with a new sense of determination.

    "Let's go save the universe."

I'm sorry that this part was so much shorter than the other parts! So, there's a great Lance picture to make it up (hopefully) to you guys! I just wanted to give you guys a teaser before asking a very important question! Floor19_Fierro and saltycubandoritos have suggested that I turn this series into its own book. Would anyone else be interested in that????? Or should this be the final part to the series???

Also, special thanks to YuukiShuuThatThoughtfulReaderBigtimerushfan_290deer61694Disneylover8TookieTuTuzitronsaftKhione_PhoenixsaltycubandoritosSinisterdragon321zee_photographyposeidongirl395Cami-chan_grizzly_girlohmylordy_ZachWilleySkyfireaj05, and chefgirl6375 for requesting part five.


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