Becoming the Successor

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 Izuku came to Dagoba Municipal beach bright and early as All Might had requested to see the sad shape it was in. What was once a beautiful beach he would play on when he was younger, now became an illegal dumping site for people. He didn't think about this long with All Might showing up not long after him. "So I'm assuming this has something to do with the beach?" "Correct young Midoriya. We have 10 months until the beginning of the entrance exams. I want you to clean up the coastline of this entire beach within that time. Once you do, you should be ready for OFA." Izuku took a look at the beach before loosening up his arms a bit. "I'll have the whole thing done by that time."

He immediately went down to begin lifting a large fridge. He struggled at first, but was able to carry it after getting a good grip on it. The small boy began placing it on the corner of the sidewalk with All Might pointing to his pickup truck. He quickly went to grab some more things to get the truck filled before the duo took it to the local dump. All Might took the liberty of explaining his quirk while they rode and how he can pass it on to others because of it. This started to make a little more sense with the young voodoo user before getting to the dump. Izuku lugged the stuff off before being given a bunch of papers by his teacher. "Starting today, you will do this routine in hopes to become a more suitable successor of the quirk. When you do, I will give you OFA. Any questions?" Izuku glanced over the workout parts and shook his head. "Seems simple enough. I've done a little of something similar to this on my own." "Good to hear it."

And like that, Izuku began to work as hard as he could to become a worthy candidate of OFA. He managed his studies and training rather well. He had a bit of trouble getting his study in his dark arts in, but he managed in some way. He did marvel at how well put out the whole thing was. The blond hero went so far as to place even the amount of sleep he'd get in to kinda impress the green haired boy. Once month 5 hit, Izuku was about halfway through his own personal goal with fatigue from the constant abuse now sinking in. "Nnnngh!" He began to struggle with a large washing machine to make his mentor notice.

"What's wrong kid, you've lifted heavier things in your time training. What's the hold up?" Izuku began panting as he kept trying to lift the washing machine. "Now I get. You overworked your body and now it can't keep up." All Might tried to get Izuku to take the day off at that point with him ignoring his offer. "If I want to become a great hero, I need to become stronger. I had to deal with being behind everyone for almost 10 years, I'm not giving up that easily!" The determination in the boy inspired the pro to help him even more. "You remind me much of myself when I was younger, my boy. So let me help you out by tweaking your regimine a bit." Izuku nodded as he finally got a second wind to get the machine up to carry it to the truck.

Day before the exam

Izuku looked at the beach that he'd been working on for nearly 10 brutal months to finally see it clean. "Nicely done young Midoriya. Not only did you do what I asked, but you went the extra mile and cleaned the entire beach in a shorter time than I expected." "Thank you sir, it feels good knowing I did something like this too." Izuku smirked in satisfaction as All Might turned into his buff form. "Have satisfaction in this young Izuku Midoriya. Unlike many, you had to earn this power with your own two hands." All Might pulled a hair off of his head to hold it in his hand. "Now, eat this!" "Uh, come again?" "To obtain my power, you need to ingest my DNA. Now, EAT!" "....The way that sounded was a little off, but does it have to be hair?" "Just eat the hair dammit!" '*sigh* Why do I feel like this is gonna taste like rancid fish or something?'

Few hours later

Izuku began walking into town with a bottle of water in his hands. 'I drank like a gallon of water and I still can't get the taste of his damn hair out of my mouth! Tastes like warm garbage.' Izuku shivered remembering when a spell he did went wrong and exploded in his face. He unfortunately had his mouth open for him to taste what was meant to act as a sludge to immobilize people made out of common trash people throw away. To say he's not happy he knows what the taste was would be an understatement. While walking in a library, he noticed two people inside. One was a girl with vines in her hair, the other was a blond that seemed to be constantly trying to make smartallic remarks.

"Oh please, if that man was truly something impressive then I wouldn't have been far superior than him." The blond seemed to be getting on the girls nerves with her about to shout. She didn't however and just went to another side of the library. Izuku walked over to the man with him laughing so loud for nobody to be able to concentrate. "Hey buddy, you mind keeping it down for people that are trying to read in here?" "Oh please, like you're truly worthy to tell me what to do you ignorant little pest. And what's with that ridiculous necklace you have? Are you some kind of emo kid or something?" He started laughing at Izuku's pendant to communicate with the dead before pulling a hair out of his head with force. "OW!" "You're lucky I only need one for this."

Izuku walked into the dark arts section to see the girl from before. She seemed to not know any of the books and began looking at some. "I take it, black magic isn't your cup of tea?" The comment made her go a little stiff before praying for forgiveness. "It's ok, not many read what I do, so be at ease knowing that it was only an accident to be here." Izuku heard the blond shout again with both him and the girl to get a little angry. "I would wish Monoma would stop that." "You know him?" "*sigh* Unfortunately. His name is Neito Monoma, and we go to the same school. I do not affiliate myself with him so much, but he seemed to find me here." Izuku thought of this while grabbing an empty voodoo doll he had. "Have you ever seen what voodoo can do?"

Izuku placed the hair on the doll while grabbing some needles out of a bag he had. "So what's your name miss?" Izuku grabs a few things of fabric as well and adjusts it to look like Monoma the best he could. "I go by Ibara Shiozaki." "Izuku Midoriya sweetie. Your friendly neighborhood witch doctor. Mind giving this a try?" He says handing her a needle. Shiozaki looked at it and decided to jab the needle in the dolls butt not thinking it would work. "YEOW!" She heard Monoma shout with a bit of surprise on her. She tries it again by jabbing the needle in it's back now. "OW! WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON!?" She gave the needle back to Izuku, fearful of what he could do while he smiled at her.

"The ability doesn't only stop at inflicting pain. I can also make them move on their own and say whatever I whisper into the doll's ear." Izuku whispers something in the doll's ear while making it kick like it's in a chorus line. "I'M A PRETTY PRINCESS! HEAR ME SHOUT! HERE IS MY FRILLS AND HERE IS MY STOUT! WHEN I GET SO MOPEY HERE ME SHOUT. KICK MY LIGHTS IN AND KNOCK ME OUT!" The act made Shiozaki giggle a bit at the little scene. "I've had enough of you, now out!" They begin to hear Monoma get kicked out with Izuku placing the doll in his bag with some satisfaction.

"So is it only voodoo and black magic that you do, or is there more." "I dabble in a bunch of the magical arts. I'm also known for my tarot card readings." Shiozaki began to have her eyes light up with Izuku pulling out his cards. "Would you like your future read missy?" Shiozaki nodded with Izuku setting everything up. "Alright, let's go with seeing the future for short, long, and any luck in your future." Izuku began flipping the first card to see the future it holds. "It seems something in your future will turn out greatly in your favor. Now for the long term." Izuku flips the next to see what it is. "A long struggle for you. Perhaps one with a certain goal in mind?" Shiozaki began to understand this. "Actually, I plan to take the UA entrance exams tomorrow for the hero course." "What a coincidence, I may see you in UA then." "You're taking the exam." "For recommended students, but yes."

Izuku flipped the last card. "Seems like a pure life you will have in the future. Perhaps one of chastity or one of kind content and maybe even motherhood. This is a very debatable one that I can't see as direct, but take it as you will." Shiozaki smiled at this while thanking Izuku for his reading. "I hope you do well in the recommended exams." "Thank you. Likewise in the regular for you." They left to the opposite ends of the library before grabbing what they wished to and heading out. On his way home, Izuku grabbed a package he obtained at his local post office to see it was one he was waiting for.

"Now let's get you home." When he entered his home, he said hello to his mom before going downstairs to open the box. He opened it to find an assortment of different vials with some being poisons and venoms from some animals. "You were what I was waiting so long for." Izuku pulled up a little 6oz bottle of pufferfish poison. "I've been having problems with my dead raising, so you'll do nicely." As he said this, Izuku's crystal ball started to glow with a spirit from the other side trying to talk to him. "What do we have here?" As the vision became clearer, he discovered an image of a brown haired girl about to be stomped on by a robot.

The area didn't look like that of a normal area and seemed fake. He couldn't see much of this other than the girl about to die signaling this as a warning.

The image then moved to that of what seemed like a dome area with several different areas in it. In the center held a man with hands on him with several villains coming out of what seemed to be black mist.

The vision signaled closer to a being with a bird's beak and it's brain on display. Something had felt off with this thing however, with Izuku seeing chains on it. "No!" The ball went dim with the young boy shaken up by his last sight. "Someone's tampering with the dead. I must find out who." He glanced over at a few vials of spells he had with stopping himself. "You dive too deeply into this Izuku, you will go mad. The vision of the girl was more clear, which means that one is going to happen first. Handle that first, then worry about the dead." Izuku placed his new vials on his racks before going upstairs to get a little soft training in before tomorrow.

And that finishes this chapter. So to clarify on the crystal ball thing. Izuku can look into specific futures himself. But if there is something very important for Izuku to know, the crystal ball will show him as a way for him to know of a certain event in the future he should keep in his mind. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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