Learn the Voodoo

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Ok, so this is the first chapter of this. It was an idea originally for a oneshot, but what the heck. Enjoy.

Life is never fair for some. Izuku Midoriya learned this hard reality at the age of 5 when he was diagnosed quirkless. On the day he was told this, his mother thought it would be best to bring him to a local library. "Alright sweetie, go through and pick out whatever book you like." "Thanks mom." Izuku walked deep into the library to find something to try and get his mind off the sad news he was given just a few hours ago. For as long as he remembered, Izuku wanted to be a hero and save people just like his favorite pro All Might. Now he has to accept the fact that this may never happen.

As he pulled himself out of his thoughts, the young boy found himself in a different corner of the library than he's used to. While trying to find his way back, a giant book nearly hit him on the head to make him jump ten feet. "What's this?" Izuku looked at the book to begin reading the title. "Voodoo for Beginners?" He began to open the book and read inside. He found a little of how to make voodoo dolls, ways to use magic, and even how to read cards to bend the future in his favor. Suddenly, Izuku's dark future became a little brighter. "Izuku sweetie, where are you?" Izuku closed the book and held it above his head to show his mom.

"There you are sweetie, did you find a book you like?" Izuku nodded and showed her the oversized book. Inko looked at the book and was a bit skeptical. "I'm not sure this is the book for you honey." "Please mom, I want to learn from this book." Izuku looked at his mother with puppy dog eyes hoping she'd say yes. "Mmmm ok. But I don't want you to be turning our neighbors into shrunken heads or anything." "Thanks mom." They checked the book out with the librarian even offering to give the book to Izuku since it's one that doesn't leave here so much. That night, Izuku began learning everything he could from the book hoping to become an expert at voodoo magic. 'With this, I may be able to become a hero yet.'

2 years later

Ever since Izuku obtained his opening to the world of voodoo, he began to dabble in anything related to the dark arts that he could to become a hero. One day, his childhood friend now turned bully Katsuki Bakugou had been picking on a kid for some unknown reason with Izuku not enjoying it one bit. "Hey! Leave them alone!" Izuku came over with a small bag of things he found while looking for some ingredients in a voodoo spell. "Well if it isn't Deku. Get out of the way, or you're next." Izuku put the bag down and grabbed a doll out of his picket that looked like Bakugou. "What are you gonna do with that? Make a tea party with it?"

Bakugou began to laugh until Izuku pulled a hair out of the ash blond to put it on the doll. "YOU REALLY WANNA FIGHT DEKU!?" "You don't know what you're dealing with." Izuku used the doll's right arm to suckerpunch to the left. "OW!" Bakugou seemed to be moving on his own with Izuku making the left now move to the right. "OW! QUIT IT BAKUGOU!" "IT'S NOT ME! IT'S GOTTA BE DEKU!" They got up and prepared to attack Izuku. "Anyone want a... SHRUNKEN HEAD!" Izuku pulled the head out to make the two run in fear of the dried up thing.

Bakugou quickly found himself fighting the little boy alone now with holding out the palms of his hands. "I DON'T NEED THOSE EXTRAS! I CAN FIGHT YOU MYSELF!" Izuku took out a needle and warned Bakugou in advance. "Beware Kaachan, what happens to this doll happens to you. So what will happen when I stick a needle in it?" Bakugou ignored the warning with Izuku poking the dolls backside to make Bakugou jump ten feet in pain. "OOOWWW!" "Wanna see it happen again?" The blond finally pulled back swearing this isn't over yet while doing so. "Didn't think so."

Izuku turns around for the kid to run in fear. "AAHHH! HE'S A FREAK!" The greenhead held his head down in sadness as this is said. "I just saved you and you call me a freak? That hurts in here." Izuku points at his chest before grabbing his things and leaving for home. When he gets inside, he says hello to his mother before heading into his basement with all his dark arts stuff inside. He placed his bag down on a bench while reading from a book he obtained in his travels. "Ok, a lizard tail, eye of a newt, hyena hair, and last but not least blood of a lamb." He places everything in a cauldron with it glowing green. "Alright, lets see what we can do?" A small puff of smoke happened with the pot not boiling anymore.

"Dang it, and I thought that was gonna be mo*BOOM*" Izuku is cut short by a giant explosion with his mother rushing down to see what happened. "IZUKU ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?" "*cough* *cough* Yeah mom, just a bit of a miscalculation somewhere." The cauldron started to glow purple for Izuku to see and rush to grab a skeleton necklace he obtained in his travels.

"I'M A VOODOO MAGICIAN!" "what is that?" the small boy looked at his mother and smiled. "A tool I can use to control the dead!" "...Please don't make the dead angry at us at least." "Oh please, you think I'm going to do what some bad voodoo magicians did?" Inko didn't know what to say, so she just went upstairs to leave Izuku to his work.

Time skip to Izuku's 3rd year of middle school

Over the years of Izuku's knowledge in the arts of voodoo, he began to dabble in many other parts of dark magic to aid him. After the little scare when Izuku was 7, many avoided him except for the occasional girl asking to read her future through cards and some going as far as to make love potions for. Because of this, Izuku obtained the nickname 'Hex' for what he can do. "Alright kids, time for you to fill out career papers for your future." The teacher came in with a giant stack of papers before throwing them up in the air. "But who am I kidding, you all want to become heroes!"

Everyone began to chant and use their quirks with Izuku working on learning a new spell he just learned completely ignoring his surroundings. "Oi teach, don't lump me in with these extras." 'Looks like the small dog wants to bark loudly again.' Izuku was not paying any attention as Bakugou goes on a rant about how he's going to be the best and how he'll be the only person in the school to ever make it to UA and become a hero who will surpass All Might. "That's right, Midoriya is also attempting the entrance exam." Everyone was scared seeing their local hex master taking an exam for heroes.

"DEKUUUU!" Bakugou slammed his hands on Izuku's desk and nearly broke an amethyst he had to keep his work somewhat safe. "Could you not do that, you almost broke my crystal keeping people here from being posses-" "YOU BETTER DROP OUT OF UA'S EXAMS RIGHT NOW! A SHITTY LOSER LIKE YOU DOESN'T DESERVE TO BE AT UA!" "And what makes you any better. You're loud, obnoxious, rude, ableist and you really need to wear stronger deodorant. I can smell you a mile away." Izuku states this while waving his hand by his nose. "Alright the both of you, settle down." Bakugou went back to his seat with the day continuing as it normally would.

End of the day

As Izuku began to pack his things away, Bakugou grabbed one of his books with his two cronies behind him. "This ain't over Deku. You better drop out of UA, someone like you is just gonna embarrass himself the way you are." "So why aren't you? You think you're the best, but you can't beat me when I have the doll in my hands. Why not settle for something else then?" The comment made the ash blond attempt to torch the book in his hands out of anger before Izuku used his shadow to grab it. "Keep your hands off what's not yours. Gotta run boys, I got places to be, people to see, and also meet a person about a new set of cards since you wrecked my old set Oh and try not to break the crystal. You could be possessed by an Oni or worse."

Izuku began walking out with a pep in his step while heading to the local gypsy shop. He knew the owner when he was looking for a place to buy pure crystals and other objects to keep his dealings with the land of the dead a little less dangerous and had asked if she had another set of cards a few weeks back to do tarot readings. Being a kind old lady, she willingly accepted and told Izuku that she'd give him her old set that she had. After thanking and giving her a little cash for the replacement, Izuku found himself walking back home. While doing so, he found himself under a bridge while hearing something behind him in the sewers.

"Good, a meat shield to protect me from that bastard hero." The boy stopped to look over calmly at a man made of sludge. "Didn't your mother ever tell you it's not good to roll around in sewage? Must be why you don't care about stinking like a rotten fish." Izuku calmly walked away with the sludge villain attacking him. "DON'T MESS WITH ME KI-" The villain suddenly found himself paralyzed and unable to move. "I think this smell suits you quite nicely." He turned back around to show tissue paper shoved up his nose and a vial of something in his hands. "Don't mess with me buddy."

Before Izuku could say anything else, the manhole cover flew open to show his favorite hero come out. "Have no fear, for I am here!" Izuku turned around immediately to watch All Might stop the villain with a Texas Smash with the wind pressure coming to meet him. "Sorry if I startled you my boy!" "Oh no trouble All Might. It's not every day you get to see the number 1 pro in person stopping a villain. I consider it an honor to be so up close and personal when seeing that." Izuku states this while taking some of the sludge villains off his shoulder. "Would you like me to help you clean this up?" "Why, that would be much appreciated my boy!"

As Izuku helped clean the sludge villain up, he began to chat with All Might about how he was diagnosed quirkless and that he still wants to be a hero. He also stated how he learned the art of voodoo and other forms of magic to help him in this to impress the pro a bit. Before they were done, Izuku decided to ask a question that has weighed down his mind for years. "All Might, do you think I can become a hero?" All Might thought of this and understood Izuku's talent. "From what you are telling me, I can see you have the drive and the skill. It would be an honor on my end to be able to have someone like you on my side as a hero. I do believe you can young Midoriya." Izuku's eyes started to shine with a smile on his face. They finished cleaning the villain with All Might jumping away smiling at Izuku one last time. Izuku began heading back home one last time after a bit of a jumping clap of his heels.

While on the way, his mother asked if he could pick up some things at the grocery store for Izuku to see no issue. He took a little detour from home before noticing smoke and fire in the area. Like any other person who lets curiosity get the better of them, he darted to the scene to notice the pros fighting the same sludge villain that nearly attacked him earlier. 'I thought All Might took this guy away.' While trying to think of a reason, he notices Bakugou iin the sludge villain and realizes that the pros couldn't do anything. 'Looks like they need some help. Maybe someone on the other side can do something?'

Izuku pulled the voodoo doll of Bakugou out to free him by redirecting his explosions downward to get the two in the air. After, he began to make Bakugou spin a little, breaking the villains control over him before getting to the ground near the pros. Once the sludge villain came back down, a giant fist made of shadows appeared above him. The massive fist punches downwards to splatter the villain all over the place. The pros suspected nothing and believed this was just Bakugou's handywork, but the blond knew better. The only people that knew this was done with help was him, Izuku, and a skinny blond that watched this happen with Izuku pulling out the doll.

On his way back, Izuku was stopped by the skinny blond who seemed to know him. "Young Midoriya, wait up!" Izuku looked back, giving a confused smile. "I'm sorry, but who are you my friend?" "Ah yes, you don't know me in this form. You see, I'm All Might and I have a request for you." "...What's your request All Might?" "Wait, you're not gonna think I'm not?" The blond was a tad confused with Izuku correcting him. "I've seen things that make people believe that it's smoke and mirrors, you being the pro isn't that much a surprise." All Might corrected himself while asking a question. "What can you do with that magic of your's?" "I can use magic to fight using the spirits of the undead, tell the future of someone, control and manipulate someone with just a piece of their hair or some fabric of a material of theirs. Basically, it's easier to tell you what I can't do rather than can." The blond held his mouth open a bit before coming out of his state of disbelief a bit.

"What did you want to know this for?" All Might took a deep breath before answering. "My boy, do you wish to hold a quirk?" "More than anything sir. Don't get me wrong, I love what I can do. But I became a pariah because of the lack of a quirk." All Might nodded before asking this. "When you saved the boy from the sludge villain, what was going through your mind?" "...I don't know. I just saw that someone was in trouble and wanted to help them." "You've answered as a true hero would my boy." All Might pointed at Izuku while proclaiming his next part. "Izuku Midoriya, you truly are a person worthy of the mantle hero. Because of this, I deem you worthy of my quirk."

Izuku smiled at this as All Might walked towards him. "Training begins tomorrow at Dagobah Municipal beach. Be prepared to work harder than you have in your life." All Might left with Izuku walking into his home with a bit of a smile. "Izuku, how was shopping?" "It was nice." Izuku placed the perishables and things his mother couldn't put away because of her stature where it belonged before heading to his room with what still happened fresh in his mind. 'All Might wants to give me his quirk.... Wait, HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!?'

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku has some unique abilities at his disposal. First off he has the ability to manipulate the spirits of the dead along with his own shadow, next he has information on special potions, and finally he can actually see the future(Will be discussed in the future). Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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