Dark Battles

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So up top is Izuku's hero costume. Ignore that it's Dabi and place Izuku's face on it. Enjoy.

The next day had rolled around with it being rather normal for the most part. During the mornings, classes were rather normal compared to any other school with the heroic classes taking place in the afternoon. Izuku had found himself at a table with Ochako and some of their classmates. Iida had asked about his fortune telling from overhearing it from Kaminari and wanted to see what his would hold. "I see a woman in your future. She has dreadlocks that are pink and is very obsessed with her work. She will make you look like a fool when you two face off in the near future, but you will also find yourself constantly being drawn to her. She'll not see anything in you until you state an interest and prove to her that it is worth her time." "What is her name?" Izuku looked at the crystal ball he had to only see two letters. "Something with an 'H' and an 'M'." "I told you this was BS man. He can't see jack." Kaminari states this while starting to walk back to his table.

"Well, I did wish to learn of my future. So whether this is a waste of my time or not is still up in the air. Anyway, here is your payment and thank you for taking time out of your schedule to do this Midoriya." Iida gives Izuku his payment with him smiling. "Much obliged Iida. Keep on the lookout for that pink dread girl." Izuku says this with the engine user nodding before grabbing a thing of orange juice from a vending machine. "This one was one I actually told the entire truth of Ochako." "Sure you did." Ochako looks away as if she didn't believe a word he said. As they ate, a familiar face came up to Izuku that was happy to see him again.

"It is nice to see you again Midoriya." "Shiozaki, how nice it is to see you as well." Ochako looked at the two before asking. "You both know each other?" "Yes. I read Shiozaki's fortune a little before the entrance exams. Am I to believe the first fortune I said was true?" The vine haired girl nodded with Izuku smiling. "So this is your friend that can do that strange stuff." A girl with grey hair came over to notice the crystal ball on the table. "Woah, you have a crystal ball!?" "Yes. Would you two like to sit with us?" Both girls nodded for Izuku to hold the chairs out with his shadow. "How did-" "You'd be amazed at what I can do honey." Izuku takes some of his food to eat with Bakugou arguing with someone again. "That boy doesn't know when to give up, does he?"

Ochako pulled out the voodoo doll to wack it on the counter a few times for the blond to fall unconscious for unknown reasons to everyone around. "Much better." Ochako placed the doll in a bag while eating some of her lunch with a big smile. "Swo gwood!" "So what can you do besides fortune telling and voodoo dolls?" Reiko asks curious as Izuku asks a question. "You ever talk to the dead before? Some are kinda chatty kathy's, other's are a little moody, but some are ones you don't want to piss off." All three girls stayed quiet as Izuku pulled a pendant off his neck. "This is proof of my ability to control some members of the dead. I don't anger them, and they help me." "That's so cool! This is definitely like The Princess and The Frog now!" "Except I'm not gonna be pulled into the realm of the dead if it breaks. I don't control them with this, I communicate and keep all my payments square with them."

"So what are some of your 'payments' to the members of the dead?" Izuku shrugs his shoulders while answering. "They vary from spirit to spirit. Which reminds me, Butters?" Izuku asks for the jet black cat to walk on the table to Ochako. "What's up butt-" "CAT GROPE!" Butters grabs Ochako's chest as if he was trying to grope her before getting hit in the head by said brunette. "Ha! Better you than me!" "Meow! That hurts dammit!" "WHY DID YOU TOUCH ME THERE THEN!?" "Repayment." Both Izuku and Butters say in unison with Reiko moving a little away from the talking cat. "Among the spirits, some aren't really the most...ethical and have sick senses of tastes. One of which told me that if I want his help, I need to have me or butters grope Uraraka." "What a stupid request!" "You think we don't know that?" Izuku handed butters a piece of pork sausage as an apology before they continued eating.

After lunch

The members of class A had sat in the classroom waiting for their teacher for the door to open. "I am, COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A HERO!" "Woah, it's All Might!" "He's in his Silver Age costume too!" "Mrow doesn't take much for this class to be happy." All Might began explaining what was going to happen with this class being battle training for many of class A to be excited for this. He quickly pressed a button for 20 costumes to come out with being told to change and meet All Might down at Ground Beta. They did as the pro commanded with heading to their respected changing rooms.

While changing, Butters began to place on a similar outfit as Izuku's for Kirishima to ask. "So what exactly is up with the cat?" "WHY DOES EVERYONE NOT USE MY REAL NAME!?" Butters shouted with Kirishima realizing what he did. "Sorry uh..Butters right?" The cat nodded as Kirishima corrected himself. "So what's up with Butters?" "Well, he's a familiar of mine. Easiest way to understand, he helps me with spells like my own personal assistant." Izuku finishes putting his costume on to head out to the field with Butters on his shoulder. "He pays me in chicken scraps and belly rubs. I think we have a good partnership if I do say so myself." "Uh...ok then." Kirishima went back to changing as Izuku and Butters were some of the first out of the changing room.

As they all came upon the training ground, they were met by their teacher who was complimenting them all on their costumes. "Midoriya." Ochako came over to notice Izuku and Butters in matching suits. "You two look so cool. Wish I was a little more specific with what I wanted." Ochako held the back of her head while Izuku noticed she was wearing a skintight bodysuit.

"This is a little embarrassing." "Uh, well it's not that embarrassing." "Oh please master, you're getting a nosebleed. Why don't you admit that you're attra-MMPH!" Butters was silenced by Izuku covering his mouth. "What was he trying to say?" "Oh nothing. He was just saying how I find your idea for a costume rather interesting." Ochako smiled at this completely oblivious that Izuku was rather flustered seeing his angel in an outfit that leaves not much to the imagination.

All Might explained after this that it was a two on two with it being classic heroes vs villains. Each team will have a timespan to either protect a fake bomb, or disarm it by touching it. Each group and matchup would be done by lots which they picked shortly after this explanation. Izuku and Ochako found themselves together with them facing Bakugou and Todoroki. "Well this will be fun." Izuku looked over to the two with a smile on his face. "YOU'RE GONNA DIE DEKU!" "Young Bakugou, I admire your tenacity but now isn't the time for it yet. Villain team has five minutes to prepare before the heroes go in. Good luck!"

Everyone that wasn't in the first round went down to watch as Izuku and Ochako began to prepare. "So any idea on how to win?" Izuku thought about it while bringing out a few vials of a potion. "Drink up." Ochako looked at the potion before opening it to smell the contents. "Eww, it smells like nail polish remover." "It's a potion that makes you invisible. Neither Todoroki or Kaachan has a quirk to tell us where we are. So my objective will be to stall them while you go after the bomb." "Now I like the sound of that." They both obtained the all clear to enter in with Ochako floating up to the top before drinking the potion. "Eww! That's so gross!" She started to gag before seeing her clothing and body were becoming translucent before not seeing her body itself. "This could work."

Meanwhile, Izuku walked in with a bit of pep in his step while Butters was on his shoulder. He pulled out his necklace to speak to a couple of shadows. "Find the angry lad and the guy with two different colors in his hair, boys. We got us a match to win." They dispersed with Butters jumping down to walk beside Izuku. "So how do you plan to take them down Izuku?" "Kaachan is easy with this." Izuku showed the voodoo doll for his cat companion to smile. "Maybe we can get him to go after that Todoroki kid with it." "Wait, I just had a fun idea."

Izuku pulled the doll up to his mouth while whispering something in its ear. "I'M NOTHING BUT AN OVERLY ANGRY TWAT! I'M GONNA LOSE THIS SHITTY CHALLENGE TO PROVE THIS!" Butters looked at his master with a deadpan look. "He's gonna kill you for having him say that." They kept walking before a shadow warned them to back away. This worked with Izuku nearly getting blasted by Bakugou's attack. "DEKU YOU BASTARD! WHAT THE FUCK WAS UP WITH THAT COMMENT!?" "Just to get you riled up Kaachan." Bakugou came at Izuku for him to dodge easily before giving a 3% OFA punch to his face. The angry blond finds himself thrown to a wall while seeing Izuku smile. "This is gonna be fun."

Bakugou growled at Izuku before charging at him trying to blow him up. However, Bakugou felt like he was being held into place by something to only see shadows hold his arms down. "I was originally planning to use a potion to trap you, but these guys said they wanted to hold you down while I do this." "And what's tha-'' Bakugou was cut off by Izuku kneeing him in the face with 5% charged in his leg. This wouldn't hurt as much to knock him out, but Izuku took the liberty of having special plating in certain parts of his costume just as a precaution if All Might's or now his, quirk wasn't strong enough to take someone down as easily. Bakugou was knocked out with Izuku trapping him in the tape before heading up the stairs to where Todoroki was.

Once he got in front of the door, he looked to the side to speak. "He's waiting inside for us, isn't he?" "How did you know I was there?" Ochako states while looking at herself to know she's still invisible. "I work with the dead, I can see things that you think I'm crazy to see." Izuku passed a second potion to Ochako to have it look as if it's levitating in the air. "When I have his attention, go over to the bomb before drinking it to place your hand on it. That'll make you visible again so we know that you've won the match." "Right." Izuku stood in front of the closed door while taking a deep breath in.

"Suprise motha fucka!" Izuku kicked the door in to spook Todoroki a bit before sending a massive ice attack at the green haired boy. Butters took the liberty of attacking with his actual size by breathing black fire. "That cat can breathe fire?" "He talks and turns into a giant panther, are you that surprised?" Todoroki sent another wave for Butters to take it down again with Izuku going to his side while throwing a potion on the ground below his feet. "You missed." "Wasn't aiming at you." The contents started to bubble up and trap Todoroki in some strange black liquid. "What is this stuff!? It smells disgusting!" "like it, humans make quite a bit of trash. That potion was made as a trap using the garbage we accumulate on a daily basis. You all set over there sweetheart?" "Yup." Ochako starts turning visible again to show her hand on the bomb with a thumbs up. "Hero team wins!"

Izuku pulled out another potion that he poured on the sludge that was over Todoroki. It began to shrink before disappearing into nothing. "What did you just put on that?" "It's a potion that pulls scum off things. Kinda like how bleach pulls stains off stuff. Fortunately your costume is a generic look where I can't worry about colors running." Izuku, Ochako, and Todoroki walked down with a stretcher taking Bakugou to the infirmary until he woke up. "The MVP of this match is young Midoriya! Can anyone explain why?" "I believe I can sir." A girl with black hair in a ponytail answered with going over what they knew. "Midoriya had a thought out plan along with means to avoid problems. Bakugou was unable to control his personal emotions which led to his downfall. Meanwhile, Todoroki was able to manage to some degree but inevitably failed due to the lack of ability to counter. Uraraka was the one who succeeded in touching the bomb, but her role was more sneaking in with following Midoriya's orders."Everyone was a little shocked as Yaoyorozu was right on the money. Nobody questioned this as the matches continued on with most happening rather normal for a first day.

And that finishes this chapter. Next one will hold a full moon reading for the duo with a special power of Ochako's being shown. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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