Moonlight Readings

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      As the duo went inside the house, Inko came to welcome Izuku back home. "Izuku, how was school?" "It was nice." Inko glanced over to smile at Ochako. "It's nice to see you again Uraraka." "Oh, thank you Mrs. Midoriya. Also thank you for allowing me to stay." Ochako bowed with the short woman smiling. "I sure wish my son would agree to date you. The both of you would make such an adorable couple." Both teens went red as Butters walked in to hop on the sofa near Inko. "Don't mess with their heads too much Mrs. M, they need all their concentration when it comes time tonight." "Alright. I'll get dinner ready while the two of you do what you wish."

Izuku led Ochako down to the basement where he had all his books, potions, and spiritual artifacts. "Woah, so cool!" Ochako walked around while seeing everything Izuku had. "Please be careful of some of the stuff in here. Not everything is safe to mess with." "Wait, why do you have rattlesnake venom?" "For a special potion." Izuku took something out of a cabinet and offered it to Ochako. "When we're doing the reading tonight, wear this. It's a special outfit made with unique fiber and can act as a defense against any wayward spirits who wish to possess you." Ochako grabbed it while looking at the outfit strangely. "Looks a little revealing to me." "Sorry, but this is the best I could do." Ochako went red with Butters sitting near a cauldron that had a skeleton hand come out to pet him. "Seems Franky is happy to see you again." "Right there, oh that is godly."

Izuku grabbed a few books from the shelf for Ochako while she looked at the titles. "Crystalopathy for Beginners, Spirit Veil and You, Potions for Better Lives?" "Might as well explain what we're going to do. We will be starting with a little crystal ball reading since the spirit veil, or the shroud that keeps this world and the spirit world apart is less apparent for us to speak to the dead. We will also learn a little of how to make small potions for us. Nothing big, just a few to help maybe with slight skin issues, give your body minerals it's lacking, also some to help with sleep or vitality." "We're going to be doing that tonight?" "Yup. Full moons are always the best time to do things like this. Shows the best results for us to know where we're starting." "I can almost guarantee he's also showing off to you Uraraka." Izuku glared at his feline friend who held his paw up like he was flipping him off. "Meow motha fucka."

Izuku immediately hit Butters over the head while opening one of the books up to begin with Ochako. They began going over some of the basics of what the spirit veil was with some info on how to read a crystal ball with a few demonstrations by Izuku. He had also taught her how to make a voodoo doll in case someone needed to be taught a lesson by her standards. Ochako was absorbing all this like a sponge to find more marvel in the spirit world. She eventually asked about how Izuku can use shadows the way he can for him to explain what he did to obtain this capability. Eventually, a few hours passed in a blink of an eye with Inko calling them to dinner. Since Ochako was a guest, she decided to do something to fit her tastes. She wasn't a very picky girl, so Inko decided something simple yet tasty for all three to enjoy.

"So when will you do this moonlight reading?" "When the moon is fully up in the sky, we'll start. Until then, we've been going over some basics for a few things." Inko looked at Ochako worried while asking. "WIll I have to explain to your parents why you're raising the dead?" "I don't think so." "That's a relief. Last time Izuku tried to raise the dead, he made someone's pet rabbit come back with the taste for flesh." "You try and do something good for someone and it turns into making the zombie apocalypse almost happen." Izuku states this with sarchasm while Butters eats from his bowl which had some pieces of what they were eating along with a fish bone for him to naw on. "That rabbit did taste good." "Of course you would say that. Since the thing needed to be put down, Butters turned into his panther form to eat the rabbit whole. He then turned back into his house cat form to burp up a few pieces of hair." "He can be a little scary." Ochako thought back to the first day where Mineta almost became his snack. "Without a doubt."

Time skip to 10 at night

"Alright Uraraka, let's see what it looks like." "I'm not coming out!" Izuku let out a sigh before pulling his hat off. "Look, I can't change sizes unless I know what I'm changing and how much. So please at least come out so we can continue." "...Promise you won't laugh or something like that." "I would never." "Trust me, the worst he could do is make a whistle at you." "BUTTERS!" "What? You would do that." Izuku pinched the bridge of his nose before the door opened. "Does this look weird?" Izuku looked over to see his brunette goddess in a skintight hot red outfit that emphasized her curves to him.

"W-what do you think?" Izuku could only stare with a nosebleed for Butters to make a smartallic comment. "He likes it. I bet he'd like it better on his bedroom floo-OOF!" The cat quickly got a cane to the side by Izuku as he continued over to a small window. "Alright, tonight will be the strongest connection you can have to the spiritual realm. So you should be able to read the future with it. Come over and place your hands on mine." Ochako did as her friend and teacher requested unsure what else to do. "Clear your mind of all thoughts and calm your nerves. Let the feeling of the crystal ball be all you feel." Both began to calm their nerves with the strange sensation of something swirling around them. "Now, open your eyes and look into the ball. Focus on a future you wish to see as a generic such as perhaps a first born or a lover for the future. Once you see something, tell me what it is."

Ochako did this with noticing smoke coming into the orb, when it began to clear she started to notice something. "I'm seeing something." "Good, what do you see?" She looked close to describing what she saw. I..I see a boy. He doesn't look to be much older than 6. I also see what looks like a mountain of flesh coming at him. It's about to kill the boy!"

The vision stops to become clouded again. "I can't see it anymore." "This is a premonition meaning the future up to that moment will be decided through transactions that are bound to happen. The fact you had seen it means that what is going to happen next will still be up in the air. If proper steps are taken, the boy's life could be saved." Ochako began to look at the crystal ball once more to notice a little girl with snow white hair and ruby red eyes.

"I see a little girl now. She's about the same age. But I feel something similar to fear and severe pain given by a single person." "If you can feel this, it means the child will have a significant connection to you later." "I see her running in an alley completely in fear of someone walking after her. She's begging, pleading, and even somewhat demanding someone to come save her. She then knocks into someone before the man chasing her catches up and tries to take her back." The image becomes cloudy again with Ochako a little fearful of the girl. "...That wasn't good." "On the contrary, this is good to know since she will have a significant connection to you in the future. It can help you understand how to help her." Ochako thought on this before agreeing and heading onto the next and final fortune they were going to read.

The crystal ball began to show a dark room with Ochako laying in the bed. She seemed to not be phased by this until taking a moment to realize she was not wearing anything as far as she could tell with bed sheets covering her unmentionable parts. "Mnn. Love you baby." "Love you too my goddess." Ochako became red while seeing an arm covered in scars wrap around her waist. She began to see green hair on the top, but immediately stopped before the vision became more incapable to watch for her. "AHH!" "What did you see?" Ochako stopped before thinking what she saw. "I-I saw me naked in a bed with someone." "Can you describe who?" "He seemed to have green hair and scars over his hand like something happened to him."

While explaining, Ochako noticed what looked like similar scars to the man in the vision on Izuku's hand. She believed she was hallucinating before rubbing her eyes to realize she wasn't dreaming. "Hey Midoriya, why do you have scars on your hand?" Izuku looked down to see nothing. "I don't." That moment, something clicked with the two of them. "Ochako, you have a special gift." "I do?" "Yes, it's called the gift of viewing pain. It allows one to see pain others may have with it varying depending on how the pain looks." "Wait, but you don't have scars from what I've seen of your hands prior." "It's the full moon sweetie. It allows you to do and see things you won't know about normally."

The brunette's mind went to the scars and the green hair to make her ask a question. "Hey Midoriya, what do you think of me?" "Hmm, you're a nice girl and an eager learner." "T-that's not what I meant. I was meaning, do you me?" Izuku walked over to kneel to Ochako's level. "And if I do? What will you do then?" Ochako started to move her hands to grab the back of Izuku's neck. "Well I...I think I might like you." This comment made Izuku turn red before Ochako started to lean towards him. She placed her lips on Izuku's cheek with a huge blush on it. "S-sorry if that was kinda not wante-" Izuku returned the favor with a kiss on the lips. He let go about 20 seconds after to see Ochako very confused. "S-so does this mean we're, you know. A couple?" "Hmm. Would you mind being with the likes of me?" "I-it's not that. I mean I'd love to be with you and all, but I was assuming you wouldn-" Izuku kissed her again with Butters now making noises at this. "Go Izuku! Get that tail!" Izuku looked at the pesky cat with a face that screamed, 'Shut the fuck up' to Butters.

"I guess this does make us a couple." Ochako held a red face while Izuku lifted her up bridal style. "Seems someone is going to go to sleep happy." The two got up to walk out with Butters looking at the crystal ball. "Heh heh, Izuku's got himself a mate now. I wonder when they'll mess around a little?" The cat walked out while smiling knowing his master would get to taste some of his goddess soon. "Butters, if you stop with the teasing I'll get you a mate." "Deal!"

And that finishes this chapter. Kinda short compared to most chapters I know, but it's still kinda cute. Anyway, see how the duo handle being a couple after this. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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