Foreboding Shadows

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A few hours passed after the end of the Sports Festival with things being relatively normal. Well, as normal as having a witchdoctor and his protege initiate an all out tongue war on the battlefield to the point the one's familiar had to yank them off before the ratings of M would have to be on the broadcast. Since Izuku took the initiative, he made a hormonal balancing potion as a way to avoid any dangers if something got out of hand. Right now, the duo is sitting on the side of the couch watching the replay of their match and seeing Butters take them out before things were too intense. "We truly made a show for everyone, didn't we Ochako?" Ochako just watched in shame as she was doing such acts in front of everyone, not counting the fact that it was live streamed. "I can never show my face in public again after that."

The door soon opened to Midnight walking in with a baby Bakugou still in a harness. "Glad to see you're both up and about without the other on top of you." Baby Bakugou simply looked at the two unphased with Utsushimi coming in. "OHHH! You are like, the most uber adorable thing I've ever seen fam!" She lifted the baby blond out of the harness to look at him. This seemed to anger the blond for some reason to hold a scowl. "So how long is that going to still last?" "If it's the potion I'm assuming Ochako used, it's going to finish any minute now." As they finished speaking, a large puff of smoke came that was by Utsushimi that covered Bakugou. When it cleared, it showed the clearly angry ash blond back to normal and well....let's just say he wasn't wearing anything to cover up.

"FINALLY! I'm fucking back to normal!" Bakugou looked in front of him to see the fawn haired girl looking completely blank at him. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU LOOKING AT!?" She glanced down a bit before going red. "PERVERT!" She gave him a solid slap to the face before running upstairs to try and unsee what she saw. "Looks like there's a full moon tonight." Izuku said this in a bit of a stifled laugh while seeing the ash blond completely exposed to the elements. "SCREW YOU ALL! I'M GETTING SOMETHING TO WEAR!" He walked up the steps before passing Kirishima and Kaminari coming down. Both stopped to notice Bakugou not wearing anything, making both question why. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TWO LOOKING AT!?" Bakugou walked away still mad for Izuku and Ochako to finally let out their laughs without any form of stopping themselves anymore.

"So somebody wanna explain to me why Bakugou's not wearing any clothes?" Kirishima asked the two laughing on the sofa with Butters answering. "The potion Ochako used on him wore off just now. Because of that, he turned back to normal with the clothes he had being ripped apart because of the sudden change." "Makes enough sense." Kaminari plopped down on the couch watching the scene of Izuku and Ochako being dragged off the field to get an idea. "Hey, any chance one of you could make me one of those potions? It would come in handy to-" "No." both answered in unison for the lighting quirk user to try and change their minds. "But you didn't even know what I was going to use it for!" "Jirou." "Jirou." "Jirou." Izuku, Ochako and Butters answered one after the other with Bubbles coming out of his bowl to spray the electric quirk user with water. "Great. Even the fish is against me. It's not like I'm asking for something to make her sleep with me.....yet." Izuku had enough of this to roll up a magazine beside him and hit Kaminari over the head. "Bad hormone driven teen." He gave up and walked into the kitchen to make something to eat. "If you want to get with Jirou, make her interested in you. Best advice I can give you as a woman. You don't need a love potion to make her fall for you, if anything if and or when she finds out you used a love potion on her. She will out right kill you." Ochako spoke up for Kaminari to give a thumbs up.

"So have either of you seen Iida?" Kirishima asked for the green haired boy to answer. "He left before the final match. Some kind of family emergency or something. Mr. Aizawa didn't give us a significant answer. All he said was it was a family emergency and not to bother with it." As they spoke, the door opened to show Iida rather distraught. "Hey man. We were just talking about you." Kirishima spoke up for the engine quirk user to completely drown him out. "Iida?" Izuku spoke up and tapped his shoulder to get him out of his thoughts. "Huh?" "Are you ok?" "Y-yes." He started to walk away before stopping. "Midoriya, do you take requests for special potions and things that are somewhat unique in nature?" "Depends on what they are. What did you have in mind?" Iida looked to the basement before asking. "Could we discuss this in privacy?" Izuku nodded for him, Ochako, Butters and Bubbles to open the basement for them to walk down into it. When they were away from prying ears, Izuku spoke up.

"Now why did you want a special potion and in what form would it be used?" Iida held his tongue for a minute before answering. "My brother. Today during the Sports Festival, he ran into the Hero Killer." "Oh my god! Is he ok!?" Ochako freaked a bit. "He's alive but...." Iida didn't want to say the last part, but it was important for this. "During the attack, he suffered an injury on his spinal cord where he....the doctors say he won't walk anymore." Iida began crying while hearing this. "Please Midoriya. If you have anything that can help him, I'm begging you to use it." Izuku let out a sigh before answering. "I can't." "WHY!? YOU CAN DO SO MANY DIFFERENT THINGS, WHY CAN'T YOU HEAL MY BROTHER!? IS IT MONE!?" "It has nothing to do with that." "THEN WHAT!?" "Let me ask you this, what do you think someone who needs to pay for all the things he does in some fashion can do for something that not even doctors can fix? If I were to attempt it, then blood would need to be spilled." "Then I'll do it!" "Iida." Ochako was afraid of how far her friend is going for Izuku to reason with him. "Let's say I do this and your brother walks again. When he finds out someone has to die for him to do what he does again? Do you think he'll be happy or look at his life and feel ashamed that a life had to be lost for this? What happened is a tragedy, but I won't get involved because things will be worse. I can offer potions to help with blood flow for him if anything to help keep your brother from having long term issues, but I can't work miracles without someone paying a very heavy price. I'm sorry, but there's even lengths I don't wanna go and I need you to respect that."

Iida was distraught but somewhat accepted this as the final outcome. He apologized for his outburst and thanked Izuku for his time before going upstairs. "So what exactly could you have done?" "Blood magic. It's a powerful magic that can work miracles and even bring someone that's on death's doorstep back to life." "That's amazing." "It would be if you didn't need to kill someone to use it. I know how to activate it, but I've never done it before knowing what has to be done. It's a form of Necromancy." Izuku went to the table and began making a potion for blood flow. "There's one thing you need to know about this world Ochako. It's not pretty when you see what it can do. I have learned of witch doctors, dark mages, and even occultists who wandered too deep into this world and bit off more than they could chew. When this happens, they lose all their humanity to never be able to call themselves human again. They've even tried to summon eldritch abominations and even Cthulhu on a few occasions" The brunette didn't like this answer as it meant that if she wanted to give someone the chance to help someone in means medical science can't, it would mean that someone may have to die in return. "The dark arts aren't something to play god with. They're dangerous and shouldn't be taken lightly. Sometimes just one stupid decision can stray you off the world we reside in." Izuku held his head down remembering something that happened in his past.

While they spoke, Izuku's crystal ball started to glow. "What's going on?" "The spirit world is telling us something." Izuku pulled the crystal ball to the center table for everyone to see. "So what's the problem? Somethin about the dead or some wanker trying to pull one over on us?" "Hold on, the image is becoming clearer." As they looked inside the glass sphere, they noticed a city on fire. Looking deeper, they saw three creatures. Each bearing some resemblance to the one that attacked the USJ.

"What city is this?" Izuku looked around for any form of evidence where they're watching this unfold. When they saw a business, Izuku realized this was Hosu city. "Seems Hosu's going to be in a world of trouble." The scene then went to an alley with a man in a hero costume on the side with a stab wound in him. "Isn't that the pro hero Native?" "He looks like he's seen better days." "Before concerning yourself with yourself, go rescue others." The two heard a dark voice to see the image of the Hero Killer on top of Iida with a katana embedded into his arm. "Becoming seized with hatred for your enemy before your eyes merely to satisfy your own selfish desires. That is the act farthest from the title of 'Hero'."

The image showed Stain pulling his katana out of Iida's arm before licking the blood to show the engine quirk user unable to move. The dark vigilante then adjusted his weapon towards the teenager's neck. "Do not worry however, you shall be an offering to the new world where things will be just and right." Iida was beginning to cry while shouting at the Hero Killer in anger. "SHUT UP! SHUT UP! NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY, YOU'RE STILL JUST THE CRIMINAL THAT HURT MY BROTHER!"

Stains blade came down for the image to stop. "IIDA!" Ochako panicked to try and grab for the ball. All she saw after was her reflection in the glass sphere. "What was that!?" "A warning. Due to my connections with the spirit world, they sometimes give me warnings that can help save a life or several. If something is not done, the worst outcome we see on the crystal ball will happen." Izuku stayed while putting his phone away that he pulled out to videotape the entire foreshadowing of Hosu city's attack as well as Iida's brush with the Hero Killer. "Let's go." "Where?" "To Nezu's office."

At Nezu's office

The duo found themselves sitting in the principal's office with All Might and Aizawa present. The three watched the video from start to finish to understand what's going on. "I can see why you wished to show this to me Mr. Midoriya. This is troubling news indeed." "With your permission sir, I'll grab Iida right now and-" "I wouldn't even bother Mr. Aizawa. Even if you ring in Iida for his act, you won't change what you've already seen." Izuku cut his teacher off for everyone to look at him. "Why, do you have some way to see the future we can't." "Can someone get this hobo off me!?" Butters shouted while in Aizawa's hands getting a belly rub. "Let me elaborate what this vision means. What I am given is a warning of what will without any doubt happen. Depending on how things leading to that point play out will depend how the final outcome will be. So to clarify, even if we warn Hosu about what we discover, the city will be set ablaze by the monsters known as Nomu. We can warn and reprimand Native and Iida, but that won't mean they won't end up in the alley with the Hero Killer." "So we can't do anything to stop this. Then we need to accept that two people along with others will die?" All Might asked as Izuku corrected him. "I never said they were going to die. I just mentioned that they'll be in the alley in that situation. There is a chance we can stop and save both Iida and Native as well as reduce the number of casualties in Hosu."

Aizawa spoke up next after Butters found his way out of his clutches. "Ok, then when is this going to happen? We're not going to be able to keep high alert on a single city or a pro and student forever." "The fact the vision was so clear and vivid leads me to believe that it will happen within a few weeks at the longest. Few days at the shortest. Would there by any chance be something where the students would be out and on the city streets with little to any supervision?" Nezu realized now what time it would most likely be to say it. "The Work Studies." "I'm sorry?" "During the Sports Festival, offers are given to the students of UA where we allow them to learn on the field under pros. This would most likely be the case." "And with this, Iida can choose a pro that resides in Hosu or close enough where he can find and exact vengeance for his brother." "*snap* Exactly Mr. Aizawa."

"Hmm. So how do we prevent young Iida from doing something that will kill him?" "Once again All Might. That part will play out. My best suggestion is doing something where he can be monitored and we can stop him from doing something he'd regret and not be able to fix with what little time he has." "I will discuss this with the police in Hosu to be on high alert on the week of the Work Studies as well as request a few pros to assist in patrols during the evenings. That should at least help with civilian casualties. We will discuss more about the matter of Mr. Iida and Native at a later date." Izuku and Ochako got up to bow at the small rodent before taking their leave. Butters jumped on Izuku's shoulder while they did and stayed as far away from Aizawa as possible. As they returned to the dorms, the matter of how to save Iida still weighed heavy on their minds. They began working on a few potions as well as making all their debts with their spirit companions square from the day.

"Hey Izuku. Is there a way that we can keep an eye on Iida with some kind of spell? If we know he's in trouble, then that can save us a problem altogether." "Not exactly. But I can create an item that can tell us his general direction as well as his state of health. Besides that, I honestly don't have anything I can do for that." Izuku opened a book as well as grabbed a few pins and started making it. After a few abnormal items thrown in, they only needed one final thing. "Now we need a piece of Iida's hair." "Way ahead of you Izuku." Butters stated while running up the stairs. There was a silence before the sound of their friend shouting in pain came with Butters returning with a pawful of hair. "I only needed a few pieces, not enough to make a bald spot." "He didn't let me near his hair without a fight." Everything was quiet until Bubbles began uncontrollably laughing. "Hahahaha! Bet that hurt the robo freak. Good on ya Butters." Ochako grabbed his cigar to put it out in the fish bowl before passing it back to the koi fish. "Oi! I was smoken that!"

Getting back on topic, Izuku did what he needed while placing a few hairs of Iida's in the cauldron. The mixture started to bubble up before creating a small explosion, covering the room with a somewhat dense smoke. "*cough* *cough* Did it work?" Ochako asked while Izuku pulled the two needles out. They began moving upwards towards the stairs as if someone was suspending one side in the air. "It worked. Now that finding Iida won't be an issue, the serious situation of how to stop him from dying comes into play." Izuku thought about this the best he could with the most logical move of action he could think. 'Maybe I should look into doing a Work Study with a pro in Hosu or at least work with a pro that will take me to Hosu to help prevent this.'

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku and Ochako are now trying to stop Iida from dying to Hosu as well as trying to stop the Nomu that will attack. See how this turns out next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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