Supernatural Finals

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The second round was coming to a close with Ochako able to win her match against Kirishima by simply touching him with her fingertips, sending him outside the ring before releasing the redhead from it. Thanks to this, both Izuku and Ochako had made it to the semi finals and were ready to face off against each other with just one final match to win. Right now, Izuku was sitting inside the waiting room preparing for his match against Iida. He began to think of any possible way he could face off against the engine quirk user. 'If I think about this, Iida has the ability to move around at immense speeds and react rather well during it. The major issue is the Recipro Burst or whatever he calls it. The speed potion I had was a good countermeasure, but now I need a new idea.' Izuku kept thinking of a possibility to succeed before the door opened to Ochako walking in. "Trying to think of an idea to win?" The young witch doctor came out of his train of thought to see his girlfriend sit down in front of him.

"Iida's speed is an issue. Strength wise isn't a problem, but I can't succeed if I can't land a punch on him." "Good point. Do you have anything that can work against him this round?" "Sadly no. The best thing I had was the one potion we used to win the last event." They kept thinking before Butters hopped on top of Izuku's shoulder. "You can use me if anything." The two thought about this before they heard Mic on the announcer. "Will the first two semi finalists please report to the field!" "That's me. I'll see you later." Izuku gave Ochako a peck on the lips before heading out. As he left, Bubbles came out of his bowl with a cigar in fin to smoke. "Why don ya both hump already. This soft crap is pissin me off." The brunette pulled the cigar out of the koi fish's fin to put out in the bowl. "OI!" "No smoking inside a room." Bubbles crossed his fins in anger and muttered to himself in annoyance.

On the field, the first semi final round was starting with the crowd cheering. "ALRIGHT BOYS AND GIRLS, TIME FOR THE FIRST SEMI FINAL ROUND OF THE DAY!" The crowd cheered with both Izuku and Iida entering in on opposite sides of the stadium. "ON MY LEFT, WE'VE GOT THE LITTLE WITCH DOCTOR HIMSELF! CLASS A'S IZUKU MIDORIYA! AND ON MY RIGHT, HE'S THE YOUNGER BROTHER OF THE ENGINE HERO INGENIUM! ALSO FROM CLASS A, TENYA IIDA!" The crowd cheered with both preparing for the match to start. "BEGIN!" Right off the bat, Iida came to Izuku with his engines revving as fast as they could. "RECIPRO EXTEND!" He came charging at Izuku with Butters coming out in front. His body slowly changed into a massive tiger to take the blunt of the attack. "OW! That hurt!" Trying to avoid the massive beast, Iida goes under Butters to get near Izuku. Unfortunately, the witch doctor was no longer near Butters. "Up top Iida."

Izuku was sitting atop the tiger form of Butters for him to try and catch Izuku. This only lead to the engine quirk user's legs being grabbed by something. Looking down, he noticed two arms of shadows holding his own shadow for some reason. "How is this even possible!?" "Shadows represent the person. What the person does represents what the shadow does. So why can't it be vice versa?" "Nngh! So I am trapped because you told my shadow to stop!?" "More I stopped your shadow and that stopped you in accordance, but it isn't exactly far off from what you're implying." Iida's legs began to stall out for the time he had to defeat Izuku coming to an end. "That trick of yours is an amazing trick, but it's a double edged sword that'll make you a liability if you fail to do what you do." Izuku came off Butters to charge his fist with 5% of OFA. "In the spirit of this, I'll at least try to save face for you by giving you a punch that'll make you lose by being sent out of bounds. We might be opponents, but I don't want you to be looked down on because you made this miscalculation."

Izuku socked Iida in the gut to send him out of bounds and onto the solid ground. "Iida is out of bounds, Midoriya wins!" The crowd cheered before Butters came down to give Iida a hand up. As he walked away, the engine quirk user felt nothing but embarrassment as he made a fool of himself in his eyes to both any scouts that wanted to recruit him and his own brother who he idolized. "You did your best man. Don't let it get you down. A defeat is only a defeat if you don't learn something from it." This helped save some of the engine quirk user's pride as he walked away without as much disappointment as he did prior. Butters soon transformed back into the small cat and returned to Izuku's shoulder to lay around his neck to relax. 'Lazy cat. All you did was turn into a tiger and you're this worn out? You should get some more exercise.'

The duo passed Ochako on her way out to the stadium who congratulated them on the win. Izuku thanked her and mentioned that he was keeping his end of their deal and now it was time for her to keep her's and win against Tokoyami. "ALRIGHT LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, TIME FOR THE SECOND SEMI FINAL MATCH! ON MY LEFT, HE'S THE MAN WITH A SHADOW THAT COMES TO LIFE! CLASS A'S FUMIKAGE TOKOYAMI! AND ON MY RIGHT, SHE'S ANOTHER WITCH DOCTOR WITH FRIENDS ON THE OTHER SIDE! ALSO FROM CLASS A, OCHAKO URARAKA!" "She's got friends on the other side." A disembodied choir of male voices echo Mic's announcement. Ochako let out a deep sigh preparing for what she was up against. 'Just focus, Ochako. He's weak against light, so you need to find a way to use that to your advantage.' "BEGIN!"

Tokoyami started off with sending Dark Shadow out to attack. The brunette tried to evade it and try to head in towards her bird headed classmate. Sadly this didn't work as his quirk came back to push her back. 'Should've guessed that wouldn't work.' Ochako looked at the options she had for a chance to win. On her body, she had two potions, her earrings that he had to commute with the dead, and Bubbles who could probably make an oil trap if Tokoyami was close enough to the boundary line. Right then and there, the brunette had an idea. "Bubbles, shoot some oil at Tokoyami." The fish nodded before getting up to the rim of the bowl to spit oil at the bird headed boy. "WHAT'S SHE DOING!?" "She's having the fish probably make a ploy or something for a countermeasure." Aizawa stated as Midnight and baby Bakugou watched. 'On accident', a stray spray of oil came at Bakugou to cover his face in the black fluid. In anger, he tried to shout at the fish who flipped him off with nobody but the infant noticing.

"What are you up to?" Tokoyami asked before noticing a tentacle of shadows covered in fire coming near him. He dodged this with the flaming shadow limb touching the oil to light it on fire. Looking back at Ochako, he noticed a vial in her hands that was empty. "Izuku might've used a fake fire potion, but this is the real deal. True alchemist fire will burn until the potion duration is up. Not even holy water can extinguish it." The heat was unfortunately getting to Tokoyami and the light coming off the fire wasn't exactly helping Dark Shadow either. The trick was pushing the bird headed boy to a corner with the constant shooting of oil and lighting it making Tokoyami he pushed to the line. When he was nearing it, Bubbles shot a blast of oil at his feet for Tokoyami to slip and fall out of the line of bounds. "Tokoyami is out of bounds, Uraraka wins!" Giving a nod to bubbles, the fish puffs up like a puffer fish sucking in all the alchemist fire and oil before swallowing it. The fish lets out a comically loud belch after drinking the flames and oil before pulling out a new cuban cigar and lighting it.

"THERE YOU HAVE IT LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!! THE CONCLUSION OF THE SEMI-FINAL ROUND!!! WE WILL TAKE A 30 MINUTE INTERMISSION BEFORE THE FINAL MATCH. THE BATTLE BETWEEN LOVES AND BATTLE OF BLACK MAGIC. THE WITCH DOCTOR VERSUS HIS APPRENTICE. MIDORIYA IZUKU VERSES URARAKA OCHAKO WILL BEGIN AT 3'OCLOCK!!! GET YOUR SNACK AND USE THE BATHROOMS NOW. YOU WON'T WANNA MISS THIS." Present mic shouts into the microphone before being tackled by Aizawa and repeatedly hit with the cushion of one of the chairs they were sitting in for his volume. "This is sure to be interesting don't you think?" Todoroki asks, turning to Izuku who just shrugs at this comment. "If she uses everything I've taught her then she could probably beat me if I don't use my quirk. I also don't necessarily want to fight her. I don't know what I'm gonna do." "I find it funny that someone from 1-A is so pathetic to lose to a girl. Ho-" Monoma teases before being bitch slapped by a shadow. "You were saying?" Izuku says with a smirk while Monoma rubs the mark left on his face and slinks back to the gremlin hole he crawled out of. "He does have a point Midoriya. It may not look appealing for a teacher to be beaten by their student." Yaoyorozu pointed this out as Ochako came up to see Izuku thinking of what to do. She got an evil idea as she sneaked behind him. 'This is payback for stripping me before.' She got behind Izuku and raised her arms up. Before she did anything, Ochako shouted at Izuku and leapt at him. "OCHAKO TACKLE!" She ounces Izuku to drop him to the ground face first. "Ow. What was that for-" Izuku stopped when he felt his pants fall low to show his boxers to everyone. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" "THIS IS FOR PAYBACK FROM STRIPPING ALL OF US DOWN TO OUR UNDERWEAR!"

Izuku scowled while having his skeleton face boxers shown to everyone to have them snicker. "Oh please. You all had your underwear shown to everyone. Mind you, Ashido's velvet red lingerie might've been attractive to most, but I'm sure she didn't want to show every-" "STOP TALKING DAMMIT!" Ochako slammed Izuku's head down into the cement. "Why do you say these things!?" "What, are you jealous that you didn't wear cute underwear for me to comment o-'' Ochako slammed Izuku's head into the cement again to stop him. "At least you're not Midnight whose spandex actually melted from that fight with Todoroki and she Still hasn't noticed it" "I'll say. I'm kinda happy it did." Kaminari says holding a pair of binoculars to his face. "And that's why I'm better than Kaminari and some of our other guy classmates." Ochako sighed, understanding that he did have a point. Though Izuku was a perv and did things that she couldn't stand at times, he literally could be much worse and had the ability to do worse."Just save your lover's quarrels for your actual fight. It's best you two go get something to eat or to get water back in your systems. We have been doing a lot today so you are probably dehydrated." Todoroki reasons for getting the two to stop their quarrel and get up off the floor. They walked out to the stands before noticing Iida telling the teachers that he had to leave early and ran out of the area. "What was that about?" "Let's find out." Izuku and Ochako head over to Aizawa who was heading back to the announcer booth.

"What's going on sir?" Ochako asked for the scruffy teacher for him to turn towards the duo. "Iida had to leave for family problems. Don't concern yourself with it since it isn't your business." Aizawa walked away leaving both teenagers confused. "Any idea what it could be?" Izuku shrugged at the answer before replying. "Could be almost anything. Maybe a sick mother or a nasty accident. Two please." Izuku asks a vendor for two orders of yakisoba to pass Ochako who looks at him a little agitated. "Does everything with you have to be so goddam morbid." "*slurp* Do you want me to lie to you and say it's probably nothing?" "Well uh-" Ochako stops herself realizing that what he said kinda does have a point. If it wasn't something major, Iida probably wouldn't have left. "Best thing it could be is just someone of the family was badly hurt. Worst case is a death in the family. The options I gave were probably the best they could be all things considered." "Hmm. Good point." "C'mon. It's almost time for us to head over to the waiting rooms." Ochako started eating her food while heading back towards the stadium with Izuku.

Time skip to the final round

"ALRIGHT FOLKS, TIME FOR THE FINAL ROUND! LET'S MAKE SOME NOISE!" "Does everything out of your mouth have to be so damn loud?" Mic stopped hearing Aizawa's question before slowly heading back into what he was saying. "ANYWAY, WE HAVE OUR FINAL TO COMPETITORS COMING IN NOW! ON MY LEFT, HE'S THE LITTLE WITCH DOCTOR WHO'S SHOWN US HIS BLACK MAGIC UP TILL NOW! CLASS A'S IZUKU MIDORIYA! AND HIS OPPONENT, THE WOMAN WHO HAS BEEN TAUGHT EVERY TRICK IN HIS BOOK AND CAN MAKE ANYTHING FLOAT! ALSO FROM CLASS A, OCHAKO URARAKA!" Both smiled holding their final potion in their hands before hearing the loud pro give them the all clear to start. "BEGIN!" Izuku right off the bat started using OFA through his body to charge at Ochako. She then used her quirk on her clothing before sprouting black wings to send her up above the field. "Butters." Using his master as a springboard, Butter jumped up and transformed into a panther to bite off the right wing and bring Ochako back down to the ground.

Before she could react, Izuku came over to attempt to capture Ochako in a shadow lasso. Ochako used the shadows to evade him and turn up beside Izuku. "Not bad." "HOLY SNAP FOLKS! THESE TWO ARE PULLING OUT EVERYTHING IN THEIR BOOK!" Izuku began to snap his fingers for an army of hands to grab onto Ochako's body to try and hold her down. "Why do I feel like you're going to have one touch where they should-WHERE THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GRABBING, CREEP!?" One of the hands had come behind and grabbed onto Ochako's butt to make her heel come back and hit the shadow hand. Trying to keep Izuku from moving, the brunette used a bunch of shadows in the form of tentacles to wrap around him and keep the young witch doctor from moving. "Me perverted? Come on Ochako. We've both seen enough hentai to know where this is going." "DON'T USE A PASSTIME FOR PEOPLE AS A WAY TO INSULT ME, PERVERT!"

With a vibrant flash coming from Izuku's eyes the shadow tendrils are turned into nothingness freeing him from the binding. "So what now Ochako?" In the time it took Izuku to do that, Bubbles had used his oil to light the shadow hands on fire and free Ochako from her binds as well. "Ready for round two?" Ochako came towards Izuku low to the ground before holding a potion in her hands. She charged at Izuku with it hoping to get it in his mouth. He was able to stop it from getting inside before holding his potion in his hand. Opening the vial with his teeth, Izuku spat the cork out of his mouth and smiled at Ochako. "I think this'll do for all of us Ochako." He was about to blow into it before Ochako was able to get free and kick Izuku in the groin. "KNOWING YOU, THAT'S PROBABLY SOMETHING TO MAKE ME ALL LOVESICK!" All the men in the audience looked to notice Izuku's groin having some painful treatment to it before holding his crotch in pain. "I thought you wanted to have kids one day..." He groans in a slightly higher pitched voice. "Oh please you big baby. If I really tried to make you not able to have kids, I would've taken a sledgehammer to them. We can always adopt too." Everyone winced in pain hearing this before they watched Izuku recover from the pain.

Annoyed and rather weak in the legs, Izuku activated Full Cowling before getting on Butters who transformed into a cheetah for speed. "Bubbles. Make a big fish and fast!" The koi fish transformed into a whale shark in order to stop the attack. "OH SNAP FOLKS! THE FISH TURNED INTO A GIANT WHALE!" "It's a whale shark, idiot. Whales are mammals, whale sharks are fish." As the two had their own little biology lesson, Izuku and Ochako began trying to punch or kick one another before trying to get their vial into the other's mouth. Eventually, the two were on the ground trying to keep the other from shoving the potion in their hands down their gullet before they noticed a giant puff of pink smoke. Coughing and sputtering as the smoke clears away from them, Izuku and Ochako swing their hands in front of their faces trying to get the vapors of the potion away so they can breath. As the smoke clears they see the other with Izuku being over top of Ochako. In less than a second, their pupils turn to that of pink hearts before they attack each other's lips with a ferocious and hungry kiss.

Confused and beyond confused, Mic tries to add some form of commentary to explain what's happening. "Uh, Midoriya and Uraraka began a....make out session?" "My best guess is either they both had the same potion or whatever it is or the two merged to make one that increased their desires. Either way, this is the final result." The two continued to suck face with Butters putting Bubbles back in his bowl before pushing him towards their masters who were making out to the point one would argue they were fighting over a scrap of meat. "Are....are they going to stop anytime soon?" Midnight asked with baby Bakugou looking at the two teenagers blankly. "Izuku made his where it'll only last a few hours...or he gets his rocks off." Butters cleared his throat at this before continuing. "Also Ochako only knows the love potion that he used well enough to make on her own. So all we've gotta do is just make sure they keep it in their pants and they should be fine after tonight." Midnight let out a sigh before calling the match. "Neither Midoriya or Uraraka can continue, the final match is a draw!" There was a silent clap as most were not exactly happy about the public display of affection, but curious where the two lovers call it quits. Butters pulled them out however on his jaguar form when they tried to get past first base.

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku and Ochako won the Sports Festival through a draw with them both using the same love potion on one another. See how this plays out next time when they realize what happened. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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