Hero Course Dinner

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The next day came for Izuku, Ochako and Eri rather quickly. To help with raising her, Ochako had offered to place her dresser and bed in her room so it wouldn't affect Izuku's ability to make potions and spells as well as keep Eri up at night. Though she was afraid of the dark, the young girl regularly had Butters to keep her company who turned into a maine coon to help give her something to hug. This surprised Ochako waking up as she never saw Butters in a different breed of cat form outside of something like a commonly known feral cat. Eventually the two got ready for the day and went downstairs to see Izuku wearing an apron that said 'I Make One Hex of a Breakfast' on.

"*snort* Izuku. Where did you get that apron?" Ochako tried to ask while keeping her laughter from coming out.

"I got it online a while back. What's wrong with it?"

Eri looked up at her father's attire to blankly give him an answer. "I think it's funny." Unable to control their laughter, Bubbles, Butters and Ochako began breaking out in laughter.

"Oh, ha ha. Very funny." Avoiding the three and picking up Eri to place her down in a chair, Izuku prepared a plate and went into the kitchen. There, him and Bakugou, who was still under the effects of the hex from the day before, came out with food.

"Hello Eri. How did you sleep at night?" The ash blond asked with him placing a few pieces of cut up sausage on her plate.

"I slept ok."

"I can tell you were quite rested from your bedhead." Izuku mentioned for two pieces of hair sticking up looking as if the young girl had horns on her head. "Here. Let me help out with that." Izuku wet his fingers a bit to pull down the pieces before getting a plate set up for Ochako and Bakugou as a thank you for helping.

The group began eating with Izuku passing a piece of sausage to Butters who sat under Eri's seat in his normal form. "So, what has your father and mother done so far to help you, Eri?" Bakugou asked for Eri to think.

"Well. They help me with making me tasty food. Mommy helps me get dressed and take baths. Daddy reads to me before bed and plays games with me and mommy. Also, Butters helped me last night with sleeping."

"*sniff* *sniff* I smell sausage!" Kaminari came down somewhat excited with what he smelled with Camie coming down from the girl's side.

"Woah, Bakugou's like totes mellow now. Mina gave me the 411 about it, but I didn't think you actually did something about it. That's like, so awesome sauce."

"Daddy?" Eri asked to gain Izuku's attention. "What did the weird sounding lady say?"

"She just said that she thinks what we did was cool."


Camie came right to Eri to pick her up while she was eating and hug her. "OOOH! You are just so precious! I just wanna eat you up!" She spoke in a cutesy voice for this to notably scare Eri before Izuku got up to pat the fawn haired woman on the shoulder.

"Ms. Utsushimi. I think it's best if you put Eri down. You're scaring her."

Seeing the look of fear in her eyes, Camie placed the small child back in her seat. "Sorry Eri. I like, got too many cute vibes from you to do something mean to you. But it wasn't on purpose, so please don't hate me." She put her hands together as a way to show she was really sorry for Eri to slowly nod.

"It's....ok...." Feeling the cuteness from her uneasy answer, Camie started to shriek at this.

"AHHHH!!!" SHARK!" Kaminari came out of the kitchen where he looked like he nearly lost his life from the amount of fear he had. The group looked in to see Bubbles sitting on the counter acting like a mindless fish. "I SWEAR TO YOU! A SHARK WAS IN THAT BOWL AND NEARLY BIT MY HAND OFF!"

"And I'm the queen of Sheba." Camie stated as the only thing she saw was the koi fish blowing bubbles.

"Wait. But I thought Bubbles could-"

"Eri." Izuku got her attention before waving his finger to the side and shaking his head 'no'. He got close to her ear before speaking. "None of the class knows Bubbles can talk. The only person that does is Kaachan who is messed with by Bubbles."

"I believe you." Bakugou calmly said while drinking some orange juice. "That fish also talks."

"Are we still on the topic of Bubbles talking?" Jirou came down somewhat annoyed hearing the argument from the ash blond. "He's a fish. He squirts water. He doesn't speak."

'If only you knew.' Izuku drank a little of his coffee while Bakugou dissolved the situation.

"Believe what you will. I'm going to handle the dishes me and Deku made." Bakugou calmly left for the kitchen as Bubbles attempted to mess with him.

"Hey. Piss pot. Shout at me. I know you wanna." Looking down at the small koi, Bakugou was flipped off by the smirking fish before smiling while happily crumbling up a bit of bread as a means to feed him something special since Butters obtained something special himself. "FUCK! Why did ya have ta be hit with a bloody mood changer!?"

As Bubbles tried and failed to mess with the now calm and collective Bakugou, Yaoyorozu came down from the girl's side to see some of class A in the common space and seeing Izuku. "Good. You're here. I was going to try and do a group dinner tonight with class B if you are interested in doing something along that line as class rep."

"What's the reason?" Ochako asked, holding a piece of sausage in her mouth with half sticking out.

"Well we kinda got off on the wrong foot with them because of the Sports Festival and the comments spoken about us being better than them because of unintentional things, so I thought it might be better if we do a group dinner tonight to at least try and make peace with our classmates."

Izuku thought about this while cutting a piece of pancake and eating it. "I think it's a nice idea. To be honest, we did get off on the wrong foot with them and perhaps making them aware we aren't trying to show superiority to them may avoid any conflict in the future. Especially because of Monoma."

"Wait, why would Monoma be a problem?" Camie asked for both Izuku and Yaoyorozu to answer.

"Because Yanagi/Kendo said that their class can barely handle his antics much longer."

Hearing both knew this made the class somewhat understand that they'd rather the class as a whole make an opinion out of them as opposed to what Monoma states about them. "If you need my approval for that, I'm on board. Just make sure class B's rep and vice rep are ok with it."

"Kendo is the class rep, and she was able to 'coerce' Monoma to."

"Then we have a dinner event. If you could put a group message with myself and Kendo, we can make sure we have a mix of what everyone likes on the table. Also tell her she's free to use our kitchen if she doesn't want to carry any made food here."

Yaoyorozu started making a group chat with their numbers for a ping to be on Izuku's phone. There was a second ping on his and everyone else's as well for everyone to look. "Done and I also sent a group text to everyone here saying what is happening."

"Good. Now all we need to do is-"

"DAMMIT DEKU!!!!" The group looked in the kitchen to see Bakugou back to his old self again. "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU FORDWA!" He was quickly knocked out by Izuku tossing a small rubber ball at him with OFA active.

"...So I'll do a little shopping in a little bit. Wanna come?" Izuku asked Ochako and Eri who were still staring at the fact that Izuku one shotted Bakugou with little effort.

Later that evening

The door rang for Kendo to come out of the kitchen wearing an apron. "That's probably my class. I'll get it." She opened it to the sight of Shinso and Yanagi leading the group of 18 students behind them. "AH!" The orange haired teen panicked when she saw Shinso with a more lifelike image and a smile on him. "S-sorry. I umm...I didn't expect you and for you to be...smiling like that."

"My bad. I hope it's not a problem if I had Hitoshi join us."

"Oh. Not at all." Izuku came out with a pot in his hands and placed it on the table before greeting everyone. "Welcome to our dorms. Also, I hope the product I sold you worked out nicely."

"It worked wonders. I actually feel amazing." Shinso smiled before putting his hand out for Izuku to shake. "I owe you a lot man."

"Not a problem. I just wanted to help where I could."

"Well. If it isn't the fool who decided to make the Sports Festival look like an absolute joke." Monoma pushed his way in for everyone in the two classes to groan knowing he was already starting things. "But then again, you did wish to see our greatness by joining us for dinner, so I guess we can be so humble to give you pathetic fools of class A a hint of what real greatness looks likeGAH!" Before he could finish, Monoma's neck was gripped by vines by Shiozaki who had enough of hearing his mouth go.

"My sincerest apologies for his behavior. He does not speak in regards to us. If anything, we are happy to be dining with you and I do hope we can put any mixed emotions under the bridge where they belong."

"Thank you for this, Shiozaki. I hope we can as well." The group was allowed in with most of class A in the common space already. Eri noticed the new faces immediately to start being a little panicked by them.

"Daddy..." She asked for Izuku's help with him going over to hold her in his arms.

"It's ok sweetheart. These are Ms. Kendo's friends." Trying to avoid any problems, Izuku introduced Kendo to Eri beforehand and explained her 'troubles'. Thanks to this, she informed her entire class of the situation beforehand in regards to the important parts for them to know not to overwhelm the small child.

"Aww. She's adorable." Tokage began smiling with hearts over her head seeing Eri cling to Izuku no different than a real father and daughter.

As the last person walked in, Jirou glared and stopped the person. "Hey! Nobody invited you!" She spoke up for the group to turn and see Mineta who was a former member of class A before being booted into class C of General Studies.

"C'mon. I invited him and got permission from Midoriya. Can't you at least be a little kind to the guy that got kicked out on our first day here?" Kaminari defended their former classmate, having made a bit of a friendship with him.

"Who's the midget?" Komori asked for Jirou to explain.

"He's a former member of our class before Camie came here. His name's Mineta and he got bumped down into General Studies on the first day coming in last for our quirk tests. From what I've heard, he's also a massive perv that tries to sneak peaks on the girls."

"Ok, so Mineta doesn't have the greatest track record. But he was also kicked from the Hero program unfairly. Can't you at least give him today as a means to be polite and let him eat with us to prove we didn't approve of the means he was kicked from?"

The class thought about this with the girls still being on the fence with it. Shinso walked over as a means to help try to avoid problems. "If he causes problems, I'll take him back to the dorms. He's in my class after all, so I'll be responsible for him."

Izuku glanced at Yaoyorozu and Kendo who gave a motion saying there was nothing to lose. "Fine. But if he tries something perverse, he's out of here."

"Thanks man."

"YEAH! I'M STAYING!" Mineta jumped for joy at this with Eri glancing at him.

"Daddy, why is that man my height?"

"Because he didn't eat his veggies and a well balanced diet like you do. Make sure you eat everything on your plate or you'll end up like him."


"And?" Izuku didn't care for Mineta, but only accepted him staying for Kaminari's sake. "Alright. Dinners ready, so let's eat." Everyone began sitting down with most of class A and B sitting across from one another. The only ones that weren't doing this were Mineta, Bakugou and Monoma who were confined to the end with Izuku, Shiozaki and Kendo being near them to avoid them acting up and could quickly stop them if they did.


"You think I'm stupid enough to let you out of my sight at a dinner party that was made to prevent problems from arising? Give me a little credit Kaachan." Izuku calmly ate while Eri was being helped by Ochako on the far end of the table. Since the two didn't want problems with her in the middle, they sat Eri at the head in a booster seat with Yanagi and Shinso sitting across from the brunette.

"She seems like she's a little happier." Yanagi commented for her to look down and see Butters on the small girl's lap. "That explains it."

"Hey. Any chance one of you can help a brother out in getting something to eat?" Every member of class B looked over to Butters who stared back unamused. "What? Never seen a talking cat before?"


"Yeah. I was kinda surprised myself when I found out I wasn't hallucinating." Kendo calmly states while eating a bit of chicken on her plate.

"You also questioned if you were on acid earlier today when you heard Butters speak." Yaoyorozu responded.

"Well would you think you're on something when a cat beside you starts looking up your skirt and questions you about your underwear?"

"That reminds me, you really should look into sexier lingerie. I mean, white panties with hearts? Who even-" Ochako flicked Butters' head with her fingers to get him to stop. "Well I'm not wrong! At least I got you to change your panda ones to a T-"

"I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR MOUTH FOR ONE DAY, YOU BIG MOUTHED FUR BALL!" Ochako covered Butters' mouth for him to bite her. "OW!"

"Neva gonna stop this cat!" Butters hopped up on the table and began dancing as if he was Micheal Jackson for everyone to see him slide down the table avoiding food as he danced.

"Please tell me that those mushrooms are giving me some bad trip and a cat isn't dancing like he's in a Smooth Criminal music video."

"Afraid not Kodai. Butters is arguably the most unruly familiar that you could get. I say it's because he's in his rebellious phase."

As the cat came down closer to the end of the table, Mineta began speaking to the feline. "So Butters. What did you change Uraraka's underwear to? Don't leave any detail out-"

"STEP OFF, MIDGET! I'm still pissed you stepped on my tail during the first day. So as far as I care, you can suck on this!" Butters pointed between his back legs for Monoma to start opening his mouth.

"Oh what a pathetic cat this is! But I shouldn't be surprised, it is a class A scum's pet!"

"Did he just call me a PET!?" Butters tried to go over to Monoma for Kendo to hold him back. "Just give me one good swat and I'll make him my bitch!"

"AHAHAHAHA! LIKE THAT CHILD OVER THERE MAKES YOU HER LITTLE LAP CAT!? I WONDER WHICH ONE OF YOU DISGUSTING CRETENS GAVE BIRTH TO HER TO MAKE YOUR CLASS EVEN FARTHER DOWN THAN-" A shadow came behind Monoma to slam his face into the table in anger. The act forced Bakugou's drink to fall on him and make him lose it.

"YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE! I'LL KILL YOU!" Immediately, the one side of the table became a battleground with both blonds ready to kill one another while Mineta was caught in the middle of everything. "I'M GONNA ENJOY MAKING YOU-" Immediately, Bakugou stopped to gain everyone's attention.

"...Is...he ok?" Awase asked seeing him, Monoma and Mineta stopped in their tracks.


The three began dancing with the sound of Banana Boat behind them. Bakugou sang the main theme with Mineata and Monoma singing backup with the latter picking up an empty ice holder to hit it like a bongo drum. Those that knew this was most likely Izuku and Ochako's doing looked at them to see the two moving their hands around as if they were controlling them like marionettes. Everyone began laughing a bit while also singing along. It got to the point where most actually wanted to know where this was going to end with a strange demonic hand grabbing them when they sat back down from inside their food to send them back and hitting the floor. Everyone started to laugh uncontrollably with Bakugou being the first to get up.

"SHUT UP! STOP LAUGHING!" Izuku couldn't hold his laughter in either for the ash blond to grab him by the shirt collar. "YOU THINK IT'S FUNNY MAKING A FOOL OUTTA ME!?"

"Actually, I do. Now I'm sure you're already aware of what I can do, but to both of you." Izuku looked at Monoma and Mineta. "This was me showing you what I can do that is funny. I can do something that is comical and something that is scary in it's best terms. Believe me when I say you do not want to see what I can do when I want to be scary. Now if you three do not mind, we are all going to sit down and enjoy a nice dinner without any yelling, any insults, or any perverse acts. If you do not like this, I will happily give you pamila to argue with." Izuku reached into his small bag to pull out a tarantula and place it on the table for Yaoyorozu who was next to him to immediately pull away in fear of the spider. Now, are we going to have problems?" The three shook their heads 'no' for an answer. "Good." Izuku placed Pamila back in the bag she was from for a scream to be heard to make the class B students go pale.

'I wanna ask what that was, but also don't want to know knowing this guy.' The group shivered thinking this as Eri clapped her hands.

"Again! Show them dancing again!" She showed a small smile on her face for Ochako to hold a beaming smile herself knowing Eri was happy and able to show it.

The rest of the party went off without a cinch except for one or two things for the members of class A and B to eventually call it a night after a little talk after dinner. As they left, Kendo offered for them to do this again sometime with everyone for the most part agreeing since this helped everyone connect outside of class and understand that the opposing heroics class doesn't harbor any grudge or ill will towards one another. During this, Kaminari also apologized for any problems Mineta caused since he only brought him along thinking he'd be on his best behaviour. This immediately went out the window during the meal and again when the pervert tried to spy on the girls in the bathroom. Since Ochako and Eri were inside at the time, Mineta was lucky he wasn't tortured in a bigger way than just having the stuffing beaten out of him. To avoid any more problems, Shinso brought him home earlier and promised to catch up with Yanagi later that evening. Most didn't know what this meant for a blush to come on the Poltergeist quirk user's face before the two left. Once everything was clean and such, Izuku went with Ochako and Eri to their room to tuck her in. The event wore her out to the point it didn't take much to put her to bed. As Izuku tucked her in, he smiled knowing how Eri was able to show some form of positive emotion tonight. He went outside with Ochako for them to talk.

"Well today was a rousing success."

"In more ways than one." Izuku noticed Ochako's smile as she hugged him closely. "She's becoming normal."

"Yeah." He didn't show it, but Izuku was proud to know this was becoming a reality. "It's not much, but it's without a doubt a huge step forward for her being a normal girl." The two enjoyed the comfort of one another before pulling apart. "Well, I guess we should start heading to bed too. I'll see you in the morning." Izuku gave a peck on Ochako's lips before both let go. "Night."

"Night. Sweet dreams." She walked back into the room and made sure the nightlight they got for Eri was on before hopping in her bed and falling asleep.

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with Izuku, Ochako and Eri as they return to normal school life. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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