Returning to Normal

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The next day came for everyone in class A with school being back in session for them. Since there wasn't something Izuku could do with Eri, he decided to have her tag along. Walking down the halls, the little girl held onto both Izuku and Ochako's hands for a large amount of people walking past to look at them in surprise.

"Wait, why the heck is there a kid here?"

"Is she their kid?"

"What the hell? Did UA let a teen mom in?"

"The guy's got balls if he got her knocked up."

Hearing the constant statements, Butters got on top of Izuku's head to stare at them and start trying to flip them off. "YOU WANT A PIECE OF ME, DIPSHITS!? C'MON! I'M MORE CAT THAN YOU CAN HANDLE!" Everyone ran away at the sound of the small cat with a smirk being on it's face. "Yeah. Don't fuck with me-OW!"

"Stop cursing in front of Eri. I don't want her to talk to Hound Dog and explain how she learned to cuss like a trucker from a talking cat." Izuku bonked Butters on the head before opening the door to class 1-A.

"Midoriya. Do I have to ask why we heard screaming in the halls?" Iida asked with his usual hand chopping action.

"Robocop. Do I have to ask why you look like a broken C3PO" Butters responded before seeing a red dot on a desk. "Ohhhh! A shiny red dot!" he attacked it for Ashido to laugh hysterically at the action while moving a laser pointer around.

"Sometimes I think we forget that thing is still a cat." Kaminari points out before seeing the red dot on his groin for Butters to latch his claws in. "AAAAAHHHH!!!!"

"PFFT AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Jirou started to laugh her ass off as the electric quirk user fell to the floor on his knees.

"Alright. Shut up and get in your seats." Aizawa walked through the door to immediately grab Butters and hold him in his arms while rubbing his belly.

"Oh, that's the spot. GET OFF ME HOBOMAN! Oh yeah....I'LL CLAW YOUR EYES OUT....oh right behind the ears." Butters was conflicted to the reaction as Aizawa turned to Izuku and Ochako.

"For now, Eri can stay here until we find a way to manage her being at UA. Hound Dog should also be here soon with a small desk-" The large dogman teacher came through with a mini desk in one arm before placing it on the end near Izuku's seat. "Well, there we go."

Izuku brought Eri near the seat to sit her down and give her a coloring book and some crayons and pencils to draw with. "If you need something, just mention it quietly so we don't disturb anyone else, ok sweetheart?"

"Ok daddy....but what am I supposed to do with this?" Everyone stared at Eri for a moment thinking this was a joke as Izuku explained.

"You color in it. It's a coloring book." He opened the book to page of a dog and pulled out a blue crayon. "You just color the picture with the crayons here and...tada. It's fun and entertaining." Izuku colored in a little for Eri to understand and start coloring. As this happened some noise came out of his one side bag for Camie to glance at it and see Pamila come out and stare at her.

"What animal is this?"

"It's a dog."

"Are they like cats?"

"Ha! Oh my dear child. They're nothing like us regal felines. They're noisy, smell horrible, slobber everywhere, have no regard for personal space and aren't even trained to clean themselves much less bury their business so other people don't step in it." Butters gloats this before noticing what Camie was looking at. "I wouldn't get too close to Pamila. She has a tendency to hate women."

"Ok, like so did not want to hear that while looking at itsy bitsy here." Camie moved her desk back a bit with Pamila going back into the bag and an audible shout was heard from inside.

Later in the afternoon

"Welcome back everyone! It seems like ages since our last heroics class!" All Might shouted for everyone to stare at him. As they did, Eri began playing with a rubber band that she was given to start pulling it.

Unintentionally, she released it and accidentally hit Bakugou in the head. "OW!"


"YOU DAMNED BRAT-" Bakugou was held back by Butters turning into a leopard. "Easy cat, we're cool." Butters glared at the ash blond before picking Eri up in his mouth and placing her to the side before laying down and acting as her guard cat.

"Alright, now young Bakugou. It's time for your turn." Being completely focused on what happened, Bakugou didn't notice what was happening.

"What am I doing?"

"We're doing a race to All Might with a distress call aspect." Kaminari pointed out as one of the five in the group. To the side, Bakugou noticed Ochako, Jirou, and Tsu as well.

"This'll be fucking easy." Bakugou got in position with the rest of the group doing the same. The buzzer went off for the ash blond to hop up and shoot explosions out of his hands. "SUCK IT, FUCKING EXTRAS! NUMBER 1 IS IN MY SIGHTS!"

"Well he seems in high spirits." Izuku points out after returning to the group when he finished his race first.

"He thinks he'll win this with ease." Camie pointed this out with something catching Izuku's eyes.

'Something tells me that Kaachan's going to be very sore after this.' "So Camie, want me to read your fortune while we wait for what's gonna happen to present itself?"

"Uhh...sure, but what's that supposed to mean?"

"You'll see in a few minutes."
Bakugou continued to fly over the field with the sight of All Might in view. "Piece of cake."

"You're telling me." Looking up, Bakugou saw Ochako relaxing on his back with her lower half looking like it was connected to his shadow.


"Enjoying the shade." She responds, getting Bakugouto glare even harder at her before she explains, "Izuku taught me how to hop in the shadows and I figured I'd try doing something like this now."


Irritated with the 'skank' comment, Ochako agreed with this to turn towards Bakugou. "Ok. But you asked for this." Ochako pushed his head down before having her legs come out of Bakugou's shadow stomp on him and push him back to claim first place as her own. The brunette landed on the platform and rolled to a standing point right in front of All Might. "So...does this mean I win?"

"Erm...yes." As they spoke, Ochako's little act of using Bakugou as a springboard pushed his trajectory to go face first into the wall directly under the platform. "Young Bakugou, are you alright?"

He groaned before speaking. "I'm gonna kill that fucking bitch."

"Yeah, you and what army?" Bakugou flipped Ochako off with her flipping him off as well. "Eat shit, blasty."

End of the day

After completing the day, Izuku and Ochako went home and began working on some experiments on potions. To the side, Eri had been staring at them and noticing the strange smell coming from the cauldron. "Daddy. What are you making?"

"It's a special potion that lets people be honest. I'm using that for that blond guy to tell Camie what he thinks about her."

"You mean Cam-chan?"

Ochako poked her head up when hearing the phrase Eri said. "Cam-chan?"

"It's what she said I can call her. I liked it."

"Ok." Ochako tried not to judge on this as she went back to reading from the book her and Izuku were reading. "So now we need squirrel....mayo." Ochako stated this while reading the product needed and not being happy saying it in front of Eri. "So all this time, you put stuff like this in truth serums? Do you ever tell your buyers what's in them?"

"And lose valuable customers? Heck no. Ignorance is bliss." Izuku smiled at this with Ochako rolling her eyes.

"I can't even believe you have something like that on hand." Ochako then realized that Bakugou would have to drink this to have a little satisfaction knowing how rude he normally acts in front of Eri. "Then again, what some people don't know won't hurt them."

"Exactly my point." Izuku glanced up to see Eri looking at a beaker holding smoke in it before getting a bit startled by it making a face to smile back at her. "Eri, be careful with that beaker. What's in it is very dangerous." She backed away from it not wanting to mess with something that is smiling at her inside a glass container.

"So what is that exactly?"

"Asmodeus incense. To make a long story short, it helps with fertility for potions."

Ochako stared at Izuku somewhat unamused before asking a question. "So you make truth serums, sleep serums, stuff that turns people into animals, age regressing stuff, have a cat that can literally turn into a prehistoric cat, a love potion, and a lot of other stuff."

"Yeah." Izuku answers nonchalantly.

"....So what are you, a drug dealer or something?"

"HEY! Drug dealers are bad. I at least have a legal license to do this stuff as well as I don't make stuff to make people addicted to what I give them!" The voodoo man made the point clear with Ochako rolling her eyes.

"I still think half the stuff you make here is insane. Then again, some of the stuff I use is what I think is insane." Ochako read down the page holding the truth serum recipe to find that it was for the most part done now. "Alright. So we just gotta stir this until it turns reddish violet?"


"Can I help?" Eri asked, raising her hand as if she was in a class.

"Sure. Let's make it a family thing." Izuku placed Eri on a stool that could allow her to grab the stick they were mixing the cauldron with. "Now just gently stir it. You don't want that stuff to fall on the table or any of us."

"What happens if it does?"

"The table will have a very bad stain on it that doesn't come out easily or one of us will have a mouth grow and spout the truths we have and lie to ourselves about...." At that moment, Izuku had a somewhat evil idea in his mind. "I'm just gonna...make a little trip with some of this." He placed some of the serum in a small container and brought it upstairs to walk past where Bakugou was. Right before he was out of view, he splashed the truth serum on the back of the ash blond's neck for him to not even notice. "Hey Kaachan, I have a question for you."

"What do you want, nerd?"

"I was just curious, what do you think of Utsushimi?"

Bakugou stared at Izuku somewhat annoyed before answering. "Why the fuck do you care?" "She's fucking sexy." Everyone looked at Bakugou for a minute with even him somewhat surprised where that came from. "If I had it my way, I'd fuck that ass till the morning and show her who a real man is."

"Ok, what just happened?" Jirou asked.

"YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO ME!?" Bakugou grabbed Izuku by his shirt collar for him to laugh hysterically.

"I gave you a truth serum not fully complete, so now you have a mouth on the back of your neck saying the truth."


"Oh really? How?"

Bakugou glared at Izuku for his truth mouth to speak. "To be honest, I don't know. I just say that half the time so people leave me alone." "GET THIS FUCKING MOUTH OFF ME!"

"Yeah, not coming off for the next 12 hours. Take this as a time to show your honest side to people." Izuku walked past the group with Camie giving him a small bit of cash for Izuku to count it. "You know I only was going to charge you half this, right?"

"Worth every yen." Bakugou kept shouting at everyone as his back mouth continued to speak to them saying the truth he's neglecting. This only made the ash blond even more enraged for Izuku to laugh and come down to the basement to see the truth serum almost complete. "So does anyone want anything special for dinner? Utsushimi paid me a nice sum of cash for what's happening upstairs."

"Why? What's happening upstairs?"

Izuku smiled at Ochako before answering. "Bakugou having two mouths and the second one's saying nothing but the truth to piss him off." Both Ochako and Eri began laughing at this before finishing up the potion to watch the nightmare above ground happen with a bit of joy.

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with Izuku, Ochako and Eri with Finals coming up. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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