Overlord Meeting

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Overlord Meeting

Valentino & Vox were in a room watching the news

"Good Morning, I'm Katie Killjoy." Katie said

"& I'm Tom Trench." Tom said "An imp Circus has been massacred by an unknown perpetrator."

"That's right, Tom, dozens of demons have been found dead including the performers & Imp Circus Ring Leader, Cash Buckzo who has a big fucking hole in his chest." Katie said

"The Cause of their deaths was electrocution, the culprit of the murders have left a mark resembling a V with a lightning bolt." Tom said

"Oh my, could it be that one of the 3 Vs have caused this chaos, find out more on 666 News." Katie said

"Yo, I'm back." Volt appeared

"Volt, how was your trip." Valentino smiled

"Great, it was awesome." Volt said

"Good, we saw on the news that you killed your own dad." Vox said

"The bastard had it coming, I've been wanting to kill his ass for a long fucking time." Volt said as he sat down "So, where's Velvet?"

"It's pronounced Velvette." Velvette said as she entered the room with a new look & a bag in her hand

"Whoa, Vel, love the new look, looking sexy." Volt said

"Oh, you bet your ass I am." Velvette said

"I was thinking about changing my skin color to you know like yellow over red & light blue over the scars or the other way around, what do you guys think?" Volt asked

"Don't know, but we're fine with whatever." Velvette said as she sat down "So, how'd it go?"

"Oh it was great, Buckzo didn't try to put up a fight, just ran away like a little pussy bitch." Volt said

"Did he beg for his life or anything?" Vox said

"Kind of, he told me that he was always proud of me & that he never wanted me to be Val's whore, I mean come on, like I was gonna fall for that." Volt chuckled

"Heh, now that was a pathetic excuse for him to spare his life." Valentino smirked

"I know, he was always pathetic, not to mention he was abusive, neglectful, & manipulative. I don't know what the fuck Mom saw in him." Volt said

"She must have been crazy, no offense." Velvette said

"None taken." Volt said "So, what's the plan, when am I gonna reveal myself?"

"Well, first we have a meeting with the other Overlords tomorrow, so we'll take you there & present you to them." Vox said "As for your reveal, it's gonna be on the next Extermination."

"Oh, so next year?" Volt said

"Actually, it's the next half year." Valentino said

"Half a year? Huh?" Volt said confusingly

"You see, the Extermination has a new deadline & the next one will be in 6 months." Valentino said

"6 months!? What the fu—When was this announced!?" Volt exclaimed in alert

"While you were killing your padre." Valentino said

"Why!? Is Heaven so impatient that they can't wait to kill us!?" Volt said in outrage

"Not exactly, it's the account of this." Velvette said as she pulled out a Exorcist's head from the bag

"Holy shit, is that what I think it is?" Volt said surprisingly

"It is, we found this during Extermination Day." Velvette said

"Damn, I never thought those things were killable." Volt said

"Neither did we, Volt, there's a reason why we created you." Valentino said "While we were starting Project Volt, we gave you several injections including a special ingredient."

"I thought I felt my arms & legs being poked while I was in that glass ball." Volt said

"Yes, if these angeles can be killed, then the game is changed & we can take the fight to them, that's where we came up with a full assault plan." Valentino said

"& that's also where I came into the picture." Volt said

"Correcto, you see, when the injections mixed with the lightning that went into your system, it gave you the ability to give different powers to others using your lightning." Valentino said

"That's right, so we need you to gather all the demons you can find so that you can form your own group & army, that way those Exorcists won't have a chance." Vox said

"Oh ho ho, fuck yeah, I love the sound of that." Volt said excitedly

"Hehehe, we knew you would." Vox chuckled

"So, who are you gonna choose as the first members of your group?" Velvette asked

"Hmm." Blitzø wondered until he saw a certain snake & cyclops on TV "I think I just found the perfect candidates, hehehehe."

A bit later, Sir Pentious & Cherri Bomb were fighting in a turf war.

"Are you ready to give up, Edgelord?" Cherri said

"As if I would, missy?" Pentious said as they charged at each other

Suddenly a lightning bolt struck the ground which stopped them as Volt appeared wearing a black hoodie with a yellow lightning bolt symbol, blue jeans, & an LED Purge Mask.

"Who the fuck is this?" Cherri said "Is he with you?"

"I thought he was with you." Pentious said

"Boss, I don't think he's friendly." Egg Boi said nervously

"Cherri Bomb, Sir Pentious, you two are coming with me?" Volt said

"Why?" Cherri said

"I have plans for the both of you." Blitzø said as he chuckled lowly

"I don't think I have a good feeling about this person." Pentious said uneasily

"Me neither, I'm sure as shit wanna be no part of his plans." Cherri said

"Guess I have to use a little force." Volt said as his arms were surrounded by by electricity

"Force this!" Pentious said as he pulled out a big Ray gun which & shot a beam at Volt

"Hm." Volt smirked in his mask as he held up his hand & summoned an electric force field which protected him

Volt then shot a lightning ball from his two fingers which hit Pentious unconscious

"Are you gonna cooperate or gonna make things difficult?" Volt said

"Shit." Cherri said as she began to throw bombs at him which he dodged with lightning speed as he got closer to her

"I knew I picked the right one for my group."Volt said as he was behind her

"AAAAAGH!" Cherri screamed as she was shocked unconscious

"Heh, I can't wait to get started." Volt said

Later, Cherri & Sir Pentious along with the Egg Bois woke up in a cell

"Ugh, fuck." Cherri groaned

"Boss, are you alright?" Frank said

"I think so, where are we?" Pentious said

"Rise & shine, sleeping beauties." Volt said as he appeared from the shadows

"You? Who the fuck are you? & Why'd you bring us here?" Cherri demanded

Volt took off his mask & hood to reveal himself

"Boss, it's the lizard man from the commercial, Bingo." Frank said

"His name is Blitzo." Sir Pentious said

"That's not my name anymore." Volt glared "I have a new name, Volt."

"Volt? Why would you change–?" Cherri said confusingly before realizing "Oh shit, do not tell me."

"That's right, babe, meet the Fourth V of the Vs." Volt said

"The Fourth V!? But that's impossible!? How can the Vs acknowledge a lowly imp as an equal!?" Pentious said in outrage

"When you're someone who starts a business, you can easily get recognized by your name & talent." Volt smirked

"What the fuck happened to you? More importantly, why the hell would you join the Vs?" Cherri said

"It wasn't by choice at first since I was sold to Val." Volt said

"What!? Who the fuck sold you to the Valentino?!" Cherri exclaimed

"I'll tell you about it tomorrow after your transformation." Volt said

"Transformation? What do you mean transformation?" Pentious said uneasily

"Oh, it's nothing, I'm just making the two of you like me." Volt said

"The fuck you are!" Cherri glared

"No?" Volt said as he teleported next to Pentious in the cell "Pentious, haven't you always wanted to be acknowledged as an equal by the Vs?"

"Yes." Pentious said

"Well, I'm a V & I already acknowledge you as an equal." Volt said

"Really?" Pentious said hopefully

"Of course, I was always impressed by your machines & your inventions way back before I became Volt." Volt said as he wrapped an arm around Pentious "You stick with me & the other Vs will acknowledge you as well, doesn't that sound like a dream come true?"

"Don't listen to him, he's manipulating you by using your weakness." Cherri said

"Come on, Cherri-bear." Volt said as he teleported in front of Cherri. "Isn't your best mate working for Valentino, I believe his name is Angel Dust."

"What's it to ya?" Cherri glared

"I was thinking that he can join our group as well." Volt said

"Fuck no, Angie made a mistake in joining an Overlord once, there's no way I'm gonna let him make that mistake twice!" Cherri said angrily

"I can't blame you for saying that, I know how Angel's being treated by Val, but I can change that." Volt said as he teleported behind Cherri before placing his hands on her shoulder "Think about it, I can convince Val to share custody of Angel with me, once he joins us I can promise that Val won't ever lay a hand on him again. What do you say?"

"I don't...I..." Cherri stammered

"It's been a fun talk but I better get going." Volt said as he teleported out of the cell.

"Wait!" Cherri said "Aside from being sold to Valentino, did they make a deal with you?"

"Well, of course, you're smarter than you look." Volt said

"Why the fuck would you do that? Don't you realize how big a mistake you had made?" Cherri said

"You should tell that to the ones who sold me, & trust me, they're gonna realize how incredibly FUCKED they're gonna be when I find them." Volt said wickedly as he was surrounded in electricity

"But the Vs basically own you since you made that deal with them." Cherri said

"Look babe, I was already owned by Valentino since I was sold to him, so technically it doesn't make a difference." Volt said "Besides, what other choice did I have? What do you think would have happened if I didn't take the deal, I know that wouldn't have gone well."

"You know, he actually makes a fair point." Pentious said

"Blitzø, listen to me, I don't know who the fuck sold you to Valentino, but please don't do this, the Vs are only using you for their gain. You have powers, you can rebel against them & get yourself out of this situation." Cherri said

"First off, I told you my name is Volt. Secondly, are you fucking nuts? if I rebel against them, they might take my powers along with my dreams, & there's no way I'm giving up my dreams after having them crushed again & again." Volt said as he left the room

"Volt, I see you already succeeded in capturing your first two members of your group." Vox approached him along with Valentino

"It was a cinch, the two weren't strong enough, but that will change tomorrow." Volt said as he walked with them

"A shame you're taking Angel's amiga for yourself, she would've made a fine addition to my collection." Valentino said as he chuckled sinisterly

"Heh, tough luck on that, Val." Volt smirked "So, anything else I should know about."

"Yes, you familiar with the radio demon, Alastor?" Vox said

"Do I?" Volt said

"That old-fashioned fucker is back?" Vox said

"You don't say? Here I thought he was dead." Volt said

"So did we, he returned last week & is currently with the Devil's princesa." Valentino said

"It's been 7 years since he left & things have changed, so tomorrow at the meeting when he takes a look at you, he's not gonna know what hit him." Vox smiled evilly "Anyway, are there any other demons you're planning on recruiting in your group."

"Oh, I have quite a number of people in mind." Volt said "Speaking of that, Val, I have a great deal to offer regarding one of your workers, Angel Dust."

"Oh? Do tell." Valentino said

"I know that the guy is getting quite rebellious of you, but I can change that." Volt said

"I'm listening." Valentino said intriguingly

"What do you say we share custody of him, when I make him into one of my group, & he'll be strong enough to be your right hand man & obedient enough to not leave you. Does that sound enticing?" Volt said

"Oh Volt, you sure are thinking like a V." Valentino said excitedly

"Yep, I knew we made the right choice in taking you into our gang." Vox said

The next day, the 3 V's were at the meeting as they showed the Exorcist's head & told the other Overlords how they have a plan to defend Hell, only for Zestial to disagree

" If it be true thee and thy colleagues desire to war with such meagre proof, thou art far more foolish than I be thought." Zestial said "Besides, We know not how this perished. Mayhaps t'was not by a demon's hand at all. If we rush to war without knowing mightn't, they purge all of Hell for daring an uprising?

"Well, guess what, Zestial, you don't have to fight." Vox said

"I pray thy pardon?" Zestial said

"You heard right, we know exactly who will." Vox said "Do you recall the incident that happened at the imp circus."

"I was under the impression that you were the one who caused that chaos since your symbol was in the aftermath." Alastor said

"A good guess, but you're incorrect." Vox smirked

"Allow us to give you an introduction." Valentino said as he snapped his fingers

Just then the lights started flickering & shot electricity in the middle of the room which began to form into Volt

"Overlords & Overladies, we proudly present you the new member of our gang, Volt, the 4th V of the Vs." Vox said

"A fourth V!?" Everyone thought shockingly

"What up, fuckers!?" Volt smiled wickedly as he noticed Alastor "Alastor, you really are alive, here I thought the video did kill the radio star."

"Shit, since when did this demon join the Vs?" Alastor thought nervously as he started to sweat

"Wait a minute, aren't you that founder of the assassin company, what was his name again?" Zeezi said as Volt's eye twitched

"Blitzo." Zestial said as Volt frowned angrily

"Yeah, Blitzo, but the O was silent." Zeezi said

"THAT'S NOT MY NAME!" Volt shouted angrily as he gave the table a lightning punch breaking it to pieces making the lights flickered on & off

Everyone became shocked & startled by this action while the Vs were grinning evilly. Volt panted heavily before he darkly chuckled

"I don't go by that name anymore." Volt grinned wickedly

"Let's continue with the explanation of our plan." Valentino said "Volt, can you please fix the table."

"How the fuck am I supposed to do that? What am I, a fucking repairman?" Volt complained

"You can use your electricity to fix things that are broken." Vox said

"Oh shit, you guys need to give me a fucking manual for these things." Volt said as he used his electricity to fix the table

"Bli—I mean Volt, may we speak to your colleagues alone?" Carmilla said

"Go on, Volt." Vox said as Volt stepped out in the hall

"Valentino, Vox, Velvette, Why the hell is Blitzø a member of your gang? What have you done to him?" Carmilla demanded with a glare

"Hoho Carmilla dear, you act like what we did is a bad thing." Vox smirked

"When it comes thee & thy colleagues, it is an ill thing." Zestial narrowed his eyes "Tell me, did Blitzø foolishly come to thee in order for power in exchange for his soul."

"That would make perfect sense considering I detected some arrogance from him a while ago." Alastor said in suspicion

"Hahaha, you actually think he came to us? Wrong-O!" Vox said amusingly

"If we wanted him in our gang as the new V, he wouldn't have come to us." Valentino said

"For your information, old fossil, Blitzø never came to us for power." Velvette said as she smirked. "Instead, he was sold to us."

"Sold to you? What are you talking about?" Carmilla said confusingly along with the others

"We're talking about this." Valentino said as he revealed the contract

"Who's Moxxie, Millie, & Loona?" Zeezi asked

"That's for us to know, & you to find out." Valentino said as he put away the contract "Anyway, Blitzø was originally sold to me, until all 3 of us made a deal with him he couldn't refuse. When we found out about him & his company, we saw great potential & promise in him which we gained our interest. Although he was a little hesitant when we offered the deal until we gave him a little persuasion. That was when we started Project Volt."

"Project Volt?" Carmilla repeated

"Si, all we did was put several injections in him & let the lightning do the rest, & that was how Volt was born." Valentino said "Now the plan is, Volt has the ability to give alternative powers to other demons which will make them stronger than before, allow us to demonstrate. Volt!"

"Yeah?" Volt appeared

"How about you show them what you can do?" Valentino smiled evilly

Volt snapped his fingers as Cherri & Pentious appeared in a flash of electricity while in chains

"Huh?" Cherri said

"What? Where am I?" Pentious said

"Wait a minute, is that Sir Pentious & Angel's friend Cherri Bomb?" Alastor thought

"Today's the day you two." Volt said as he went behind

"Wait, what are you doing?" Pentious said

"Blitzø please no!" Cherri begged

Volt's right hand became surround in orange electricity & grabbed Cherri's head while his left hand became surrounded in light green electricity & grabbed Pentious' head, shocking them both

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Cherri & Pentious screamed which shocked everyone except the V's as they were smiling in anticipation

Volt removed his hand as Cherri & Pentious started to feel funny as the chains disappeared. Pentious looked as his hands which turned completely green before melting

"What is happening to me!?" Pentious screamed in terror before turning light green & melting to the floor & turning into a large light green puddle

Then Cherri started glowing orange, then she glowed brighter & brighter until she became consumed in an explosion. From the smoke, a red eye with a seven-pointed star-shaped pupil opened before Cherri emerged from the smoke with a new appearance. Cherri had light orange skin, yellow freckles & tattoos, red & black fire-like hair with a yellow streak on the front. She was wearing a black crop top with a orange leather crop jacket over it, red ripped jeans, & black high-heeled leather boots

From the light green puddle, Pentious emerged with a new appearance. He had purple eyes, light green skin, the stripes of his underbelly & inside of his hood were still yellow, but the outside of his hood was dark green. He was wearing a green steampunk tailcoat with a purple button up shirt under it with light green necktie, a golden steampunk mouth mask, & templeless glasses. His hat was also green with a purple eye along with some steampunk goggles

"Hehehehehe!" Cherri & Pentious chuckled wickedly as the Overlord except the V's were aghast

"Where are my manners?" Volt said as he wrapped his arms around Cherri & Pentious "Everyone, meet Flare Burst & Governor Bane."

"I'm ready to blow shit up!" Flare said as her hands became surrounded by explosive sparks.

"How do you like me now, Alastor?" Bane said

"Shit." Alastor said as he began to sweat nervously

"& that, my people, is how it is done, Volt can use his lightning to give others different powers & abilities. He is gonna gather as many sinners & Hellborns to create an army of powerful demons, the Exorcists won't stand a chance." Volt said

"No, that is out of the question." Carmilla protested

"Uh, excuse us, ballet bitch?" Flare glared

"Are you insinuating that we're still weak as before?" Bane narrowed his eyes

"Easy, you two, I'm sure Carmine is just a bit confused." Volt smirked "Right Val?"

"Yes, I'm sure she is." Valentino smirked "Why don't you & your amigos step out for a bit."

"Sure, come one, you two." Volt said as they stepped out

"Now, Camilla darling, what is it you have against our plan?" Valentino said

"Valentino, we already lost so many souls in the last Extermination, we can't afford to lose more due to this rebellion." Carmilla said seriously "Even with their new powers & abilities, they won't stand a chance."

"That's where you're wrong, old hag." Velvette said

"Excuse me?" Carmilla said

"While we were giving Blitzø the injection, we put in a very special ingredient in his system." Vox said

"May I bid what this special ingredient thou speak of." Zestial narrowed his eyes

"You'll find out soon enough." Valentino said

"Well, regardless, we still don't approve of this plan." Carmilla said

"That's just fine, we don't need your approval, the boys & I are still gonna go along with it." Velvette said

"Very well, if thou desire to cause more mayhem to hell with this brainsick resolve, then hie right ahead." Zestial said

"We most certainly will." Vox said

Meanwhile Volt just finished telling Bane & Flare what happened

"Shit man, that explains a lot." Flare said

"Those heathens will pay dearly for their betrayal." Bane said

"I say we blow their houses up with them in it." Flare said.

"No, we can't reveal ourselves yet, not until the day of the next Extermination that is in six months, first things first is gonna have to find other new members for our group & train our powers." Volt said

"I'm down with that." Flare smiled with excitement

"We also must train our physical strength as well." Bane said

"Exactly Bane." Volt agreed

Just then, the Overlord except Zestial & Carmilla got out of the meeting room

"Val, is the meeting over already?" Volt said

"Yes, it has." Valentino said

"So, are we still on with the plan?" Volt asked

"We definitely are, that old hag can kiss our asses." Velvette said

"Volt, you gather more recruits for your army to get ready for the resistance." Vox said "Do you have some demons you're planning on recruiting?"

"Oh yeah, I got plenty." Volt said

"Good, you do that & we'll see you later." Vox said

"Flare, Bane, you two wait outside, I'll be with you in a moment." Volt said

"Yes, Master Volt." Bane bowed

"Don't keep us waiting, love." Flare said as she blew a kiss as they left & Volt disappeared

Meanwhile, Carmilla & Zestial along with her daughters Clara & Odette were in an office

"Carmilla, are thou alright?" Zestial asked

"I'm fine, Zestial, it's nothing." Carmilla said.

"...The felled angel, t'was by thy hand, was it not?" Zestial said

"Let's not talk about it." Carmilla dismissed

"Mom, maybe he should know." Clara said

"Nobody should know." Carmilla said as she sighed "I'm sorry, it's just...my daughters & I were out that day until we were attacked by that thing, so I had to act in order to keep them safe."

"What an unexpected turn of events." A voice said

They looked & saw Volt

"What!? What's he doing here!?" Carmilla thought shockingly along with the others

"I never sensed him come in." Zestial though surprisingly

"Kill an angel to save your own kids, huh?" Volt said as he went to the window & looked out of it "You know...I had a daughter."

"Thou had a daughter?" Zestial said surprisingly

"Yeah, I adopted her when she was almost of age, but parenting didn't work out for me." Volt said "I mean, it's not like I abused or neglected her or anything, sure I may have been a bit overprotective but I tried my best."

"Then you would have done the same thing for her." Carmilla assumed

"Well, I'm pretty sure my past self would've done the same for his daughter, but me..." Volt said as he looked at them with a wicked grin "I would've just left her to die considering how much of an ungrateful bitch she was."

Zestial, Carmilla & her daughter became shocked to hear him say that he would let his own daughter die.

"Oh well, sorry to disturb ya, better go tell Val & the others the news." Volt shrugged

"What!?" They said in alert

"Well they gotta know who killed that Angel, no biggie." Volt said as he turned his back

"No, Volt, wait!" Carmilla panicked as she grabbed his arm. "Don't tell them, please, I'll do anything."

"Anything?" Volt repeated

"Yes, I can give you money, weapons, anything just please don't tell anyone." Carmilla begged

"Hmmm...Okay, but I have no use for your weapons, I got my powers for that. Plus I'm not in need of any money yet, but what I really want is...one of your daughters." Volt said

"One...one of my daughters?" Carmilla's eyes widened in shock along with the others

"Mm-hm, you heard right." Volt said

"Volt, let's be reasonable, thou can't just take one of her daughters away from her." Zestial said

"That's her only option, Morde, it'll be a lot easier for Carmine to protect one while I keep the other." Volt said "So what's it gonna be, Carmine."

Carmilla was panicking & she tried to think of something until

"I'll go with you, Volt." Clara stepped up much to the surprise of everyone

"Clara, what are you doing?" Odette said

"I'm doing what it takes to keep this secret." Clara said

"Oh really?" Volt said as he approached Clara "You're willing to give yourself to me in exchange that I keep your mom's homicide a secret from everyone in Hell?"

"Yes, I'm willing to do anything for my mom in order to keep her safe, just like how she kept me & Odette safe. That's why I'm willing to go with you, to repay her my debt of gratitude." Clara said with a determined look

There was a moment of silence as no one said a word or moved a muscle

"...Huh, you must really love your mom that much, huh kid? I respect that, too bad that flea-bitten mongrel couldn't do the same for my past self." Volt said making them wonder what he meant by that

"Clara, you don't have to do this." Carmilla said

"I have to, Mom, for you & Odette." Clara said "Don't worry we'll see each other real soon."

Carmilla & Odette hugged Clara as Volt stared at them as he had some sort of feeling inside of him before shaking it off

"Okay, I'm ready." Clara said

"Yeah...let's go." Volt said as he turned his back until Zestial placed a hand on his shoulder

"Wait, Volt, allow us to help thou out of this situation, we can get thou out of the contract that thy life was signed over & take thou away from the Vs. We can even restore thou back to thy corky self & take thou under our wings. Please, do not take the path they're leading thou in." Zestial said as Volt stared at him for a moment

"Hehehehehehe HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Volt laughed making them uneasy

"Volt?" Zestial said

"You fool, you honestly think you'll help me now. News Flash, Morde, it's too late for help. I have been fucked over & fucked with MANY times & NOBODY helped me. The only people I thought I could trust nearly fucked up my life & didn't even care what would happen to me. So from now on, the only person I'll be getting help from is ME. I'll help myself." Volt said with glare

Everyone looked down as they sympathized with Volt for not trusting anyone but himself & the Vs.

"Have a good evening, you three." Volt said as he left with Clara

"Zestial, I believe we need to pay IMP a visit." Carmilla said

"Indeed, both of us shall want answers." Zestial agreed

Volt met Flare & Bane outside

"Oi Blitzø, what's she doing with ya?" Flare pointed at Clara

"I'll explain later, let's gather up those new recruits." Volt said

"Master Volt, I realize that our group doesn't have a name yet." Bane said

"Don't worry, I got that all figured out." Volt said "We have Flare Burst the Element of Explosions, Governer Bane the Element of Poison, & me Volt the Element of Lightning, together we shall be known as..."

"The Hellements."

Hey Everyone, sorry it took so long to update, had some writer's block until I saw the Hazbin Hotel series, but now it's right back on track. Stay tuned for another chapter, Morpho Out

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