Father & Son Reunion

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Father & Son Reunion

Volt exited the tower & saw the 3 V's

"Hello Volt, how do you feel?" Valentino asked

"I feel fucking amazing." Volt smiled sinisterly

"Excellent, now that our experiment is complete, you are officially the 4th V of our group." Vox said

"Are you gonna get your revenge on those former employees now?" Velvet asked

"Not yet, there's one guy who is at the top of my list." Volt said

At the circus, Cash Buckzo was putting up a show

"Now, everyone's favorite thing about Circus shit—." Cash said


"What? Who said that?" Cash said as he looked around

"It's shocking!" The voice announced

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Half of the crowd screamed as they got electrocuted

"It's electrifying!" The voice announced

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" The other half of the crowd screamed as they got electrocuted

"Ladies & Gentlemen, it is too much for this audience!" The voice said as the the crowd dropped dead

"Who are you!?" Cash said in horror

"Whoa, I am finally ready, you know I have lived many years as a demon born without powers & man, I wasn't good enough! Thanks to the Vs & their experiment, I'm like fucking Raiden in this bitch, sure it hurt like hell, but the pain was worth it. After all." The voice said as Volt revealed himself "I was your disappointment."

"Blitzo?" Cash softly gasped

"My name is not BLITZO!" Volt said as he shot lightning bolt from his hand & sent Cash flying out of the circus tent "& it's not Blitzø with a silent O either, that ship has sailed. All I wanted was for you to support me, I only wanted your support & what did you say to me?!"


"Forget it, Disappointment-O, Fizzarolli's more like the son I never had." Cash said

Flashback End

"It tore me apart, but I learned an important lesson, you can't count on anyone, especially your parents." Volt narrowed his eyes

"I was wrong to treat you that way, I'm sorry." Cash apologized

"See, now you respect me, because you're afraid & that's the way it works." Volt smirked

"What happened to you? How did you get this power?" Cash asked

"Well, it's a long story, I reckon you heard about the incident at Ozzie's." Volt said

"Yes, what's that got to do with it?" Cash said

"It all started the morning after the incident, I was in my office until I was knocked unconscious & tied up, I woke up to see my own employees who I considered my family driving me somewhere. When we got there, it was at that moment my now former employees & ex-daughter stabbed me in the back & sold me to Valentino." Volt said

"They what?" Cash said shockingly

"You heard right, they signed a contract & made a deal with Valentino to be one of his whores." Volt said "Luckily, I found out Valentino didn't buy me to be his new prostitute."

"He didn't?" Cash said

"No, he bought me so that he, along with Vox & Velvet would make me the new member of their group. At first, I was hesitant, but when they used a little persuasion by reminding me of my past when I was a kid, I thought about all the shit I was put through & I accepted their deal." Volt said

"You mean, you joined the 3 Vs?" Cash said shockingly

"Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner! After I accepted the deal, they put me through an experiment that had gotten me these powers. Now, I am Volt, the 4th V of the VVVV." Volt said.

"Son...I..." Cash said as he was speechless

"So Buckzo, what do you think? Do you like the new me or would you prefer if I was Valentino's whore?" Volt said

"Why would you ask a thing like that?" Cash said

"Because I bet that's what you wanted, I bet you wanted me to be used & abused by Valentino." Volt said with a menacing glare

"No, I never wanted that for you, I never wanted any of that for you, I mean just look at yourself, this isn't you." Cash said

"& who's fault is that? If you had been a decent father to me, I wouldn't have turned out like I was before, then none of this would've happened." Volt said "Then again, what did I expect since this is Hell."

"Son, I am very sorry for not raising you properly, but please let's just talk it over." Cash said

"& by talk it over, you mean manipulate because that's all you've ever done to me since I was a kid." Volt said. "Even if that wasn't the case, I can never go back since my life was signed over. Don't you get it, Buckzo, everyone I cared about became my enemies & it's all because of YOU!"

"But Son—." Cash said

"We're done talking." Volt said as he sped towards Cash & punched his face which sent him flying "Am I good enough now!?"

Volt then sped behind Cash & kicked his back which sent him flying the other way

"Who's a disappointment now!?" Volt yelled as Cash stumbled across the ground "I was a selfish shitfuck for many years because of your weakness!"

"Trying to take care of your family is not weakness!" Cash argued

"You knew I needed you to be my father, you always knew, but when Fizzarolli came along, what did you do? What did you do!? NOTHING!" Volt snarled

"You never had any talent back then, that was not my fault!" Cash shouted

"Not your fault? Who filled my head with dreams!?" Volt said

Volt shot lightning from his hand which Cash dodged by tumbling

"Who drove me to practice until my bones crack?" Volt said

Volt form a sawblade of blue electricity in his hand & threw it at Cash, Cash dodged the blade but it ended up cutting his cheek

"Who denied me my chances!" Volt said

Volt created arrows of yellow & blue electricity & fired them, Cash tried to run away but a one of the arrows hit his shoulder

"Agh!" Cash exclaimed "It was never my decision to make!"

"Oh, but it was." Volt smirked

Meanwhile, Moxxie & Millie were helping Loona move out of the apartment she lived with Blitzø. Millie was having some thoughts

"Hey Moxxie?" Millie said

"Hm?" Moxxie responded

"Do you think we made the right decision? You know about selling Blitzo to Valentino." Millie said

"Millie, you know why we had to do it, we couldn't take him prying into our personal lives anymore. & It was like I said, the other night was the last straw." Moxxie said

"Yeah, but maybe we should've just talked to him & asked him why he always does that." Millie said

"Please, if we did ask him, he'll just give us some dumb lame excuse." Moxxie rolled his eyes "Thanks to him, our first anniversary was ruined."

"But I can't help but feel like we shouldn't have done that." Millie said

"It's too late for regrets, Blitzo made his choice when he decided to follow us on our anniversary, now we have made ours." Moxxie said "We'll be just fine without that idiot in our lives."

"Okay, but I get the feeling that something's gonna happen." Millie said

"Yeah right, what's Blitzo gonna do anyway, he knows that no matter what he does or where he goes, he's forever in Valentino's grasp." Loona scoffed. "As long as Valentino has him on a tight chain we'll be just fine."

"I hope you're right." Millie said

Back with Volt, Cash Buckzo was running for his life as he had bruises & was bleeding.

"Where are you, Buckzo!? We're not finished!" Volt shouted

"Shit, he's really serious about killing me, I should've known better than to play favorites. Why the fuck didn't I listen to Tilla?" Cash thought in panic

"There you are!" Volt appeared in front of him

Volt gave Cash an electric uppercut which sent him flying into the sky, then he appeared above him & fired a big dragon-shaped beam of yellow electricity which hit Cash to the ground & caused an explosion. Cash struggled & slowly stood up, then Volt fists got surrounded by yellow & light blue electricity & started punching him repeatedly.

"ALL I EVER TRIED, I TRIED TO MAKE YOU PROUD! TELL ME HOW PROUD YOU ARE, BUCKZO! TELL ME! TELL ME!" Volt yelled before he delivering a final punch to the face which caused Cash to stumble across the ground

Volt approached Cash as he looked down on him with a glare while Cash managed to lift himself up a little

"I...I've always been proud of you..." Cash said weakly "From the first moment I've been...proud of you, & it was my selfish greed that blinded me...I craved the money too much to see what you were becoming...what I...was turning you into. I'm...I'm sorry."

Volt's expression softened & looked down for a bit, but then he glared at Cash before picking him up & lifting him by the throat.

"I don't want your apology." Volt said as his hand became surrounded by light blue & yellow electricity

"Blitzo, please..." Cash pleaded

"I told you, my name is Volt." Volt said as he plunged his electric hand through Cash's chest, killing him

After putting down his father's dead corpse, Volt flew up in the air & shot a beam of electricity writing a big V with a lightning bolt symbol.

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