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Blitzø was staring out the window of his office thinking about the incident at Ozzie's & reflecting. He was thinking about his past, he thought about the way he pushed others when they got too close, the way he treated his employees especially Moxxie, & the way he acted towards others.

"Was I really that bad?" Blitzø thought to himself


Blitzø fell to the floor as he was hit in the back of the head & fell into unconsciousness.

(A few minutes later.)

"Ugh..." Blitzø groaned as he slowly woke up

"Oh, you're awake, should've hit harder." Loona said

"Loona? Moxxie? Millie? What's going on, why am I tied up? Where are you guys taking me?" Blitzø said

"Oh, you'll see, Blitzo, you'll see." Moxxie said

"Did he just call me by my full name?" Blitzøthought confusingly

Just then they pulled up & Moxxie, Millie, & Loona came out the van, Blitzø became curious as he looked out the window & he saw them with a moth demon with a pimp outfit, a TV demon wearing a suit, & some sort of clown/doll demon with dark gray-skinned demon with red hair styled in twin tails.

"Are those the three Vs?" Blitzø said as Loona was walking back to the van

"Here you go, he's all yours." Loona said as he pulled Blitzø out of the van & threw him in front of them

"Oof!" Blitzø exclaimed

"Excellent." Valentino smiled sinisterly as he gave Moxxie a suitcase "Here's the money in exchange for him."

"Thank you." Moxxie said

"Exchange? What do you mean in exchange for me?" Blitzø said

"You mean they didn't tell you? Your employees have sold you to me, we made a deal." Valentino said as he pulled out a contract with Moxxie, Millie, & Loona's signatures at the bottom

"What?" Blitzø said shockingly as he looked at his employees & daughter "Guys, please, tell me it's not true."

"It's true, Blitzo." Moxxie scowled

"But why?" Blitzø said

"Because we're done with you." Moxxie said

"Moxxie, if this is about what happened last night, I'm sorry." Blitzø said

"It's not just about that, we've been tolerant with your shit for too long & last night was the last straw, so since you like sucking on high ranked demons, we've decided to sell you to Valentino." Moxxie said

"Are you guys crazy!? Do you have any idea what he does to others who work for him!?" Blitzø exclaimed

"No, but whatever he does to you, we hope he'll do worse." Millie said

"No no no, please, don't do this, I promise I'll do anything!" Blitzø begged

"Don't you get it Blitzo, we've had enough! If you die by his hands, you'll just die alone!" Loona said

Blitzø looked at them in shock & hurt as they got in the van & drove off.

"Wow, that happened." Velvet laughed

"I agree, so much for loyalty from your employees." Vox said amusingly

"Alright, you two, let's get him to the tower." Valentino said

"No, wait, MMPH!" Blitzø said as Velvet gagged him

The 3 Vs put him in the trunk of Valentino's limousine & went to this tall tower, when they entered.

"Alright, here we are." Valentino said as he put Blitzø down & removed the gag

"Please Mr. Valentino, I'm the type you want to fuck." Blitzø begged nervously

"Relax Blitzy, I'm not going to fuck you." Valentino said as he snap his fingers which untied Blitzø

"You're not? Then what's this about?" Blitzø said as he stood up

"My posse & I have gained an interest in you." Valentino said

"You have?" Blitzø said confusingly

"We know you & your company have been going up to the surface to massacre humans & we've seen great potential in you." Vox said

"So we decided to make you the fourth V of our gang." Velvet said

"Me? The fourth member of your gang?" Blitzø said surprisingly

"Of course, doesn't that sound like a great offer?" Velvet said

"Well, I don't really know." Blitzø said unsurely as he looked down

"Oh Blitzy, Blitzy, Blitzy, we're talking about a once in a lifetime opportunity. If you join us, you'll have everything; money, power, fame, & that big building with a big office that you've always dreamed of when you were a boy." Valentino said as Blitzø's eyes widened "You can finally achieve your other dream of being a music artist that your piece of shit father crushed."

"Think about those naysays who always talked down to you & gave you shit all your life, those who tormented you including the ones who had just fucked you over." Vox said "Give yourself to us & you'll be able to show them that you're not meant to be crossed."

"& let's not forget about your poor mama." Velvet said

Blitzø softly gasped at the mention of his mother

"Oh yes, she was a kind loving mother to you, wasn't she?" Velvet said "It's a shame you were unable to help her, wasn't it?"

"..." Blitzø stood in silence

"Now, do." Valentino said as his hand became surrounded by a ring of smoke

"We." Vox said as his hand became surrounded by light blue electricity

"Have." Velvet said as her hand became surrounded by wisps of velvet aura

"A deal?" They said as they stuck out their hands

Blitzø stood there as he thought about the hurtful thing that were said to him

"Does immaturely insulting me make you feel better about your sad, single life?"

"You are a selfish, greedy clown."

"You're so gross!"

"Does anybody love you, Blitzo?"

"I didn't need you then, asshole, I don't now."

"This guy's a total disgrace."

"Your love life is a pile of shit."

"A reckless, heart-breaking freak."

"You're thoughtless & cruel & you'll end up alone."

"Selfish Imp in the streets!"

"Stupid fucking Dissapointment-O!"

Blitzø clenched his fist & something snapped inside of him, then he looked up at him with cold glare

"Alright, I'll join you." Blitzø said as he took all 3 hands at once

"Excellent, Vox, Velvet, it's time to start Project Volt." Valentino said

They went to the top floor which was a lab. A few hours later, a lightning storm came as Blitzø was in a big spherical glass container with mechanical arm & leg restraints.

"It's time." Vox said as he pulled the lever

Blitzø was in the container as it was raised to the top of the tower

"Lightning will strike in 3...2...1." Velvet said


Lighting struck the antenna of the container as it started to glow light blue with electricity surrounding it

"Power has been charged up to 25%." Velvet said

"Okay here we go." Valentino said as he rubbed his hands together

"50%" Velvet said

"This is gonna be good." Vox said excitedly as he grabbed the switch

"75% &...NOW!" Velvet said as Vox pulled the switch

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGHHHH!" Blitzø screamed in agony as the power & electricity struck him

As the power & electricity was surging through his body, his heart was beating at rapid speed, the white stripes of his horns & white splotches of his body turned light blue, the red colors of his outfit turned yellow, the cross symbols on the back of his gloves turned into lightning symbols & a lightning symbol appeared in the center of his forehead mark. When it was over, Blitzø slumped in the container as it descended back inside the lab.

"Is he dead?" Vox said

"Not really, there are still signs of life in him." Velvet said as she read the monitor

"Hm, we might have to come back tomorrow & see if there's any results." Valentino said

That night, Blitzø was alone in the glass container of the lab until electricity was running inside & outside his body as he opened his eyes revealing to be light blue on the right & yellow on the left

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHH!" Blitzø screamed as he shot light blue lightning out through the roof & into the sky

Meanwhile Valentino was sleeping until he woke up from the lights which was repeatedly going on & off

"Huh? What the hell?" Valentino woke up & looked around

Valentino got out of bed & looked out the window where he saw the lightning shoot out of the tower & the lights & power of every place going on & off repeatedly. Then Valentino's phone rang which he picked up

"Val, are you seeing this?" Vox said

"Yes, Project Volt is complete." Valentino smiled sinisterly

Back at the tower, Blitzø had broke free of glass container as he was panting heavily, then he looked up with a sadistic smile

"I. AM. REBORN! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Blitzø laughed maniacally as yellow electricity surrounded his right hand & light blue electricity surrounded his left.

Blitzø was dead & Volt has been born

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