Chapter 1 - No Expectations

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Have you ever got the feeling that the world is against you sometimes? everything you do is never enough, however hard you try you always end up where you started. 
While everyone is expecting something from you that you don't want to accomplish, and when you choose the path you've always dreamed of no one is there to support you and push you forward.

If yes then this is a similar story of me, a 25-year-old girl who is from a city called Calgary in Canada. Who's parents put high expectations on me to follow their path, a path I don't even like, a career I did not even choose

One day, it was Thanksgiving day when everyone came from afar to reunite with their family to party, enjoy, and eat with them.

So that was my case…

I, Julissa Brown came a long way from Toronto to visit my parents and siblings in Calgary trying to have the most out of it during the holiday season.

I spent 4 hours on a plane, and then from the airport, I ordered an Uber. The second my Uber stopped in front of my family's land, they all came running to me like I was Madam Santa who had been missing for 11 months, and on the 12th one I finally dared to show my nose with presents hanging in my hands.

Well, they aren't wrong you know, I've been missing for more than 12 months, so I get they do miss me and it's not like I didn't spoil every single one of them, even the neighbor's daughter, Bella.

“Hey, You are really here!!“ screamed my 15-year-old little sister, Erin with the warmest smile on her face, while welcoming me with a hug.

Then The others followed.

“Well, I promise you guys I was coming so what's made you think I wasn't coming?“

“Your promise ain't nothing for us anymore so—”

“Ouch Brandon”

This is my 17-year-old little brother, becoming hotter than ever, and now blonde, I bet the fighting over him I becoming worse than it was when I used to live with them.

“It's not like he is lying, you used this term last year, and the precedent—but still you didn't make it so it is insignificant”

This is the family's nerd, Eric—Erin's twin brother. He is always in a corner, too shy to even approach our neighbor's daughter, Bella to hand over to her the gift he got her for her birthday last year—so yeah you heard right he got a crush on her.

Even though I haven't visited them as often we still talk and as a big sister I am the one they trust the most with their deep secrets.

Even Eric got a glow-up, he got taller, he let his hair grow and became a long plus when they came to welcome me he was wearing that cowboy hat he likes so much.

“Okay, okay I know I lied the last time—twice I got it Erin but no need to put my secrets out there like that at least let's go inside first shall we?“ I said I couldn't even try to defend myself cause I lied to them and they had the right to be angry at me.

They each grab something trying to help me get inside and get settled.

“Where is everyone?“ I asked cause when I got inside I remarked that no one was there except them.

“Huh, Mom went to the supermarket with the Kents to run some errands and try to get ready for tonight, and Dad left early this morning, and I don't know where to” mumbled Erin after she dropped my bag in the room upstairs then came downstairs as quick as she could and drop herself on the couch next to Eric who was reading a book.

I left the leaving room, wandering to the kitchen and something for me seemed off.

“But there is no sight of anything getting ready, it's already 8, and Mom always makes sure everything is ready by 10 on Thanksgiving day”

“Oh, haven't you heard the news?“ barked Brandon coming out of the restroom and flexing his new abs.

“What news Brandon? And please do yourself a favor and put a shirt on” I muttered then threw him a shirt I found on the couch.

“If no one tells you, not even our parents I won't either”

“Brandon this was supposed to be a surprise” Erin pondered while on the other side of the couch was Eric glancing at Brandon weirdly clearly something was wrong with these two.

“Can anyone do me a favor and tell me what is going on?“

“The pretty boy over there started it so he can finish” suggested Eric with a nasty hiss as he dashed across the kitchen to grab a cup and drink some water.

“Excuse me, it's not my fault if they don't call you like that cowboy” he retorted back

“Believe me, I like it better being a cowboy being honest and faithful to what he likes than being the mister perfect they thought you are without no code of honor”

“Jealous much” simply replied Brandon, I gave a look to Erin, trying to see if she knew what was going on but she simply shrugged and went back to her phone

“Why would I, pretty?“ barked Eric

“If you like the name that much, I'll give it to you but with one exception, I'll take out the R cause you're just being a petty person right now” squawked Brandon but this time Eric wasn't having it, he throws away the book and plunged on Brandon.

“What did you say?“

Fortunately for them, I was there so I stopped them from going any further with the issues.

“Did you just say I'm doing all that just to be petty, you know damn well Brandon— Let me go, Julissa”

“I did not say it like that, it's just that it's been months and you doing too much right now—it wasn't serious” stated Brandon acting like he didn't not do anything.

“That's enough!“ I screamed and they all went calm, there was no noise in the room not even that of a cricket.

“I have a little idea of what is going on but I will take care of that matter later—”

“He started it”

“he did it on purpose—”

“Hey shush, I don't want to hear any of that, not today, not tonight but it will be sorted out before I leave—so now all I want to hear is about the surprise my parent is about to throw for, what is it about?“ I barked, they all looked at each other, they were thinking about whether they should tell me or let me see for myself.

But as their persuasive big sister I am, I managed to get it out of them just before I got dressed, and they did as well, and then we headed to Kents for the surprise party they were planning to throw for me.

Arriving there I was surprised to see everyone, they even invited some of my old friends from school, some old colleagues from my old job they were all invited to the Kents, now we have a habit of throwing the biggest party of the year which always happens at the Browns, but this one was even bigger.

It wasn't only me, there was tension going on between Eric, Brandon, and Bella once their eyes fell on her with that beautiful green dress.

“Hey Eric”

“Bella” he simply said then crossed his way to the table on display to grab something to drink

“Brandon, “ said Bella before they both turned and shifted their eyes to look at him getting drunk “What is up with him?“

Brandon simply shrugged.

What surprised me the most was seeing Alton, he was also a Kent, Bella's big brother, he was once my best friend and also my old crush.

Always as hot as he already was, tall, with short black hair. Type Eight also known as the challenger, his personality type is often characterized by assertiveness, a need for control, and decisive nature.

This didn't end well cause he chose that girl over me back then but I bet now he would have no choice, and there's not much competition for me.

It also if I still want him???

“Hey, you!! Been a while, ain't it?“ barked Alton

“Wow, I didn't expect to see you too here”

“Don't flatter yourself, I didn't come here for you— I just missed my parent so I say this a good occasion, why not take it”

“I get it, but didn't you hear not even as a whisper, that Julissa will also be there?“ I whispered in his ear

He stares at me for the right amount of time, I feel like he got lost so I just take the occasion to admire his pair of pearls, trying to memorize it since I won't be there for long to see them again.

“Okay, I sort of heard that you were but as I said I missed my parents and sister”

“Mmm, sort of?“

“Fuck it, I am here for you and I also bring with me my boss as your parents requested, it was supposed to be a surprise so surprise!!!“ he admitted while doing the surprise hands gesture.

I heard of that surprise thing again so it threw me off, suddenly I was no longer in the mood.

“Hey, I got a bunch of people to see so can I get back to you” I asked

“Of course July, take your time and most importantly make sure to enjoy yourself”

“Oh, can you finally fuck off with that name?“

“Never—Hey, don't forget what I said”

“Yeah, yeah, have fun I promise you this I won't miss”

“And also, I want to see you again!!“

I heard the last part I grabbed a glass of drink and put it behind my head and I pretended I didn't.

I went from group to group to welcome them and talk to them for a bit, believe me, my body was here but my head, my soul was somewhere else.

I pretended to smile knowing that there was something else eating me from the inside, I stayed aside from everything that could make me lose control after that first and last drink and prayed that the night could be over soon.

Everything started well, and almost as perfect as it was until my parents and a stranger approached me and started planning her future for me, in front of me.

“Mertens this is my daughter, Julissa the one we've been talking about all night, and Julissa Meet Mertens, the surprise we've been planning for you” Exclaims my mom Martha

“Nice to meet you, sir,” I said

“Likewise young lady, I have heard a lot of things I'm your favor now that I met you I have to say you are quite an accomplishment” mumbled The old man

“Huh, thank you—” I replied to his compliment then I turned to face my parents asking them to state the obvious, I knew what was it but I still asked to make sure “What is this about again?“

“Mertens is here to offer you an internship in his company, do you know what that means? in half a year you can be his right hand, the right hand of the man who is at the head of so many banks in America” stated my mom

“So which one do you think is best in the market right now?“ asked my dad Bethran

“I don't think Bethran, I know TD is the best out there right now, but there is a new one called CCocell coming in hot, they probably going to take over in less than three years”

“This is the one you helped to create right?“


“I remember you were working on this project with this young lad for more than 10 years so—” continued my mom

“This young lad, you are talking about left the project a long time ago, because of some issues and he thought that the project wouldn't be successful so now look, I am my boss!!” stated Mertens

“Got damn it, I missed my job”

“So do I Bethran, I miss being in finance” shouted my mom

“Listen guys, you did so much already so why don't you guys enjoy the retirement and let this young lady take over” exclaimed Mertens while he turned towards me and gave me a stare then he smiled “If she is as great as I heard about her, it's going to be like you guys never left—what do you think Julissa would you accept my offer?”

“I—I—can I— think about it?“

“Of course, no pressure” added Mertens

“She already thinks about it and the answer is yes, she accepted” confirmed my mom Martha as she came forward

“What do you mean yes, now you think for me?“ I squawked

“Listen Jullissa it's like we talked about, you'll never find any proposition better than this, this is perfect dear so please pull yourself together and make up your mind”

I tried to not get mad but it was too much for her so she went ballistic.

Think Jul thinks, this is not what you want right?

But why won't anyone take their time and ask me what I want for once? I'm so tired of all this bullshit

“Sure darling, so what do you want exactly?“ demanded my father, Bethrand

What I want is for you guys to leave me the fuck alone, leave me be— to be able to do my own thing, and stop expecting greatness from me, cause if you do I will try to be the perfect daughter you always expect

I will try hard and I will fail, this is not me, I ain't perfect got damn it. I do drugs and I like partying on the first occasion I find, I like sleeping with—

“Wait, what?“ I shouted

Everything I was thinking and wanted to say to them, was said out loud without me noticing. When I saw all eyes were on me some of them were laughing and others were confused, just like I was for a second before realizing what just happened.

“What are you staring at?“ I demanded

“Julissa, did you just let out everything you were thinking because you wanted to or it was unintentional?“ demanded my little sister, Erin

“Wait— what are you talking about?“

“Erin, my dear I think that answers all of your questions, she didn't mean to” added my dad

“So you too got the wave girl gift?” exclaimed Eric

“What is the wave girl gift?“ whispered a random woman to another random woman and then they all began gossiping around.

If you too asked what kind of gift is a wave girl gift. It is a family gift that permitted them to say every exciting, upsetting thing they were thinking about then which goes out loud without wanting to.

My grandmother had it, one of my aunts had it and now it was my turn.
They called it the Wave Girl gift but for me, it was simply something known as the WIVGL sickness which I got to be cured of…  

Tears began falling from my eyes so I didn't want further embarrassment, I simply ran away, and that was when I also realized it was pouring so hard outside.

I stopped in the middle of the street for a second to see which way I should go, obviously, I was lost but then suddenly he approached me with an umbrella and he put it over my head. Letting the rain fall on him like I was his priority.

I glanced up at him and he looked down at me “What is it July? Are you waiting for fireworks to start blowing up, and illuminate your way so you can move on? cause you seem lost” 

"There you are, hahaha" I laughed at his joke but then suddenly it got serious “Stop it” I suggested

“Stop what July?“

“Stop looking at me like that?“

“I'm afraid I can't” he replied 

Well, it was stronger than us, things started getting heated so my mouth crashed into his.

2500 words count
*********.      .************

Hey, there it is!!

I couldn't wait till February to share this gem with you so I chose to do it now.

So now please let me know your thoughts about this first chapter.

Thank you all for reading, more is coming

🎆 🧨🎇🧨🎆🧨🎑🧨🎆🧨🎇🧨🎑

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