Chapter 2 - The Dream

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The next day, when I woke up from what was supposed to be the best dream I ever had, naked with only a little piece of my blanket covering a part of my bum.

I turned to see if somehow this dream might have in fact been real except he was nowhere to be seen.

So it had been concluded, that it was a dream.

I got up, fixed my bed, and went to the bathroom and then I headed downstairs. As expected no one was there.

In the kitchen was Erin eating, but as soon as she saw me she started judging me.

“What are you doing here, don't you have school to go to?“ I asked

“I am not going today, we were supposed to visit this museum but the teacher called out last minute”


She grabbed her phone and started texting and I sat and started eating breakfast.

“Today, they left early, ain't it?“

“Who are we talking about again?“ she asked

“Mr. And Mrs. Brown?“

“Oh, yeah!! Since 5 AM,” she started

“Well good, I like being such a disappointment in their faces!“

“let me ask you once again, you wanted to do this right?“ she squeaked as she put her phone down and put all of her focus on me

“I told you already, I didn't have any control over it, it just went boom just like that.”

She smiles

“Why are you smiling?“

“My girl is a rebel”


“what I meant by that is that we are proud of you— I am proud of you, it was about damn time for you to rebelled against them.”

“Wait what are talking about? You guys wanted me to do this?“

“Yes, obviously— they always expected us to be someone we don't want to be now that you did what was necessary, I think they learned their lessons,” stated Erin and that is when I knew it wasn't only me experiencing this.

Something people like to say is that being the firstborn is a big responsibility, the firstborn are natural leaders, fiercely independent and responsible, I may have done something I wanted to do, something very important earlier, cause I was thinking of myself but was I thinking of them?

No, my decision may bring big consequences for their future so it is up to me to make sure it never happened.

“It is true that I never asked but what do you want to become in a few years?“

“Mmm, You—”

“I don't understand your answers, try again?“

“I would like to have your gift and express myself clearly and freely with nothing to hide!!”

“Believe me you don't want this, it is a curse,”

“How would you know? You had this like— a few hours?“

“I simply know, that's it. And by the way you are expressing yourself very well without.”

“No, I am not, I am full of secrets I wanna share but I lack the courage to —Anyway, I want to be able to say fuck you to the haters, and they know I mean it, and I like you or love you to someone I have feeling for and love, without them felt obliged to do it first.” started Erin

“Fuck the rules, right?“

“Yes fuck the rules!! And mostly be a gynecologist!”

“is that what our parents want you to be?“

“It's not them it's mostly Mom, she wants me to be a fly-attended, she wants Brandon to focus on playing tennis when he doesn't even like it and I believe Eric wanted to be what they offered you,”

“Now that I turned it down, he can have it,”

“I don't think this is how it works, I think they are going to hand it over to the next which is Brandon,”

“But Brandon doesn't want it, does he?“

“Well, I don't know cause it's been a while since he stopped talking to us about all of that, he is now doing whatever he wants, doesn't respect any rules, has no code, he fuck everything he found, the only ones he respects is a mom and dad.”

I scoffed “What do you mean everything he found?“

“Every fish bones, it doesn't matter if she was beautiful or not as long as she got a hole,”

“Come on, this is not true, I know Brandon and I know he has standards,”

“Whatever—he was with that girl, he presented her to our parents as a friend but we knew damn well it wasn't, after spending two, three days here she started acting like our big sister, acting as if this was her house,”

“You hated her, didn't you?“

“is it that obvious?“

We started laughing.

“Listen, I don't want any of you to talk back to Mom and Dad, thinking after what I did that gives you a pass to do it too, no that doesn't,”

“They worked hard for us to be who we are now, even if they don't spend a lot of time with us, and try to be the parents we wanted them to be but they still tried their best— one thing is for sure during my two weeks here, I will try to put every broken piece together for you to not have to do it and then when I go back to where I was I will try to fix mine,”

“Your life is not broken, don't say that,”

“It is, I have been wasting my life doing all sorts of bad things, I don't have to get into details but it is a similar situation as Brandon, Once I get back I will try to get a life.”

I kept eating and her back on her phone.

There was a silence in the room for some time and then when I didn't hear anything, no sound of her eating and absolutely no sound of her typing I knew something was up with her.

When I looked at her, she was already staring at me like I owned her or something.

When our eyes locked she started laughing.

“Didn't I tell you to stop judging me? And besides what is so funny?“ I demanded

“Aren't you going to talk about what happened between you and Alton last night?“

“What happened between Alton and me last night?“

“What the hell he did do to you up there, did he fuck your brain too?“ she babbled

“What? Alton wasn't there, I thought—”

“You thought what?“ she continued

“I thought it was just a dream?“ I replied

“Yeah it was, girl, wake the fuck up— I saw him walking down the stairs holding his suit over his sholder and his shoes in the other hand, doing the walk of shame, I can tell you he was a dream!!” she explained

“Just shut up, I don't want no one to hear of this,” I mumbled

Erin zipped her mouth, I got up threw the rest of the food in the trash, and threw the plate in the sink then I rushed upstairs.

“Shit, shit, shit, what is wrong with me?“ I said to myself

“Everything, you better pull yourself together girl, and try to have another one of these dreams, hahaha!!”

After flipping her off, I got up, took out my phone, wrote down Alton's numbers, let myself collapsed into bed.

“Morning sunshine” I heard him say on the phone with his deep and sweet voice.

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