2. Dream

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I sit on a folding chair in the barn watching Cade work. He’s working on a little gadget before he starts on the truck. “Jordan can you pass me a wrench?” I reach into his tool box grabbing a wrench from under a tape measure and passing it to him. “What’s your story?” He asks  rubbing some grease on his pants. “What do you mean?” I ask messing with the laces on my boots. He stops working on his invention and sends me a ‘don’t lie to me look’. I close my eyes leaning back against the chairs. “My Dad was an inventor. A very successful one at that. Both of my parents were soldiers. My Mom was a Pilot and a SEAL and my dad was a Marine. My Dad worked with a top secret group and they fought very dangerous battles. 5 years ago both of my parents were called in to fight in Chicago. I lost my Dad and my Mom died a few months later from cancer. The only family I have left disowned me. Then again they always were fucking assholes. And now I’m just wandering. But as my Mom said ‘Not all who wander are lost.” I slip the ring off my finger and hold it up for him to see. Cade leans forward putting a hand on my shoulder. “Jordan I can’t say I know what you're going through. But no matter what happens have faith.” I shake my head giving a forced smile. “Faith is just lost hope.” He shrugs going back to what he was doing. “That may be true. But I’ve lived on faith for the least 18 years and I’m still kicking.” The door to the barn opens and Tessa comes inside carrying a tray of food.

“I brought you some food guys.” I can say I am surprised she brought me some. Tessa must see the look on my face because she giggles setting the food down. “You're part of our little family now Jordan.” Now both Yeagers are laughing at me. Tessa points at me shaking her finger. “Make sure he eats.” I salute her sharply like my parents taught me. “Yes ma’am.” She rolls her eyes playfully before turning on her puppy eyes. “Dad can I go out with my friends for a drive?” I snicker seeing where this is going and pull my legs up onto the chair fishing out my phone. I try to use it as little as possible because the Government doesn’t exactly like me. I dig my earbuds out of my pocket plugging them in and begin to blast music. Count On Me by Bruno Mars comes on and I smile as I remember that fact that this was my parents song. They loved this song so much they got a special doorbell that had the chorus of this song. I pull out one earbud when Cade comes over so I’m not considered rude.

“Can you believe she wants to date? She is 17 years old.” Cade grumbles making me roll my eyes. “Hey I’m 24 and I haven’t had a boyfriend.” He points his wrench at me. “I don’t see why she can’t wait until she’s your age to start dating.” I shrug putting my legs over the arm of the chair. “Oh no I went on dates but my parents scared them off coming out with assault rifles and a handful of their soldier friends. Once even a grenade, it was a fake but still!” He laughs as he tinkers with something eyes furrowed in concentration. “I can see where they're coming from.” I glare playfully at Cade who gives a bark of laughter before going back to work. I reach over to a table and grab a circuit board and some wires beginning to tinker. I connect the wires and grab the husk of an old 05 bright pink Nokia phone and begin to work my magic. I press the power button and nothing happens. I growl poking it with the screwdriver.

“Do you have a car battery I can borrow, and some jumper cables?” Cade looks over and sees that I’m in ‘inventor mode’ and I see him nod out of the corner of my eyes and walks away grabbing what I asked him to grab putting it on the table I’m working at. I attach the jumper cables to the phone before touching the car battery powering my invention. A sharp numbness buzzes up my arm making me curse and throw down the jumper cables. “That ought to do it.” I poke a random piece of metal which absorbs the electricity. “What did you make?” Cade asks leaning against the table. (these may be real numbers don’t call them!) “It has a few features. If you enter 127-1889 it will become a signal blocker. Will block any wifi or cell signal from being tracker. 567-2819 and it will become a mini grenade and you have 10 seconds before it blows up. And it is untraceable.” Cade takes the phone from my hand looking it over grinning. “This is genious.” I blush rubbing the back of my head before yawning. “Well I’m knackered. Is it alright if I change in the house before crashing in my truck?” Cade shakes his head. “Go right ahead Jordan. Just lock your truck incase Lucas drops by.” I walk towards the door muttering something about my knife and dumb blonde. I jog over to my beast grabbing some clothes and slipping into the house locating a bathroom and changing into some pj’s brushing my teeth. The back of my truck is costum. It has no rear windows or doors and is a mattress. It’s like a truckers bed in a sleeper. I kick off my converse flopping onto the bed grabbing a backpack of mine digging through it to find my sleeping medication. I’m an Insomniac and am medicated for it. I curl into a fetal position feeling the forced sleep smothering me.

I look in the mirror. Looking back is a 19 year old me. I smooth my dress down, my Aunt is trying to turn me into a girly girl. I’m 19 but since I’m on summer vacation from college I have to stay with her. My Dad is secretly visiting me today and he says he has someone for me to meet. He called him Hide. The sound of gravel crunching under tires gets my attention as I look over to see a giant black beast of a truck pulls into the driveway my Dad slipping out of the drivers seat. I run downstairs running through the screen door it slamming behind me. “Dad!” He looks over at me smiling softly spinning me around. “Hey Princess.” I hug him tightly burying my face into the front of his uniform inhaling the familiar scent. “I missed you.” He hugs me back just as tightly kissing my hair. “I missed you to. Theres someone I need you to meet come on.” I reluctantly pull away from the hug turning to face the truck with my Dad. “Ironhide?” There is an alien sound as the truck metal shifts transforming until a large robot stands in front of us. I gasb backing into my Dads chest eyes wide with fear and wonder. “Jordan, this is my partner Ironhide. Ironhide his is my daughter Jordan.” I regain my sense of self and wave tentatively. Ironhide chuckles kneeling on one knee. “It is an honor to meet you little one.” I pout when he calls me little one which makes both him and my Dad laugh. “I’m going to grab the part I need. You two talk amongst yourselves!” My Dad jogs over to his shed slipping inside. I turn back to Ironhide rubbing the back of my neck. “I heard you invent things like your Father. Do you think you will be like him when you're older?” I shake my head wrapping my arms around myself. “No because I worry already on weather or not my parents will come back.” I thought he would, like most adults, lecture me on faith. “I can see why.” His eyes darken slightly and I go to ask him what's wrong before Dad runs over looking worried. “Ironhide we need to go now.” Ironhide nods and Dad pulls me into a hug before passing me an envelope. “Jordan when the time comes stand by what we taught you. Don’t blame the humans or Autobots blame the fricking Decepticons. Remember you're Mother and I love you so much.” Dad hugs me and I feel a few tears trail down my neck. “We have to go.” Ironhide calls before transforming. Dad sighs “Jordan no matter what happens, no matter what trust the Autobots and Optimus Prime because they will never let you down.” Dad kisses my forehead before looking at my face tears running down his own before leaving with Ironhide.

That was the last time I ever saw my father. I never got to say I love you back.

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