4. Island Of Misfit Toys

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We’re waiting for Lucas to get back from town with some parts for Optimus. I’m working on the Nokia trying to add some more features but it’s not going so well. For some reason the damned thing won’t accept the codes. I kick the wall my brown boots scuffing up from the dirt layered on the wall. I walk outside so I don’t interupt Optimus who is doing who knows what. I cuss quietly when I see Lucas getting out of his car. “What took you so long?” I ask and he shrugs not meeting my eyes. “It was a long list man.” I roll my eyes as Tessa comes over asking the same question and getting the same answer. A dust cloud is coming up the driveway and Tessa and myself notice at the same time. “Cade!” “Dad!” Cade comes out of the barn coming to stand by us. A bunch of black cars pull up in almost a semicircle around us. I quickly shove the Nokia, my phone and my knife into a hidden pocket on the inside of my hoodie knowing shit’s going to hit the fan. A bunch of men in black suits get out of the cars, and all of them have guns.

“We are here on a matter of National security.” The head honcho says as his men look us over. “We got the report that you are harboring a transformer.” My eyes snap to Lucas. He must of called when he was in town, he is DEAD! “I think there must be some kind of misunderstanding.” Cade protests and I nod my agreement but subtly shift how I’m standing so I’m in between Tessa and the goons. “Oh really Mr. Yeager?” He makes a hand motion and some of the goons come at us. “Welcome to the Island of Misfit Toys muthafucah.” I growl punching one goon in the face before kicking him backwards so he knocks two of his buddies over. I elbow one in the face hearing his nose crack I spin kicking one on the side before I am shoved to my knees a taser being shot at me. My body jerks as the electricity numbs my body. It doesn’t affect me too badly since I get electrocuted a lot. The head man comes over looking over my face. “Jordan Pierce I should have none. Always was an alien lover weren’t you? Runs in the family..” I growl in the back of my throat before spitting on his face. He wipes it off and a cold barrel of a gun is pressed to the back of my head as I’m forced to turn around. Tessa is in the same position as me but she’s crying and on the ground. Cade is also in the same position and I don’t give a damn about Lucas anymore. “Tell us about the truck.” A man orders Cade and the gun is pressed further into Tessa's head and she screams in fear.    

“Alright, I’ll tell you just let them go alright.” I close my eyes anger burning in my veins. And here I thought he was different then most humans. “There was a truck that we bought to restore and last night we put it in the barn and this morning it was gone. Thats all we know about him.” Cade you fool, you beautiful fool. “You said him.” The goon says and I curse as I’m shoved to the ground the safety on the gun being turned off. Tessa screams and I wiggle in my captors grip trying to see her. “Daddy!” Tessa screams and Cade begins to fight back. “You can’t shoot my babygirl please thats all we know.” Cade pleads with the guy and I growl. “Hey!” I yell getting the guys attention. “Leave her alone! If you shoot anyone it’s going to be me! And you know why? Because if you hurt a hair on her head I’ll kill you myself!” I bellow fighting against my captors grip before I’m hit with my captors gun. Blood drips over my eye and I yelp when he digs a knife into my leg. Both men prepare to shoot us and I lock eyes with Cade silently thanking him for not giving up Optimus and making my last couple days the best. The barn explodes as Optimus rolls out shooting at our captors who get ready to fight. A white race car shoots over the fence hitting some of the captors with it’s wheels.

“Get in!” The driver yells and we rush to do so. Theres not enough room so Tessa ends up sitting in her Dads lap. I yank a bandana off the floor tying it around my leg wound trying to stop the bleeding. I’ve lost enough blood that what happens next is fuzzy for a couple minutes before we fly out of a window and down a couple stories. I yell along with the others grabbing onto the seat in front of me before we safely land and have to get out of the car. “Run!” Cade orders and we run, well I limp away from the fiery gas thing that’s chasing us. Wow I am not good with blood loss. We run towards Optimus’s alt mode running for our lives. Lucas shoves me sending me faster and because of that doesn’t make it out. We climb into Optimus’s cab Cade helping me up. “I’m sorry for the loss of your friend.” Optimus says as he begins to drive down the highway towards who knows where. We pass a costume semi and Optimus begins to change as he turns into a dark blue version of it with flames. I lean my head against the side of his alt mode spots appearing in my vision. The dumbass goon sliced a vein. Tessa notices and gets Cade’s attention. I hear voices trying to get my attention and try to answer before I’m sucked into sleep.

Authors Note:
Sup guys? How's everyone's summers? Should I do the Autobot she is going to like's POV soon? I wouldn't say who it is of course

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