part 14

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Hi guys.I'm very happy that you are liking the revenge plan. Thankyou for your support. Here is the next part hope you all will like it.

"Next day It was bright morning adarsh was in his room. He was sitting on bed lost. He was awake in early morning as he didn't got proper sleep because of yesterdays incidents. His thoughts broke with his phone sound as he received a message. He took his phone and looked at it. Suddenly he got up from the bed in shock as the msg was from the same unknown number. He was thinking to open it or not already he was tensed and frustated. His fear was visible in his eyes. But finally he decided to open it and with trembling hands he touch the phone screen opening the msg and his eyes widen seeing the msg"

"A very good...Oh no no I mean a very bad morning adarsh as from now on your bad days are starting. So be ready"

"Seeing this msg his fear increased and he was just standing there shocked. Suddenly his phone started ringing and he jerked with the sound. He then looked at phone screen and found it was parinita's call. He takes a breath in relief as he thought the call will be from the black mailer only. He then picked up the phone"

"Adarsh:parinita that...that black mailer. He said in trembling voice."

"Parinita:what happend adarsh..? What about that black mailer.? She asked getting worried"

"Adarsh:parinita yesterday when I came back here after meeting you I got almost a shock. He said remembering whatever happend yesterday"

"Parinita:what..? What happend.? What are you saying.? She asked getting more worried with his words. And adarsh said her everything whatever happend she too got shock by this but also felt relieved that they got saved"

"Adarsh:parinita that..that blakmailer he can do anything. He can tell everyone the truth also. I...I got his msg just now. He said my bad days are starting. I...I don't know what we will do now....? He said with fear"

"Parinita:Adarsh calm down nothing will happen ok. Yesterday he just played on us nothing else. He just want to scare us. What if he know everything about us but what about the proofs. Do you think he will have any proof against us..? And do you think without any proofs your family will believe any random guy and not on their beloved son. She said last line smirking as she very well know that whole family believes adarsh more than anyone as they thought he is more rensponsible and obedient. Hearing this somewhere Adarsh also felt she is right but still those messge was in mind and the reslessness was still there but parinita thought to ignore that black mailer as without proofs he can't do anything"

"After some time laksh was in his room and he was talking on phone with his ragini only"

"Laksh:good morning baccha. He said as she picked up the call. And ragini smiled and wished him back" 

"Laksh:acha listen I have a surprise for you so get ready I'm coming there to pick you and chotu. He said smiling"

"Ragini:surprise....what surprise laksh.? She asked getting confused while he rolled his eyes"

"Laksh:oho...ragini it's surprise yaar. If I have to say what is that then what is the meaning in saying it surprise. Now no question I'm coming in some time go and get ready bye. He said stricktly and cuts the call immediately before she ask anymore questions and she pouted at that and got lost thinking about what will be the surprise"

"At mm laksh got ready and came down for breakfast when his eyes fall on adarsh who was sitting on dining table but was looking disturbed which made laksh smirked as he understood its the affect of his msg in the morning. He then went towards dining table and sit on chair and started having his breakfast silently. He was noticing adarsh and was feeling the satisfaction that he is able to made adarsh restless"

"After breakfast laksh left mm and reached at maltis house. He knocked on door and malti opend it. She smiled looking at him and welcomed him as ragini has already told her about laksh"

"Laksh:Namaste aunty. How are you.? He asked smiling as he came inside the house"

"Malti:I'm good you say. She replied smiling and asked about him"

"Laksh:me too good aunty. He said looking at her but she noticed he was looking around. She smiled at that"

"Malti:oho...someone is getting restless. She said with a teasing smile and he looked at her with a nervous smile."

"Laksh:no no aunty...I...I was just.. he stammerd not able to understand what to say."

"Malti:it's ok...its ok no problem. she will come in some time. she is in her room getting ready. You sit na and wait ok. She said trying to supress her laugh seeing his expressions as he was looking dissappointed and just fake his smile. He was so disparate to see her after all he didn't see her from yesterday but now he has to wait this thought made him sad and he sits on sofa sadly"

"Malti:laksh don't make faces like this. I know you want to meet her go. She said laughing a bit and he smiled sheepishly then litterly ran from there towards raginis room leaving malti laughing there"

"Laksh came inside the room and looked around but didn't found ragini just then he heard some sounds from washroom and understood she is taking bath. His eyes fall on chotu who was in cardle he smiled looking at him and came towards him"

"Laksh:awww baby what are you doing haan..? So cute baby.. he said taking chotu in his arms and smiling at him"

"Chotu smiled a little looking at him and laksh felt really happy seeing his childish smile. He was already feeling strange by taking chotu in his arms as he never saw any little baby's and this was new for him. He pulled chotus cheeks softly and started talking and playing with him childishly"

"After some time ragini came out of washroom and her eyes falls on laksh who was sitting on bed with chotu in his arms but laksh was so lost in playing with chotu that didn't noticed her. Ragini smiled seeing him playing like a child and came towards him"

"Ragini:i think someone is very busy. She said standing besides him and he looked up and got mesmerized seeing her. She was wearing a pink colour sari and was looking very beautiful. He was just staring her being lost and ragini blushed a little at his gaze."

"Laksh:ragini you are looking so beautiful. He said lovingly while standing up from bed and ragini just blushed at that and he smiled"

"Ragini:by the way laksh when you came here.? She asked"

"Laksh:just before some time. He said smiling but suddenly his expressions changed and ragini looked at him confused"

"Laksh looked at chotu and ragini too looked at him and suddenly her eyes fall on laksh shirt which was wet. She widen her eyes and looked at laksh who was making weired faces. Ragini was trying hard to control her laugh"

"Laksh:what is this yaar...what he did..? He said making faces looking at ragini which made her brust out in laughter"

"Laksh:will you plz stop laughing now and take him. He said irritatedly and forwarding chotu towards her."

"Ragini controlled her laughter and took chotu from him. She placed chotu on bed and started changing his clothes while laksh was looking at his shirt making crying faces and ragini started laughing again which made him more irritated"

"Laksh:stop laughing ok. And you what you did..? He said last line looking at chotu with fake glares but chotu giggled at that making him shock"

"Laksh:what haan what are you giggling bacchu...wait let you grown up then I will scold you for this. He said looking at chotu like a kid complaining making ragini chuckle and chotu was looking at him innocently with his big eyes nibbling his thumb in his mouth"

"Ragini:laksh he is a kid he won't understand all this. Now you stop behaving like a kid and change your clothes. She said chuckling"

"Laksh:haan haan sure madam. I am to roaming around taking extra clothes with me. He said sarcastically"

"Ragini:oho...laksh wait a minute. She said and stand up from bed. She went towards cupboard and take out a bag from it"

"Ragini:here take this. Last time when I went for shopping I saw this suit and liked it. I thought it will suit you so I brought it and thought will give you when we will met but I forgot before So now take this and change go. She said handling him the bag and he took it and went in washroom while ragini changed chotus clothes"

"After some time laksh came out of washroom after changing his clothes. He looked at ragini who was standing with chotu in her arms. He came towards them and glared chotu again but there was no affect on him. He again giggled and laksh rolled his eyes at that and hit his forehead with his hand making ragini again laugh out loud. He got irritated with that and left the room stamping his foot like a kid making ragini giggle"

"After some time raglak left maltis house and they were in car on their way. Chotu was playing in raginis lap and laksh was driving glancing at chotu some times making faces and ragini was enjoying it while giggling at his antics"

"Soon they reached at their destination and laksh stopped car. Ragini looked around and found they were near temple. She looked at him confused while he just smiled and get down from the car. He came towards raginis side and opend car door for her. She too came out of car with chotu and looked at him"

"Laksh:ragini no questions just follow me ok. He said and she nodded as she don't want to make him more irritated."

"Laksh started going towards temple while ragini followed him silently. He stopped near the temple and signed her to look inside. She looked there and found her both family's there. She got emotional seeing them after long time. She looked at everyone with tear filled eyes. She then looked at laksh. He can see her emotions through her eyes. She was looking at him thankfully."

"Ragini:laksh than... She was about to say but was stopped by laksh"

" need to say anything ragini. I know you are missing your family's. He said placing his finger on her lips and she smiled beetween her tears"

Laksh: And also you wanted chotu and maa-baba to meet na. So here I got the chance. All have came here for a shanti pooja so I thought this will be a very good chance for us to make them meet. He said last line looking towards chotu and shemish while ragini felt overwhelmed by his love and care for her"

"Laksh:ragini you go at back of the temple and i will come there with maa-baba ok. He said and she nodded. She looked at all family members one last time. And then left from there while laksh went towards shemish"

"Laksh:maa baba I want to talk something important. Plz come with me. He said looking at them while they both looked at him being confused but before they ask any questions he said them to come with him immediately he will tell them everything then. They agreed and went with laksh at the back of temple"

"As soon as shemish reached at the back of temple they got shock seeing ragini standing there. They looked at each other then at her again. Their eyes got teary seeing her they got emotional so does ragini. They came towards her immediately and laksh followed them. Laksh took chotu from ragini and she hugged her parents tightly. They both also hugged her and laksh smiled looking at them"

"Shekhar:ragini...beta are are safe. Beta where were you..? He asked being emotional and sharmishtha looked at her for answer. She told them everything from starting...about parish blackmailing....about chotu and everything. They got shock hearing about parish and got emotional after getting to know that their child is alive. They both looked towards chotu who was in laksh arms. Sharmishtha takes chotu from laksh and started crying hugging him while shekhar was looking with teary eyes. Raglak  also got emotional seeing them"

"Sharmishtha:ragini laksh thankyou..thankyou so much you both saved our child. Thankyou so much. She said while crying and shekhar too looked at raglak being thankful but laksh was looking down he was not able to look at them. He was feeling ashamed about brothers doings"

"Shekhar:laksh it was not your fault at all infact you saved our child. You don't have to feel bad. He said placing his hand on laksh shoulder"

"Laksh:I'm sorry baba. I never knew my brother can do this. I'm really sorry but he will get punishment I promise you I won't leave him for everything he did. And I will show you how he will regret. He said looking at him with determine look"

"Other side inside the temple all were doing Pooja when adarsh phone rang he looked at the screen and got shock seeing the unknown number again. He stand up from his place and went aside to talk. He picked up the call with fear and irritation"

"Adarsh:he...hello. he said trying to be strong and not to show his fear but failed as laksh sensed it by his voice only and smirked"

"Caller:hello adarsh maheshwari what is happening haan...? Doing pooja and all but you know what it's of no use for you. After all this all things are for good souls not for you. He said and adarsh got shock"

"Adarsh:how..? How do you know about it.? He asked being shock and laksh smirked at that"

"Laksh:i said na I know everything about you. So I knew this also by the way what if your true face come infront of your family right now...And infact all are present there right gsdodias also so think what they will do with you. He said smirking and adarsh got shock"

"Adarsh:just stop...just stop it ok. What will you do you have any proofs against me..? No you don't have any proofs. I know you are just giving me fake threats so stop this understand. He said angrily making laksh too angry"

"Adarsh was about to say more but was stopped when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He got shock and turned back and found ap standing there"

"Ap:what is this Adarsh.? She asked and his eyes got wide and gulps thinking that may be she heard him and many nagetive thoughts came in his mind"

"Screen freezed on his shocked face"

How was the part guys do tell me through your comments and do vote.

Forgive me for my mistakes.

Bye bye guys take care.

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