part 13

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Hi guys. Here is the next part.

"Scene starts from mm adarsh was in his room. He was getting ready for office when his phone rang which was placed on bed. He looked at it and got shock seeing the number as it was the same unknown number. He gulp and slowly took phone in his hand. He was thinking what to do..? To pick up the call or not..? Phone was continuesly ringing which make him more tensed. He then decided to pick up the call. he pick up the call with tension"

"Adarsh:hello...hello he said trying to sound normal"

"Caller:hello Mr. Adarsh maheshwari you didn't took me seriously haan...what you thought I'm joking or something haan.. then you are really wrong. I know everything about you. And what if I will tell your family about you...your deeds actually your sins. What they will do to you. Throw you out of the house or may be they will sent you in jail..and if not then also where will you go. Tuctuc...poor adarsh maheshwari you will roam around the city like a bagger or what...hahahaha...think think adarsh just think... he said making adarsh hell shock. He was litterly imagining about him being jailed or getting thrown out of the house. He very well know his father will never allow him in the house if he gets to know about his real face. His thoughts got broken by caller voice"

"Caller:don't take me lightly and think about this being a joke..I'm not at all joking I can do it and I will do it just wait and watch. He said in a dangerous tone making adarsh really scared and shock."

"Adarsh:but why are you doing this..? What do you want.? He shouts but didn't got any reply as the call already got disconnected"

"Adarsh:hello...hello answer me dammit..who are you..? Hello answer me. He shouts more in frustation and throws his phone on the bed and got really tensed about his words."

"Out side of his room we can see some one standing there looking at him and is smirking and the person is none other then laksh. He was watching his face carefully and was enjoying his tension...fear....frustation. he was standing there only from the time he called him to see his reaction on his call and some where he felt satisfied by this but it was just begning"

"Laksh:Mr. Adarsh maheshwari now you will face the same which you have given to my ragini. He said looking at him angrily and with a last glance at him he left from there while adarsh was still in shock and was thinking about the call"

"Laksh came in his room and take his phone to call ragini but was stopped by sanskar who came in his room calling his name"

"Sanskar:laksh what are you doing..? You know na we are having a very important meeting today lets go now we are getting late. He said"

"Laksh:ya Bhai you go I'm coming in 5 minutes. He said and again tried to call ragini but sanskar didn't let him"

"Sanskar:no laksh bade papa is waiting and he will get angry if we will be more late lets go now. He said and dragged him from there while laksh sigh and put his phone back in his pocket thinking he will call her later."

"At maltis house ragini was looking after chotu and was thinking some thing malti noticed her being lost and decided to ask"

"Malti:ragini beta what happend I'm noticing you are lost in some thoughts what happend..? She asked sitting besides her on sofa and placing her hand on her shoulder"

"Ragini:aunty I'm thinking about chotu and my maa baba. Yesterday everything happend so suddenly I didn't thought anything other then chotu's safety and bring him here with me but now I think he should be with his parents. But I'm not understanding how to make them meet him. I can't go to baadi if parish will get to know about me or chotu then our plan will get ruin. What should I do now.? She said with worry tension and sadness as she don't want chotu to stay away from his parents"

Malti:i can understand ragu what you are saying and you are not wrong also but don't take tension. Talk with laksh about this and I'm sure you both will get a way soon. Don't get upset everything will be fine ok. She said sweetly with a smile and ragini too smiled a little"

"Whole day passed like this laksh was busy at office as he was having alot of work so he didn't even get time to call ragini and ragini was busy with chotu so they didn't got time to talk the whole day"

"It was evening at mm dp was sitting on sofa in hall. He was looking angry all were present there only adarsh was not there all were looking worried seeing him angry but didn't asked anything. Just then adarsh enterd in the house. All looked towards him but he was lost in his own thoughts. He was directly going upstairs towards his room without looking up or at anyone"

"Dp:Adarsh... dp shouts angrily making everyone shock there and adarsh stopped on stairs hearing his shout."

"Dp:I know everything adarsh.. how can you do this.? He again shouts looking at adarsh angrily while adarsh was facing him his back"

"Adarsh was hell shock. He was standing at his place like a statue. That caller words came running in his mind and he started sweating. His face was showing his fear"

"Dp:I'm talking to you adarsh. How can you do this..? He again shouts making adarsh more scared. He slowly turned towards dp and seeing his angry face he gulps hard then came down and stand infront of dp with heavy heart beats"

"Dp:Tell me adarsh how can you be so careless. You ruined our reputation. How can you left the meeting in beetween..? That meeting was so important you knew it very well right then how can you do this.? He shouts making adarsh shocked"

"Dp:I'm talking to you adarsh. Why you left the meeting in beetween..? Do you know how much I have to hear from them because of you... you lost the deal also. I didn't accepted this from you. He shouts and adarsh looked down at that but he was relieved that its not what he thought and he breathed in relief"

"Adarsh:I'm sorry papa. He said in a low voice after composing himself from his fear."

"Dp:Your sorry won't do anything now. You should have thought about this before. Now nothing can change. You have ruined everything. He said angrily and left from there. All others too left one by one adarsh was still standing there"

"What are you hiding..? Adarsh heard the voice from behind him suddenly and turned back with a jerk. And found laksh standing behind him with a serious look."

"Adarsh:what...what do you mean.? He said trying to sound normal but he was actually stammering with laksh sudden question he again got tensed"

"Laksh:nothing I'm just asking what happend that you left your meeting in beetween.? He asked with confusion"

"Adarsh:nothing laksh I...I just got a important work so I have to left the meeting. He said uninterstadly as he was already frustated by the call and then all this"

"Laksh:then why you were looking afraid like you got caught. He said sharply and adarsh looked at him shocked."

"Adarsh:no nothing...nothing like that. I'm just not feeling well today laksh. I'm...I'm having headache. Can...can I go to my room plz now.? He lied immediately trying to end the topic and to leave from there"

"Laksh:oh no I'm so sorry. You are not feeling good na so go...go take rest go. He said with fake concern and adarsh started leaving from there. While laksh was looking at him from back with a smirk on his lips"

"Adarsh came in his room all frustated. He wiped his forehead and closed his eyes trying to calm down but his luck was not with him. He got the call again and he picked it angrily"

"Adarsh:what the hell do you want.? Why are you calling me again and again..? Who are you..? He shouts angrily on phone but he heard only laughing sound in return which pissed him more"

"Adarsh:stop this nonsense. Stop it God dammit.. tell me what do you want.? He shouts again with more frustation"

"Caller:shhh.... Stop shouting I can also shout even I can tell your family about your truth. This time you got safe but not everytime. He said in a low but dangerous tone"

"Caller:just be careful anything can happen anytime. He said and the call got disconnected leaving adarsh restless and tensed"

"Other side laksh was looking at the phone smirking. He was in his room and caller adarsh just to make him more scared. He then sits on bed relaxing and then again called some one."

"Laksh:hello finally I can talk to you. He said with a bright smile as the phone got connected and the person was none other then ragini whom he called"

"Ragini: Yes laksh how are you.? Is everything fine..? She asked as they didn't talked whole day and laksh smiled at her concern"

"Laksh:don't worry everything is fine ragini. I was just busy in office and you know what happend today.? He said in excitment like he was going to say some story while ragini got confused and asked what happend and laksh said her everything happend just some time ago"

"Laksh:you know what ragini his face was worth watching he was so much scared. He was sweating. He said like he won some thing big"

"Ragini:but laksh why he left meeting like that.? He is not at all careless about this things. She asked getting confused"

"Laksh:it was all planned by your clever hubby. He said proudly smirking and ragini got confirmed as she already had a dought about this"

"Laksh:actually ragini when he was in his meeting i messeged him from that unknown number that his wife is in danger and he ran out of the meeting. I knew papa will get very angry on him for this and I have said him in morning that I will tell his family everything about him. I knew he was already worried and papas anger will give him a shock and see this happend. He was so much scared. Now my threats will make him more restless it will affect him ragini.  He said with anger towards adarsh"

"Ragini:but laksh it affect our company also na you lost the deal. She said"

"Laksh:no ragini not we it's him. It was his deal. His first deal as he wanted to start buisness on his own. And he lost it also he face the same fear you have gone through. He said tightning his fist"

"Ragini:that's great laksh he deserve this only. She said as she remember everything she gone through because of him"

"Laksh:acha now leave this and tell me what happend to you..? You are sounding dull. Is everything ok.? How is you and chotu? He asked as he sensed her being lost"

"Ragini:I'm fine laksh chotu is fine but I'm thinking he will be more fine if he will be with his parents. Laksh I want maa baba to know about him they will be so happy. They are showing that they are fine but I know they are still hurt but I'm not understanding if it's possible.? She said emotionally and laksh felt sad sensing her being upset"

"Laksh:ragini I can understand what you are saying. I know baccha you want your parents happiness. And you don't worry we will do something and will tell them about chotu but you pls don't get upset baccha. I'm here na then why are you getting worried I will handle everything ok. He said trying to cheer her up and some where she felt relieved hearing his words and smiled a little"

"They talked on phone till late as they were not getting sleep and was feeling happy talking with each other. Their was a smile on their faces"

"Screen freezed on them"

I'm sorry guys for this boring episode I really don't know if it make sence or not whatever I wrote I'm sorry if there was any mistakes.

Forgive me for my spelling And grammatical mistakes.

Take care guys by by.

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