part 12

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Hi guys. Sorry I'm late again. But lets start with the part. Hope you all will like it.

"Scene starts from mm laksh was in his room and was calling some one. Soon the caller picked up the call and he smiled brightly"

"Laksh: ragu baccha how are you.? He asked smilingly and sits on bed"

"Ragini:laksh you have left from here just before sometime after meeting me and asking me how I am.? She said with disbelief but a small smile on her lips"

"Laksh:so what you are my life I have to know about you every minute...every second...he said making faces and last line with cocern and love which made her smile more"

"Ragini:ok baba but don't worry I'm fine but...she said in a lower tone making his smile vanished and he got tensed"

"Laksh:but what..? Ragu baccha is everything fine there..? Are you ok na..? What happend.? He asked with worry"

"Ragini:relax laksh I'm fine and everything is fine too but it's just that I'm missing you...I'm missing you alot laksh. She said sadly and he takes a breath getting relaxed that she is fine but her last line made him also sad as he was also missing her like anything. That's why As soon as he reached at home. He immediately changed his clothes and called her although he had spend whole day with ragini returned at mm after dinner but still he can't stay away for a second also from her"

"Laksh:i know baccha I'm also missing you. After this many days I got you back but...he sighed sadly both remind silent for sometime both were very happy when they finally met and came infront of each other that moment they decided not to get away from each other ever but now once again they are not together ofcourse they are close but yet far. Laksh sensed that this silence will lead her into crying and he don't want that so he thought something and smiled"

"Laksh:ragu baccha don't worry you are missing me na so I have solution for it ok you just don't be sad ok by. He said and cuts the call"

"Ragini:what...laksh Hello...hello laksh...? She said but there was no use and she got confused. She tried to call him again but he didn't picked up"

"After some time ragini was standing near window in room and was thinking about laksh behaviour. Her thoughts was broken by some voice coming from window she got confused and looked down and found laksh coming up through the pipe. She got shock while he just smiled looking at her while climbing up"

"Ragini:laksh what...what are you doing here..? Laksh have you lost your mind..? How can you come here like this..? She was asking questions continuesly while he was hanging there looking at her"

"Laksh:ragini stop it now and help me other wise I will not be here but in hospital. He said jokingly but she got angry on this"

"Ragini:laksh stop it don't talk nonsense. She shouts and he understood he shouldn't have said that."

"Laksh:ok baccha I'm sorry plz but see I'm hanging here plz help me na. He said while forwarding his hand and making scared faces and she looked at him with frown she was still angry but then she can't take risk for his safety so she gave him her hand and he hold it smiling. She pulled him and he came inside the room through the window"

"Laksh looked at ragini but she looked away angrily while he got a little bit tensed as he know his words somewhere hurt her and its not only her anger but also worry for him."

"Laksh:ragu baccha I'm sorry plz plz forgive me. You know what I'm na stupid... idiot...I don't know I speak anything. Plz forgive me na...sorry...sorry...sorry.. He said holding his ears and making puppy faces finally she melted and smiled a little"

"Laksh:see see you are smiling and hasi to phasi means you forgave me na haan.. plz plz plz baccha plzzz. He said making her smile more and he too smiled looking at her"

"Ragini:laksh bilkul pagal hai aap... (you are mad laksh). She said smiling at his antics"

"Laksh:haan pagal hoon...tumhara pagal. He said winking at her and she slapped him playfully on his shoulder but suddenly her expressions changed"

"Ragini:but laksh you won't say something like this again. She said in a warning tone and he smiled at her cuteness"

"Laksh:ok baccha I promise I won't say something like this ever again. He said taking her hands in his and smiling"

"Ragini:but laksh what are you doing here...? And that too you came like this....have you gone mad..? She suddenly said as she realised it and got a little worried"

"Laksh:awww mera baccha relax this is not a big deal and you only said na im mad so yes i have gone mad for your love i have gone mad mrs. Ragini laksh. You were missing me na so I came here simple. He said smiling and pinching her cheek while she nodded her head in disbelief and blushing a little while he was admiring her When suddenly she hugged him tightly and he smiled brightly"

"Laksh:some one was very angry just before some time and now see romancing with me woww. He said teasingly and she looked at him with open mouth and hit him on his chest while he chuckled at her reaction"

"Ragini:stop it laksh I'm not doing anything wrong ok. You are my husband I can do whatever I want. I can be angry on you and also I can romance... she suddenly stopped in beetween realising what she was about to say and her cheeks turns red in shyness and she looked away while he smirked looking at her"

"Laksh:what...what...what...what you were saying ragini..? Why you stopped in beetween tell na.? He asked her making innocent faces but she very well know what he was doing and she glared him cutely"

"Ragini:laksh you are na too much. You are so bad. I won't talk to you. She said angrily and went towards bed and he just smiled looking at her cute angry face. He then came towards her and hugged her from back resting his chin on her shoulder"

"Laksh:aww mera baccha so cute. I was just kidding yaar don't get angry. He said back hugging her but she removed his hands from her self and started going towards other side angrily but he hold her wrist stoping her but she didn't looked at him"

"Laksh:baccha plz sorry na I was just teasing you. Don't get angry na. He said in a sad tone as he thought she is really angry on him. While ragini smiled as she was just teasing him but laksh show it through the mirror as she was standing infront of mirror. He frown understanding she was teasing him. He pulled her towards himself and she dashed on his chest with his sudden pull getting shock"

"Laksh:awww mera baccha teasing me haan....he said raising his eyebrow and with smirk on his lips. She got shock then smiled showing him her innocent face making him aww on her cuteness but he maintained his serious face"

"Laksh:this won't work now baccha you will get punishment. He said in a serious tone"

"Laksh started coming closer and she got nervous. He was smirking while coming closer towards her lips while She was feeling her heart beats getting faster by his closeness. He came more closer and she closed her eyes. Their lips was just inches apart when suddenly they heard crying sound they jearked with the sound and looked towards chotu who was crying"

"Laksh:enemy of my romance. He murmured making faces but ragini heard it and looked towards him with a serious face while he immediately smiled at her showing his teeths and she looked away giggling at his actions then ran towards chotu"

"Ragini came near chotu's cardle and take him in her arms. Laksh also came towards them"

"Ragini:awww chotu what happend..why are you crying baccha..? Shshh... don't cry...don't cry baccha...shhh... she was trying to calm him but he was still crying and ragini got worried for him"

"Laksh:arre baccha dont get worried. Do one thing sing lorry for him may be he will sleep then.. he said sensing her getting worried and ragini smiled at that"

"Ragini looked towards chotu lovingly carrsed his head then started singing lorry and laksh was mesmerized by her melodious voice he was listening her singing after a long time and this time only he was noticing she is an amazing singer. Ragini was walking here and there with chotu in her arms and was singing. Chotu also calm down and stopped crying. Laksh sat on bed and was staring ragini lovingly. He was actually admiring her love towards her brother. After some time chotu slept and ragini put him back in cardle smilingly she kissed his little forehead then turned towards laksh and got confuse as he was looking at her with smile. She came towards him"

"Ragini:laksh what happend..? She asked him placing her hand on his shoulder and he came in his sense as he was just lost in her"

"Laksh:nothing ragini I was just admiring my wife and I can do it I have all the rights. He said winking at her and she blushed looking down"

"Laksh:by the way ragini I should complete my incomplete work now. He said and she looked at him confusedly but he smiled naughtily and suddenly he hold her wrist and pulled her on bed and came over her. She widen her eyes in shock and looked at him while he winked at her and before she could say anything he placed his lips on hers and she clutched his shirt closing her eyes and soon get lost in his touch"

"After sometime they breaks the kiss  and looked at each other. He smiled and kissed her forehead then lied on bed besides her and takes her in his arms. She placed her head on his chest. They both were silent and was just feeling each others closeness and soon they both fall a sleep in each others arms"

"Next day morning raglak were sleeping peacefully cuddling into each other but suddenly malti started knocking on raginis door as it was late so she came to check on ragini. Laksh sleep got disturbed by that and he went towards door and opend it without realising that he is not at his home as he was not fully awake. He looked at the person rubbing his eyes and got shock seeing malti standing there that's when he realised where he is...while malti also got shock seeing him there"

"Malti:laksh you...when you came here..? She asked being confused while he got nervous thinking what to reply how he came there just then ragini also came there and she also got nervous seeing malti"

"Malti:ragini when laksh came here yesterday night to he left na..?  She asked looking towards her confusedly and raglak looked at each other"

"Laksh:actually aunty my wife was missing me and me too ofcourse so I came here again through the window. He said smiling shipeeshly while malti smiled teasingly at them and ragini looked down blushing and glared laksh"

"Laksh:arre why are you getting angry now just chill na. He said wrapping his arm around her shoulder and kissed her cheek making her hell shock. She looked at him with wide eyes and open mouth. She felt embrassed and shy she was not able to look at malti who was standing there"

"Ragini:what are you doing..? You have become shameless. She said in a law voice so that only laksh can hear hitting him on his shoulder"

"Laksh:ouch what yaar you can romance whenever you want but if I just kissed you then I'm shameless so bad ragini. He said rubbing his shoulder and pouting and she looked at him in disbelief. Malti chuckled seeing their nokjhok"

"Malti:ok ok now enough. You both get ready and then come for breakfast ok. She said stopping them from further fighting while raglak looked at her and nodded and she left from there. Laksh looked at ragini smiling but she glared him and went into washroom stamping her foot in anger while he looked on"

"After some time raglak came for breakfast at dining table. Malti was placing food there when she found them and smiled"

"Malti:you both came. Come and where is chotu..? Is he still sleeping.? She asked not finding chotu with them"

"Laksh:yes aunty. Yesterday night after hearing lorry from my wife's melodious voice he slept peacefully and is still sleeping. He said looking towards ragini but she didn't looked at him and he pouted sadly while malti was admiring them"

"Malti:you both have made my life colourful beta. I was living all alone but after ragini came in my life I'm feeling very happy but now you will take her away from me. She said last line looking at laksh and looked down sadly. While raglak looked at each other"

"Laksh:ohoo....aunty who said I will take her away from you I will just take her with me but it doesn't mean she will get away from you. We will be in contact with you infact we will visit you also I promise pakka. He said  holding her shoulders giving her assurance with a smile"

"Malti:really you won't forget me.?She asked with tear filled eyes"

"Ragini:ofcourse not aunty how can I forget you. You have helped me so much and always supported me you have now become like my family for me. She said holding her hands and malti smiled"

"Laksh:acsectly aunty you have saved my life...She is my life aunty I can't live without her and you have saved her how can I forget you. Trust me I will never take your daughter away from you so now stop crying ok. He said last line smiling and she too smiled back while ragini was staring him she forget all her anger and was just looking at him lovingly while laksh too looked at her and smiled they shared a short eyelock"

"Malti:ok ok now come have breakfast. She said wiping her tears and raglak seated on their chairs smiling while malti was about to serve but they made her sit also and they had breakfast together"

"Malti:laksh what about adarsh and parinita..? What are you going to do now..? She asked after they seated in hall and ragini too looked at him for answer"

"Laksh: just wait and watch. He said smirking while both ladies looked on confusedly"

"Screen freezed on laksh"

Finally posted how was it guys..?

In last part I got very law responce hope you would have liked this part.

Forgive me for my spelling and grammatical mistakes.

By by guys take care.

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