part 11

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Hi guys I'm really sorry for being this much late but here is the update hope you all will like it. So lets start.

"Scene starts from malti's house. She was in kitchen and was doing some work when she heard door bell sound. She came out of kitchen and open the door of her house and a smiled appeard on her lips seeing ragini standing at door with a little boy in her hands. She smiled more seeing the child as she understood that he is chotu seeing ragini's bright smile"

"Malti:see your prayers haven't gone waste. finally you got your brother. She said smilingly and carresing her head and ragini smiled"

"Ragini:yes aunty I got my brother. And my husband too. She said with happiness"

"Just then laksh came there after parking his car. Both ragini and malti looked at him and he smiled at ragini she also smiled then they both looked towards malti"

"Ragini:aunty he is... She was about to introduce him but was intrrupted by malti"

"Malti:your husband laksh I know. She said smiling and ragini got amazed but smiled"

"Suddenly chotu started crying. Ragini tried to calm him but he was still crying so malti said her to take him inside the room and made him sleep may be he is tired. Ragini nodded and went into the room. Malti welcomed laksh too and they both seated in the hall"  

"Laksh:how did you recognize me aunty..? We never met right.. he asked and she smiled at his question"

"Malti:yes we never met but ragini told me many things about you. She was always talking about you. And her smile and glwoing face proved that you are her laksh...her happiness. She was always thinking about you. She loves you alot laksh. She said with a smile and some way admiring her love for him"

"Laksh:i know aunty she loves me alot. I'm very lucky to have her in my life. She has tought me the real meaning of love. I'm incomplete without her. He said emotionally with all his love for her"

"Malti:she is also lucky to have you. I can see your love for her clearly in your eyes. You both are perfect with each other....made for each other couple. She said and he smiled at that"

"Just then ragini came there. Malti and laksh looked at her and she came towards them. Laksh asked about chotu and she said he slept and Laksh nodded while malti goes in kitchen to get some snacks for them"

"Other side adarsh and parinita came at godown again to cheak on chotu but they got shock seeing the empty cardle and those men's lying on floor.
They looked around to find any trace about chotu but there was nothing. They got worried and tensed."

"Parinita:adarsh where is that kid? And what had happen here? Who had beated this men's..? She said with shock and adarsh looked here and there with confusion and tension"

"Suddenly adarsh phone rang and he took out his phone from his pocket and looked at screen. It was an unknown number. He got confused then picked up"

"Adarsh:hello.. he said composing himself"

"Caller:worried....tensed....shocked... And what more you are feeling right now... said the caller making adarsh confused"

"Adarsh:what...what are you saying..? And who are you..? He asked with confusion"

"Caller:oh common don't behave like you don't know anything. You know very well what I'm talking about.. And your situation....I didn't said anything wrong right... you are in confusion and shock.." the caller said and we can see his lips and he was smirking"

"Adarsh:what...what....who are you.? Why you have called me.? He asked this time with frustation"

"Caller:who I am..? First tell me who you are..? The one who is very obedient or the one who is very cruel..? He said last line with little anger while adarsh looked on"

"Adarsh:what the hell are you saying..? He shouts angrily"

"Caller:don't shout mr. Adarsh maheshwari. I know everything about you. Your family knows only your good side but I know your other side too the bad side of yours. I know what you have done till now kidnapping...blackmailing and may be murder too. He too shouts and adarsh got super shock and nervous too. He started sweating while parinita too got tensed seeing him like that. She asked what happend with her eyes but he didn't answerd as he heard that caller's voice again"

"Caller:what happend....? Just Before sometime you were shouting...what happend now..? Your voice got stucked...or you don't have anything to say..? He said with a smirk while adarsh was looking scared now he wiped the sweat from his forehead"

"Adarsh:what....what....what do you...what do you want..? can say all this about me..? I....I'm..not any kidnepper. He said while stammering and parinita looked on shocked at his words"

"Adarsh was waiting for the reply but he heard only laugh from other side and soon the call got disconnected. Adarsh looked on shocked"

"Adarsh:hello...hello....who are you..? Hello...He shouts but there was no meaning as the call was already discconected. Adarsh got angry and was about to throw the phone but parinita stopped him"

"Parinita:what are you doing adarsh what happend..? Who was on the call..? What happend.? Tell me. She asked while shouting and he looked at her."

"Scene shifts to malti's house laksh was standing in the middle holding phone in his hand while malti and ragini was looking at him. He turned towards them with a grin"

"Laksh:so ladies how was it.? Perfect na..? I know I know I'm very talented. He said with a smirk"

"Ragini: stop praising your self now laksh. She said nodding her head in disbelief while laksh made faces and malti smiled looking at their antics"

"Malti:ok now you both stop this and tell me what is happening? She asked and they both looked at her then at each other"

"Flash back"  

"When raglak was in car laksh stopped car aside and looked at her"

"Laksh:ragini we won't say anything to our family's now. I want that adarsh and parinita to suffer for making you suffer. They will face the same situation you have faced and for that you have to stay away from them. But I'm not understanding where will you live till then I can't leave you alone with chotu. He said last line with tension"

"Ragini:don't worry laksh I will live with malti unty till then. She said and he nodded as he can trust malti after hearing how much she had helped ragini"

"Flash back end"  

"Ragini:they have kidnepped my little parents was in so much pain thinking that they lost their and laksh too family's sufferd...all this because of them they need punishment aunty That's why we are doing this. She said with anger towards parish and malti looked at her then placed her hand on ragini's shoulder"

"Malti:i can understand and I'm with both of you don't worry you can live here as much as you want. And laksh you don't worry about her or chotu. I will take care of them you don't take tension about anything. She said last line looking at laksh and he smiled at her. Ragini too smiled and hugged malti being emotional and laksh was admiring them and was amazed with their bond as they have met only few days ago but it's like they know each other from a long time"

"Laksh:they have made you suffer alot ragini. They scared you...blackmailed you. Now they will face the same situation. They will face the same fear you have gone through ragini. I won't leave them ragini for hurting you. He said looking at ragini and showing his anger towards parish while ragini was feeling his love for her and was feeling really happy and blessed. She was looking at him emotionally while he was thinking about parish and the sepration of raglak because of them and his anger incressed"

"Scene shifts to godown parish was standing outside godown. Parinita was looking at him shocked as he told her about the call"

"Parinita:i...I...think someone is just fooling us adarsh. How can someone know about all this..? You...You don't worry. Don't give any heed to this call and now just think about that child we have to find him. We can't take any risk because of that child. She said in anger and trying to divert his mind from that call but somewhere she was nervous and that call was making her restless"

"Adarsh:you are right parinita we have to find that child soon and then will sent him in orphanage. I just can't tolrate all this any more we have to come out of this mess now. He said in anger and tension while parinita nodded at him"

"Scene again shifts to malti's house. Raglak and malti was seating and chitchatting there. After a long time both raglak were happy and malti too was happy seeing them together and ragini's happiness"

"After sometime laksh stand up to leave. He bid bye to malti while ragini came with him till his car. Both were standing near his car"

"Laksh:ragini I think they will not get afraid in one call. They will ignore it. They will get the call again tomorrow. I will be at home and will see his reaction. He said with a serious look. And ragini looked at him"

"Ragini:laksh are you sure about all this....laksh you are behaving normally but I know you are hurt becuse of adarsh bhaiya. You don't need to hide from me. I don't want you to get hurt more by doing this all. We can directly tell everyone about them. We don't have to do all this. She said with concern and holding his hand as she knew very well how much laksh had respected and loved his brother and she don't want him to get hurt by behaving like this with his brother"

"Other side laksh was smiling looking at his ragini. He can clearly see her care for him. He was feeling really happy that finally his ragini is with him to care for him to love him to understand him without even he say anything. This is the diffrence beetween her and others. With others he had to tell them his problem but with ragini she can understood him only by looking at him. He felt blessed to have her in his life"

"Laksh:no ragini I don't need to think again. I have already said I won't leave them for everything they did. Ragini I would have forgived them if they would have hurted me but no they hurted you. And I can't tolrate this. Yes I'm hurt because of them after all I never thought they will change like this but it doesn't mean I can't give them punishment they deserve it. You don't worry about me. He said with confidence and smiled at her. She hugged him and he smiled more hugging her back"

"Laksh:ragini if you will behave like this then I won't be able to go. He said making her look at him and somewhere it hurts both of them that again they have to stay away from each Other. She got sad and he noticed it."

"Laksh:ragini plz don't. Don't get sad baccha other wise I will get more sad you know na I can't see you like this. He said cupping her cheek and she looked at him emotionally. They  shared beautiful eyelock. Her eyes got teary but before tears came out of her eyes. He kissed her eyes then her cheeks. And then lovingly kissed her forehead. Her eyes were closed and she was feeling his touch. He then looked at her then at her lips and slowly came closer. He softly kissed her lips. And they both felt their heart beats getting faster. After sometime he breaks the kiss. It was a sweet and soft kiss showing their love for each other. They again hugged each other tightly" 

She is malti guys ☝ as I didnt introduce her before. She is a sweet woman with caring nature. Her husband died before one year and from that time she is living on her own. She dont have children's so living alone. And that's the reason she got close to ragini as she feels she got a daughter in form of ragini and she love her like her own daughter.

So guys how was the part.?

Did you liked it.?

And guys many of you were waiting for revenge but I have this idea only guys for revenge. I don't know if you will like it or not so plz tell me through your comments if it's good or do you want anything else then also you can tell me. Plz do reply.

Forgive me for my spelling and grammatical mistakes.

Do vote and comment plz.

By by guys take care.

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