part ten

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Hi guys. I know I'm very late again but was busy with os so sorry. But here is the part. Hope you will like it.

"Scene starts from raglak. Laksh was still in shock and ragini was looking at him"

"Laksh:ragini...he...he did all this. He blackmailed you...he kiddnepped chotu...he betrayed us. I can't believe it.why? Why he did all this how can he? He said with hurt while ragini hold his hand as she knows how much he is hurt by this"

"Ragini:i know laksh you are hurt. I know it's hard to believe but this is the truth. She said with teary eyes while laksh was broken by this truth. She hugged him and was consoling him. After some time he break the hug And his expression changed into angry one now"

"Laksh:he didn't did good ragini. How can he do this? I won't leave him for this. Because of him we sufferd alot. Because of him we got seprated I won't leave him. He said angrily as he remember those moments which he spend without her. He was about to go inside the house angrily but was held back by ragini. She hold his hand and he stopped looking at her confused"

"Ragini:no laksh plz don't do anything in anger.we don't have any proofs against them. We can't say anything now. Also chotu is in their hands laksh we can't take risk what if they will do something to him. Plz calm down. She said with worry and trying to make him calm while he tighten his fist in anger as after knowing all this also he can't do anything"

"Laksh:but ragini.... he was about to speak but was stopped by ragini"

"Ragini:laksh plz try to understand this is not time to get angry like this. we have to find chotu first then only we can do something against them. Don't know how chotu will be laksh. She said last line with a chocking voice.while laksh felt bad and hugged her tightly"

"Laksh:don't worry ragu nothing will happen to chotu. We will find him. Don't cry baccha everything will get fine soon. Don't worry. He said consoling her while she was crying her heart out on his chest. His heart pinches seeing her like that and his anger increased for parish"

"Laksh:you both have hurted my ragini alot. Because of you she is in pain. I won't leave you. He said in his mind with anger then tighten his grip on her and kissed her head. After sometime she breaks the hug and looked at him. He wiped her tears nodding his head in no telling her not to cry then kissed her forehead with all his love and she felt getting relaxed. She closed her eyes and hold his hands which was on her cheeks. He then looked at her"

"Laksh:don't worry baccha we are together now. We will make everything fine. You don't worry. He said cupping her face while she smiled a little beetween her tears"

"While they were talking suddenly they heard some sounds and looked behind them. There they found adarsh coming out of the house talking on phone. Ragini got shock and looked at laksh who has tighten his fist and was looking at adarsh angrily but before he can do anything Ragini immediately hold his hand and hides behind his car with him. While he looked at her"

"Ragini:laksh I can't come infront of him now. You plz control your anger dont do anything. She said getting worried sending his anger while he closed his eyes tightly controling his anger just then they heard adarsh talking something about chotu and both looked at him"

"Adarsh:haan I know that kid is troubling alot. I'm just coming in some time now we have to do something about him. I can't tolrate all this. You handle him for sometime I'm coming. He said irritatedly and raglak looked on. Raginis eyes welled up with tears while laksh was really shocked that his brother has become really bad whom he has always respected. He looked at ragini and hold her shoulders supporting her and she looked at him just then they heard car sound and found adarsh going in his car"

"Ragini:laksh he is going to chotu we should follow him then we can find chotu. Come laksh plz lets go and follow him. She said with worry and hope"

"Laksh:yes yes ragini lets go come. He said immediately opening car door for her and she get seated in the car. He also sits in car...starts the car and started following adarsh"

"They were on their way following adarsh car. Ragini was continuesly praying closing her eyes and her hand folded her face was showing her tension and heart was having a slight hope but also fear that again she won't get dissappointed like before. Laksh looked at her and looking at her face he can clearly say how much she is worried. He again looked ahead and glared at adarsh car"

"Laksh:because of you all this is happening mr. Adarsh maheshwari. But now I won't let my ragini get dissappointed I will find chotu at any cost today. He said with determine face"

"After some time adarsh stopped his car near a godown where there was no one. It was a lonely place. Laksh also stopped his car little far from his car and raglak came out of the car looking at him. Adarsh gets in godown and raglak followed him while hiding but they stopped near the entrance as they found three men's coming outside they hide there. And the men's stand near the entrance like guards. Raglak got shock as they can't go inside now"

"Laksh then started looking around the godown to find any window or anything from which they can see inside the godown. Ragini also followed him. They both were looking when ragini found a little window through which she can see inside. She called laksh immediately and he came towards her"

"Laksh: what happend ragini? He asked and she pointed towards the window. He looked at that side and they both smiled a little then peeped in through the window. As soon as they looked inside raginis eyes got teary and laksh also got emotional seeing chotu in parinita's hands. Adarsh and parinita was talking something. Both were looking irritated. Raglak was not able to hear what they are talking but was looking at them with confusion...anger and was looking at chotu emotionally"

"After some time parinita put chotu in the cardle which was there and adarsh said to take care of chotu till they come back to those men's there. And parish left from there. Raglak looked at them going then came towards the door"

"Laksh:ragini come we can take chotu with us now. Come. He said holding her hand and going inside but ragini was still standing which made laksh also stop and he looked back at her"

"Laksh:ragini what happend? What are you thinking? Come now they are not there we can get chotu. He said looking at her confused"

"Ragini:but laksh those men's.. she said looking at the men's who were standing near chotu. Laksh also looked at them then at ragini"

"Laksh:don't worry I will handle them you come with me now. He said and she agreed and they went inside the godown"

"Laksh looked at those men's who were facing there back to him. He slowly went towards them and hold two men's neck from behind and throw them on their back. They shouts and the other one looked at laksh angrily. He came forward to fight and tried to punch laksh but laksh hold his hand and punched on his stomach with other hand. He winches in pain. The other two stand up and started fighting with laksh. While laksh was busy fighting with two of them third one tried to hit laksh from back and a shouts was heard but it was not laksh but that men who tried to hit him. Laksh looked back and find ragini holding a stick and smiled a little. Then they both beated them and thos mens was lying on the floor unconscious. While raglak smiled in victory looking at each other"

"They then turned towards chotu and ragini ran towards him while laksh followed her with a small smile. Ragini takes chotu in her hands she was looking at him emotionally with love and care her eyes got teary seeing her little brother and she immediately hugged him while crying"

"Laksh was looking at them with smile and was adoring his wife's love for her little brother. Ragini kissed chotu's forehead with love and looked at him who smiled in return and ragini's lips curled up in a big smile seeing chotu smiling. Laksh carresd chotu's forhead and ragini looked at him. He also looked at her and can clearly see the happiness in her eyes which makes him also very happy"

"Laksh wrapped his hand around her shoulder and ragini placed her head on his chest. She felt piece in her heart. She finally got chotu safe and is back with her laksh. Laksh kissed her head and she smiled beetween her tears while chotu was looking at them innocently and with a cute smile"

"Ragini:laksh little brother....we finally saved him. She said emotionally"

"Laksh:not we ragini but you. You have sufferd alot for him baccha and see your brother is with you now. He said smiling and she looked at him"

"Ragini:no laksh today without you I won't be able to save him. You have helped me other wise I won't be able to get him. She said"

"Laksh:oh hello madm I was not alone in fighting with those men's. You were also there infact you become jaansi ki rani and saved me too. You are not less then me understand. He said with a smile and feeling really proud of her. She also smiled at his statement of jaansi ki rani"

"Laksh:ok ragini now let's leave from here. He said and she nodded. They both came out of godown with chotu in ragini's arms and they got seated in their car and left from there"

"Ragini:now we should tell everyone the truth laksh. She said while they were on their way"

"Laksh:no ragini not now. He said making ragini confused and she looked at him while he was looking ahead with a serious face"

"Screen freezed on them"
Finally they got chotu. So guys how was the part did you liked it?

And guys I'm not good in fighting scenes but I tried to write hope it was not that bad...

And what do you think about laksh why he said no to tell everyone the truth? What is going on in his mind?

Do tell me guys did you liked it? Through your comments and do vote plz..

Forgive me for my spelling and grammatical mistakes.

Take care by by guys.

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