part 17

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Hi guys. Here is next part.

"Next day morning at mm adarsh was in his room he was talking on phone"

"Adarsh:no parinita you were wrong. We can't take that blackmailer so lightly. He is having proofs against us. That...that child he is also with him. He sent me his pic. Everything had messed up parinita everything. He said scared and frustated while parinita also got shock knowing about chotu"

"Parinita:ok adarsh plz you calm down. We should search for that blackmailer then we will get free from all this. You don't worry. She said trying to make him calm but he got more frustated"

"Adarsh:what do you mean by don't worry..? And how we will search that blackmailer..? He is very smart we don't have any idea about him..? How we will search him tell me..? He shouts in tension and frustation"

"Parinita:adarsh plz don't get scared like this. We have to find him and we will do it. We will think something. You just stop behaving like this. You meet me and we will decide what to do next ok. She said getting irritated with adarsh nagetive talks"

"Adarsh:ok meet me at park in some time. He said with a calm tone this time and both hung up the call with tensed minds"

"At parinita's house. She was standing near window and after cutting call she turned around and find her mother standing at door. She looked away. While her mother came inside the room looking at her"

"Parinita's mom: parinita see whatever you did with ragini Now it's happening with you. I have said you to stop your games and tell everyone about the truth but you didn't listen me but at least now go and tell everyone your truth i know they won't forgive you but at least this mess will get solved. Don't make any other plans...don't do anything wrong more now. Stop doing this parinita stop it. She said trying to make parinita understand but there was no affect on her"

"Parinita:maa plz how can I tell everyone about all this..? They will not leave me specially laksh if he will get to know about ragini don't know what he will do. No I can't do this maa. And you don't worry about this blackmailer. I will do something about him also. She said last line with anger while her mother looked on"

"At mm in laksh room he was about to call ragini when ap enters in his room. He put his phone back in his pocket and looked at her"

"Laksh:maa you here...what happend? He asked"

"Ap:nothing laksh I just want to talk you. She said with a small smile"

"Laksh:yes maa say na. He said smiling back"

"Ap:this smile laksh...this happiness on your face. I want to talk about this. I'm noticing now a days you are looking happy laksh and I'm also happy that you are forgetting everything and trying to move on. She said caressing his face as she noticed and in fact everyone in the family was noticing his changed behaviour. And some where all were happy with it. Laksh smiled at her but he didn't liked her last line"

"Laksh:no maa I can never forget everything nor I can move on without my ragini. This happiness...this smile everything is just because of my ragini but I can't tell you now. He said in mind"

"Laksh:haan maa everything will be fine soon. He said smiling and ap smiled too"

"After some time parinita left her house to meet adarsh. She was walking at a lonely road when suddenly a car stopped in front of her. she got shocked and stopped with a jerk. She was looking at the car angrily when suddenly 3 goons wearing black mask came out of the car. She looked on confused but next second her eyes got widen when two of them hold her hands and the other one placed gun on her forehead. She was looking at them shocked and scared While the goons started dragging her towards the car she tried to resist but the gun on her forehead stopped her in doing anything further."

"Parinita:who are you..? Pls leave me... what are you doing..? Leave me..leave started shouting when she don't have any other option but for her Bad luck there was no one to help her soon the goons force fully made her sit in the car and drove away"

"Other side adarsh was waiting for parinita in the park. He was restless thinking about the black mailer. and was calling parinita again and again."

"In the car parinits was shouting and was trying to get free from that goons hold. Parinita was sitting at back seat beetween the two goons while the  other one was driving car. They were getting frustated by her continues shouting and top of that parinita's phone was ringing continuesly making those goons more irritated. One of them snached her purse from her hand and took out the phone from it. She tried to snach phone from that goon but he placed knife near her throat. Parnita got shocked with it and looked at the goon being afraid. The goon put her phone on silent mode"

"After some time they stopped car and came out of car. Parinita tried to run away but it wasn't easy. One of them hold her hand as soon as she came out of car. She was struggling to get free from them...She was trying to beat them but nothing happend. The goon hold her more tightly that her hand started paining and she shouts in pain"

"Parinita:ahaa...leave me pls...pls leave me. My hand is paining. Who are you..? Why are you doing this with me..? What do you want..? Leave me. She shouts again while pleading them to leave her"

"Goon:stop shouting and look at that...did you remember anything looking at this place haan..? One of them shouts at her and she looked at the place that's when she realised its the same place where chotu was placed by her and adarsh. She was looking at the place being confused while the goons started dragging her inside the godown"

"Parinita again started shouting but they forcefully made her sit on a chair there. Two of them hold her hands on both sides while the third one took rope and tied her hands on chair. She started struggling while the goons started leaving from there and she looked at them shocked"

"Parinita:hey...where are you going.? Why you brought me here..? What do you want..? Let me go... listen...She started shouting but the goons didn't gave any heed to her and left from there while parinita looked on"

"At park adarsh was moving here and there. He was waiting for parinita from a long time and now he was getting tensed for her"

"At godown parinita was struggling to get free her hands from rope. There was only darkness in the godown as it was locked from outside. She was feeling suffocated because of that and her hands started paining as the rope was tied tightly but she was not able to do anything"

"It was evening by now parinita was feeling very weak. Her face was looking pale and she was crying and shouting for help but her voice was not hearable for anyone as it was lonely place no one was there. Just then she heard some foot steps coming near godown. She get a hope and started shouting for help"

"The door of godown got opend and she looked towards it with hope but her luck was not with her. There was standing those goons with guns in their hands. She looked at them scared"

"Parinita:plzzz let me go..what do you want tell me..? I will give you buy plz let me go. I beg you plz open my hands it's paining plz.. She said crying and one of them came forwards towards her. She gulps in fear but for her surprise the goon started opening her hands. She felt relieved and started rubbing her wrist which was turned red by now and it was paining her. She stand up from chair and looked at them with so many questions in her mind"

"Goon:keep quit. Stop irritating us and come silently with us. He shouts at her before she can ask anything while she tried to say something but the goons again hold her hands and dragged her out of the godown. They made her sit in car and started driving while she was again shouting but it was of no use. And when they got irritated one of them tied handkerchief on her mouth and they were holding her hands in their tight grip in which she was struggling"

"After some time car stopped and they get down from car with parinita. She looked around the place and she found they are at the bridge. (Swaragini bridge guys) She looked at the place confusedly then at those goons. She tried to say something but because of handkerchief her voice didn't come out. The goons looked at her then at each other. One of them then open handkerchief from her mouth and she started coughing. After some time she felt relaxed and took deep breathes"

"Parinita:what...what do you want..? Who are you..? Why you have brought me here now..? Tell me who are you..? She shouts but the goon didn't gave her any answer and dragged her near the edge of bridge while she was trying to free her hand"

"She was now standing at the edge of bridge and suddenly one of them pushed her from behind and she shouts.. "ahaaa...."

"There was silence completely and we can see the goons standing at bridge but one of them was bending near the edge of bridge getting closer to it we can see the goon was holding some ones hand and the some one was none other than parinita. As soon as one of the goon pushed her the other one hold her hand immediately"

"Parinita was hanging there. She looked down and gets scared seeing the flowing water...She was sweating in fear and looked at the goon being confused...surprised...shocked...scared she was just so much confused because of their behaviour...And other side she was scared of them."

"The goon pulled her up with force and she stands on her feet with difficulty. She was not able to understand anything... just before some moment she felt her life will get ended...her breath got stopped in that moment. She was just stunned. The goon take out her phone from his pocket which he took from her in the car. He gave her phone in her hand and left from there leaving her alone there."

"Parinta was standing there in shock when her phone started ringing and  she came out of her shock. She was not in any state to think or look at her phone too. She just picked up the call and placed her phone on her ear with trembling hands"

"Caller:shock...shock...shock..shock.... bhummm... tututu....poor you so much in shock right..? Said the caller making her frown her eyebrows. She looked at her phone screen to cheak whose call it is but it was an unknown number and it made her heart beats faster remembering about adarsh who is getting threats from unknown number only"

"Parinita:who...who... are you..? What.. do you want..? She asked stammering while the caller smirked"

"Caller:you and your husband both know to only ask this useless questions you can't do anything... don't take me lightly you will regret. He said last line in dangerous tone making her scared"

"Caller:by the way did you enjoyed your day today..? How you felt in that godown..? And what about the demo of your life's the end..? Remember this time you got saved but not everytime. He said smirking and she get more scared"

" doing this..? Tell me much money you want I will give you but pls leave me...leave us..pls. She said in a pleading voice"

"Caller:I'm not like you who can do anything for money. You just remember your truth will be out soon. And you will get punishment for everything you did till now. And today you would have perfectly rememberd what you have done with others till now and how it feels. He said angrily and parinita got shock and Phone fell down from her hands"

"Other side a little far from bridge we can see two persons standing behind a tree looking at parinita and they were none other then raglak."

"Laksh was smirking looking at parinita while ragini was looking at her angrily"

"Screen freezed on raglak"
I don't know how was this part. I just thought to give some problems to parinita also so I wrote this I'm really sorry if it was not good.

Do vote and comment plz guys plz.

Forgive me for my mistakes.

Take care bye bye.

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