part 18

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Hi guys. I'm happy that you liked last part hope you will like this one too. So lets start.

"Scene starts from bridge where  raglak were standing looking at  parinita who was still standing there in shock. That blackmailer's words were ringing in her mind increasing her fear. Suddenly her phone rang and she came out of her shock. She looked at her phone and it was adarsh call. She felt relieved as for a moment she thought it can be from that blackmailer again and that thought scared her But then coming out of her thoughts and shock she picked up the call. Raglak looked at each other then at her again"

"Parinita:he...hell...Hello. this words also came out of her mouth difficultly"

"Adarsh:parinita where are you..? I'm calling you from morning and you didn't even came to meet me. I waited for you for so long. And what happend to you..? Why are you sounding so law..? Are you ok..? What is happening..? He asked everything in one go as he was really restless and worried too for her. Parinita took a deep breath closing her eyes to get some courage to tell him everything"

"Parinita:adarsh act...Actually...when. when...I...I...was you...that...that...time..She said every word stammering and then told him everything in a chocking voice making him hell shock."

"Adarsh:what....parinita...are..are you ok..? I was saying you na don't take him lightly now see what he did....Are you..are you ok.? He asked getting tensed and scared from the blackmailer"

"Parinita:I'm...I'm fine...adarsh. She said."

"Adarsh:ok you wait there I'm coming. He said

"Parinita:no adarsh I can't wait here. I want to go home. I will leave now you don't come here. She said as she don't want to be there the place was making her restless"

"Adarsh:ok ok you go home safely. We will meet tomorrow. He said and she cuts the call while adarsh looked on tensed."

"Parinita left from there immediately
And raglak was looking at her every expression. Laksh smirked looking at her scared face"

"Laksh: ragini just look at her face she is so scared. Now she will understand the feeling of being scared. He said and ragini looked at him"

"Ragini:haan laksh she deserve this. She said looking at parinita with anger and laksh looked at her and smiled"

"Laksh:hmm so my plan got successful so I should get something like a prize no.. He said raising his eyebrow making her confused but next second she understood what he meant as he started coming closer towards her pinning her to the tree  She smirked"

"Ragini:hmm actually you are right laksh. you should get something. She said encircling her hands around his neck. He got amazed but then smiled widely"

"Laksh:wow God today I'm really getting lucky. My wife is giving me something by herself. He said dramatically looking up in the sky and ragini frown her eyebrows"

"Ragini:laksh stop doing your drama. She said and slap his arm playfully while he laughed"

"Ragini:now stop laughing and first close your eyes if you want your prize. She said and placed her hand on his eyes closing them"

"Laksh was waiting excitedly for his prize but he didn't felt anything. He got confused"

"Laksh:ragini what are you waiting for now..? Are you here or not..? He asked being doughtfull"

"Ragini:ummm laksh I'm here only. Come close na. She said lovingly making him really amazed by her behaviour but he got happy and started getting closer infront of him"

"soon he felt his lips touching something but he didn't felt the softness. He felt something rough he opend his eyes being confused and next second backed off being shocked as he was actually kissing the tree"

"He suddenly heard laughing sounds and closed his eyes understanding his wife's trick. He turned back and  found his wife standing behind him  laughing hard. He looked at her with frown eyebrows"

"Ragini:wow the great laksh maheshwari kissing a tree. Hahaha She said beetween her laugh and teasing him for which he glared her"

"Laksh:ragini ki bacchi. I won't leave you. He shouts and the next second started running behind her while she was running ahead laughing"

"Ragini was running here and there all around laughing and teasing him. Sometimes showing him her tounge and he was running behind her shouting her name. Finally he was really close to her and was about to hold her hand but the next moment his leg slipped and he fall down in the mud. Ragini looked at him with wide eyes while he stands up making faces. He was totally drenched in mud..his cloths..face and was looking very funny that made ragini laugh again. While he glared her and stamped his foot on the floor like a kid making angry faces"

"Ragini then took a water bottle from his car and helped him to wash his face while he was making faces all the time and she was supressing her laugh at his antics."

"Laksh:this all happend because of you. I won't leave you. He said coming towards her but just then his phone rang so he stopped and take out his phone from his pocket and lifts call while still glaring her and she was laughing silently"

"Laksh:hello. He said in a irritated tone but then he gets calm hearing the caller voice"

"Laksh:no no you don't worry aunty we are just coming. He said and looked at ragini after cutting the call"

"Laksh:Malti aunty was getting worried for us. Now let's go I will drop you there. He said and looked away showing his anger while she giggled for which he whines like a kid and started walking ahead frowning. And she followed him with a smile"

"Other side parinita reached at her house. Her hairs was messy....face was looking pale...her hands were still shivering thinking about the day. The feeling of that moment when she felt like she will die was still haunting her. Fear was visible on her face. She directly went in her room ignoring her mother who was asking questions worriedly. Parinita went in her room and falls on bed tiredly"

"Scene shifts to maltis house where raglak were sitting in hall with malti. Laksh changed his clothes as he had his one suit at maltis house. And malti was laughing as ragini said her whatever happend not everything just that he fall in mud."

"Laksh:what aunty you are also laughing. He said making faces and malti stopped laughing"

"Malti:ok ok sorry I won't laugh ok. She said smiling and he too smiled and ragini too"

"Malti:by the way laksh your plan went successful right... She asked as she forgot to ask anything before seeing his state"

"Laksh:ofcourse aunty it has to be after all it was my plan. He said raising his coller in attitude and ragini rolled her eyes"

"Laksh:infact you should have watched her face yaar she was so scared. He said laughing and malti smiled at that"

"Laksh:now she will understood what it felt when some one tortue us and the feeling of being in danger. He said suddenly with a serious face and his anger was reflecting in his voice"

"Malti and ragini too looked at him with serious faces and both felt he is right"

"Malti:arre no problem next time I will join you then we both will scare her. She said trying to divert his mind and it happens he started laughing and gave her hifi she too joined and ragini was looking at them surprised then smiled"

"Laksh:acha aunty I should leave now. Maa will also get worried for me. I have left home from morning. He said with a smile but then he looked at ragini and made a sad face as he has to leave her again and malti noticed it. She smiled at that"

"Malti:laksh why don't you have dinner with us today.. stay till dinner na. She said smiling and a small smile crept on his lips thinking that he will get time with ragini and he agreed for it. He then informed ap that he is at his friends house"

"Malti:that's great then I will start preparing dinner. You both go and take rest. She said to raglak"

"Ragini:but aunty I will help you na. She said"

"Malti:no need. You both were out whole day. You are tired so go and take rest. She said stricktly that ragini has to obey her then malti went in kitchen and laksh looked at ragini"

"Laksh:so finally I will have time with you without anyone's disturbance and today to your brother is also not there to be kabab mai haddi. I won't leave you for your not so good prank Mrs. Laksh. He said smirking and she got a little nervous but didn't saw"

"Ragini:umm laksh you are tired na I will bring tea for you. There is still time for dinner ok. She said and littrely ran in kitchen leaving him laugh out loud"

"Ragini came in kitchen and said malti that she is there to prepare tea for laksh before she ask her and started preparing tea"

"Other side Laksh was inside the room and was talking on phone"

"Laksh:omi you helped me alot yaar thankyou so much. He said on the phone as those goons was none other than laksh friends only who kidnepped and scared parinita"

"Omi:common lucky no need for thanks We are friends yaar. And if you want any other help then also you can tell me. He said and laksh smiled"

"Laksh:yaa i will tell you. Ok by take care. He said and cuts the call" 

"Just then his eyes fall on the cardle which was placed in room seeing it he remember about chotu"

"Laksh:chotu what he would be doing.? I should call baba and ask. He thinks in mind then called shekhar"

"Laksh:hello baba how are you.? He asked as shekhar picked up the call"

"Shekhar:I'm fine beta. What about you and ragini.? And how is everything going on there.? He asked"

"Laksh:me and ragini are fine baba. And everything is also fine here. You don't worry soon truth will be out and you can come back here. He said with a small smile"

"Shekhar:it's ok beta we are just happy that we got our child. He said happily"

"Laksh:acha how is chotu.? And what is he doing.? He asked smiling and little bit excitedly"

"Shekhar:he is fine beta and is sleeping. We all are fine here you tell ragini also not to take our tension ok. He said with a smile"

"Laksh:ok baba you take care. Will talk later. He said and cuts the call after biding bye to shekhar"

"Laksh then turned around and found ragini standing near door with tea cup in her hand"

"Ragini:what laksh..? You were asking about chotu.? Whom you were calling kabab mai haddi haan..? She said with a teasing smile"

"Laksh:ofcourse yaar he is my one and only saale sahab. I should ask about him na other wise he and her sister will tortue me like anything. He said smirking and she hit him on his shoulder frowning and he laughed"

"Laksh:aww mera baccha I was just kidding yaar. He is not at all kabab mai haddi infact he is very cute. He said genuinely making ragini feel really happy"

"Ragini:i know he is my brother after all. She said with attitude and they both laugh"

"Ragini:acha laksh here your tea. She said forwarding him cup of tea and he took it and started drinking but suddenly shouts at the first sip only. She looked at him"

"Ragini:laksh what happend.? She asked tensedly and took the cup from him placed it on table there while laksh was shouting placing his hands on his mouth"

"Laksh:ahaa.... ragini it was so hot yaar. My tounge got burned. He said and she got shock"

"Ragini:what...laksh you should be careful na. Now what should I do. are you ok..? Show me...She was saying in tension and get close to him but in the next moment her eyes widen and suddenly she shouts"

"Ragini:ahaa...laksh. She shouts and looked at him shocked while he was looking at her smirking"

"Laksh:it was punishment ragini for your naughtiness. He said and winked at her while she looked away blushing hard remembering what he just did"

"Actually as soon as ragini came closer to him he hold her waist pulled her towards himself and started kissing her lips then bite on her lower lip making her shout"

"Ragini:laksh you are so bad. She said pouting and he smiled"

"Laksh:awww mera baccha. He said then pulled her towards him self and started kissing her lips softly with love and she too got lost in him"

"Soon it was dinner time raglak were having dinner with malti"

"Laksh:wow aunty you cook so well. It's yummy...he said enjoying the food while malti smiled"

"Malti:hmm but not better then ragini na.. tell me who cook more good me or ragini..? She asked just to tease him and seeing his face it was really hard for her to not to laugh"

"Laksh:plz aunty do you want me to get beaten up..? He said and ragini slaped on his arm for which he looked at her making faces and rubbing his arm. Malti started laughing and soon raglak too joined her like this they had their dinner with chit chatting and little masti"

"Laksh:ok aunty I should leave now. He said after dinner but he was actually staring ragini"

"Malti:laksh you sleep here only coming from window it isn't easy right.  She said with a teasing smile for which laksh smiled sheepishly and ragini blushed"

"As laksh really wanted to be with ragini he accepted to sleep there only. Malti wished them good night and left to her room. While raglak went in other room smiling. Laksh informed ap he will stay at his friends house"

"Other side parinita was still in her room she didn't had dinner. from evening she locked her self in the room. Her mother was also very tensed for her so she asked adarsh about what had happend to her and he said everything. Adarsh also got tensed for parinita and like this parish spent their night sleepless and restless. While other hand raglak was sleeping peacefully in each others embrance"

"Screen freezed on raglak"

o how was this part guys.?

Did you liked it.? If liked then plzz do vote and comment.

Did you liked raglak scenes.?

Forgive me for my mistakes.

By by guys take care.

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