part 19

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Hi guys. Here is the next part. Hope you all will like it.

"Next day It was bright morning raglak was sleeping peacefully in each others embrance but Sun rays fell in the room breaking laksh sleep. He made faces at that and opend his eyes only to smile brightly seeing his love...his baccha sleeping peacefully hiding her face in his chest more because of sun rays falling on her face. He kissed her forehead then pulled blanket over them holding her in his embrance and slept again"

"At mm adarsh was peacing here and there in his room. He was calling parinita again and again but she was not picking up his calls. It was making him tensed. Finally after some try she picked up his call"

"Adarsh:what is wrong with you parinita. I'm calling you from so long. Why are you not picking up my calls.? He asked as soon as she picked up the call"

Parinita:relax adarsh I was in washroom. She replied. Her face was looking dull because of yesterday's restless and sleepless night"

"Adarsh:ok parinita I'm coming at your home we will talk there. He said and she agreed. They cuts the call and adarsh left for parinita's house"

"At malti's house"

"Malti was in kitchen she was making breakfast when laksh came there. She looked at him and smiled"

"Malti:good morning laksh. She said smiling"

"Laksh:good morning aunty. He replied with smile"

"Malti:where is ragini.? She asked as she didn't find her with him"

"Laksh:she is sleeping aunty so I didn't wake her. He said"

"Malti:that's good let her take rest. She said and again got busy in cooking"

"Laksh:vaise what are you cooking for breakfast aunty. He asked looking at kitchen counter"

"Malti:aloo parathe. She said smiling"

"Laksh:wowww my favourite. He said excitedly like a kid while malti chuckled"

"Malti:i know I know your ragini was always talking about you so I know it. She said stressing the word "your ragini" teasing him for which he smiled and rubbed his nape looking here and there"

"They both were chitchatting when suddenly they heard ragini's scream. "Ahaaa...." they both looked towards the room shocked then at each other. Their shocking expressions turned into worry and tension and they both rushed out of kitchen"

"They both came in the room and laksh stops getting shock as he felt ragini hugging him tightly. He got worried and hugged her back while malti was looking at her tensed"

"Laksh:ragini what happend baccha.? Why you shouted like that..? What happend.? Are you ok.? Tell me ragini plz I'm getting scared. He asked patting her back"

"Malti:ragini beta calm down and tell us what happend.? She asked coming towards her placing her hand on ragini's shoulder"

"Ragini breaks the hug and looked at malti then at laksh. She was looking scared which incress laksh worry"

"Laksh:baccha what happend..? Tell me why are you looking scared.? He asked tensedly cupping her cheek"

"Ragini:laksh vo...vo...there...there.. She was stammering and was pointing towards bed."

"Laksh:what is there baccha.? He asked looking towards bed confusedly as there was nothing"

"Ragini:co..cock...cockroach laksh. There was cockroach. She said holding his hand tightly for which malti and laksh looked at her with wide eyes"

" screamed because there was a cockroach. She said with disbelief while ragini nodded with scared face like a kid and malti hit her forehead with her palm"

"Ragini was still looking towards bed making faces but suddenly she heard laughing sounds she looked towards her back and find laksh laughing hard. She frowned and looked at him angrily"

"Laksh:hahaha...ragini...the...the scared of a cockroach. Hahaha...omg...I can't believe it. He said beetween his laugh but suddenly a pillow got hit on his face and he looked at there and found ragini standing near bed angrily holding another pillow in her hand. He gulps seeing her angry face"

"Laksh:ra...ragini..baccha...baccha. I was just...he tried to say but before he can complete his words another pillow hit his face. He got shock as ragini started throwing at him whatever came in her hands and his eyes widen as he found a vase in her hand. malti too looked at ragini with open mouth and wide eyes"

" baccha...baccha it will hurt me yaar what are you doing..? I was just kidding don't get angry...put that vase back on table plz.. see I'm your one and only pati parmeshwar don't kill me plz.. arre abhi to humari princess Bhi nahi ayi hai..plz..plz.. he was saying whatever coming in his mind but ragini was still glaring him. Laksh hides behind malti who was shocked with their behaviour"

"Laksh:aunty plz plz save me. He said hiding behind her while ragini came infront of her"

"Ragini:no aunty you don't come in beetween. I won't leave him today. Here I got so scared seeing the cockroach besides me on the bed as soon as I woke up and he is making fun of me. I won't leave him. She said and started to chase laksh while he was hiding behind malti more and more now malti was stucked beetween them finally she shouts"

"Malti: stopp.... stop it both of you. She shouts making both of them startled with her loud voice and they both stopped."

"Malti:you both have gone mad or both are fighting like kids. Ragini stop this now and put the vase on table and you.. She said to ragini stricktly then pointed her finger at laksh"

"Malti:say sorry to her right now. She said to laksh and he immediately said sorry to ragini but she just glared him then put the vase on table angrily still looking at laksh for which he gulps then ragini went in washroom stamping her foot And laksh took a deep breath"

"Malti:laksh why you always irritate her that she got angry. She compaint and he smiled"

"Laksh:arre aunty I love her angry look also. She looks so cute. He said and malti nodded her head in disbelief"

"Malti:you both are completely mad. Only you both can handle each other that's why you both are Made for each other. She said while laksh smiled sheepishly and malti left from there"

"At parinitas house adarsh and parinita was sitting in her room"

"Adarsh:what do you want to say now.? See what had happend with you... Do you still think it is nothing. He said looking at her with a serious face while she felt a shiver in her body thinking about yesterday's incident. She closed her eyes to get free from that scared feeling"

"Parinita:you are right adarsh we can't take him lightly. He knows everything about us. He can do anything. We have to find about him soon other wise he can do many things more. She said with fear and worry"

"Adarsh:but how..? How we will find him parinita..? It isn't easy. He asked worriedly"

"Parinita:i know adarsh but we have to do something na. We can't sit like this. His phone calls...his msgs... this things are making me restless and...and scared. She said last line in a low voice"

"Adarsh:parinita I know I'm feeling the same. Whenever my phone is ringing my breath is getting stopped. He said and fear was visible on his face"

"Parinita:his calls...his calls adarsh. Yes that phone number from which he is calling us we can get to know about him through that number. She said suddenly realising it and adarsh looked at her"

"It will never happen".. said laksh other side at maltis house. He was holding simcard in his hand he breaks it and throws it on floor then placed his leg on it. Breaking it completely. Malti and ragini was looking at him confused"

"Malti:laksh why you broke it.? She asked confusedly"

"Laksh:aunty as I said you parish are very much scared now but this will increas their restless Ness and they will try to find that blackmailer now as soon as possible and for that their first step will be that phone number. And now when the simcard is not there then how will they got information about it. He said smirking for which malti looked at him amazed and ragini was also impressed but didn't showed as she was still angry on him and was not talking to him"

"Malti:wah... laksh it's great. She said praising him"

"Laksh:ofcourse aunty I'm very smart but some one don't know my value. He said looking at ragini through the corner of his eyes for which ragini rolled her eyes and looked away"  

"Laksh:acha aunty as they will surely try to find out about me today so I will kept an eye on them. Today I will follow them. So I have to leave now. He said and ragini immediately looked at him. He too looked at her secretly and smiled as he knew it she will react on it"

"Ragini:what...laksh is going to follow them but how can he go alone..? He should take me with him but he is not even asking me. I'm to angry on him I can't say him na. Huh.. he is too much. She thinks in mind and was looking at laksh in the hope that he will tell her to come with him but for her shock he started leaving."

"Ragini:stop..laksh stop there. She finally said and he stopped walking" 

"Ragini:you don't go alone. I will come with you. She said and he looked at her smiling but then changed his expressions"

"Laksh:but you are not talking with me na.. you are angry on me right..? He said mischievously for which she glared him"

"Ragini:ya I'm angry on you and I will just come with you. I won't talk to you. She said and looked away and he chuckled at her antics. And malti was admiring their cute nokjhok.

"Laksh:ok come lets go. He said smiling. Then raglak bid bye to malti while she wished them all the best and they both left from there"

"Raglak came out of maltis house and ragini was about to go towards laksh car but he stopped her"

"Laksh:ragini wait we won't go with my car. He said and she looked at him confusedly"

"Laksh:actually if we will follow them with my car then it can be risk. They can recognise my car so I have asked omi to give us his car. He will be coming any time. He said impressing her again with his smartness but she just nodded still faking her anger"

"Just then omi came there with his car. Raglak looked at his car and smiled while omi stopped car near them then came out of car and stands before them smiling"

"Omi:hey lucky see here is the car and here it's key. He said and forwards car key to him and laksh took it from him smiling and mumbling a thanks for which omi made faces"

"Ragini:thankyou so much omi. you are helping us alot. She said with her beautiful smile"

"Omi:common guys. Stop it yaar. You both are thanking me again and again. If you will thank me like this na then I won't help you again. He said with fake anger and raglak smiled"

"Laksh:ok ok fine we won't thank you again. Now stop your drama. He said and they both laughed"

"Omi:all the best guys for your mission. I'm sure you both will be successfull in this. And yes I'm here always to help you whenever you needed. He said smilingly and laksh hugged him and ragini smiled looking at them."

"Laksh:ok you take my car here it's key. We will leave now. He said and omi nodded."

"Raglak sat in omis car and left from there while omi took laksh's car and left to his home"

"Other side adarsh and parinita came out of the home. They sat in the car and left from there to get to know about the phone number"

"Screen splits in two one side raglak in the car other side parish. Screen freezed on them"
First of all sorry guys because I really don't know whatever I wrote about simcard in this part can be happen or not. I just wrote whatever came in my mind sorry if it isn't possible but imagine it plz.

And I know this part was little boring really sorry guys.

And do tell me what do you think what will happen next will parish get to know about laksh or will they get any hint.?

Most important Do vote and comment plz guys plz waiting for your responce.

Forgive me for my mistakes.

Bye bye guys take care.

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