part 20

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Hi guys Last two three parts I was getting good responce atleast it was 30+ so I was ok with it and was posting new parts fastly but in the last part again there is law responce but I'm posting it because I want to complete this story soon. Anyway lets start with this part hope you will like this one.

"Scene starts from parinita and adarsh going some where in their car."

"Parinita:adarsh where are we going? You didn't said me anything before leaving home you said just to come with you. She asked being confused."

"Adarsh:parinita you only said na that we can get to know about that blackmailer through his number so we have to trace his number right. So we are going at one of my friends home as he is expert in all this. He will not only trace his number but will give every information about him. He said and there was some relief on their faces" 

"Other side raglak was also in car. Ragini was also confused as laksh didn't said her where they are going. She thought they will go to mm or parinita's house to follow parish but the way was nor mm's nor parinitas house. She finally thought to ask him as till now she didn't spoke to him to maintain her anger"

"Ragini:laksh where are we going.? She asked but was not looking at him. He heard her but acted like didn't heard and was driving silently just to get her attention and that happend she looked at him but with frown as he didn't answerd her"

"Ragini:laksh I'm asking you something. She said with anger and he looked at her"

"Laksh:oh you were talking to me. I thought you are talking to the mirror as you were looking at it na. He said innocently supreesing his laugh and she glared him"

"Laksh:ok ok don't get angry. We are going at the place where parish will be. He said making her confused"

"Laksh:i mean to say that adarsh one of friend is expert in phone and computers knowledge. So I'm sure he would have gone there only to get information about me through the number. He said understanding her confusion for which she just nodded and looked out of window and he pouted as she was still showing her anger"

"Scene shifts to a small house where a car stopped infront of the house. Parish came out of the car"

"Just then raglak also reached there. Laksh parked the car at the side of the road little bit far from adarsh car. Raglak came out of car and with slow steps came towards the house. They hide behind a tree which was infront of the house. They can see parish from there"

"Adarsh:it's my friends house. Let's go he will help us for sure. He said and they started going inside the house"

"Raglak was standing behind the tree like first ragini and behind her laksh. Ragini was looking at parish but laksh's all attention was only on his wife. He was staring her. He want her to talk with him but she was all silent. He poked her shoulder with his finger two three times but she didn't gave any heed to him. He pout at that. Suddenly her eyes fall on her waist which was visible. He looked at her and smiled naughtily then slowly slides his hand on her waist. She got shock and widen her eyes. She tried to push him but he didn't left her. She then hit her elbow on his stomach and he left her winching in pain. She then turned towards him with angry glare while he looked at her placing his hand on his stomach"

"Ragini:laksh we are here for some important work and you are behaving like this. She shouts and he immediately closed her mouth with his palm in that process they were standing very close as laksh was holding her waist and her hands were placed on his chest"

"Laksh:ragini say slowly. If parish came out suddenly and heard you then... he said with little worry and she nodded as she was not able to say anything.. firstly because her mouth was closed by his palm and secondly their closeness it always affects her. Laksh too noticed it"

"Laksh:and when we know what will happen next then what is the need to follow them inside. I just want to see their dissappointed faces when they wont get anything from the number. He said with a smirk"

"Laksh:and till they come back. Let us enjoy our moment. He said naughtily and started coming closer towards her but she pushed him glaring"

"Ragini:stay away and concentrat on the work for which we are here understand. She said actually ordered him pointing her index finger at him and he nodded sadly"

"Inside the house parish were standing near a chair and table. A boy was sitting on the chair and was trying to trace the number on his computer which adarsh gave him."

"Boy:adarsh what is the matter.? Why you want to trace this number.? He asked being confused while parish looked at each other with worry"

"Adarsh:umm..nothing much it''s Just that its my wife's number. actually She has lost her phone so we thought to find it by tracing the number. He said whatever came in his mind and his friend nodded"

"At raglak side they were waiting for parish behind the tree actually only ragini was waiting and was continuesly looking at the door. Laksh was still pouting sadly as she was not giving him any heed"

"He came towards her and back hugged her holding her waist but she pushed him again and he made faces at that while she was smirking as she knew his reaction"

"Inside the house the boy was still trying to trace the number on his computer but finally he stopped it as he was not able to do it and looked at parish dissappointedly"

"Boy:I'm sorry guys. I tried my best yaar but the number is not reachable I think something is wrong with the simcard that's why we can't trace the number. He said and parish got shock and dissappointed too as it was their first and last hope for them"

"Adarsh bid bye to his friend and parish left from there dissappointedly"

"Raglak side ragini was looking at the door when laksh again put his hands on her waist and she was about to push him but just then they show parish coming out of the house. She removed his hands immediately and looked at parish with full attension while he looked at her with open mouth but didn't said anything and he too looked at parish and seeing their faces he smirked"

"Laksh:see I have said na they won't get anything from here. He said with attitude and she just rolled her eyes"

"Adarsh and parinita came out of the house and stands near his car. Their faces was dull"

"Adarsh:what we will do now..? Our This try didn't worked. How we will find out about that man now.? I'm not understanding anything parinita. He said worriedly"

"Parinita too looked at him with tension on the other hand laksh was smirking and ragini was also happy seeing their faces but parinita was thinking something deeply. Adarsh looked at her confused seeing her silent"

"Adarsh:parinita what are you thinking now.? He asked"

"Parinita:adarsh that...that car in which they kidnepped me. If we get to know whose car it was then we can get to know about the blackmailer also. She said and he looked at her"

"Other side ragini got shock hearing this. She looked at laksh being worried but there was no affect on him. He was all cool and smiling."

"Ragini:laksh see now they are thinking about that car. That car was one of your friends na then don't you have any tension...? If they will find out about the car then your friend will also get in problem. She said worriedly"

"Laksh:coomon ragini don't worry nothing will happen. He said calmly making her irritated. She made faces at him and looked at parish again"

"Adarsh:but how we will get to know about the car.? Do you remember cars number.? He asked"

"Parinita:no adarsh I don't remember cars number. She said making him irritated"

"Adarsh:then how we will find out about that car now..? I'm already frustated parinita don't irritate me more. He said with little anger"

"Parinita:adarsh I'm not irritating you understand. I'm just thinking a way to get out of this mess. She too said angrily. He closed his eyes to calm down himself"

"Adarsh:ok fine now tell me what you are thinking.? He asked little calmly"

"Parinita:adarsh they have kidnepped me from that lonely road but then they took me at that bridge and in that way there is a shop and outside that shop there are camera. We can find out about the car through the footage. She said her idea again with a hope"

"Adarsh:but will that shop keeper let us watch the footage.? He asked with daught"

"Parinita:common who will say no to mr. Adarsh maheshwari. She said smirking and adarsh too nodded as he knew the surname will help him"

"Soon parish sat in their car and left for that shop. Ragini looked on at them. Her face turned worried and mind and heart got restless. She looked at laksh"

"Ragini:now what will you do mr. Very smart laksh maheshwari.? She asked in sarcastic tone and with anger too as he was not reacting on this at all"

"Laksh:ohoo... ragini why are you getting tensed..? Your very smart Mr. Laksh maheshwari is always two steps ahead of them. Now let's go and follow them. He said in his cool and calm voice for which she looked at him confused"

"Laksh:common ragini don't think much lets go. He said and hold her hand and dragged her with him towards his car. He made her sit in the car then he also sat on driving seat and they left from there following parish"

"After some time parish reached at the shop and came out of the car. just  then raglak also reached there and hides at a place from where they can see parish"

"Parinita:lets go adarsh we will tell that shopkeeper to show us the footage because our car got stoled. This will be good. He won't get any dought also. She said her plan to him and he agreed and they both went in the shop"

"Other side ragini was really tensed and was looking at parish with worry and little fear when suddenly she felt something around her neck. She looked down at her neck being shocked and the next moment she got confused as she finds a chain in her neck"

"She turned back and found laksh smiling at her. She looked at him being confused. Laksh then forward his hand and opens the heart shape pendant"

"Laksh:this is for you ragini. I brought this when you were not with me. This was always with me. I was feeling through this you are near me. He said and they both got a little emotional but he smiled imeediatly"

Laksh:acha tell me How is this.? Did you liked it.? He asked smiling and  She too smiled. She looked at the pandent and her eyes got teary. She forget all her anger or to say fake anger and just hugged him tightly for which he smiled and hugged her more tightly"

"Ragini:i loved it laksh it's beautiful. She said hugging him and he smiled widely"

"Laksh:and what about your anger.? He asked teasingly and she giggled at his chest which he felt and chuckled"

"Just then they heard parish voice so ragini breaks hug and looked at them just before some time she forget about them completly but again her face got tensed but soon it turned confused as she found parish dull and dissappointed face again. She looked at them then at laksh"

"Laksh:baccha I have said na they will get nothing as that camera is not working. He said and winked at her"

"Ragini:and how do you know about this.? She asked raising her eyebrow"

"Laksh:arre your husband is not a fool yaar that I will got her kidnepped like that. I have searched everything about the ways before kidnapping her and that time only I got to know about this camera so I asked the shopkeeper about it with my own tricks and I got to know that camera is not working. He explained her everything and she smiled and felt relieved."

"Laksh:now what will you say about your hubby.? Am I not smart haan.? He asked with attitude and she  chuckled at his antics"

"Ragini:haan baba I agree my hubby is very smart. She said and soon they both started laughing."

"Screen split into two one side raglak happy faces other side parish dull faces"

"Screen freezed on them"
So here is the part guys I hope you all liked it and I will get good responce on this one.

Guys plz vote and comment.

Forgive me for my mistakes.

Bye bye guys take care.

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