part 21

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Hi guys. Here is the next part.

"Scene starts from parish who was standing out side the shop with dull and dissappointed faces and the dissappointment was turning into frustation."

"Parinita:here also we didn't got anything. This shopkeeper...if his shop's camera is not working then he should get them check na Stupid. She said angrily"

"Adarsh:stop it parinita. Stop blaming others. This all is happening just because of you. You were the one who started this game. And that ragini...that ragini mess also happend because of you. He said angrily and parinita looked at him shocked as he was blaming her like he didn't did anything. She looked at him angrily"

"Other side raglak was looking at them. Laksh was as usual having smirk on his lips while ragini was also happy. And was looking at them with a small smile on her lips"

"Laksh:ragini lets have some more fun. He said and winked while she looked at him being confused"

"Laksh hold ragini's hand and startd walking towards their car. While she followed him silently as she knows he won't say anything."

"Laksh made her sit in the car. He too sat and starts the car. He then stops car a little bit ahead of where parish was standing. He then took out a hoody jacket from the back sit of the car and wears it. Ragini was just looking him not understanding anything."

"Other side parinita was looking at adarsh angrily and was about to say something but suddenly adarsh phone started ringing. And she stopped. Adarsh took out his phone from his pocket and his face colour went dull looking at the phone screen. Seeing his face parinita too looked at phone and she too got tensed seeing unknown number. They both looked at each other then adarsh picked up the call hesitatingly while parinita sighed him to put it on speaker"

"Adarsh:he...hello. he said in a trembling voice"

" many many failer and this dissappointment on your face. Poor you. your all tries got failed right. He said while smirking making parish shock and they shared a look of shock"

"Adarsh:what..How...How do you know.? He asked in a shaking voice and heard laughing sound from other side which irritate him and parinita gritted her teeths"

"Caller:remember Mr. Adarsh my eyes are always on you. And keep one thing clearly in your tiny and dirty mind that you will never be able to find out about me. I will always be four steps ahead of you. You just start counting your days. Tumhare paap ka ghada bhar chuka hai mr. And mrs. Adarsh. Soon I will sent you on your right place where you should be and ya don't forget I'm always around you. He said in dangerous tone"

"Adarsh was sweating by now. Laksh every word was affecting him badly and his fear was increasing by his every word. He looked at parinita but there she was looking around he got angry on her not seeing any affect on her with the callers words"

"Adarsh:parinita here he is threatening me and you don't have any affect. You are the one responsible for all this. I have to face all this just because of you and you.. He shouts at her but was intrupted by her"

"Parinita:stop blaming me adarsh. I'm looking around because he said he is always around us. Didn't you heard it.? He know everything what we did today..means he is somewhere here only. I'm looking around for him only. She said angrily and adarsh too started looking around"

"Other side raglak was enjoying their fear and their fights. Laksh lean towards his window just like that now parish can see him means only his hand which was placed on his ear with phone. Ragini understood something going on in his mind but thinking that it can be risky she got worried. Suddenly parinita's eyes fall one car (raglak car only) she found a man sitting there talking on phone. She got suspeciuos but as he was wearing hoody his face was not visible"

"Parinita:adarsh look there that man is holding phone in his hand I think he is the one. She said and adarsh too looked at that side"

"Parinita:we have a correct chance lets go there and catch him. She said holding his hand and started dragging him"

"They started going towards the car slowly while parinita sighed adarsh to continue talking on phone to make the caller busy. Adarsh nodded and started talking again in his scared voice. Parish was coming closer towards the car. They were just behind the car just then parinita leg hit on a stone and she stumbled and as she was holding adarsh hand he too lost his balance and both of them fall down on the floor on their stomach with a thud just behind the car. Both shouts in pain"

"Just then laksh starts the engine and drove away the car with attitude while ragini was looking at him with wide eyes at his this action. Parish was lying on the floor on their stomach and with difficulty they stand up looking at the going away car. Their leg and knees got hurt. And they both were standing with difficulty so they cant even run behind the car. Adarsh tighten his fist and parinita gritted her teeths in anger while laksh looked at them through the mirror and smirked and suddenly his smirk turned into laugh for which ragini looked at him with confusion and he said "their faces"
Ragini too looked them through the mirror and she too started laughing"

"Other side parish looked at each other and shouts. "Ahaa..."

"Adarsh:why are you shouting like this parinita. He shouts"

"Parinita:look at your face. She said and he got confused"

"Adarsh:me..what look at your face. He said and both immediately looked in their phone's camera and their faces got visible which got blackened due to the smoke of the car's exhaust. Both looked horrified at each other"

(Sorry for this stupid edits. I made this just for fun😜😜)

"Scene shifts at maltis house where malti and raglak was laughing as laksh said malti everything happend there."

"Malti:but laksh you took a risk what if they would have caught you. She asked with worry"

"Laksh:arre aunty i wouldn't have took that risk without thinking right. Well my plan was just to bring them closer to my car and again made them dissappointed by leaving from there when they will be close to my car but they got more then that. He said and again started laughing"

"Malti:wah laksh very smart haan. Impressive. She said praising him for which he gave his cool smile and looked at ragini with attitude"

"Ragini:pls aunty this is enough compliments for him. Varna aap to chane ke jhaad pe Chad jayenge. She said rolling her eyes while he made faces at that and malti laughed at their antics"

"Suddenly laksh phone rang and he lifted the call immediately as it was from ap"

"Ap:laksh you are at your friends place from yesterday. What are you doing.? When will you come home.? She asked questions as soon as he picked up the call"

"Laksh:maa... maa... relax...relax. I'm fine and I'm coming at home now only ok. He said for which ap agreed and cuts the call"

"Laksh:i have to leave for home now. I didn't went there from yesterday. He said looking at both ladies and they nodded"

"Laksh looked at ragini and hugged her she too hugged him. He kissed her forehead while malti admired them. Laksh then bid bye to them and left from there"

"Malti:vaise I think some one was very angry on some one. She said looking at ragini with a teasing smile. While ragini smiled blushing at that"

"Malti:I'm very happy seeing you both together. You are having this glow on your face only because of him. She said smiling and ragini too smiled"

"Ragini:yes aunty I can't live without him. He is my everything. She said smiling and anyone can see the love in her eyes for him and malti smiled at that"

"Ragini:and I'm with him I forgot everything. Just like I forgot to talk with maa baba also see I didn't talked with them from two days. She said actually complaining about herself only and malti chuckled"

"Malti:it's ok you have time now call them. She said and ragini nodded. Then took her phone and called shekhar"

"Scene shifts to mm where laksh and ap was sitting in his room and was chitchating after a long time"

"Like this both raglak spent a good  time with their parents but Ragini on phone"

"Scene shifts to parinita's house where adarsh and parinita was all frustated and irritatedly with everything happend with them."

"Parinita:he went away from our hands just before our eyes. He said angrily peacing here and there in the room while adarsh was sitting on bed placing his hands on his head getting really tired by all this"

"Adarsh:parinita you shouldn't have started all this. Infact I shouldn't have supported you. This all become mess just because of your one mistake. Now I'm stucked in all this. He said looking at her angrily"

"Parinita:what is your problem haan.. are you a kid that I will force you to do anything. Stop blaming me again and again understand. She shouts at him getting irritated with his continues blaming for which he got more angry"

"Adarsh:yes I'm not a kid but you are the one who brain washed me saying about my rights and money and all. You know what i just don't want to talk with you. Just leave me alone plz. He said and left from there angrily without even looking at her reaction or anything while parinita looked on"

"The day passed for parish it was restless and for raglak it was peacefull. It was evening and laksh again came at maltis house"

"Laksh showed Ragini and malti a video which make them shock and they looked at him with the question that how.?"

"Laksh took out a pen from the front pocket of his coat and showed them a tiny recorder in that and both ladies looked at him being impressed and he raised his collar in return making them chuckle"

"Laksh:un dono ke hosh ud jayenge Jab vo ye video dekhenge. Laksh said with a smirk and ragini and malti nodded with same expressions"

"Ragini:laksh I want to see parinita's face when she will watch this video. She said with excitement and laksh nodded. And after biding bye to malti they left for parinita's house"

"Scene shifts to parinita's house. Parinita was in her mother's room with her who was again trying to made her agree in telling every one the truth and came out of this mess. But she was refusing"

"Out side her house raglak reached there. They came out of car but as parinita's room was upstairs they both were thinking how to reach there. Suddenly laksh eyes fall on a ladder placed there. He took it and placed in under the balcony of parinita's room. First ragini climbed up the ladder then laksh and they both looked inside the room through the balcony as its door was open but didn't found parinita there."

"Ragini:laksh she is not here. sent her video when she will come in her room. She said and he nodded but suddenly he realised his phone is not with him."

"Laksh:ragini I think I forgot phone in the car. He said and she looked at him in disbelief"

"Ragini:what...laksh how can you forget your phone you are so careless. She scolded him"

"Laksh:ragini common yaar. I just forgot my phone. Anyone can forget it. Why are you always scolding me. He said making faces"

"Ragini:ok ok fine ab apne nakhre mat dikhaiye aur jaiye. She said rolling her eyes"

"Laksh:ragini mai koi ladki nahi hu jo nakhre dikhaunga. He said pouring"

"Ragini:par aapke nakhre to hai na. She said and before he can say more she pushed him a little ahead to go towards his car and he climb down the ladder glaring her fakely and ragini chuckled at his antics"

"While ragini was waiting there she suddenly found parinita's mother roaming down in the garden. She got shock and worried what if she will see her.? Without thinking much she went inside the room but just then rooms door got open and parinita came inside. Ragini tried to hide behind the curtains but her hand hit on a vase placed near there on the table and parinita turned in that direction. Her eyes got wide and ragini got froze on her place. Both parinita and ragini was looking at each other with shock"

"Screen freezed on them"
😱😱 oh no parinita found ragini what will happen now..? What do you think guys.?

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Bye bye guys take care.

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