part 22

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Hi guys. Here is the next part.

"Scene starts from parinita's house. Both ragini and parinita was standing there shocked. Parinita was looking at ragini with wide eyes. She was about to come towards her when suddenly lights goes off. Parinita looked on. She looked around and was searching for candle but her leg hits on bed and she falls on it. She winches in pain. Just then light came and she stand up from bed. She started looking around but no one was there. She went towards balcony door but no one was there also. She got confused and sits on bed with confusion"

"Other side in the balcony we can see two persons hiding there. And they were none other then raglak. They both were hiding behind the door of balcony and breath in relief when parinita sat on bed. They looked at each other. Ragini was really scared and she rememberd what happend just before some time"

"Flash back" 

"Ragini was looking at parinita being shock. Her face turned pale and she got scared as soon as parinita started coming towards her but just then lights went off and ragini felt some one closing her mouth and dragged her out of the room holding her hand. She got shock for a second but then realising the touch she felt relaxed"

"Ragini looked at the person who was none other then laksh. He took her in balcony and hides behind the door of balcony holding her in his arms. She hugged him and he sense her fear. He patted her back calming her down."

"Flash back ends" 

"Laksh:ragini are you ok baccha.? Are you fine.? He asked in a low voice so that parinita can't hear and she nodded and again hugged him"

"Laksh:shhh....every thing is fine baccha. Don't worry relax. He said hugging her back and kissed her head"

"Ragini:thank God laksh you came on time other wise... She said and he just rememberd what happend when he reached there"

"Flash back"

"When laksh came back with his phone. He looked up and found ragini going inside the room. He was about to go there when he heard some thing falling sound. He got scared and started climbing up on the ladder without thinking anything else. And for his good luck the lights went off which helped laksh to drag ragini out of the room"

"Flash back ends"

"Laksh closed his eyes and takes a deep breath in relief that his ragini is fine. Just then raglak heard some voices from the room. Both looked at each other then peep in to the room to see what is happening. They found parinita talking on phone"

"Parinita:he...hello...hello..adarsh Ra.. ragini. I... I saw ra... ragini here. She said still being in shock"

"Adarsh:whatttt... what are you saying parinita.? He asked being shock"

"Parinita:yes...yes adarsh I saw her. She said and was looking around the room being tensed"

"Adarsh:parinita have you lost your mind or what..? Ragini is dead how can she be there.? You are imagning anything. He said not believing her"

"Parinita:no adarsh I'm telling truth only I really saw her. Trust me. She said again"

"Adarsh:parinita just stop it ok. I'm not at all intersted in your nonsense talk. I'm already very much frustated don't irritate me more. You are helucating or you have become mad. Ragini is dead she can't be here keep that in your mind and leave me alone. He shouts at her and cuts the call as he was already frustated with whole days events and now she was talking some thing can't happen it made him more frustated"

"Parinita looked on at the phone. Then she too started thinking about adarsh words that "ragini is dead"

"Parinita:adarsh is right. Ragini is dead then how can she be here.? But I saw her what was that..? Was i really imagning it..? But I saw her she was standing there. She said and looked at the place where she saw ragini"

"Parinita:what was that then..? Is ragini alive or is she a gh...ghost... She said being afraid. Her expression changed into fear and she was in the verge of crying by all this confusion.  At the thought of ghost her face lost its colour and she started shiver."

"Raglak was looking at her keenly and laksh was supressing his laugh seeing her expressions. While ragini was shocked that parinita thought her as a ghost"

"Parinita closed her eyes tightly and shake her head virgiously trying to get rid off that thoughts which was scaring her."

"Parinita:no no no what you are thinking parinita. There is nothing like ghost. Stop thinking all this. Adarsh was right I'm hallucating thing. I think this is all happening because of all this mess. My mind is not working. I should take rest Haan. She said to herself and laid down on bed. She took blanket and was looking around still her mind was not able to stop thinking about all that. She pulled blanket over her head and closed her eyes tightly. Chanting some mantras to get rid off those thoughts"

"Laksh was not able to supress his laugh any more yet he tried his best then hold raginis hand and sighed her to get down from balcony. She nodded and climbed down then he too came down through the ladder and holding her hand he ran towards their car. He started laughing like anything after reaching near there car. Ragini was also laughing remembering parinita's expressions"

"Laksh:seriously...She...She...was...She ghost oh God. Hahaha...and her expressions.Hahaha seriously in this century too she was thinking about ghost. Hahaha. He said in beetween his laugh while ragini looked at him and got lost in him. She was feeling really happy seeing him happy and was smiling looking at him. Laksh noticed her staring him and he came in his naughty mood"

"Laksh:i know I know I'm very handsome And you can't take your eyes off me but plz dont stare me like this other wise....he left the words incomplete and put his both hands on  both sides of car and ragini was in beetween the car and him. He smirked and started coming closer towards her with his naughty looks and she widen her eyes. She looked around they were standing at the road afterall"

"Laksh:other wise I will loose my control ragini. He said huskily near her ear. She shivered as his hot breath touched her skin. She closed her eyes feeling him so close. Laksh looked at her and smiled seeing her expressions"

"Laksh:and then you will tell me that laksh what are you doing..? You have become shameless. He said sunndely mimiking her and she frowned at that and looked at him with open mouth while he started laughing and she hit him on his shoulder and looked away angrily"

"Laksh:aww mera baccha I was just kidding. He said back hugging her and kissed her cheek for which she blushed a little and smiled"

"Ragini:laksh what about the video.? She asked as she realised they didnt sent video to parinita"

"Laksh:leave about it for now ragini. Let's have some other fun. He said and winked"

"Ragini:means. She asked being confused while he smirked and said her some thing which was mute"

"The night went restless for parinita in fear and adarsh in frustation. While laksh dropped ragini at maltis house and he went to mm. And both slept missing each other"

"Next day It was bright morning but for parish it wasnt good at all. Adarsh was tensed about how to find out about the blackmailer as their all plans got flop. On the other hand parinita's tension become double because of yesterday's incident"

"At mm adarsh was going out of mansion when a man came there. He gave adarsh an envelop on which adarsh name was written. He took it from him and was looking at it confusedly. The man went from there without saying anything and adarsh looked on. He called him from behind but the man didnt gave any heed"

"Adarsh looked at envelop and decided to open it. He opend it and suddenly his eyes widen and hands started shivring. Envelop fall from his hand on the floor"

"We can see a raginis pic on which there was blood and was written "killer adarsh maheshwari" he was looking at the pic shocked...scared... and what not. His body was littrely shivring seeing the blood on pic. He gulps looking at it and bend down to take the pic. He forward his hand which was shaking and slowly he took the pic in his hands. He took the envelop too and looked at it to find who has sent it but there was only his name nothing else."

"Suddenly adarsh phone started ringing. He jerked with sudden voice. Then composed himself and took out his phone from his pocket. He looked at the screen and found parinita's name on it. His expressions changed into anger as he was thinking all this is happening because of parinita. He picked up the call angrily and was about to shout at her but got stopped when he heard parinita's trembling voice"

"Parinita:ad.. adarsh....adarsh...ra... ragi...ragini... She was not able to say anything and she was looking very afraid. She was sweating in fear which adarsh sensed but was not able to understand what happend"

"Adarsh: what happend parinita..? Why are you scared.? Is everything fine..? He asked"

" ragi....ragini's pic... and....and.... She was about to say but was intrupted by adarsh"

"Adarsh:and there is blood on it.. and killer is written on it right..? He said and parinita looken on"

"Parinita:adarsh how do you know.? also got that pic...? She asked being shocked"

"Adarsh:yes me too got it parinita. In fact its in my hands now. He said worry and fear was visible in his voice."

"Parinita:adarsh...I...I. have said you na...ragini has come back adarsh.. I have seen her yesterday. I'm telling you she is doing all this. She said which made adarsh irritated"

"Adarsh:what the hell parinita have you lost your mind..? Ragini is dead then how can she come back..? He said irritatedly"

"Parinita:then what about this envelop adarsh..? There is ragini's pic in it. And this blood and killer and all what about this..? Who will do this expect ragini.? She said with fear"

"Adarsh:just shut up parinita. Ragini can't do all this because she is no more understand. He shouts being really frustated."

"Adarsh:now you stop your ragini puran and all this is done by that blackmailer only. He knows everything about us and is trying to scare us by this pic and all understand. Keep one thing in your mind clearly parinita ragini is no more she can't come back. He said with anger"

"Parinita was not ready to believe all this. Her mind was still in thoughts of ragini But then she knows adarsh won't believe her so she kept quite"

"Adarsh:that blackmailer is giving us more and more problems. We can't sit like this. We have to find him as soon as possible. He said with tension"

"Parinita:but how adarsh..? How we will find him..? Yesterday we tried every possible way and in this envelop also there is nothing from which we can find out about him. She said with same tension"

"Adarsh:i don't know. For now my mind is not working. We will think something later. He said and they both hung up the call with worry....fear....tension...and many questions in their mind"

"Other side we can see laksh standing on the stairs and was looking at adarsh with anger. It wasn't easy for him to put that blood and all on ragini's pic but he did all that just to scare parish. And seeing adarsh reaction he felt satisfied but that wasnt enough still there is many things for parish to face and laksh smirked looking at him"

"Screen freezed on laksh"
So how was this part guys..?

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And I'm waiting for your responce guys.

Bye bye take care.

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