part 23

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Hi guys. Again law responce in the last part. Many of you are saying that story is going good then why law responce 😢

"Scene starts from mm where adarsh was still standing near door and was lost in his thoughts. He was about to go out side when his eyes fall on something. He bent down and there was a card on the floor. He took it in his hands and looked at it. Then he found it was the same man's card who gave him the envelop as there was his pic. There was his adress too. Adarsh smiled looking at it"

"Adarsh:so he lives at xyz place. Now he will only answer my all questions. He will tell me about that blackmailer. He said with a smirk"

"he then called parinita and said her everything And they both decided to go there. Adarsh left the house and laksh came out of house and immediately called someone"

"Laksh:hello he has got your card and is coming at your house. you left from there immediately. He said to that man who helped him as he don't want him to get in any problem so he said him to leave his house for some time"

"That man agreed and left his house. Laksh then took his car and came at maltis house where ragini was waiting for him out side the house as laksh called her that he is coming. Ragini smiled looking at laksh who stopped car near her. He sighed her to sit and she sat inside the car and He started driving"

"Other side parish was in the car and was going at the adress to reach that man but they were not aware that raglak was also following them. They reached near a colony and adarsh parked car at road side. And they both came out. Laksh too stoped the car little bit far from their car and raglak came out"

"Laksh:ragini you know na what you have to do.? He asked for which she nodded"

"Laksh:but you have to be very care full baccha ok. He said cupping her cheek"

"Ragini:don't worry laksh. She said smiling and he nodded"

"Soon raglak started following parish who were going inside that colony. After some time parinita felt some thing behind her and she looked back and gets shock. She stumbled back in shock and about to fall but balanced herself. her eyes widen as she saw ragini just back of her with a serious look"

"She turned around to call adarsh as he was walking ahead of her and in that mean time ragini immediately went from there"

"Parinita:adarsh. Parinita shouts and again turned towards her back where ragini was standing pointing her finger there but she got shock as there was no one. She looked at adarsh and again turned around but she didn't find anyone there. She got confused."

"Adrash:what happend parinita..? Why are you shouting..? He asked being confused and she just nodded her head in nothing and he again started walking giving her a confused look. While she started following him with fast steps"

"Other side raglak was hiding behind a building and was looking at parish from there. They both were supressing their laugh seeing parinita's reaction and looked at each other showing thumbs up"

"After some time parish reached at that man's house but they got shock as they found the door locked. Adarsh bang his hand on the door angrily as again their hope got shatterd. Adarsh was looking around to find some one and ask about the man but for his bad luck no one knows about him which made adarsh frustated but parinita was not at all reacting on all this she was still in the thought of ragini. When suddenly adarsh jerked her holding her shoulders and she came in her sence"

"Adarsh:parinita where are you lost.? He asked looking at her confusedly"

"Parinita:i...I...vo...vo...I... ."

"Adarsh:leave it. Let's wait here for some time may be that man would have gone for some work and will come in some time so lets wait here. He said as she was not replying anything proparly and parinita just nodded for that"

"Parish was waiting for that man while raglak was hiding behind a building which was just infront of parish. They waited there till long but that man didn't came there. Adarsh really got irritated. Parinita was roaming here and there and was trying to divert her mind from the thoughts of ragini but suddenly her eyes falls on some thing which again gave her a shock as she found ragini looking at her from behind that building which was infront of them"

(Ignore the phone guys and also imagine it as day sorry I didn't found any other pic)

"Parinita:adarsh look there. There is ragini. She shouts pointing her finger towards ragini and looking at adarsh"

"Adarsh:parinita what is wrong with you...? No one is there look. He said angrily and she looked there and again got shock as no one was there. She looked at adarsh"

"Parinita:no adarsh I saw her she was standing there and was looking at me i saw her adarsh. She said trying to convince him but he got more angry on that"

"Adarsh:acha then tell me where is she..? Why I can't see her haan. ? I have become blind or what haan. He shouts holding her arm angrily."

"Parinita:no adarsh I really saw her she was there... She said and went towards that side. She looked all around there but didn't found any one. She was shock...confuse..scared.. and what not. Her fear was increasing"

"Adarsh:that man also didn't came and are behaving so weird just leave from here. He said angrily and started walking away. Parinita looked at the place where ragini was one last time then ran behind adarsh who was walking away from there"

"Other side raglak were standing near their car and both were laughing remembering how they scared parinita"

"Laksh:seriously ragini luck is really with us. We got a chance to scare parinita because of the card which fall there. He said after stopped laughing and ragini smiled"

"Laksh:lets see what they are doing ragini. He said and ragini nodded and again they both came towards the colony and found parish coming out of there so they went back and hides behind parish car"

"Parish came towards their car just then adarsh phone rang. He picked up the call as it was from dp. He got busy in talking with him something about buisness. Parinita was really scared by whatever happend till now. She was feeling tired too. So she decided to sit inside the car. She looked at adarsh who was still busy in phone. She then open cars front door and sat inside. her eyes fall on mirror. Her face was looking dull with messy hairs and sweats on her forehead. She was looking in mirror but suddenly she saw someone else reflection too in the mirror and...."

"Ragini came in an angry look from back seat. Parinita got frighten and shouts in fear "ahaaa..." She came out of car immediately. Her body was shivering in fear remembering ragini's that look. Adarsh looked at her being shock because of her shout and came near her. Parinita was closing her eyes and was shouting in the mean time ragini came out of the car from other side door without making any noise and went away silently"

"Ragini reached near raglak car and laksh immediately hugged her who was waiting for her there. Ragini got shock with his sudden act but then smiled and hugged him back"

"Laksh:ragu baccha you are fine na.? He asked with worry cupping her face"

"Ragini:laksh I'm fine. Why are you worried.? She asked"

"Laksh:what..? Why I'm worried.? Ragini it was risky yaar to get in their car. What if they would have catch you..? Or anything can happen na. He said with worry and ragini smiled at his care for her"

"Ragini:awww my sweet hubby. She said pinching his cheek and he rubbed it making faces for which ragini chckled"

"Ragini:acha I'm fine don't worry ok. Now let's see what parish are doing.? She said and they both went a little bit ahead to look at them and they found adarsh standing near parinita who was shouting in fear"

"Adarsh:what happend parinita..? Why are you shouting like this..? What happend..? Parinita. He was asking her but she was still shouting not at all listening him. She was so much scared while adarsh was getting irritated by this"

"Adarsh:parinita stop it. He shouts holding her shoulders and finally she stopped shouting and looked at him"

"Parinita:ada....adarsh....adarsh... She said every word in trembling voice. Her fear was visible on her face."

"Adarsh:ragini...ragini...ragini.. don't know what had happend to you. You are chanting this name from yesterday. Don't you have any sence ragini is no more. He shouts at her being really frustated"

" ..Her..She...She. parinita was trying to say but he didn't gave any heed to her and went towards car. He opens car door both front and back side and dragged parinita near the car holding her hand"

"Adarsh:see...see...who is here.? Tell me who is here..? No one is here parinita. See open your eyes and see no one is here. He again shouts and parinita was looking at the car being really shocked. She felt like getting mad by all this. Her eyes got teary. Adarsh took a deep breath to cool down himself"

"Adarsh:parinita no one is here ok. I think you are tired. You should take rest. Let's go I will drop you at your home. He said and made her sit inside the car. he too sat in the car and drove away and raglak too left from there"

"After some time adarsh dropped parinita at her home and left from there again telling her that there is nothing to worry"

"Parinita came inside the house and found her mother sitting on sofa. She went towards her and hugged her. Her mother got shock with her sudden act while parinita started crying out of fear and her mother got worried for her"

"Mother:what happend parinita.? Why are you crying.? She asked being really tensed"

"Parinita:i don't know maa what is happening with me...? I'm...I'm.. really scared maa. She said while crying and her mother was consoling her"

"Scene shifts to maltis house where raglak were telling everything to malti. And the three of them were laughing."

"Malti:wow laksh you just rocked and parinita got shocked. She said after stopping her laugh and laksh chuckled while ragini smiled"

"Laksh:parinita got what she deserve now it's adarsh maheshwaris turn. He said with a smirk and both ladies looked at each other then at him"

"The day passed like that parinita was hell scared and she slept after crying alot. Other side adarsh was really not understanding parinita's behaviour and was thinking about this whole day while raglak planned their other trick for adarsh"

"It was late night and adarsh was sleeping in his room after a tiring day. Suddenly his sleep got disturbed by some voices. He tried to ignore it but the voice was getting closer now he was hearing like some one calling his name."

"Adarsh can't sleep peacefully....adarsh maheshwari wake up."

"He heard that voice and his sleep got more disturbed"

"Adarsh maheshwari you have scared have tortued me...i won't leave you...I won't leave you...I won't leave you."

"He heard the shout near his ear and opens his eyes wide and..."

"Ahaaaaa...." he shouts seeing the face of her infront of him. He turned to other side immediately  to switch on the light And sat on the bed with a jerk but he didnt found any one there. He was breathing heavily. His forehead was sweating.... body was shivring.... his throat got dried. He stand up from bed and started looking around the whole room but he didn't found any one. He sat on bed with a thud then takes glass of water from near by table and drank the whole glass in one go. He then laid on bed closing his eyes getting really tired by all this. His breath was stucked for the second when he saw the face. Parinita's words started ringing in his mind about ragini and he got scared by that"

"It was the same feeling which ragini felt when they were blackmailing her.   Now he understood how hard it is to live in fear everytime."

"He tried to shurgoff all his thoughts then took the blanket over his head and closed his eyes tightly in fear"

"Now we can see some one coming out from under the bed and it was none other then raglak who were hiding there and was watching adarsh every move. They slowly came out of bed and went out of the room with slow steps through the window"

"Raglak came near their car and hifi each other at their victory. Then laksh dropped ragini at maltis house and came back at mm. As they both were very tired they slept peacefully"

"Screen freezed on raglak sleeping faces"
Finally done with this part.

I really don't know how was this one..? I'm not good in writing this type of scenes. I'm really sorry. I know it was very boring. Raglak scenes was also less. Sorry guys.

And guys the story has come to its end. Vaise to I was about to end the story when raglak got chotu but then I got this idea so added it and now finally it's going to complete.

Next part is last part guys. Finally parish truth will be out infront of everyone.

So now plz vote and comment. I'm waiting for your responce.

Bye bye guys take care.

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