part eight

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Hi guys.
hiddenprincess0703 meri pyari di solly for late but here is the update.
Do read it and tell me how is it 😙😙

"Two days passed after that day when ragini went to parinita's house. Ragini was always around her house she tried alot to find out about chotu but she didn't got any information. Sometimes she was feeling low because of that. And sometimes getting broken thinking about laksh but malti was always there to support her and consel her"

"Finally one day ragini has gone to market when suddenly her eyes land on a taxi driver. She thought she has seen him somewhere and finally she realised he is the same driver who was at parinita's house that day. She gets a hope that she can found about chotu from him. She thought to ask him where he has dropped parinita that day? And with this thought she came towards him"

"Ragini:excuse me.. she called and he looked at her"

"Driver:yes madam where do you wanted to go? He asked as he thought she is a customer"

"Ragini:no actually I wanted to know something from you. She said"

"Driver:what madam? He asked being confused"

"Ragini:actually do you remember two days before you have picked up a women from xyz place? Do you remember? She asked with hope and nervousness. And he was looking confused and like thinking"

"Ragini:wait.....wait a minute. She said and take out her phone From her purse. She showaed him parinita pic in a family pic she had in her phone"

"Ragini:see this.....this women. Did you remember now? She again asked desparetly"

"Driver:yes yes madam I remember. How can I forget her.. he said after seeing the pic making ragini happy and confused too"

"Ragini:why are you saying you can't forget her? She asked being confused"

"Driver:arre madam she was so rude. She had a kid with her. He was crying and she was scolding him. He was little kid but she was just shouting and the kid was crying more and more. He said and ragini got hurt hearing that how parinita is treating her brother"

" you remember where you have drop her? She asked controlling her emotions"

"Driver:yes madam. He said making ragini smile"

"Ragini:then can you....can you pls take me at that place? Plzzz it's very important plz take me there plz. She said with a hope and the driver nodded. They sits in the taxi and he starts driving" 

"After sometime driver stopped the taxi at a road. Ragini got confused"

"Ragini:what happend? Why you stopped taxi here? She asked looking around as it was a lonely road"

"Driver:madam I have dropped that woman here only. He said while ragini looks on confused"

"Ragini:what... here but there is nothing here. Why she will come here? She said to herself then came out of taxi and give the driver money and he left while ragini was looking around. But nothing was there"

"Ragini:oh god what should I do now? Why she will come here? I'm not understanding  anything. But I should cheak around may be I will get something. She thinks and started looking around"

"Ragini was roaming around and there she found more two ways she then went to left side and searched there but didn't find anything she then came back at the place first she was then went to right side way but there also didn't found anything. And there she asked some people's also but didn't got any information. She again got dissappointed and decided to return back home as it was late now. She started walking on the road. Her face was dull her hairs were messed up and she was walking lost in her thoughts. When suddenly she heard some sounds and her trance broken she looked towards that side and found some people's shouting on some one"

"She came forward to look who is there and why they are shouting when her eyes falls on a man standing beetween those people's on the middle of the road. She came more closer to get a clear view and her eyes got wide and she stopped on her place shocked. She placed her hand on her mouth. And her eyes gets teary. "Laksh".... She mutterd his name with broken voice as she found laksh standing there on the middle of the road and he was totally drunk he was not at all in his sense"

"Her heart pinches and tears rolled down through her eyes. Her legs were froozed on the spot and she was looking at him with pain and guilt.. guilt of leaving him alone. And seeing him in this state was stabbing her heart. Laksh was standing on the road and stopping those people's ways they got angry on him and they started shouting at him but he was not giving any heed to them he was just lost in his own land where he was curshing his destiny for seprating his ragini from him. He was not even able to walk properly and he was about to fall down and seeing this ragini ran towards his side to support him but before that some one else hold laksh shoulders and ragini stopped a little far from them"

"Ragini looked at the person and suddenly her eyes gets red in anger as the person was adarsh. Ragini tighten her fist and was looking at adarsh with anger and disgust. Adarsh apologized to those mens and started taking laksh inside the car. She then looked towards laksh who was murmuring something and was walking with adarsh support. Ragini was staring him emotionally. She was not able to see him like that she takes some steps ahead towards him tried to go near him but before that adarsh make laksh sit in side the car and ragini stopped. And adarsh also sits in the car and drove away while ragini was looking at the car from behind"

"Tears was continuously rolling down through her eyes not able to control her emotions anymore she started crying hardly and falls down on her knees at the road. She was curshing herself for his state"

"Ragini:I'm sorry laksh. I'm really very sorry laksh. This is all because of me I would have come back to you. Even after knowing that how much tensed and worried you are because of me i didn't come back. I'm sorry laksh I'm really sorry. You are suffering because of me. She said while crying and sobbing"

"Ragini:but not anymore this is enough. You won't suffer anymore laksh. I will come back to you. Whatever happend after that but I won't let you suffer more. Tomorrow your ragini will be with you laksh. She said emotionally while wiping her tears"

"Ragini:and that parinita and adarsh they will get their punishment for sure. I won't leave them for everything. They kidnepped my brother because of them my family sufferd alot and you and and me laksh we got seprated because of them. I hate them laksh. I will not leave them for all this. She said with anger"

"Scene shifts to mm adarsh came in the house with unconscious laksh while all the family members gets shocked and worried for laksh and came running towards them"

"Ap:what happnd adarsh? What happend to my laksh? She asked worriedly while touching laksh face"

"Adarsh:nothing maa relax. He just got drunk alot so got unconscious. He said and all looks on"

"Adarsh:i will take him to his room maa. Don't worry he will be fine in morning. He said and started going upstairs with laksh. While ap's eyes got teary and she closed her eyes feeling hurt seeing her son like that"

"Adrash came in raglak room and made laksh sleep on bed and left from there"

"Scene shifts to malti's house ragini reached there and seeing her pale face malti understand something has happend. She asked about it and ragini tells her everything while crying and was blaming herself for laksh condition. Malti make her understand it was not her fault she didn't did anything intentionally. She don't need to blame herself.. She should just go and meet him and everything will get fine. Finally ragini calm down a little and went in her room while malti looks on worried for her and prays to God to make everything fine tomorrow"

"At raginis room she was standing near window her eyes was still wet and she was lost thinking about laksh. She was remembering their moments they spend together. His love and support for her. His naughty but cute antics. And her lips curved up into a small smile remembering those beautiful days of their life"

"Other side laksh was in unconscious state but still he was getting flashes of their moments. Her love....Her care.....Her cuteness....Her innocent... And he mumbles her name in his that state also "ragini...."

"Ragini:i don't know laksh you will believe me or not. I know it's very difficult for you to believe that your brother whom you love and respects alot is doing all this But I will tell you everything tomorrow when I will meet you. She said in her mind looking towards the moon"

"Laksh:come back baccha....come...back... laksh mutters in his sleep"

"Ragini:I'm coming laksh. I'm coming. She said with a small smile like she just heard him" 

"Screen splits into two one side laksh lying on the bed and otherside ragini's determine face. Screen freezed on them"
Finally posted after a long time. I know it was boring guys but still do tell me if it was good or not.

And what do you think about ragu?will she go to meet him?

What if adarsh sees her what will be his reaction?

What do you think guys do tell me through your comments and do vote plzz guys.

Forgive me for my spelling and grammatical mistakes.

Take care bye.

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