part nine

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Hi guys. Thankyou for your comments in the last part guys and sorry I couldn't reply you all because of watty problems. And here is the next part.

"It was bright morning birds were chirping and Sun rays fall in the room of raglak breaking laksh sleep. He slowly opened his eyes rubbing them and then hold his head as it was paining because last night he was totally drunk. He thought to take a shower to get relief from the pain and gets in the washroom"

"Other side ragini was standing infront of God idel and was praying. Her eyes were closed and hands folded. Her face was looking calm today. Her face was not dull like other days but was brightning ofcourse because she is going to meet her laksh today finally and this thought was only giving her the happiness which was lost from her heart this days"

"Ragini opened her eyes slowly after praying and was looking at the idel with alot of hope. Just then she felt a hand on her shoulder she looked besides her and find malti standing there smiling"

"Malti:I'm very happy with your decision beta now you will get your happiness back when you will be with your husband with your laksh. She said smiling while ragini too smiled back"

"Ragini:yes aunty I'm also happy. I'm just thinking about laksh and his reaction I know he will be happy but don't know after knowing about his Bhai how will he react.. She said worriedly"

"Malti:now don't think about all this you just go and meet him. Think all this later. And im sorry beta i cant come today with you as i have some work today. She said and ragini smiled"

"Ragini:it's ok aunty you have supported me alot. You have did many things for me. You were always there for me. So it's ok if you can't come today. she said smiling then she takes her blessings and left from there"

"At mm in laksh room he came out of the washroom and stands before mirror combing his hairs. He was looking at his reflection in the mirror. He felt something diffrent today. His face was not looking that pale today. He was feeling something good will happen today. His heart was not feeling that heavy and that restlessness was not anymore. He was feeling a happiness in his heart. He was looking calm not like other days frustated or irritated or worried nothing. He felt all this strange but he shrugged all his thoughts and gets ready and soon came down. All were having breakfast he also joind them all were amazed seeing him but felt happy. He silently have his breakfast and no one said anything to him"

"Out side mm ragini was standing her heart was beating fastly. She was looking at mm emotionally. All her memories with the family and her laksh was flashing infront of her. She take a deep breath and takes a step ahead entering in the mm gate. At the same time laksh came out of the house. As soon as he came there he felt cool wind touching him. His heart beats gets faster. He felt some familiar feelings inside his heart and his legs stopped there. He slowly turned towards the gate and there standing love of his life.....His life line.....the reason of his hearts beating.....His ragini......His baccha"

"He was shocked. and happy too. His eyes started shining with tears while happiness was glowing on his face. Other side ragini was standing there with tear filled eyes and a smile on her lips. Their hearts was beating with the same rhythem of happiness. As soon as their eyes met. The moment was stopped for them and was just staring each other. They even forget to blink"

"O Karam khudaya hai...
Tujhe mujhse milaya hai..
Tujhpe marke hi to...
Mujhe jeena aya hai."

(They were sharing emotional eyelock. They were sharing all the emotions through their eyes. Their love....pain....happiness....their wait for each other everything just one diffrence was in raginis eyes. Their was guilt in her eyes. The guilt for leaving him... for giving him the pain....the restless days....and sleepless nights... although she also gone through the same pain yet his pain has always hurted her more then her own pain. While he was having only love and happiness in his eyes. They don't even know how many times their heart thanked God for making them together again)

"O Tere sang yaara...
Khush rang bahara...
Tu raat deewani...
Mai zard sitara."

(He started remembering their moments. Her those beautiful moments they spend together. Other side ragini too was remembering their moments. His naughty antics....him teasing her. Everything flashed infront of her)

"O tere sang yaara...
Khush rang bahara...
Mai tera ho jaun...
Jo tu kar de ishara."

(There was not a moment their eyes left eachothers. He was staring her with all his love and she can feel the love in his eyes which was making her feel blessed)

"Kahi kisi bhi gali mai jaun main...
Teri khushbu se takrau main...
Har raat jo ata hai mujhe vo khawab tu."

(He remember him always feeling her fragrance in their room... and her memories were all around him. There was not a moment when he didn't thought about her in those days)

"Tera mera milna dastoor hai...
Tere hone se mujhme noor hai...
Main hoon soona sa ek asmaan..
Mehtaab tu.."

(He slowly started taking steps towards her. Their moments started flasing in front of him from starting and he realised they were meant to be together. In starting they got together after alot of struggle and today once again there sepration had an end. He stopped near her looking in her eyes both were feeling complete now just seeing the other one infront of them)

"O karam khudaya hai...
Tujhe Maine jo paya hai...
Tujhpe marke hi to...
Mujhe jeena aya hai."

(He slowly forward his hand towards her to touch feel her....His hand was shivring and his heart was beating fastly. She was staring him with a small smile on her lips and tears in her eyes. She also forward her hand slowly and touched his hand. He smiled and tears rolled down on his cheek. He hold her hand tightly and with other hand he slowly cupped her cheek. And she closed her eyes feeling his touch. While he was feeling like he just got his life back)

"O tere sang yaara...
Khush rang bahara...
Tere bin ab to...
Na jeena gavara."

(The next moment he takes her into a bone crushing hug. She also hugged him tightly. He was hugging her more and more tightly. Like he will again lost her if he leave her. There was not a little gap beetween them. Their eyes were flowing with tears but was having a sparkle in them. while lips was having the million dollar smile which they forgot in this days. Their heart was fluttering with joy. Both were feeling eachothers  and being in eachothers embrance they just forget the pain.. there was only peace in their heart)

"Laksh:ra...ragini....ragini....baccha... baccha you came back finally. I knew it I knew it you will come back. But where were you baccha? Why you left me like that? Do you know those days were the wrost days of my life when you were not with me. I was just a lifeless body without you. I love you so much ragini plz never leave me again never. He said beetween the tears and the happiness he was feeling still hugging her tightly. While she was crying on his shoulder. He feels that and slowly breaks the hug but didn't left her he was still holding her in his arms. And She was feeling the peace in his arms. He slowly cupped her face and wiped her tears nodding her head in no"

"Laksh:don't cry baccha plz. Are you...are you ok? Haan where were you from this many days? I searched for you alot baccha but I couldn't found you. But are you ok na? Haan tell me baccha. He asked while checking her hands and face and looking her emotionally. While she felt bliss seeing his love for her"

"Ragini:la...lak....laksh. she slowly takes his name with all the love she had for him. While he smiled and felt bliss hearing her voice and his name from her after this many days. He merged their forheads while cupping her face closing his eyes. He was feeling her closeness after this many days. She also closed her eyes and placed her hands on his hands"

"Laksh:i missed you baccha...I missed you so much.. I'm incomplete without you. I need you with me at the every moment of my life. I .can't live without you baccha. I love you so much. He said emotionally and she hugs him tightly placing her head on his chest and started crying"

"Ragini:I'm sorry laksh.. I'm really sorry....I'm...I'm very sorry laksh. She said while sobbing as she felt herself being the reason of his pain. He felt hurt seeing her crying. It was stabbing his heart. He slowly made her look at him holding her shoulder and breaking the hug while she was still crying. He slowly lean towards her and placed his lips on her forhead giving her a kiss with all his love showring on her. Both their eyes were closed and they felt their all sorrows and pain getting away from them. He then looked at her and she also looked at him"

"Laksh:what happend ragini?is everything fine ? Now I'm with you baccha you can share your all problems with me. You can share anything with me but plz don't cry its hurting me alot. Plz don't cry. He said wiping her tears with his thumb. And looking at her lovingly"

"Ragini:I'm sorry laksh for hurting you. This all happend because of me.. just because of me. I'm sorry laksh.. I'm really sorry. She said emotionally and asked for sorry whole heartedly. Her eyes also having the same love for him but her guilt over powers her and instead of being happy she was feeling guilty for his state in the past days"

"Laksh:no ragini it was not your fault baccha.. why are you saying like that.. Plz dont say like that plz.. He said as he was really hurt and was not able to see her like that"

"Finally ragini wiped her tears and taking a deep breath she started telling him everything from starting about parinita and adarsh. His eyes got widen in shock. He was stunned.. He can't believe his ears and was just standing there numb"

"Laksh:wh.. what....what are you saying ragini? How is that possible? Adarsh bhaiya....He....he can't do this.. you....may be have some missunderstanding. He said to her as he was not able to believe all this about his own brother whom he always thought a gentleman. A sweet and lovable brother and an amazing person but his hopes got broken by ragini"

"Ragini:no laksh i have heard it. It's not my missunderstanding. I know it's bery difficult for you but trust me im saying the truth. They both have planned everything. Plz trust me laksh plz. She said as she thought he won't believe her may be. While he was still in shock and was not able to react anything"

"Screen freezed on him"
Finally raglak meeting guys so how was it? Upto your expectations or not? If not then really sorry but do tell me through your comments did you liked this part? And plz do vote guys plz.

And what do you think will laksh believe ragini and support her?

So leave your comments now.

Forgive me for my spelling and grammatical mistakes.

Take care bye bye.

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