Chapter 11: Dangerous game (Part 1)

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(No ones POV)

After quite some time of traveling and dealing with wrong directions, our adventurers managed to reach their next stop. The famous city of Bonta.  

Nora/Yugo: WOW!!!

Both Nora and Yugo said while admiring the view of the city.

Ruel: By the great Enutrof! It must be, what, ten years since I last set foot in this place!

(y/n): Let's stick together so we won't get lost. 

You said with a tone of concern. Truth be told, you didn't trusted Nora or Dally when it came to sense of direction. 

Ruel: Ah, don't worry. I know this city like the palm of my ha-Oh! That's new! 

Ruel said while looking at the palm of his hand and adding another person to not trust with directions in your mental list. You rolled your eyes and started to walk foward along with the others.
While walking through the city of Bonta, Amalia started to talk about the many clothes she could buy. Meanwhile, Yugo was impressed with what was around him. He was rised in a small town so watch a city like this was something very new to him. You and Nora were neutral about it. Yeah, it was a city that you two never saw before. But compared to where you two came from, this city was very small but somehow louder.

The objective of this trip to Bonta was finding the captain of a boat that could take the whole group to the island where Yugo's familiy is. You wanted to help just in case Ruel would try to hire a pirate ship and to avoid Nora's plan of using you to create ice briedges. But before you could have anything to say in the matter, Amalia caught your arm to take you to do some shopping with her and Eva.

Amalia: They will help me find the best dresses! 

Amalia started to drag both Eva and You towards the first clothe store.

Eva: Your wish is my command, princess!

Despite saying that, Eva was pulling away with everything she had.

Nora: Okay. They will miss the fun part.

Dally: Aren't you going to take (y/n) back?

Nora: And miss the chance to rent a pirate ship! No way!

Ruel: Only if it is cheap!

(Your POV)

I was standing next to Eva, sharing the same level of emotion. Amalia was running around the store talking about clothes marks that I didn't either knew or cared too much to learn their names.

(y/n): Does she always gets like this when visiting a new city?

Eva: You have no idea...

While we were talking, Amalia was throwing more and more clothes at us to hold for her. Probably dresses that she wants to try on her or dresses that she wants to buy because they are pretty, only to never wear them.

Eva: At least this time I have good company to talk with while she is doing this.

(y/n): Well, do you want to talk about-AMALIA! NOT THAT ONE!

I lifted the pile of clothes in my arms to cover my face. Amalia was wearing a rather short and revealing outfit...

Eva: Princess! That one is too short!

Amalia: Grrr! Fine! I'll pick something else!

Once it was safe to look again, I lowered the pile and let out a sigh. But then one problem crossed my mind.

(y/n): Um... Amalia?

Amalia: What is it, (y/n)?

Amalia was wearing again her normal clothes while carrying another dress between her arms.

(y/n): How are you going to pay for this?

Amalia: My father will gladly pay for all of this.

Eva: You mean the leader of a kingdom some ten thousand leagues from here? No problem! I'll head home, tell them you ran away, and come back with the royal guard two months from now.

The lady that owns this shop didn't liked the plan of payment and snatched the dress Amalia had between her arms.

Amalia: Noooo!

(y/n): Well, you wouldn't have the chance to wear them even if you could buy them. 

Eva: (y/n) is right princess. We have to travel with only the vital supplies.

Amalia: Why can't I look awesome and have food at the same time?!

(y/n): Maybe because-WHERE IS AMALIA?!

Eva: There!

(Time skip)(No ones POV)

The day was turning to be a royal mess. Amalia almost starts a fight with the owner of a shop because she couldn't buy the dresses she wanted. Meanwhile, the other group failed at getting a boat that could take them to Oma island. Their best bet was to instead buy a boat and sail to that island by their own means. However, the boat wasn't cheap and Ruel almost starts a fight against the sailor that gave him the offer.
You and Nora decided to take a tour around the city and give Ruel some time to think of something. That old man was a greedy bastard but a clever one at being greedy. If someone knew how to make so much money in a short time, that had to be Ruel.
You and Nora were currently walking together while eating some ice cream that you bought for her.

Nora: So... Did you changed your mind about the ice bridge?

(y/n): Nora... It would take months to reach the island like that and the ice would melt behind us.

Nora: Yeah, I guess it's a dumb plan. I wonder how this Kaeya guy got it to work in those old books.

(y/n): I guess he just didn't had someone else next to him weighting the ice down or melting it.

You and Nora continued to walk together while hearing some random conversations on the streets. The city of Bonta seems to be famous for an sport called Gobbowl. There is a championship every week and the people of the city is looking foward to the next match.

Nora: Man! Everyone here wants to see this Gobbowl thing! Do you think we could at least watch one game?

(y/n): I highly doubt it. The tickets to watch this sort of games are always at high prices.

Nora: Owww! But I want to see this Gobbowl game!

Nora grew puppy tears on her eyes. You softly patted her back to cheer Nora up.

(y/n): Nora, unless a miracle happens then we can't afford to do that.

In an incredible twist of fate, Eva managed to found the two of you.

Eva: There you are! Come with me you two. We have a lot of work to do.

(y/n): Did Ruel found a way to buy the ship?

Eva: Yes but...

Eva took a deep breath before letting out a sigh.

Eva: We have to play Gobbowl.


(y/n): NORA!!!

Eva: Who is Seris?

(y/n): It doesn't matter! Could you give us some details about what happened?

Eva started to guide you and Nora towards the Gobbowl academy while explaining to you what happened and what was the current situation.
It turns out that Ruel was an old Gobbowl player and his team is going to play in the next match. But Ruel's team needed some extra players to play the game. Ruel's old teammates were... Well, old. So some new fresh blood would be a great help for the game.
Right now, the whole group was standing inside a training ground. Ruel dropped some items on the floor that you guessed were used for the game. One of those items was a shield, the other was a glove, then a pair of boots and finally, a helmet. Security first!

Ruel: Put those on!

Amalia: And us? What do we do?

Ruel: Stand and be girly... Except for Nora. She is a monster so she can have a shield.

Nora: Hey! I can be girly too!

Eva: What did you say?

Nora: I can be-

Eva: Not you, Nora! Ruel, do I look like part of a cheerleading squad.

Ruel: No, in general, cheerleaders are pretty-GAH!

The fluffy goat ball striked Ruel's face. Ruel looked ahead and saw you moving your leg back and foward.

(y/n): Whoops! My leg slipped.

It totally didn't and most of the group knew it...
But back to the training, Amalia wanted to be part of the team. She claimed to be a total master of the game becuase she never lost a match of gobbowl at her home. But after a few words from Eva, Amalia started to grow her doubts about her actual skills. Regardless of that, Amalia decided to test things for herself despite your warnings.

Amalia: Ruel! Throw the ball!

Ruel grew a serious look on his face and tossed the ball into the air. Then, when the ball was falling, ruel landed a powerful palm strike with the glove. You noticed that some energy came from the glove, boosting the strenght and speed of Ruel's strike. This gave you clues of how every item plays a role in this game. Glove is for throws, boots for fast speed, shield from blocking glove throws, ect.
Sadly, despite knowing the game better than you, Amalia falied to catch the ball and ended up having a black eye. You rolled your eyes and walked towards her.

(y/n): Alright, let me heal that eye.

Amalia: Thanks... But just to be clear, the ball just slipped from my grip! I had it!

(y/n): You totally did princess.

Ruel proceeded to explain the rules of the game while you were healing Amalia's eyes. From the start, the game seems to be easy. You run with the ball to the oposite side, score points, and the team with more points is the winner. The trick was that weapons and magic are not allowed. To win in this sport, the group had to play around it with the gear allowed by the rules.

Ruel: Alright everyone! Get ready for training!

(Time skip)(Very short training Montage)

The first test of the training was run away like hell from some black gobballs to test speed. You and Yugo managed to outspeed the black gobballs while Dally got thrown in the air by them and Nora got ran over by them.

The second test of the training was more on favor of Dally and Nora. The second part consisted of breaking through the enemy line. Dally and Nora had no problem getting the black gobballs out of the way and gain revenge from earlier. You managed to break through, but with more struggle compared to them. Yugo sadly didn't tried for obvious reasons. The kid has spirit but that can't psychically match enemies.

The rest was easy... Continue to reapeat the first two tests while now adding more obstacles and the gear. Nora obviously went straight for the shield. You on the other hand, got a more neutral position. Since you were, quoting Ruel, between Dall and Yugo in terms of what you could do in the game. You would be a substitute if someone in the team got hurt. Which is highly possible since four members of the team were elders and the oposite team has some fame of being quite... Brutal.

You and the others continued to train while Ruel and his old teammates exchanged some words from the heart and became friends again. But once the sun went down, it was time to stop. Training time was over and now it was time to rest and eat something to recharge energy. Sadly... No one was allowed to eat. Everyone was invited literally to just sit and see the food of an inn. The logic behind of this was to give each member the idea of what they would be able to eat if they survive the game. Nora was just drooling while looking at the food, You and Eva were looking at the table wanting to at least get a bite or two, and Dally... He was crying while rubbing his hand. Each time he tried to grab something, one of Ruel's friends would slap his hand to stop him from doing so... It was a brutal training, both psychically and now mentally too.

(I said it was a short montage. I'm not very inspired)

(y/n): This training sucks...

Eva: An stupid training for an idiotic game.

Nora: I'm so hungry that I think I could eat Yugo's pet...

Amalia: Nora!

Nora: I'm sorry!

Yugo didn't doubt for a second about hiding Az inside his hat so Nora wouldn't find him.

Ruel: Alright everyone! Time to bed!

Nora: But I'm not sleepy! I'm hungwy!

Ruel: We have a game tomorrow and we'll look stupid if we get there late! So, get up and go to bed!

Nora: Fine...

Nora got up but before anyone could react, she grabbed a huge chunk of food and started to run away. Ruel and two of his friends chased Nora along with Dally. Leaving you alone with Yugo, Eva and Amalia. They looked at the food and then at you.

(y/n): I don't know about you guys. But I'm eating this.

Amalia: Well... Ruel invited this food so better enjoy it.

Eva: I'm with you two on this one. We need energy for tomorrow, right Yu-

Yugo was already reaching for a portion of cake. This caused the others to share some laughs to make the night sweeter.

(The next day)

It was finally time to participate in the gobbawl game. The stadium was filled to the neck with a crowd of people ready to see players putting sweat and heart into beating the oposite team. Luckly for your team, you were the only one who woke up early to call everyone for the game. If it was for Ruel, the team would have arrived late and look like a bunch of dummies.
Dally and Nora were going to be the shielders of the team. Well, first Dally. Nora was going to be a substitute. You and Yugo were also substitues. Yugo was an sprinter while you were going to replace anyone on their positions if needed. Amalia and Eva were wearing cheerleading uniforms. 

(y/n): Nice ears Eva. 

Eva: Very funny, (y/n).

Both Amalia and Nora felt a bit jealous and clearly neither of them understood that it was a joke.

Nora(mind): I should have asked for the cat goat horns to look cuter!

Ruel kicked the entrance and walked into the stadium with the rest of the team. The crowd was cheering for Real Gobbly and... It was the first time for you and Nora to be surrounded by this many people. It was a surprise to be able to experience this despite the original objective of your mission.
But you shaked those thoughts out of your mind when the announcer was introducing the enemy team. The Lamechester United was a team that has been undefeated this season. Its team had two big brutes, two midgets and a guy who was blowing kisses to every girl in the crowd. The guy blowing kisses was Kriss, the leader of his team. For some reason, you felt like things were about to get complicated in this match between you and him.

Both You and Nora stepped away along with Yugo. The match started after a short conversation between Ruel and Kriss and everything began to move in slow motion while the two of them leaped into the air to catch the ball. The ball went higher and higher in the air until it went so high that the sunlight blinded everyone... Leaving all the spectators clueless about who grabbed the ball first.


I suck... That's what I'm going to say for now. I will have to make some announcements later. I'll try to post chapters for other books before that since I have to clear my mind about some things.

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