Chapter 12: Dangerous game (Part 2)

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(No ones POV)

Everything... Everything went horrible. The first half of the game was literally like watching a gang of punks beat up an octogenarian group. From the team that spent the first half of the game, only Ruel and Dally were still somewhat intact from all the beatings the whole team took.
Ruel's friends, on the other hand, were currently receiving medical treatment from you and from an old fairy lady. You were healing with your magic the broken bones of Ruel's friends but... You knew that if they step back into the field, they are not going to make it back to get medical treatment again.
The others were not handling this situation any better. The old greedy Ruel felt very depressed and useless after being outclassed and outplayed by Kriss and his team. Eva was angry because of the turn of events. She earlier told everyone that this sport was for brutes but no one heard her.
However, Yugo was the one suffering the most from an emotional point of view. Losing this game means that he won't be able to get a boat to meet his real family and learn about his origins. 

Amalia: Poor Yugo... I don't think we are gonna get the boat.

Nora: Not with that attitud, miss pirate.

Amalia earlier during the first half of the game got hit by the gobbowl ball that flew towards her face like a rocket. You could have healed her black eye but... Broken bones are priority.

Amalia: Nora, look at them! 

Amalia said while pointing at Ruel's friends.

Amalia: They have nothing more to give. It's over.

Ruel: Amalia is right... If we continue like this, it's going to be the end of our adventure.

(y/n): It's not over yet! We have three fresh substitutes... And we have a Nora on our side!

Nora smiled while cracking her knuckles. She wanted to break some legs... And you wanted to unleash that beast against the enemy team.

(y/n): Ruel, they got ut on the first time. That's actually a good thing if you think about it.

Eva: How is that a good thing?

(y/n): They must feel very confident about their victory after an easy first time. Their cockyness is going to make them lower their guard and that's when we hit them hard... It's time to turn this around!

Ruel thought about your words for a moment... Even if the chance of coming on top of this adversity was slim, that possibility was still there. When you have nothing left to lose you must place your money down and roll the dice. It's all or nothing and Ruel was not going to lgive up when the prize was a bunch of money!

Ruel: Alright! Nora, Yugo and (y/n)! Put some uniforms and grab the equipment! We are going to show those punks how painful gobbowl was in my days!

Ruel's old friends wanted to argue against this. However, Ruel quickly convinced them that this was the best idea. 
It was time for Kriss and his team to taste the beating...

(Small Time Skip)

After preparing the uniforms and the equipment, the team stepped into the field prepared for the second half of the game. The match commentator applauded the team's courage for not giving up after everything that happened in the first half. However, his compliments quickly stopped once he noticed that the old members of the team got replaced by more younger players.

(I think his name was Jactance...?)

Jactance: What is this...?

One of Jactance's assistants handed him a note about the changes and who is now on the team. However, he did not liked it... Not because he was against the team switching members for the second time of the game. But because in the note there was no spicy titles or anything. Just names, ages and their roles in the game. 
So, to give the audience a better show, Jactance decided to add some juice to everyone's profiles.

Jactance: When playing with dolls became boring for her, this ginger decided that it was time to step out of the girls zone and step into the demolition squads! Once she is in your way, you must prepare yourself to feel the strike of a hammer!

Nora was carrying one of the shields with her while waving at the spectators, who were cheering for her.

Jactance: You call her Nora but I call her... THUNDER THIGHS!!!

Nora lifted one leg into the air before stepping really hard on the ground, making an small earthquake that was felt across the whole stadium.


Not wasting time, Jactance decided to introduce the next person while Nora was flexing to show off.

Jactance: This guy is a walking mystery! Only a few had the honor to see his legendary skills and today, you will be able to see this living enigma in action! 

You were stretching a bit while Jactance was talking. You had the boost shoes so along with Yugo, you were going to be part of the main offensive of the team.

Jactance: Watch and be amazed by (y/n), the arcane of gobbowl!

Not many celebrated your introduction compared to Nora's introduction. It was not weird since Jactance didn't gave the spectators many useful information about you. 
However, a rose somehow made it in front of you. 

(y/n): Huh...?

You looked at the direction from where it came from and your face quickly turned blue, matching your long blue hair... It turns out an old pair of friends was watching the game.

Miranda was waving an small flag with your face on it while Kabrok... He looked exactly how you remembered him.

(y/n): H-How charming...

Yugo: How did she got that flag so fast...?

Nora: I don't know... But I want five of those.

Suddenly, everyone heard the sound of a whistle. Everyone turned to see what happened and it seems that Kriss was "suffering" from an injury, so he had to stay on the benchs. And since Kriss's team has no substitutes, now it was a game of four vs five.

This is exactly what you expected... Now it was time to make them learn what happens for being too arrogant.

Yugo: Alright, let's do this!

Everyone got into their positions. The members of Kriss's team were growling like animals to intimidate thier opponents... Well, almost every member of Kriss's team was growling.
Jay, the large iop of the team, was a bit... Distracted. He was deeply staring at Nora with a dumb smile on his face. It was like he was in some kind of hypnotic trance.

Nora: ...Ah?

Meanwhile, Ruel leaped into the air to get a hold of the ball. However, Benji managed to snatch it out of Ruel's hands. However, when he was falling towards his partner, Benji was meet with the sweet kiss of the floor. His partner Jay did not even reacted... He was jus staring at Nora.

While those two were out of the line of defense, Ruel and Yugo grabbed the ball and charged towards the opponent's ring. The two members that were left of Kriss's team tried to stop them. But they only managed to stop Ruel, who tossed the ball to Yugo. The little boy caught the ball in mid-air and slammed it on the middle of the ring, scoring the second point for his team.
Everyone was celebrating the score while you walked towards Nora.

(y/n): What did you do to him...?

Nora: I don't know... Maybe I broke his legs mentally?

(y/n): Well, thanks to that-

You turned to see Kriss's team. Two paramedics were lifting Jay out of the field and taking him to the benchs. He wasn't injured but... You couldn't say he was in any condition to play either.

(y/n): Now it's five vs three.


(y/n): It's early to celebrate yet. They are still ahead in the scores.

Ruel: Then let's fix that!

After a few moments, everyone got into positions. Now it was three vs five and it was the perfect chance to turn this around...

The ball was tossed into the air again. But this time, Ruel managed to catch it first before Benij.

Ruel: (y/n), this one is for you!

Ruel yelled before passing you the ball. You quickly grabbed it and started to run towards the opponent's goal. However, the shield duo of Kriss's team was charging towards you.

Nora: Get the hell away from my man!

Nora screamed in rage while quickly getting ahead of you.

Jeremy: Out of the way! This game is not for dumb gi-

Jeremy could not even finish his sentence since Nora smacked him away like a ragdoll with her shield, sending Jeremy straight to the benchs where Kriss was, almost hitting Kriss and Jay.

Kriss: What the-

Jay just grew a big pair of hearts on his eyes after watching Nora's strenght. 


Monty was charging towards you, ready to tackle you with his shield.

Monty: You won't make it, tiny man!

(y/n): That's what you think, you big goat!

A couple of steps away before the impact, you slipped under the shield and the space between Monty's legs, effectively getting behind the big goat. Monty turned around, only to be met with a pair of shoes pressing against his chest. Once you got behind him, you quickly turned around and jumped towards Monty, placing both of your feet on his chest.

(y/n): Learn to respect the elderly!

You said before activating the boost charge of your shoes, launching yourself foward while pushing Monty backwards. You were flying a few steps above the ground in the air, slowly losing momentum. But the impulse you got from that boost was enough to do one air roll before slamming the ball on top of the enemy goal, scoring another point for the team before landing perfectly on your feet.
The spectators went wild after that score. They were amazed by Nora's strenght and your quick reflexes. Even Kabrok was waving one of Miranda's flags with your face on them.
You and Nora quickly managed to show Kriss's team the kind of mess they got themselves into.

Kriss: This... This can't be happening! They are cheering for those two newbies?!

Kriss was having a tantrum thanks to the humiliation his team just suffered. Meanwhile, Eva and Amalia were staring at you.

Eva: I never noticed how acrobatic he is...

Amalia: I know! He is a rough diamond!

Eva: Princess, please stop staring at (y/n) like that or else you will look like that Jay iop over there.

Amalia: Hey! You were staring too!

Eva: S-Shut up...

Eva said before looking away with an small shade of pink on her cheeks.

(Small Time Skip)

It didn't took too long before getting ahead of Kriss's team. Now the score was 20 in your favor while Kriss's team had 12 points. Between those scores, your team has been switching players to keep the energies high and allow the others to recover. Amalia and Eva played too, scoring six points together. However, it was too early to celebrate how many points everyone scored since the star member of the other team returned to the field... Kriss.
He had enough of watching his team losing so Kriss finally decided to step back in. You and Nora were currently on the benchs, taking a small break to recover energies. 

Nora: You think they can turn around our comeback...?

(y/n): Now they are back to four players and they are no longer going to drop their guard... From this point on, it's going to be an struggle from both sides. 

You two were watching your team pushing foward with the offensive, not wanting to let the ball fall on the hands of anyone of the members of Kriss's team. However, just when Yugo was about to catch the ball after a few passes between Ruel and Amalia, Kriss pulled Yugo's hat and threw him back to catch the ball first.

Nora: Don't you dare bully my boy!

You were struggling to hold Nora back. You knew that if she gets into the field, she is going to beat up Kriss for that.

However, while you were stopping Nora from giving Kriss a free hospital bed, Yugo managed to take back the ball and score another point for your team by using a new technique never seen before in this sport... Using your feet to kick the ball. 
Everyone was praising Yugo for using such an original tactic to recover the ball and outplay an expert like Kriss. This, however, made something inside Kriss thick... He saw his whole career as a gobbowl player disappear in front of his eyes because someone younger humiliated him ONCE. It didn't helped that even Jactance was roasting him in front of all of his fans after that maneuver.
But the straw that broke the camel's back was the gobbowl ball hitting Kriss's face. He was so deep in thought about Yugo becoming the new gobbowl start that he did not saw when the ball was tossed in the air. This only feeded Kriss's anger even more to the point where he used the charge of his shoes to kick the ball with enough strenght to make it look like a cannon ball. 
The boosted ball flew straight to Amalia's head and the princess saw her whole life flashing in front of her eyes. But luckly, Eva was quick enough to get in front of the princess and deflect the boosted ball towards the sky with her shield. However, her shield got completely annihilated and her arm got a bit hurted because of the impact.

Nora: Oh no...

Nora said worried for Eva's arm.

(y/n): Grab a shield and replace her. I'll treat her arm.

Nora nodded and grabbed an spare shield before rushing to the field. Meanwhile, Eva was slowly walking to the benchs while holding her injured arm. She seemed to be sad for some reason...

(y/n): Alright, show me your arm.

Eva sat next to you on the bench. Then, she showed you her injured arm. The zone of her knuckles was a bit red. It was nothing there but a few scratches. Eva's wrist in the other hand... It was purple.

(y/n): Your Radius or your Uina must be cracked... Maybe both.

Eva looked at her injured wrist for a moment. It hurted a lot and she couldn't move her hand properly.

(y/n): Thankfully the shield absorbed most of the impact.

Eva: I think I would have lost my hand if it wasn't because of that... Can you heal it?

(y/n): Of course I can. But it will hurt for a moment... Are you ready?

Eva looked at you and nodded, giving you her approval to continue. You took a deep breath before gentlely placing one of your hands on top of Eva's injured wrist while holding Eva's hand with your free hand. Then, you started to use your magic to heal her cracked bones. Eva clenched your hand hard and closed her eyes because of the pain. But after a few seconds, the pain was quickly gone. Eva opened her eyes and saw both her wrist and her knuckles completely healed. Even though it hurted for a moment, Eva was now feeling better and even feeling the gentle touch of your hands.

(y/n): See? It wasn't that bad.

You said while gentlely rubbing Eva's wrist to check that everything was back in place. Then you slowly looked up and saw Eva's face... She was staring directly into your eyes.

Eva: You are... Still holding my hand.

(y/n): Uh... You are the one who is still clenching my hand.

You said correcting Eva. She looked down and realized that what you said was true. Then, she quickly pulled her hand back. Eva had an small taint of pink on her cheeks.

Eva: Sorry... I didn't noticed.

(y/n): Hey, it's okay. I don't mind... Besides-YOU SUCK!!!

Eva: H-Huh?!

Eva got confused at the sudden change of mood. She saw you yelling at the field and when she turned to see what was going on... She quickly understood what happened...
It seems that in Gobbowl cheating is both "noble" and "allowed" during a certain time limit. Kriss took advantaje of those "rules" to buy himself a few minutes of free cheating for his team. Pretty much everything was against your team now. The referee, the audiance... Even the man selling food was helping Kriss and his team by throwing mustard at your team!

Eva: This is a disaster!

(y/n): This is bullshit!

Amalia: Your turn, (y/n)...

Amalia said while walking back to the benches. 

(y/n): Um... Amalia... You have a bit of-

Amalia: Don't mention it...

You quickly got up from your seat, allowing Amalia to take your spot in the bench. Her hair was covered with so much ketchup that she looked like a leaf during autumn... That guy selling food had very good aim.

(y/n): Yeah... Wish me good luck.

You said while quickly running to the field. However, as soon as you got close to your teammates, you were met by a ball to the face.

Nora: (y/n)!

Both Yugo and Nora quickly ran to help you up. It turns out Kriss kicked the ball at you, not waiting for you to get in position for the serve.

(y/n): Ugh...

You started to rub your face after Yugo and Nora got you up.

(y/n): How are we doing...?

Yugo: They are ahead of us for one point...

Yugo said while looking down in sadness.

(y/n): Hey, don't worry. We only need to score one point to make things even.

Dally: Easier said than done with those guys cheating every second!

Yugo: We'll have to try!

Everyone got in position for the serve. The ball was tossed into the air and both you and Kriss jumped after it. While the two of you were in the air, Kriss threw an spin kick at your face, making you roll backwards.

Kriss: Whoops!~

However, you used the momentum caused by Kriss's kick to kick the ball, sending it even higher into the air.

Kriss: What the-

Kriss looked, only to see the ball quickly getting out of his reach.

(y/n): Whoops~

You said to Kriss while falling. This pissed off Kriss but that anger died quickly since only one of you two was going to land on his feet.

Ruel: Quickly! The ball!

Nora: Forget about the ball! Catch (y/n)!

Ruel looked at the ball in the sky. It was quickly falling towards Benji, who was getting in position to catch it. Ruel knew that he could catch the ball before that midget. But then he looked at you...

Ruel: Ugh...

Ruel quickly took many steps and caught you along with Yugo before you could hit the ground.

(y/n): Ow... Thanks guys.

Ruel: Now don't say that I'm not a team player.

Yugo: Guys, the ball!

Yugo pointed at Benji, who just caught the ball. You three were not ready to stop him. But suddenly, something unexpected happened... Jay, the large iop from Kriss's team, ran back into the field and kicked Benji towards the three of you. Benji ended up buried on the ground in front of you because of the violent landing. 

(y/n): What the hell was-

You extended both of your hands to point out at Benji. But somehow, the ball fell right between your hands.

(y/n): ...That?

Ruel: Don't question it! Just go! go! go!

Both you and Ruel charged foward, heading towards the goal of the enemy team. Monty tried to get in your way. But Jay once again decided, for some reason, to help your team. He grabbed Monty by the horns and threw him towards the seats of the viewers. But Jay was not done, oh no. He kicked Jeremy out of the way and then bitch slapped Kriss, making the star of the team crash into the referee.
Kriss looked in anger at the goal of his team, only to see both you and Ruel doing a moonwalk together before scoring another point for your team. 

That point was scored just a few seconds before the second time was over. Now both teams were tied in the score boards.

Nora: Why did that guy helped us...?

Dally: Heh, iops am I right?

Nora: Dally... You are an-Nevermind...

Since both teams were tied and the second time ended, it was time for the overtime. The next team to get a point will win the game. But that is not all. Since this is the final round, every member of the team gets unlimited charges for their gear.
Everyone stepped on the rings to recharge their equipment. Now every single player was covered with an energy aura aroudn their body.
The stakes were high... Everything depends on making this last goal... It was time to finish this game.

The ball was launched into the air and both teams charged foward. In order to catch the ball, Ruel helped Yugo to jump higher into the air. However, Kriss was not staying behind. Monty was using his shield as footing for Kriss to take a big leap in to the air. Once both jumped high into the sky, Nora tried to knock back Monty with her shield. But thanks to the unlimited charges, Monty was able to keep up with Nora. But because of all that energy, there was an small explosion that knocked everyone back. But then, the ball fell in the middle of the field. Both Yugo and Kriss landed from the sky and now charged towards the ball. Since both were running at the same speed, neither would be able to catch the ball before the other. So instead of trying to get the ball, both decided that the best idea would be to push foward and knock down the other player.

Both Yugo and Kriss got a hold of the ball and were struggling to push the other back like if it was a Sumo match. However, Yugo was slowly being pushed back. He was slowly losing his grip on the ball until another hand was placed on the ball. Yugo then felt a pair of hands pressing against his back. He looked back and saw the rest of his team supporting him. Ruel was helping Yugo to not lose the ball, Dally and Nora were using the shield charges to help Yugo to push foward, and you were acting as an anchor to stop Yugo from being pushed back.

But your team was not the only one working together. Both Monty and Jeremy were doing the same as Dally and Nora with their shield charges while Benji was acting like Kriss's anchor. The shockwaves caused by this clash were felt across the whole stadium. But then, there was another explosion caused by the charges of the equipment clashing against each other. This time it was a way bigger explosion because of the large number of people unleashing those charges.
Smoke was covering the whole field. But when the smoke died, only one person was still standing... Kriss.

Eva: No way...

Amalia: This can't be...

Kriss was laughing outloud, celebrating his victory. The viewers of the crowd were cheering for Kriss while he was walking towards the goal of your team. He was about to score... But he pulled the ball back. He was playing around, thinking that he won this game... That was the biggest mistake Kriss's made on his life. 
While Kriss was fooling around, you and Dally managed to slowly get up despite of the injures caused by the explosion. Jactance warned Kriss, who quickly turned around and saw Dally charging towards him. Kriss tried to slam the ball on the goal... Only for a flying shoe to kick the ball out of his hand.

Kriss: WHAT?!?!

Kriss turned to the direction where the yellow shoe came from. Behind Dally, he saw you and noticed that you were missing a shoe. In order to stop Kriss from scoring the winning point, you used your own shoe like an arrow to snipe the ball out of Kriss's hands.

Before Kriss could react, he was knocked into the air by Dally's shield charge. It didn't took long before Kriss crashed into the ground not so far away from Dally.
Both Amalia and Eva bursted in joy after seeing you and Dally pulling off a last save miracle. But then, Dally walked towards Yugo while you went to pick the ball in the oposite direction. Dally carried Yugo towards the goal while you were waiting there holding the ball.

Dally: Let's make history, Yugo.

Dally said while placing his friend on the floor. Yugo looked up and saw you holding the ball. But then, you handed the ball to Yugo.

(y/n): I think you deserve the honors.

Yugo smiled and gladly took the ball from your hands. He then placed the ball in the goal, scoring the final point and winning your team the game. 
Fire works were being launched in the air to celebrate. Everyone in the crowd was cheering for the three friends who made gobbowl history in Bonta. Both Miranda and Kabrok were celebrating the victory of your team. Kabrok was waving a flag with the logo of your team while Miranda... She somehow got a bigger flag with your face on it.

(y/n): ...I have several questions.

Kriss: HEY!

The three of you turned to see Kriss. He was standing in front of Yugo and he had a very pissed off look on his face. But before anyone could react, Kriss picked up Yugo and did a victory pose along with the small champion. Kriss had a big ego but he wasn't a bad loser.

(y/n): Well... This is finally over-


You stood there frozen for a minute. Not because of the news... But because of the realization.

(y/n): Huh... That explains a few things.

(Time Skip)

It has been a day after the game and oh boy... It has been wild. The gang became stars in less than an hour in Bonta after winning the game. There was merchandise of you and you friends, there was already paintings and even sculpted statues made in your honor. 
In order to celebrate this victory, Ruel's friends invited your group for a feast. Needless to say that things got a bit out of hand for the amount of food... And because both Miranda and Kabrok joined the feast. During that whole dinner Kabrok wanted to strangle you because of how much attention his wife was paying to you. Luckly for her, Nora went to eat dinner with Jay and to her surprise, he was a nice guy. A bit dumb but he was not bad.
However, every celebration has to end. The next day after the feast, Amalia forced Ruel to buy the boat and it was hard to make the old greedy bastard to let go of his gold... Except he didn't. Ruel scammed the captain of that boat with a bag full of nails and only one kama.
But leaving the fate of that guy behind, now you and your friends were sailing with a boat towards Oma island to find Yugo's family.

Nora: I can't believe we made it! Now we won't have to freeze the ocean!

(y/n): That plan was never going to work...

Yugo: It would have been cool if it did.

Nora: This boy gets me!

Nora picked up Yugo and hugged him tightly. You rolled your eyes while Nora and Yugo were playing together around the ship. 

(y/n): This is going to be a long trip...

???: Indeed.

You turned to your left and saw Eva.

Eva: Do you mind if I stay here?

(y/n): Uh... No, not at all.

Eva rested her arms on the ship's rail.

Eva: (y/n)... Have you thought about telling the others about your secret?

You remained in silence for a few moments. You turned to look at Nora and Yugo playing together... You didn't wanted to ruin the view Yugo had of you and Nora. If he would find out what your father ordered you to do...

(y/n): I... I will tell them eventually. Let them enjoy this happy moments while they can.

Eva: I won't tell them. I made that promise to you. Just... Be ready for when the time comes.

You looked at the sea, worried about the future. Even though you were going to disobey some orders, you could not shake the horrible feeling off your chest.

Eva: And (y/n)...?

(y/n): Yes?

Without any kind of warning, Eva layed her hand on top of yours.

Eva: I trust you.

Eva said while looking at the sea. You didn't know what to say... So instead, you decided to stay quiet while watching the sea along with Eva. It was a nice moment of peace and sometimes you don't need to say anything.
But just like celebrations... Peace never lasts forever.

Not so far from the boat, one of Nox's flying mechanical bugs was flying the ship. Without knowing, you and your friends were leading Nox right where his goal was...


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