Chapter 10

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Lance's P.O.V.
Ughh my head hurts, why is everything so hazy? Where the hell am I? It smells like mint, pine cones, cocoa and burnt wood. I don't recognise any of these scents, I'm not in a safe place, I need to leave. Wait I can hear voices, why can't I open my eyes?

Someone touches my face, I try to open my eyes but all I see is white fuzzy light and the silhouette of two people. Who are they? What happened? I try to move but I can barely manage to lift my head. Everything goes black again and my head hits the pillow. Is this how I die?

I don't know how long it's been but I snap my eyes open, sitting up and looking around. Where am I? I'm in a bedroom, it's very large and themed around purple and black. I'm in a large bed with purple sheets but they're really uncomfortable. Nothing like the sheets on Shiro and Keith's bed, omegas have sensitive skin and these are kind of scratchy.

Theres a set of black couches surrounding a tv and some bookshelves. Photo frames as well with Lotor and... wait is that? It can't be...

"So sleeping beauty is awake." A voice says at the doorway

I see lotor standing there with a smirk, there's another person.

"Shiro?" I say in confusion

"Not quite little omega." The Shiro lookalike chuckles "I'm Kuro, Shiro's twin brother."

He has the same dark eyes, black hair with a white floof in the front. He looks exactly the same as Shiro, handsome, dark and mysterious. But he makes me feel scared, he isn't like my Shiro

"What do you want?" I demand

"Simple." Lotor says, sitting next to me "We want you."

"Me?" I ask in confusion

"A cute little omega like yourself is perfect for us." Lotor says, pulling the blanket down a little to reveal the black lace piece I was wearing for the club

"No way in hell, I already like someone else." I reply, pulling the blanket back up

"Shiro and Keith right?" Kuro asks "I know all about them. Some information that you'd find quite interesting as well."

I look at Kuro, wondering what this 'information' is, I don't care what it is I still like them. Wait I like Shiro and Keith, maybe even love. At this point I don't know what to do, how am I going to get out of this situation?

"Ever heard of the mafia?" Kuro asks and I nod, there's a sinking feeling in my stomach "Shiro and Keith are the head of the most powerful mafia group in all of New York."

"No you're making this up. They're business men." I say

"Shiro is the leader, our parents gave him the leader position after they retired." Kuro says "Keith is in charge of drugs and weapons."

This would actually explain a lot, why Shiro and Keith seems to be hiding something, why Shiro had that gun. But why are they telling me this? Do they think it'll make me care about Shiro and Keith less.

"Kuro and I are the leaders of the second biggest mafia group." Lotor says "We believe it's time another group came into power."

"Great, I want to go home." I say

"And go back to them? After they lied to you?" Lotor asks "We won't let you make that mistake."

Kuro sits down on my other side and they both lean in to me. Shit they're going to scent me. I try to push away from them but Kuro holds me down. If they scent me my omega instincts will force me to submit to them and anything could happen after that.

I can't get them off of me before they scent me, my head becomes hazy and I cant think properly.

Why does everything seem so far away?

Where am I again?

Who are these men?

Oh, they're my alphas. That's what they're telling me, but I don't like them. I should just do as they say.

Kuro's P.O.V.
I feel Lance become limp underneath us but he's still awake. Forced scent marking tends to make omegas submit due to fear and panic. I grab the camera Lotor and I are going to use to shoot our video. This should be very fun.

Lance really is as beautiful as Lotor described him, maybe even more so. An omega is perfect for us, he is so cute and he's a little bit of a challenge with that mouth of his. I wonder if he gave my brother this attitude? Probably not, people have always liked Shiro. But now Lance is our omega and Shiro will never see him again, except of course in the video.

Shiro's P.O.V.
I'm pacing in my office trying to think of a way to get Lance back. Where would Lotor have taken him? Surely it can't be far. A message dings on my phone and I grab it, praying it's news from one of the men I sent to find him.

It's so much worse.

"Keith!" I shout and he rushes in

"What is it? Do you have information?" He asks

"Worse." I reply

We sit down and I press play on the video, seeing my twin brother Kuro, Lotor and a very out of it Lance.

"Hello there Shiro and I'm assuming Keith too." Kuro smirks "Look What pretty little butterfly flew into our spider web."

I hear Lance groan but he doesn't do anything, those assholes must have forcibly scent marked him.

"You see, Lance is such a pretty little thing I don't think we're going to let him go." Lotor states "And I doubt he'd want to come back to you after finding out your real jobs."

They wouldn't have told him...

"Oh yes, he knows all about your little mafia group, I can't say he was to happy." Lotor chuckles

"You'll never see lance again, even if you do he will never be yours." Kuro says "Bye now brother and Keith, so sad you've lost your 'soulmate'."

The video shuts off and Keith nearly turns feral.

"They took him Shiro!" He shouts "We need to go get him, I don't care what those assholes told him we aren't giving up!"

"I know Keith, I know, but we need to find where they are first." I reply

"What do you suggest then?" Keith asks, calming down a bit

"I think you'll be pleased to hear my plan." I state "We'll get Lance back."

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