Chapter 11

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Keith's P.O.V

"A plan huh?" I ask

"Lotor and Kuro will have Lance at their most secure base." He says "Somewhere far away from everyone. So in order for people to avoid getting lost they must have records of their base in another one."

"So we just need to infiltrate one of their bases to get the location?" I reply "But do we even know where they are?"

"We know one of them." Shiro states "And lucky for us it's the most likely with how well guarded it is."

I nod and we walk out of the office, ordering our men to get ready for a raid. No way in hell are Lotor and Kuro getting out of this alive, not after everything they've done. As we're in the car, on our way to the base I'm not nervous at all. All I feel is rage, anger and worry for Lance's safety. We'll need to act quickly so they don't move Lance away.

The raid is quick and easy, we burst in guns at the ready, shooting anyone who is between us and our information. Out hackers immediately begin working on the security system and disabling the firewalls. When we get word they have found Lance's location I breath a sigh of relief before taking out more of Lotor's workers.

This was the easy part though, I can guarantee wherever Lance is is more guarded than any place we have ever been. It's going to take a lot of work to get him back but there's nothing I'm not willing to do.

"Let's go Keith, we don't have much time." Shiro says

I take one more look at the bodies littered on the floor and turn away. I follow behind Shiro, praying the information we got is correct. I doubt Lotor and Kuro knew that we knew about their base however there's always that off chance something goes wrong.

We arrive back at out base and get ready to get Lance back. We have singled in on the location of Lance. They tried to use code names and backwards coordinates but we worked out pretty quickly that they were trying trick us. I want to go find Lance but I can barely keep my eyes open, this is so frustrating.

"Keith we should rest." Shiro says

"But what if they take Lance away again?" I ask

"Then we'll find him again but it's no use trying to get him back when we can barely keep our eyes open." Shiro says

"I guess you're right, but I'm still worried about him." I sigh

"Me too, but we'll get him back." Shiro replies

**Time skip to morning**

Keith's P.O.V.
I open my eyes, feeling much more rested and ready to fight Lotor. Lotor made a horrible mistake by taking away our omega. He's going to regret it for the rest of his short life. I shake Shiro awake and he groans, rolling over.

"Come on, we need to go save Lance." I say

That seems to wake him up properly and he jolts out of bed.

"Get ready quick, we have our omega to save." He says

We get ready in a rush, preparing weapons and ordering our workers to do the same. After only half an hour we're ready to go. We give the driver the address and begin to drive to Lance's location. It takes a few hours to get there but once we do we immediately get ready for the fight we're about to face.

I breath in fresh air and get out of the car, loading my gun and standing next to Shiro. We're in front of a huge mansion.

"Ready to get Lance back?" I ask

"Absolutely." Shiro replies

We burst through the front door, ordering out men and women to attack. Shiro and I use our soul bond with Lance, it comes with instincts matching. We walk to the private wing of the mansion, beginning to smell a distressed omega.

"So you found us?" A voice says and we turn around, it's Kuro.

"Where's Lance?" Shiro asks

"You don't need to know that, why don't you just leave instead?"

I growl and pull out my gun, shooting a bullet right next to his face. Kuro scowls and pulls out his gun but Shiro is to quick, pulling away the gun and pinning him to the ground.

"You go find Lance, I'll keep Kuro distracted." Shiro says, just before he gets pushed off by Kuro

I watch them fight for a few seconds and then run down the hallway, Shiro will be fine but I need to find Lance. The smell of a distressed omega is getting stronger and Lance is calling for me through whatever bond we have. I come to a set of large doors and throw them open, seeing Lance on a large bed, Lotor sitting next to him, pointing a gun at me.

"I thought you might find us." Lotor chuckles "So I came prepared."

I take a step closer and I can see Lance is holding a gun as well.

"You see I control Lance now, whatever I say he will do." Lotor says "Another step and he'll be the one to shoot you."

Lotor stands up and walks over to me, Lance's eyes are blank and he seems to not recognise me.

"Lance it's me, Keith." I say "Our instincts matched remember? We're soulmates."

"He won't respond, he's such a good little omega. So submissive." Lotor says slyly

In a fit of rage I lurch at Lotor who's gun flies out of his hand. I try to choke him but he punches me in my stomach. I try to point my gun at him but he knocks it out of my hand. I see movement from Lance but he still has that blank look.

Lance's P.O.V.
Who is that guy attacking Lotor? I need to do something. He keeps telling me that our instincts matched but that's impossible, my instincts matched with Lotor and Kuro.

"Lance shoot him." Lotor orders as he holds down the man with black hair

"Lance please, you have to remember me." He says "Shiro is fighting Kuro, he'll win and we can go home. You can go home."

Wait I remember who that is, Keith. We met at the café I work at, Wait I work at a café? And a club right? That's where I first saw Shiro. Suddenly every thing comes back to me. Shiro and Keith are who I'm supposed to be with, who I love and I'm not going to let Lotor and Kuro take that way from me.

I hold the gun tighter aiming it at Lotor, saying a short prayer and pulling the trigger. I hear a yelp of pain from Lotor and he falls back. Keith pushes him off and grabs his gun that was by the bedside table. With one final look Keith shoots Lotor in the head, ceasing his movements.

I'm silent but Keith rushes over to me, checking me for injures,

"Are you alright? I'm so so sorry Lance." He says "We shouldn't have let you get involved with all of this. I, sorry you had to see that, I'm sorry you had to do that."

"Keith, Keith." I interrupt "I'm fine, but we should go."

He nods pulling me up from the bed and handing me a coat. I'm grateful to be able to cover up, Lotor and Kuro didn't let me from form my lingerie. But I need to focus on Shiro.

We rush out to the room where Shiro and Kuro are fighting. They both look to be in bad conditions, covered in blood and bruises.

Kuro looks over to us, stopping in his tracks and sniffing the air.

"Lotor." He says

"Dead, you will join him soon." Keith says, pointing his gun at Kuro

Kuro's eyes flash red and I recognise he's going into a feral state, he becomes bigger and stronger, pushing Shiro off of him and grabbing a gun, pointing it straight at Keith's head. He shoots I don't even hesitate to move in front of the bullet. It only grazes my arm, hitting the floor behind me but blood starts to pour out of my arm.

This sets off Keith and Shiro into their feral states as well. They attack Kuro, holding him down as they attack. I close my eyes, not wanting to look at the bloody scene before me. Soon it goes quiet and I feel the presence of someone in front of me.

I open my eyes to see Keith and Shiro blocking my view of Kuro's body. Somehow they aren't covered in blood as well.

"Are you ok Lance?" Shiro asks

I nod, clutching my arm tightly.

"Let's go back our house." Keith says "We'll take care of you."

I nod and follow after them, not daring to take a look at Kuro's body. Keith holds on to me tightly while Shiro presses a cloth to my wound. They're coming off of their feral state very quickly. Strangely enough I don't feel scared around them, I'm just grateful I'm back with my alphas, no matter how stupid it is.

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