Chapter 15

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Lance's P.O.V.
Over the past few days I have moved in with Shiro and Keith I've been getting things in order. Quitting the Galra club, telling Allura I'm going to be away from the café due to heat but after I'm ready to return and finishing up some work for school.

I've also been nesting, I've never really nested so I don't know how it's supposed to look but I keep getting frustrated. I just don't have enough soft blankets in the colours I want, or nice pillows. My nest is never going to be perfect at this rate and I can't do anything about it.

I throw myself on the bed, letting out a heavy sigh, Shiro, whom I was making the nest around looks up from his book in concern.

"You ok Lance?" He asks

"My nest isn't right, it looks and feels wrong." I say

"Why?" He questions

"I think it's because I don't have the right blankets, although there's nothing I can really do." I answer "I just want my nest to be perfect."

"We could go buy some, what about Omega Haven?" Shiro asks "They have lots of blankets and pillows there, plus a bunch of other things."

"Omega Haven's the omega store right?" I question "I've never been there, I don't really have enough to buy new blankets and pillows, I think I'll be fine with what I have."

"Keith and I'll pay." Shiro says

"I couldn't ask you to do that, it's my heat. I shouldn't be using you two." I reply

"You're our mate, and we want to take care of you." He says

"There's no talking you out of this is there?" I sigh

"No." Shiro chuckles "Now let's go get Keith and go."

"Wait right now?" I ask

"Of course, we never know when your heat could come." He replies

I follow after him, walking to the office where Keith was looking over some papers. I knock on the door and he looks up, excitement flashing in his eyes when he sees me.

"Lance needs some blankets and other things from the omega store." Shiro explains "Want to come?"

"Of course." Keith says completely forgetting about his work

Within the next few minutes I'm pulled into the fancy black car and driven off with Shiro and Keith.

"Your heat will be perfect." Keith says "So if you see something you like we'll get it ok? Don't hold back."

I nod but I would still feel guilty if I went crazy and got everything I wanted, even if they could afford it. I want them to know I love them for them. We arrive at Omega Haven and walk up to the front door. I open it and see a complete heaven for omegas. There are blankets, pillows, scented candles, stuffed toys and so many other things. There's even an "adult" section which I can only imagine what it has.

I don't know what to look for first, everything is just so exciting. The things that catches my eye the most is the blanket section however. I walk over to it, Keith and Shiro trailing behind me. I'm drawn to some blue blankets. I touch them and they're so soft, they'd be perfect. There's a bunch of different colours of them, the black and red ones also catch my eye.

"Do you like these ones?" Keith asks

"Yeah, they're really soft." I reply

I take a quick peak at the price tag and my heart skips a beat. They're $100 each. I'll find something else, there has to be something cheaper that I like.

"Do you want the blankets Lance?" Shiro asks

"Well yeah but there's just so much to look at so I shouldn't make a choice straight away and-" I say before I'm cut off

"We'll get 3 of each colour." Keith states

I know there's no point of arguing but I still feel bad. I just need to move on, if they really want to buy me everything, maybe I should just let them.

I keep looking through the blankets, trying to decide which ones would be the best. I find some more blankets I like made from faux fur.

"What's fake fur made from?" I ask

"Who knows, as long as it's not real fur." Keith replies

"Are you an animal lover?" I chuckle

Keith nods and I smile happily.

"I like animals too." I reply

We decide to get a few of these faux fur blankets as well as a few more blankets, when I finally feel satisfied with the blankets we move onto the pillows.

Somewhere along the trip we lose track of Shiro. Keith is actually really helpful, holding things while I sort though them and decide which ones I want. I decide in a few soft pillows made from bamboo and goose feathers. They're also blue, black and red. I guess I kind of view these colours as Shiro, Keith and I's.

We move onto the scent section with candles, incense, air fresheners and many other scent related things. I pick up some of the candles and manage to find a few that smell like Keith and Shiro. When Keith smells them he makes a face.

"Guess you don't like them huh?" I ask

"They just smell like alpha, unless it's Shiro I don't really want to smell another alpha." Keith explains

"Good point, I wouldn't want to smell omega on you." I reply "Unless it's me of course."

We continue looking though all the items until I feel we have everything necessary for my heat. Shiro finally reappears with a bag of things but I don't know what's in there.

"Ready to leave?" Shiro asks

"I think so." I answer "Guess we got more than I expected."

"Doesn't matter, it'll make you happy." Keith states, hugging me

We walk to the cashier and pay for our things, Shiro apparently already paid for the things in his bag and he shows the cashier his receipt, I still couldn't get a glimpse of what it is though. We walk back to the car, holding our bags. I sit down on the car seat, beginning to feel restless. I start bobbing my leg up and down, looking out the window.

"Everything alright?" Keith asks, touching my arm

I jolt at the touch and look towards him.

"I don't know." I reply "I feel weird."

"I'm sure everything will be fine." Shiro says "Maybe it's pre-heat?"

I nod but stay quiet, focusing on my hands. We arrive home and I feel relief wash over me. Something about being away from the security of home makes me feel weird, guess it's hormones.

I briskly walk to our bedroom, carding as many bags as I can manage. I can feel Shiro and Keith's concern but they don't say anything. Once inside the room I begin to plan out my nest in my head, it's going to look perfect. Keith and Shiro catch up with me, holding a few more bags.

"In a rush Lance?" Keith asks

"I don't know what's wrong." I say "I just really wanna nest."

"It's ok Lance, you don't need to explain yourself." Shiro says "I know omegas don't like to be watched when nesting, do you want us to leave."

I slowly nod, feeling guilty I'm kicking them out after they bought me things but instincts are instincts.

"Umm actually could you scent a few things for me?" I ask

"Of course." Keith replies

I search through the bands and find the soft black and red blankets, handing them to both of them. They begin scenting the blankets while I look though the other bags, searching for the pillows. When they're done scenting they place the blankets down and tell me they'll be waiting in their office when I'm done. I nod, give them a kiss on the cheek and turn back to my make-shift nest on our bed.

I start by pulling it all apart, replacing the sheets and creating a circle of blankets around it. I put the pillows in, stacking them around the edges. My nest doesn't have enough of Shiro and Keith's scent. My eyes look towards the closet and I open it, walking into it and searching though the clothes. I'm the laundry bin I find some clothes I can use as well as a few hanging up.

I take them back to my nest and place them into the walls of my nest. I'm getting more antsy and hyped up on adrenaline. I take off my pants, leaving me in my briefs, I need Shiro and Keith. I crawl into my nest and let out a short purr, a call for my alphas to come back. Our matching instincts should allow them to hear my call from anywhere.

Within a few seconds they have opened the door and entered the room. They stop at the edge of my nest though, knowing they can't come in without being invited.

"You can come in." I say

They climb into my nest, being sure not to mess it up and crawl over to me.

"Why aren't you wearing pants?" Keith asks

"They're uncomfortable." I reply

"True." Keith states

"Feeling more sensitive?" Shiro asks

"Yeah, I don't like it." I sigh

"I think you're in pre-heat." Keith says

I think about his statement and deciding it must be true, between all the hormones, being uncomfortable and nesting. Now I'm feeling nervous, I haven't gone through heat in years.

"I can smell your worry." Shiro says, stroking my waist

"I don't know, I'm just feeling a lot of things." I reply "I feel really antsy, like I'm hyped up on adrenaline."

"I think we know a way to use up some of that energy." Keith says, stroking my inner thigh

I blush and move closer to Keith, pressing my lips against Keith's.

"Then why don't you?" I ask

Keith and I begin a hot make out session, our hands are all over each other's bodies. I feel Shiro leave my side and I pull away from Keith, looking over to him.

"I'm just going to go get some things ok?" Shiro says

"Make sure you clean them first." Keith says to him

"Clean what?" I ask

"You'll see." Keith says, kissing me again

Shiro walks away and I continue making out with Keith. He trails kisses down my jaw to my neck, he sucks on my collarbone. I let out I tiny moan and move my leg over Keith's so I'm sitting in his lap.

After a few minutes Shiro walks back into the room, holding the black bag. I look at it curiously and Shiro sits back down in my nest.

"So I want to the adult section while we were out to see what was there." Shiro says "And they had a lot of interesting things."

I nervously peek into the bag and blush at what I see.

"You got vibrators?" I ask in shock

"The worker there showed me all the best vibrators for omegas." Shiro explains "Especially omegas in heat."

Shiro closes the bag again, not letting me have a proper look at how many he bought. Jeez vibrators are really expensive, but I am excited to try them. Shiro pulls me to kiss him, he licks my bottom lip and I open my mouth.

Keith begins to pull off my top and I let him. I pull away from Shiro and tug on his shirt. He pulls it off and I take in his heavily toned torso. An 8 pack, large pecs and huge biceps.

"Like what you see?" Shiro asks

I blush and nod, looking down at my own body. Omegas have a hard time gaining muscle so I look much thinner and scrawnier.

"Hey, you're beautiful." Shiro says, lifting my chin and pressing a kiss to my lips

Shiro pulls away and is replaced by an equally shirtless Keith. He might not be as toned as Shiro but he is still very muscular, they're both exactly my type. Keith misses me with more fire and passion. I hear the rustle of the bag and Shiro pulls something out.

I start to produce slick, getting more excited about what's about to happen.

"If you want to stop say Voltron ok?" Keith says

I nod and cling to Keith nervously as Shiro pulls down my boxers. Keith sucks on my neck harder than Shiro leaving multiple hickeys. Keith pulls me so I'm on top of him, Shiro still behind me. Shiro slowly presses a finger into my hole and a gasp at the strange feeling. Shiro adds a second and third finger with ease.

I moan quietly as he thrusts his fingers in and out of me. Keith kisses me again and my lips start to become sore.

"We want to wait to go the whole way." Keith says "Until your heat."

"But until then we have a way to keep you satisfied." Shiro says

He pulls out his fingers and I whine at the empty feeling. Soon his fingers replaced by something roundish. It starts to vibrate and I moan in surprise. I bury my head in Keith's neck moaning into it, Keith rubs his hands on my hips while Shiro massages my ass.

"Why not try something a little bigger?" Keith asks

Shiro pulls out something else from the bag and removes the small vibrator inside me. Shiro pushes another object inside me, it's much longer and thicker than the small vibrator.

"This ones controlled by a remote." Shiro says "Imagine having this inside you the whole day controlled by Shiro or I."

I blush and Keith flips us around so I'm laying on the bed, Shiro flicks on the vibrator and it starts to move inside me. Shiro turns it up quickly, while thrusting it in and out of me. He tilts it at a certain angle which hits my sweet spot, making me cry out in pleasure.

I try to cover my mouth but Keith doesn't let me, holding my hands above my head. Keith creates hickeys all over my chest and stomach, leaving a few bite marks as well. My member is beginning to leak and tension is building up in my stomach.

Shiro pulls out the vibrator before I can cum and I see it's a medium sized black vibrator. He reached into the bag once more, pulling out a much larger red vibrator with bumps and little pieces coming off it to touch all my nerve endings.

Shiro slowly pushes it inside me, turning it onto the highest speed. I scream in pleasure and become desperate for release. Shiro pumps his hand up and down my member, with this action it doesn't take me long to cum.

The knot in my stomach snaps and I release all over Keith and I's chest. I breath gasps of air and Keith presses a kiss to my lips. Shiro pulls the vibrator out and places it away from us.

I don't know what it is but I'm exhausted. Keith moves off of me and lays down next to me, keeping an arm draped over to me. Shiro gets up to turn off the lights and then lays down on my other side. I know when I wake up I'll be in heat but strangely, I'm not scared.

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