Chapter 16

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Lance's P.O.V.
I wake up in my nest in a haze, everything is so hot and all I can focus on is the slick between my legs. Shiro and Keith are still asleep and I don't want to wake them, they're my alphas and I want to please them.

I silently slip a hand between my legs and push a finger into myself, I try to hold back my moans while I add a second. Two fingers is all I can manage, I can't do this alone. At that moment I sense Keith wake up and look over to me.

"Touching yourself?" He asks with a smirk

"I-I'm sorry." I say pulling my fingers out

"You don't need to apologise." Keith replies "You can do what you want, besides, it's kind of hot."

I blush and sit up, Keith sits up next to me and smiles.

"Want to shower?" He asks

I nod and we head to the bathroom. Shiro wakes up as we leave and follows us. I take a cold shower to cool off and get the sticky cum off of me. Shiro and Keith join me once I turn the water back to hot.

Then we brush our teeth and I slowly enter deeper into my heat haze, wanting nothing more than for them to fill me up.

"You smell amazing." Shiro says, pressing his nose to my scent gland

It's very sensitive and nearly fall to the ground but Keith holds me up. We walk back to my nest and they lay me down. Keith presses his fingers to my hole and pushes them in.

"You're nice and stretched already." Keith chuckles "So fucking hot."

Shiro presses a kiss to my lips and smiles at me. I brush my hands though his hair and over his tones shoulders.

"I heard you were touching yourself when Keith woke up." Shiro says "Must have been amazing to wake up to."

"Oh it was, shame you couldn't see it." Keith replies

"I'm sure I'll see it one day." Shiro chuckles "Now what do you want Lance?"

"I-I don't know." I say "I've never gone the whole way with someone, I've never had a good heat either."

"Well then, we'll take care of you." Keith says, trailing a hand up my thigh and removing his fingers

"Remember, say Voltron if you want to stop ok?" Shiro asks

I nod and they smile. Shiro looks towards Keith and nods. Keith pulls down his pants and underwear, letting his large member spring out. I stare at it in wonder, Will that even fit? I can see a small knot at the base and I produce more slick thinking of it inside of me.

Keith pulls me so I'm sitting on his lap, he squirts some lube onto his member and rubs it all over. Shiro pulls out that black bag again and pulls out some weird object with clips. Keith lines my hole up with his member and slowly pushes me down. I let out a loud moan of pleasure, feeling his length fill me up.

He lifts me up slowly and slams me back down, repeating this action again and again. I feel him deep inside of me, begging for my body.

"Ready for a bit more excitement?" Shiro asks

He wraps the weird object around my chest and clamps the little claws down on my nipples. I moan and gasp at the mixture of pain and pleasure.

"You see, during heat your entire body is sensitive." Shiro explains "Especially your chest, don't take them off until I say."

Keith's thrusting becomes more rushed and harsh, his knot is swelling and catching on my rim. I feel him twitching inside me and within a few seconds warm white fluid fills me up. His knot inflates rapidly, locking us together.

"You're really hard." Keith says "Shiro don't we have something for him?"

Shiro smirks and pulls out another strange object from his bag, it's a long small stick. He dips his finger in Keith's cum and my slick, rubbing it all over the little rod.

"Tell me if it hurts ok?" Shiro says as he presses the end to my tip "Now relax, this should feel good."

He presses it in slowly, I expect it to hurt but it feels amazing. What the hell is this?

"Omegas and alphas have different biology in many cases." Shiro whispers huskily "For an alpha this would hurt but for an omega during heat is a completely different story."

Keith's knot starts to deflate and I'm pulled off of him by Shiro.

"Do you know what you want?" Keith asks

"I want you two inside of me." I say with a blush "I want to bulge with your cum."

"Fuck that's hot." Shiro says, pressing the tent in his pants to my body

Shiro removes his pants and boxers, letting his member spring out. Jeez how is he bigger than Keith?

"Come on kitten." Shiro says, moving his member to my entrance

I moan as he thrusts up into me. He doesn't wait long until he's thrusting in full speed. I claw into his shoulders, moaning and begging for him. I feel a presence behind me and a something else presses at my entrance. It's Keith's member pressed against me.

Keith pushes his member into me the whole way and I throw my head back, resting it on Keith's shoulder. They push into me harder and faster. Keith's hands are all over my body, he bites into my neck and I moan.

Keith and Shiro's knots are swelling, catching on my rim again. Shiro pulls out the rod and I feel a sense of release. We all cum at the same time, my belly bulges a little from being filled. I groan and feel satisfied, locked between Shiro and Keith.

We try to catch our breath and their knots begins to go down. They pull out and I lay down exhausted.

"Lance come on, we need to clean you." Keith says and Shiro pulls me up

They run a bath and place me in it, Shiro sits behind me and Keith sits in front of me. I get properly cleaned and they take me back to our bed.

"I love you two." I say softly "I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"We feel the same." Keith replies

"Even though I'm not as good for you?" I ask

"Lance you're amazing in every way." Shiro states "Don't let anyone tell you differently. You're perfect for us."

I smile softly, listening to his kind words, I begin to believe him. I love them and they love me, they wouldn't lie to me. The thought of a happy future together gives me hope. Maybe we'll get married and have pups. I can sleep now but when I wake up I'll get to try some more things in that black bag, I can't wait.

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