Chapter 4

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Lance's P.O.V.
I'm so exhausted, I didn't get any sleep last night and school today was extremely hard. James left me alone but all the work has been piling up. Luckily I finished my assignments to there's that bit of stress off my shoulders.

I still have work tonight and then I have another assignment, luckily it's only a deconstruction of a book so I should be done in two hours. Then I can actually attempt to get 5 hours of sleep. Honestly the promise of sleep is what's keeping me going.

Right now I'm at my apartment putting on make up for tonight. I have to work again tonight, at least it's Friday so there's more people at the club meaning more money. I wonder if Shiro and Keith are going to come?

No, It doesn't matter if they do or not. Nothing could ever happen with us anyway, even if our instincts matched. The universe or whatever decides who people's mates should be is wrong. They're obviously rich business men or something and I'm a broke college student working as a stripper. It's obvious it won't work between us, why would they even bother coming back?

I look through my lace lingerie, trying to decide which one I should wear.

"I guess I should go for blue." I say, picking out my light blue piece

It's one of my favourite because it covers a lot more than my other pieces. It completely covers my chest and lower half with a nude layer of fabric under the lace to hide everything, the back is open completely though . I put on my blue thigh high socks and my sneakers. I put on my coat and grab my keys.

I put my phone in my pocket and lock up my apartment before walking to the Galra Club. The feeling of someone watching me hasn't gone away though, maybe I'm just being crazy. Who would bother stalking me?

I arrive at the Galra club and put my things away in my locker, I take my shoes and coat off as well. I pull up my socks and walk out into the main club room. I don't see Shiro or Keith here so I guess they didn't come back. I know it's best if they don't but it still kind of hurts. I guess a small part of me was hoping they would come back.

After dancing for about half an hour and flirting with a few customers. Of course I'd never actually sleep with anyone here, using my body is when I draw the line. But if they ask for a private room then they have to pay extra, so as long as they don't try to take it further than flirting and some touching then I have no real problem. Money is money.

"Lance." Someone says and I turn around

It's Evan, one of the managers who work here.

"Hey Evan What can I do for you?" I ask

"There's two gentlemen waiting in private room 5." He tells me "Don't keep them waiting, they're paying very highly."

I nod and walk over to the elevators which go up to the private rooms. I press the second floor button and the elevator begins to move. Who are these two men? It couldn't be Shiro and Keith right? That's impossible, why would they bother coming back?

I arrive outside private room 5 and take a sea breath. It's just going to be some random people and this'll be over in half an hour.

I open the door and my breath catches in my throat. It's Shiro and Keith, what are they doing here? They could be here to threaten me not to tell anyone about what happened yesterday, or even worse, they could be here to kill me.

"Hey Lance, how are you?" Shiro asks "Are you alright after yesterday?"

"I-I'm fine." I say nervously

"Why don't you come sit down?" Keith asks, moving over

I silently obey him, walking over and sitting between Keith and Shiro. I fidget with the hem of my thigh highs. A metal hand is placed over my arm and I look up to see Shiro holding my arm.

"You don't need to be nervous." Shiro says softly "We're not going to hurt you."

"But yesterday I saw you threaten that man." I say "And I just left you."

"You were scared, it's understandable." Keith says "Besides, our instincts matched, we couldn't hurt you."

I blush at that, so I didn't imagine it?

"Ever since yesterday we've been thinking about you." Shiro says

"We want to get to know you." Keith adds "So why don't we take you out on a date?"

"Oh umm, I don't know." I say, thinking about all the possibilities "I don't really have that much money to go."

"As if we'd let you pay, we're asking you out." Shiro says "Do you charge for personal time because that's not a problem."

There are so many pros and cons to this situation. A pro is money and a day off, a con is that my only day off is tomorrow and I was planing on doing school work.

"I'll think about it." I say "I don't know yet."

"That's good enough, message us whenever you're free." Shiro says, handing me a piece of paper, presumably with their numbers

I nod and take the piece of paper.

"Why don't we get to know each other here as well." Keith says

I'm starting to feel more comfortable around them, I mean obviously our instincts matched so I know they wouldn't hurt me because it would hurt them as well. And they seem to know exactly what to say to calm me down. Although I still don't know if I should go out with them.

"I'd like that." I reply

**Time skip to a few hours later**

Lance's P.O.V.
It's been a few hours since I was in the private room with Shiro and Keith. They paid me really well and told me to call them if I want to go out. Now it's time for me to go home and hopefully write an essay quickly enough that I can sleep.

I rush to grab my things and briskly walk home, ignoring the feeling of being watched in favour of just arriving home quickly. I arrive at my apartment complex and as I walk down my hallway I see my landlord.

"McLain, your rent is three weeks overdue." He says "If you don't lay it by Monday you're out."

He walks away and I begin to panic. I need $1400 by Monday? How am I going to get that money?

Wait, I have no option. I look to the piece of paper and open it. A $100 bill falls out and I see a Shiro and Keith's numbers written down. I feel bad to use the, for money but they said they want to take care of me, so maybe just one time wouldn't hurt. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

I pick up the $100 bill and walk into my apartment, deciding that I will go on the date with them. I pick up my phone and type in their numbers. Telling them who is is and messaging that I'd be happy to go out with them.

I guess that's something to look forward to but for now I'm going to focus on my essay and then sleep. There's no point in focusing on tomorrow when I have to do things today.

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