Chapter 5

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Lance's P.O.V.
My heart is beating so fast right now, I'm supposed to be going out to lunch with Shiro and Keith but I don't know what to wear. I don't have many clothes and I don't even know where we're going. Keith said casual but does he mean fancy casual or casual casual?

This is giving me so much stress, I just need to calm down and think this through. I should just play it safe and go with jeans, my blue button down shirt and my blue high tops. Maybe my casual is different to theirs but at least this way I have most of the population in my side.

Huh, this is the first time they'll see me in actual clothes and not a coat or lace lingerie. I guess I also have to keep my real situation a secret huh? I don't want them to think I'm just using them, even though I kind of am. Damn now I feel guilty. Wait no, they offered to take me out, it's not like I'm just taking some random person's money.

Even though we are basically soulmates because of our instincts I'm sure they'd abandon me because I don't have enough money. I wouldn't blame them. I should just go enjoy my day off, I can think about all this later.

I apply some concealer and bronzer to hide my bags and even out my skin. I swallow two suppressant pills and look at myself in the mirror. I don't look to bad, hopefully I look nice enough to be seen with Keith and Shiro. I grab my wallet and phone where Keith messaged me the address of the restaurant we're going to. I didn't want to give away my apartment location so I suggested we meet there.

I walk out of my apartment and lock the door behind me. I follow the address on my phone but since my phone is really old and kind of broken it's really slow but I manage. Soon I'm outside of a Italian restaurant, it actually looks quite nice.

"Hey Lance." I hear a familiar voice say

I turn to see Keith and Shiro, thankfully dressed similar to me.

"Hey." I reply

"Ready to go in?" Shiro asks

I nod and we walk inside, a waitress walks over to us and tells us where we can sit. We seem to get a really nice booth table. I sit down next to Keith with Shiro on the opposite side of us. It's nice like this because if it was both of them on one side of the table I would have felt like I was being interrogated.

"What do you think you'll have?" Shiro asks me

I skim the menu, trying to find the cheapest option I can, it doesn't matter if I like it or not but no matter who's paying for it I shouldn't get something expensive.

"Remember you can get anything." Keith says "Choose whatever you want."

"Are you sure?" I ask, not wanting to seem rude

"Of course, we wouldn't offer if we couldn't pay." Shiro affirms

I nod and look though the menu properly, I really like the sound of the gnocchi carbonara so I'll probably get that. When the waitress comes over to take my order I have a tiny thought in the back of my mind that Keith or Shiro won't want me to order that but I think I'm just being ridiculous. Guess it's the ever-pleasing omega in me.

After we place our orders I start to loosen up a little and I find myself actually having a good time talking to Shiro and Keith. They haven't done anything to make me feel uncomfortable or scared after the whole gun situation, even then that was to save me so I feel like I can trust them.

I start to forget all about the stress and anxiety I was feeling over this date and just live in the moment. The food is delicious and these two are amazing company. I'm almost sad when it's over. I think I'm really starting to crush on them and strangely I'm not too scared of that. Even though I know it's not such a great idea to fall in love with two people I barely know, but we're basically soulmates.

Keith's P.O.V.
I can't keep my eyes off of Lance the whole date, he looks so beautiful. Although there's one thing distracting me from his beauty, Lotor's here. He's sitting at one of the back tables but I'm well aware of his presence.

What seems like to soon, Lance says he needs to go. I feel the happiness drain from me but at least it looks like Lance had a good time. Of course we pay him, college students don't turn to working two jobs, especially pole dancing if they're financially stable. He seems to breath a sigh of relief when I hand him the money.

"I had a lot of fun." Lance says

"We should do this again." I reply

Shiro and I watch Lance walk away, staring at his amazing ass.l

"God Shiro I want to marry him." I groan

"Maybe one day." Shiro chuckles

"Or never." A new voice says, making me sit up straight

I look up to see Lotor, what the hell does he want?

"Can we help you?" Shiro asks

"Leave Lance alone, he's mine." Lotor states "If you continue to peruse him then you will be taken care of."

"Our instincts matched." I growl "You can't tell us what to do, he doesn't belong to anyone."

Lotor narrows his eyes and looks at me but I don't flinch. He can't scare me.

"I will get my family involved, I'm sure you don't want to start a fight between to rival mafia over a boy." Lotor says slyly

"I'll fight for Lance or Keith any day." Shiro says "So just give it up."

"I've been watching, waiting for Lance for ages, I don't give up so easily." Lotor says and walks away

Lotor's P.O.V.
Their instincts matched? How interesting. I will need to move quickly before Lance becomes to involved with them, if he does it could prove to be a problem. I need to report this information back to my boyfriend. I dial his number and the phone barely rings before he answers.

"Hello, I have some interesting information." I say "Shiro and Keith's instincts matched with Lance."

"Hmm, that could be a problem." He states

"Don't worry, I have a plan." I reply

Lance's P.O.V.
Wow, that date was amazing. Shiro and Keith are just so nice and they seem to really care about me. Even with all the happiness from being around them there are seeds of doubt as well. What if they find out about my situation and decide they don't want to be with me?

Or what if they're only faking caring about me and just want me for my omega status. Maybe they think because I'm a dancer I'd be willing to sleep with them. Why can't I ever just enjoy myself, why does my brain have to ruin everything.

I send a quick message to Shiro and Keith, telling them I really enjoyed the date and then I pull out some school work. Although the happy memories of having lunch with them runs though my mind, making it hard to concentrate.

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