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Wyatt is walking around the campus taking pictures with a new camera he bought with his last pay check from the Bugle.

James: Hey man how you holding up?

Wyatt: Better than I was recently. Also I'd rather not think about it.

James nods as he looks around and chuckles a little.

James: So JJ is now paying you for taking pictures of our college campus?

Wyatt: Yea he wants the youth on display to make it seem like he cares about us.

James and Wyatt chuckle some as Gwen walks up and James leans down and kisses her.

Both pull back as Wyatt is holding his camera up

Wyatt: Picture?

James shrugs and smiles at Gwen

Gwen: Sure!

Gwen hugs James's side as he puts his arm around her and Wyatt takes the picture.

Gwen: That better not be in the paper.

Wyatt: It won't be. Come on let's start going to class.

Everyone starts to walk as James has his arm around Gwen and smiles at her.

Gwen: So you want to hangout after classes are done?

James: Sure.

Wyatt: Yea we could go somewhere like Eddie's?

Gwen: Ohhh yes!

James chuckles a little

James: Pizza does sound really good right now.

Wyatt: Eddie's is the best restaurant around here.

James: I don't know man. Stan's is pretty good.

Gwen: Yea it is and the owner is so nice.

Wyatt: I take it back now. Stan's is the best in the area maybe even in the whole city.

Everyone nods as they go to their classes smiling and laughing with each other as they talk on their way to class.


Wyatt is done writing his paper for class and is in a hallway by himself until someone knocks his books and bag out of his hands.

Wyatt: Hey what the he-

Wyatt gets put against the wall and looks to see Flash standing there.

Flash: You think I forgot about what you did to me!? I never forget. No one is gonna know because no cameras here.

Wyatt: Leave me alone.

Wyatt starts to push back but knows that he can't show his powers so he just accepts it.

Flash pushes Wyatt against the wall and he falls down.

Flash: This isn't over nerd.

Flash walks off as Wyatt starts to pick up his bag and books as he sees a familiar guy step next to him and sees James standing there looking mad.

James throws his arm up as Venom starts to come out and goes after Flash until Wyatt grabs James's arm.

Wyatt: No! He isn't worth it.

James looks at Wyatt and thinks for a second before Venom comes back and is coming out of James's shoulder.

James: He needs to leave you alone.

Venom: You could have taken him!

Wyatt: People would have known about my powers. I can't do that. I don't want my identity out or anyone to come after you guys.

Venom looks at Wyatt as he goes back into James's shoulder.

James: You're right.

Wyatt: Calm down it's fine. I'm not hurt. He can't do anything. He's just an asshole.

James chuckles some

James: Yea he is. Let's get going I think Gwen's waiting on you.

Wyatt: Do you mean us?

James: Nah she told me to look for you because you've been acting "weird" lately.

Wyatt: Thanks for not telling her about who I am.

James: No problem man.

James and Wyatt start to walk out of the building and see Gwen waiting for them as she is tapping her foot.

Gwen: Finally! Wyatt what took you so long? We were started to get worried.

Wyatt smiles a little and shrugs

Wyatt: Just some guy who still thinks it's high school started trying to push me around because I damaged his ego.

James chuckles a little and shakes his head as everyone starts to walk to Eddie's pizza down the street from the campus.

Gwen: So Wyatt how's the Bugle job? Also is JJ as big a jerk as everyone says?

Gwen giggles a little as they all walk.

Wyatt: I think he's an even bigger one because of all the yelling he does. But the job is going well. It helps that Elle the girl I was telling you about is always happy and smiling so she brings some good vibes to the job.


Off in the distance someone is listening to James, Gwen, and Wyatt as they leave the campus.

Goblin: So the photographer has a little crush. I wonder if she would know how to bring out Spider-man. Let's just watch from a distance and then know when to strike.

Goblin flies off as he has a sinister smile starting to form on his face under his mask and he laughs a little.

*With the three*

James, Gwen, and Wyatt are sitting around a table outside Eddie's pizza eating pizza and studying.

James: Man these classes don't make any sense. Why do I need to know all this before the end of the week.

Gwen: Well you know I could always help you with studying babe.

James smiles at Gwen as Wyatt does a fake gag.

Wyatt: You two are too much I swear. But seriously though James you're right the amount of stuff we need to know is dumb. Most of this stuff I've never even heard of.

Everyone laughs as they continue to study and James takes another slice of pizza from what's in front of them.

Wyatt: So you guys have any plans for after the end of this semester? I'll probably just continue to do work at the bugle.

James: Besides spend time with Gwen maybe try and find a new job or something.

Gwen: I don't know actually. I am going to try and get an internship at Oscorp soon. I think it'd be fun.

Gwen smiles and chuckles a little as she closes her book and gets up to throw away her plate before sitting next to James who puts his arm around her.

They all smile until they hear something and turn around to see two cars crash into each other until James and Wyatt look at each other and nod as they both stand up before Gwen stands up and grabs James's arm.

Gwen: Hey be careful please. For me be careful.

James looks at Gwen and kisses her head and smiles at her as he nods.

James: I'm always careful for you babe. Get somewhere safe and I'll call you when I can.

Gwen and James share a quick kiss before Gwen starts to follow people who are running away.

James and Wyatt look around before James jumps over the railing in front of him and sees a car drive into an alleyway and he follows it as he starts to have Venom form a suit around him.

Wyatt: Shit! What's happening!?

Wyatt runs into Eddie's and finds somewhere to change as he leaves his bag there and runs out swinging away as he tries to find out what's happening and he lands on a building side and looks around.

Spider-man: There!

Spiderman starts to swing off the building until he sees Hammerhead thugs getting out of cars with guns and bats in their hands as he swings down and lands in front of them.

Spider-man: I'm guessing you're not here for the special at Eddie's huh?

Two of the thugs swing their bats at Spiderman who ducks and shoots a web hitting one in the back and the other in the side and he slams them together before jumping to the side as bullets are shot at him and he grabs a sewer cover and throws it but it gets caught by a thug.

Spider-man: That's new. What the he-

The thug breaks the cover over his knee and throws the pieces at Spiderman who webs them and throws them to the side before he gets punched in the side of the head making him step back and he blocks a punch and does a flip kick making the thug step back and chuckle as he spits out blood.

Thug: That the best you got bug?

The thug picks up a bat and swings it at Spiderman who ducks it and punches him in the gut before he punches the thug making him step back and drop the bat and gets his legs webbed up before he falls over.

Spiderman hears a siren and turns around to see the cops and they look around.

Cop: What the hell is Hammerhead doing?

Spider-man: I think he's working with the Goblin because this guy is not normal anymore. Almost like he's using-

Spiderman senses something and jumps up as he turns around in the air and lands on a huge truck that starts driving and going through buildings.

Driver: Looks like we got company on us! Boys take care of him!!

The driver slams on the breaks making Spiderman go forward but he recovers in the air and lands on his feet and look around as he sees five people step out of the trucks back.

Spider-man: Now what are the chances that we can sit down like adults and talk this over?


Two of the Hammerhead thugs run at Spiderman who jumps back and shoots webs grabbing them before he swings them into a wall making them stick and his senses go off as he dodges a bat and does a quick kick to the thug making him fall back before he turns and gets punched making Spiderman step back and hold his jaw.

Spider-man: Oh someones been working out I see.

Spiderman dodges a few punch and strike attempts before he grabs the thug by the arm and flips him over his back and webs him to the floor and he turns around just in time to catch a trash can that hits his chest with an edge cutting a piece of his suit.

Spiderman webs the trash can and swings it as he let's it go just missing the last two Hammerhead goons that pull out knives.

HT: Boss told us to bring you in however we like!

Spider-man: I'd really like to meet your boss one day he sounds like a great guy.

The two goons run and both slash at Spiderman who rolls forward before catching himself and jumps back kicking one of them in the chest making him hit a wall.

Spiderman stands up and dodges a few slash attempts from the last Hammerhead goon before he goes for a slash to the arm and Spiderman dodges it just barely before he kicks the goon in the side of the head and punches him in the chest before finally kicking him back and webbing him to the wall as he looks around.

Spiderman walks up to the goon who he didn't web to the wall and webs his hand to it and looks at him and even though he has a mask on the goon can tell the expression of Spiderman.


Spider-man: Why are you all so tough and strong now?

The Hammerhead goon almost looks like he's weighting his options here as he looks at Spiderman.

HT: That enhancer Goblin stole from Oscorp. He made more and gave it all to Hammerhead! Hammerhead gave us it to make us stronger and more of a challenge to you! Hammerhead is gonna kill me now.

Spiderman steps back and holds his head as he sees a cut on his arm and puts webs around it before he walks up and punches the wall next to the thugs head.

Spider-man: Where is Hammerhead!?

HT: I don't know!! He has safe houses all over the city! He could be in any of them! Please just don't hurt me!

Spiderman looks around and looks at the truck and sees s familiar logo on it before he looks back at the goon.

Spider man: Where did you all get those trucks and your weapons!?

The Hammerhead goon looks at the truck and then sees a laser gun fall out of the back.

HT: We stole them from the docks! We heard that new soldiers were coming in with heavy weapons and we wanted to see what they were about! That's all I know I swear.

Spider-man: It better be.

Spiderman swings away and lands on the roof of Eddie's and carefully goes in making sure no one sees him and he grabs his bag before changing into his normal clothes and starting to walk outside.

Wyatt looks around and sighs as he sees Hammerhead goons being stopped and arrested and he starts to walk away until he hears something in an alley way and looks down it as he starts to get ready for something until he sees James walk out and he brushes his shirt off.

James: Sup man. You....You do what you needed?

Wyatt nods as they start to walk away.

Wyatt: Yea I did. I learned a few new things like apparently Hammerhead now has the performance enhancer that Goblin took and he gave it to all his thugs.

James looks a little confused and thinks for a second.

James: Why wouldn't Hammerhead take it himself? I mean I thought at least from what I've heard he wants to be the main crime boss here.

Wyatt shrugs and they continue to walk down the street as it's starting to turn to night and they start to go their separate ways.

Wyatt: Hey man I'll see you later. Take care and tell Gwen I hope she's doing good.

James: Alright man see you later.

Wyatt gets to his apartment and is about to open the door until he hears his phone going off and he pulls it out of his pocket and looks at the caller ID and smiles a little to himself as he sees it's Elle calling him as he answers.

Wyatt: Hello?

Nothing is heard on the other side of the line for a while.

Wyatt: Hello? Elle you there? Did you accidentally call me?

Again nothing is heard until someone audibly picks up the phone and laughs a little into it.

******: Can Spiderman come out to play?

The phone call ends as the person on the other side of the line laughs maniacally.

Wyatt goes wide eyed and tries to call back but nothing.

Wyatt: GOBLIN!!!!


End of the chapter

I hope that you all enjoyed it

Stay Safe, Take Care, and as Always Stay Cool Everyone.

I'll see you all on the other side

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