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Wyatt walks to the Bugle in the morning taking a few pictures of the buildings and the sky.

As Wyatt is walking into the Bugle he sees someone familiar.

Wyatt: Norman Osborne?

The man turns to Wyatt and nods

Norman: Yes do I know you?

Wyatt: Mr. Osborne I went to school with your son Harry and I must also say I am a big fan of what you and your team's are doing at Oscorp.

Norman: Well Mr....

Wyatt: Wyatt. Wyatt Weaver sir.

Norman nods and shakes Wyatts hand

Norman: Always good to see a young man who is interested in science. It is the main prospect of what makes us all ourselves. We have just started to tap the abilities and potential the body has at Oscorp.

Wyatt nods and Norman starts to walk away before looking at Wyatt one last time.

Norman: Good meeting you Mr. Weaver.

Wyatt: The same goes for you Mr. Osborne.

Wyatt walks into the Bugle and goes up the elevator to the top floor and bumps into someone.

Wyatt: I'm so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going.

Wyatt picks up the things and looks at the lady and is almost in a trance.

****: Oh it's ok. It's my fault I should have been watching where I was going. I'm Eleanor Roberts. But please call me Elle.

Wyatt shakes Elles hand

Wyatt: I'm Wyatt Weaver. It's nice to meet you Elle. Are you new here?

Elle: I just got the job. This is my dream job really. I love being artistic with the photos that I take.

Wyatt smiles some

Wyatt: I like to do the same.

Wyatt shows Elle a few pictures that he's taken and Elles eyes widen.

Elle: You're the person who takes pictures of Spiderman? That's so great. How do you do it? Whenever I try and take a picture of him he just swings right by.

Wyatt is now nervous as to how to answer the question.

Wyatt: Well you might not believe this but.....Me and him are friends. Yea he poses for my pictures.

Elle: Really? That's cool. What's he like?

Wyatt: He's a good man. He's trying to be the person that everyone in New York can look to for help. No matter who they are he tries to help everyone.

Elle: That's so sweet. Oh I'm sorry I'm taking up your time now.

Wyatt: Oh no it's all fine. You're not taking up any of my time and I'm enjoying talking to you Elle.

Elle blushes a little bit

Elle: Oh well thanks.

Wyatt: You're welcome Elle.

Wyatt goes to say something but it's interrupted as he hears something.

JJ: Get out! That is one of the dumbest ideas you've had! And you've had some dumb ones! Where is Weaver with those pictures of that menace!

Wyatt: Elle it's been good talking to you. But I have to handle that.

Elle: Oh alright Wyatt. It was good talking to you too.

Wyatt smiles at Elle as he walks to JJs office

JJ: Finally. What took you so long!

Wyatt: Traffic sir. I got stuck in traffic.

JJ: Well do you have any pictures!?

Wyatt: Yes sir right here.

JJ looks at the pictures and sighs

JJ: I've seen better. They'll do.

Wyatt nods

JJ: Hahaha....That masked menace doesn't want to be famous. I'll make him infamous! Same with that Green Goblin. I bet they're all working together.

Wyatt: Sir Spiderman is not working with any villain he is trying to stop them. He wants New York to be safe from all of them.

JJ: Awww how sweet. There's our headline. Spiderman wants us to be scared!

Wyatt rolls his eyes and sighs under his breath as he leaves JJs office.

JJ: And next time have pictures of The Goblin!

Wyatt walks to the elevator and goes down it as he starts to leave the Bugle he sees a fire truck drive by him.

Wyatt: What's going on!?

Wyatt sees smoke and fire.

Wyatt runs down the street and sees a fire at a restaurant and firefighters getting people out.

Wyatt runs and goes into an alley and changes into his Spiderman suit and gets next to a firefighter

Spider man: Is anyone left?

Firefighter: We're not sure! We think that we got everyone out!

******: HELP!!!!!


Spiderman runs and jumps into the building

Spider man: Where are you!?

******: HELP!!!!

Spider man: I'm gonna save you.

Spiderman breaks a door as he gets into the kitchen and sees where the fire was started and grabs a fire extinguisher and trys to put the fire out.

******: HELP ME!!!!!!

Spiderman gets the fire out and follows the voice and sees someone before grabbing their shoulder.

Spider man: I'm gonna get you out of he-

The person turns around and punches Spiderman making him step back.

Spiderman looks at the person to see Green Goblin in a purple hood.

Green Goblin: Not what you were expecting!

Goblin does a combo of punches making spiderman back up and he then gets picked up and thrown against the wall breaking it.

Spiderman gets up and as Goblin does a flying kick spiderman catches it and throws him back as the flames around them continue to go.

Green Goblin: Oh isn't it sad. The people you want to protect will be your downfall.

Spiderman throws a combo of punches that Goblin blocks and dodges before catching the final punch

Green Goblin: Impressive!

Goblin grabs Wyatts arm and twists it before trying to throw him into the wall again but spiderman uses his momentum to stick to the wall and jump off kicking Goblin in the face making him go through a window.

Goblin does a kip up and presses a button on his suit making his glider come to him and he gets on it as he presses another button making the blades on the glider come out and he flys at spiderman who jumps up and barely dodges the attempt.

Spiderman lands on his feet and gets hit by Goblin making him go through the hole where the window was.

Spiderman stands up as Goblin flys at him before going up and leaving.


Spider man starts to walk and suddenly feels a sharp pain in his side and puts his hand there and then looks at it seeing blood.

Spiderman: The glass must have done that to me.

Spiderman starts to climb up the wall and gets to the top before sitting on the edge.

Spiderman sits there before seeing cop cars driving down the street and he jumps up swings before landing on top of the car.

Spider man: What are we doing Gentlemen?

Cop: There was a break in at the museum we're going to check it out. Thanks for coming along Spidey.

Spider man: No need to thank me. Just doing my job.

Spiderman smiles under the mask as they arrive at the museum and don't see anything broken or open.

Cop: There's no signs of a break in. What could have happened?

Spiderman walks around and sees a trail of cuts on the side of the building and puts his hand on them.

Spider man: Who could have done this? It wasn't Carnage or Goblin.

Spiderman crawls up the wall and gets to the top and sees an air vent broken off the wall.

Spider man: There's my entrance.

Spiderman crawls into it and crawls around the vents and looks around before he hears something.

****: Boss wants this place cleaned out by now. Where the hell is she!?

Spider man: Who is she?

****: I knew that he shouldn't have taken her deal. She can't be trusted.

Spiderman watches as two men in suits walk into his view from a vent.

****: I'll check around here. You stay looking here.

One of the men walk out of view.

Spiderman opens the vent and shoots a web hitting the other man and pulling him into the vent and webbing him to the top of it.

Spider man: You're in timeout now.

Spiderman continues to crawl around in the vents and sees the other man in a suit and listens to him

****: Boss she isn't here. She's a no show!

Spiderman opens the vent and shoots two webs near the man before swinging down hitting the man knocking him out.

Spider man: Let's see who you were talking to.

Spiderman picks up the phone and doesn't say anything.

**********: Where are you now Bug? I see you in the cameras shot.

Spider man: Who are you?

**********: The better question is what am I not. I am the man who scares the police enough to where they back off my boys. That was until that Goblin and whatever that monster is. The cops don't respect us anymore. Especially since you're here now. The cops think that just because they have a bug with them they can be all big and bad now. I was just trying to help get my boys new weapons by selling some things around you. But because of you. I guess my boys won't get anything new. A pity really.

Spiderman goes to say something but hears a crunch and then the phone goes out.

Spider man: Ohh he doesn't sound very happy.

Spiderman hears something and turns around to see a group of men run in holding guns.

****: Waste the bug!

All of them start to shoot but spiderman jumps into the air and fires a web grabbing one of the guns and hits all of them with it before he lands and runs up shooting webs making a few of them stick to the wall.

Spiderman grabs the last one and throws him into the wall and watches it fall.

Spiderman hears something else and starts to run to somewhere in the museum and sees an empty glass case.

Spider man: What happened? I thought I stopped them all.

Spiderman sees a message carved into the glass reading "I like to watch what you do Spider."

Spider man: Who the....

The cops run into the room

Cop: It's Hammerheads men! I thought they were finished and he was done with all this.

Spider man: If that's who I heard. He says that you all don't respect him anymore.

Cop: We never respected him to begin with. We just backed off. That is until you came along. We finally felt like we were able to stop all the villains in this city.

Spider man: Well if I ever hear anything about this Hammerhead. I'll be the first to tell you all.

Cop: It's good to have someone like you around spiderman.

Spider man: I'm just trying to do right.

Spiderman leaves the museum as it starts to turn to night and he looks around before starting to swing through the city until he sees Elle walking down the street taking pictures.

Spiderman swings and lands on a pole and sees Elle look over at him.

Elle: Oh my god!

Elle readies her camera and takes a picture of him before he starts to swing away.

Elle: Thank you!

Spiderman smiles under his mask and lands on the building where his apartment is and goes inside through the window.

Wyatt takes off his mask and smiles again.

Wyatt: Today has been eventful.

End of the chapter

I hope that you all enjoyed it

Stay Safe, Take Care, and as Always Stay Cool Everyone.

I'll see you all on the other side

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