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Wyatt is walking down the street to the Bugle and as he gets to the building he sees Elle walk next to him so he opens the door for her.

Elle: Thank you.

Elle looks back and sees Wyatt.

Elle: Oh hey!

Wyatt: Hey Elle. How was your night after work?

Elle: Oh it was great. I walked around downtown and took pictures of the night sky. The city is beautiful at night.

Wyatt: I have to agree.

Wyatt and Elle get into the elevator and Wyatt pushes the button for the top floor.

Wyatt: Did anything else happen?

Elle: Yea I got a picture of Spiderman. It was almost like he knew me.

Elle shows Wyatt the picture of Spiderman and he nods and smiles.

Wyatt: Well you know I may have told him about you and how you'd love to get a picture of him but were never able to.

Elle: Oh well thanks for doing that Wyatt. That's really nice. You didn't have to do that though.

Wyatt: Elle it was nothing. Besides you really wanted that picture so it was only right that I told him about it.

Wyatt smiles as the elevator gets to the top floor.

Elle: Well thank you for that.

The elevator door opens

JJ: Where is Weaver! Spiderman shows up in a museum and probably stole a few paintings and I don't have any pictures!

Wyatt sighs

Elle: He doesn't know how much of a good guy and hero Spiderman is.

Wyatt: No he doesn't.

Wyatt goes to say something else to Elle until....

JJ: Weaver! There you are get in my office I need pictures of that menace!

Wyatt sighs again

Wyatt: It was nice talking to you Elle.

Elle: Nice talking to you too Wyatt. Take care.

Wyatt: Thank you and you take care also.

Wyatt walks into JJs office and sits down.

JJ: So where are the pictures!?

Wyatt hands JJ the pictures.

Wyatt: Here you go sir.

JJ: I've seen way better.

JJ flips through them before stopping on a picture and taking his cigar out of his mouth.

JJ: This is the picture. Spiderman destroying the museum.

Wyatt: Sir Spiderman was just trying to stop those men. They did the damage to the museum.

JJ: Yea sure.... He's a menace to this city. He's a menace!

JJ starts to smoke his cigar again

Wyatt sighs and gets up and grabs a note from the desk that has his payment on it.

Wyatt: Have a good day sir.

Wyatt leaves JJs office and breathes

Wyatt: Will he ever see that I'm a good man.

Elle walks up to Wyatt

Elle: What do you mean Wyatt?

Wyatt immediately goes wide eyed and tries to think of an excuse

Wyatt: Oh because JJ sees me as someone who isn't that responsible because of my age.

Elle: Oh that's dumb you have a good job and you seem very responsible.

Wyatt: Well thank you Elle.

JJ opens the door

JJ: Weaver get me a picture of ths Oscorp sign on the building.

Wyatt nods

Wyatt: Yes sir.

Wyatt starts to walk off

Wyatt: Elle have a good day.

Elle: Thanks Wyatt you too.

Wyatt smiles as he gets in the elevator and goes down to the bottom floor.

Wyatt starts to walk out of the building and walks down the street and sees that same shop owner who's money he saved.

Shop owner: Hey you're the kid who saved my money. You still gonna decline my offer on a free sandwich?

Wyatt goes to say something but then his stomach growls.

Wyatt: I'll take you up on that sir.

Wyatt walks into the store with the owner.

Wyatt: Thank you for this sir.

Shop owner: It's nothing at all. Besides I'm the one who should be thanking you. You got my money back. So what would you like?

Wyatt: Can I get Salami, ham, cheese, pepperoni, mayo, ranch, lettuce, and onion.

Shop owner: Coming right up.

Wyatt nods and stands back as other customers walk in and start to form a line.

Wyatt walks up and takes his sandwich when it gets put on the front counter.

Wyatt: Thank you sir.

Shop owner: Enjoy.

Wyatt walks out of the store and continues to walk down the street before finding somewhere to sit and eat.

Wyatt looks at his phone while he eats and sees the usual things. Articles about Spiderman, things that are happening in the city, cute cat and dog videos.

Wyatt chuckles and finishes the sandwich before throwing away the trash.

Wyatt walks to the Oscorp building and takes a picture of the sign and smiles before starting to walk away until he senses something.

Wyatt turns around and sees smoke coming from the building and hears fire fighters driving to the building and helicopters flying there.

Wyatt: I got to get up there.

Wyatt runs into an alley and changes into his suit before running up a wall and swing over to the building and sees a window that he goes through into the building.

Spider man: Now let's see what's happening in Oscorp.

Spiderman shoots a web and goes to the roof and crawls around before going through a vent and hearing what sounds like gun shots.


Spiderman looks though the vent and sees a tendril hit two thugs and make them hit the wall.

Spider man: Carnage?

Spiderman watches as the tendril goes away and he sees a figure step in front of the two thugs

*****: Can you talk now? You saw him being brought here. Now where the hell is he!

Thugs: We don't know!

The figure grabs both of the thugs and lifts them up before putting them against the wall

*****: You're really testing my patience!

Spiderman goes to get down from the vent but sees the figure drop the men as it heard something and turns it's head.

*****: Come out!

The figure leaves the area and Spiderman gets out of the vent and sees a lot of thugs around.

Spider man: What the hell was that? It wasn't Carnage. But it said that he was brought here. Who is h-

Spidermans senses go off and he jumps down landing on the ground and seeing a lot of thugs surround him.

Spider man: Well I suppose we can't talk about this like Gentlemen first?

Thug: GET RID OF HIM!!!!

Spider man nods and shoots a web grabbing one of the thugs guns and does a spin hitting the rest before throwing the gun.

Spidermans senses go off and he does a back flip and shoots a web hitting the thug who just charged at him.

As he lands Spiderman does a flipping back kick and then webbing up two thugs and throwing them forward before webbing them up to the wall.

Spiderman hears something and does a flip dodging bullets before shooting a web and swinging kicking the last and final thug in the face.

Spider man: I tried to do it the nice way first.

Spiderman webs all the thugs to the ground so they can't leave before going up a wall and crawling through another vent.

As he's crawling through the vent it's quiet that is until he hears something go off.

Spider man: That's an alarm. Where is it thou-

Spiderman gets grabbed from the vent by a hand and pulled through it before being thrown onto the ground.

*****: You thought you could hide from me forever!? No you can't. Now I'm gonna get rid of yo-

It stops talking as it looks at Spiderman.

Spiderman: Listen buddy I'm not whoever you think I am. But I have no problem fighting you!

Spiderman stands up and sees what was talking to him

Spider man: What the hell are you!?

*****: We are Venom. And you are not who we are here for.

Venom goes to jump but sees Spiderman start to get up.

Venom: We are not your enemy or will we ever be. We are here for Carnage.

Spider man: Why the hell should I trust you at all.

Venom: Because we know exactly who you are. And besides you wouldn't want to attack your friend.... Would you?

Spider man: Friend?

Venom has half his face fade away and it shows half of James's face.

Spider man: James!?

James: Who were you expecting? Carnage?

Spider man: What happened? You look... better than you did before.

James laughs some and looks at Wyatt before having Venoms face go back to normal.

Venom: We are here for Carnage.

Venom jumps onto the wall and goes through the hole in the wall that he made.

Spider man: Hey! What am I supposed to do?

Venom: Find Goblin.

Spiderman looks around and goes through a vent and crawls through it and sees Carnage talking to Green Goblin.

Carnage: To hell with your plan! I am done with you and the Kingpin. I am doing what I've wanted to do for the longest time!!

Goblin: You will continue to do what I say and you will not leave. Ths kingpin says when you are free.

Carnage punches Goblin back and goes onto the wall and jumps but Goblin moves and Carnage goes through the wall and runs.

Goblin: Insignificant piece of....

Thugs run into the room

Thug: Wheres the monster?

Goblin: He went that way. Find him now!!

The thugs run after Carnage and Spiderman continues to watching the Goblin before he calls his glider and grabs a vial of something before flying off.

Spiderman jumps out of the vents and lands on the floor.

Spider man: What did he grab?

Spiderman starts to type a few things into the computer in the room and sees that Goblin stole the same serum that was used to enhance him.

Spider man: What is he planning on doing?

Spiderman hears something and sees thugs fly back and into the room.

Venom jumps into the room and picks up one of the thugs.

Venom: You caused me to lose him!!!

Venom throws the thug across the room and looks at Spiderman.

Venom: Which way did he go?

Spider man: What are you gonna do?

Venom: Try and stop him before this gets any worse. He can not be out there on the loose.

Venom has half his face go away showing James's face

James: He will be contained.

Venoms face goes back to normal.

Spiderman looks over and sees thugs running at him and he fires a few webs at them.

Venom runs and shoots tendrils at them making them fly back and hit the walls.

Spiderman jumps up and webs them to the wall and lands on the floor before doing a spinning heel kick knocking out another thug.

Venom picks up two thugs and throws them across the room and shoots a tendril grabbing them and then smashing them into the floor.

Venom: That is all of them.

Spider man: Goblin got away with the serum.

Venom: This will all be fixed quite soon.

Spiderman nods and swings off through the hole in the wall and follows it to the outside and he sees cops outside.

Spider man: Officers there is a whole building full of them.

Cop: Thank you Spiderman.

Spider man: You don't need to. I'm just doing what's right.

Spiderman swings off and lands on a building and sits there.

Spider man: I could really use a pick me up right now. I wonder if Eddie's pizza is open.


End of the chapter

I hope that you all enjoyed it

Stay Safe, Take Care, and as Always Stay Cool Everyone.

I'll see you all on the other side

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