Meet The Wanderer..! (Author, creator person, me)

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9 days

That's how long it took for me to finally get around to putting this chapter together, but hey, I'm here and I bring content with me for all u lovely bunch of candy addicts and war criminals alike

Or maybe you're both
Hey, if you want to be both, go and be both. Go be whoever you want to be. Go be a candy addict and a war criminal
(I support u)

Anyway, for real tho welcome back to Wonderer's wanderful boof ok having a stroke rn jesus

This is going to be my shot at a Meet The Author chapter, which I was inspired to do by the wonderful SilverFennic88 so big thanks to her ^^

In fact I'm not done thanking her either, because the awesome artwork that you're about to see is done by none other than her, too! It was really nice of her to go out of her way to draw my character and very much appreciated, this chapter wouldn't be a thing without her help. Am super lucky to have such a kind and talented friend and no she's not pointing a gun at me while I type this, what are you talking about

(Seriously tho, don't forget to go and check out her stories and art here on Wattpad, she's got some real good stuff over there :p )

And here's what I got

I had fun designing this, hopefully there's something in there that helps you learn a bit more about me too. I've never done a meet the author chapter before (unless I have and I just forgot about, Luke will know the answer)

Who knows, maybe I'll do another one someday in the future
... But hopefully I won't change too much before then :P

But hey, before I bring this chapter to a close I did say in my last chapter that I'd do some q&a if people commented some questions for me, and I do have a couple of questions to answer

First up is from SilverFennic88 yet again, and the question is: what's my favourite Eeveelution?
Ayy we love a Pokémon question, uhhh so first of all I just wanna make a public announcement that I have one of every Eeveelution, they're all a big family and they've each got their own nickname and I love them all very much-
Picking a favourite out of them is kinda impossible but design-wise, I'm more of a fan of Sylveon believe it or not

And last question here is from Im_Stuff
Oh boi
Alright so the original question is quite long and involves the Pope, so I'll simplify it
Pods basically asks: How do you torture an old man to get them to do what you want?

Well I'm glad you asked
The answer involves a bottle opener, a glue stick, two bricks and a welding torch, but for the sake of entertainment I'll leave the methods up to your imagination

Wooo and I'm tired all of a sudden
I mean it is- 3am? That was quick

Before I end this chapter off tho, two things
First of all: I'm getting vaccinated tomorrow at last ayy! At like 10am, but still-
Please tho, if you have the option to get vaccinated and you aren't already, try and get yourself booked for a vaccination as soon as you can. If you're not able to yet, keep using common sense and keep yourselves and your relatives safe

And second thing, next week is my last week of school EVER. Monday is my last exam, should get all of my coursework finished by the end of the week, and then bomp I'm done with school and your boi will actually have time to do things again
I'll keep you posted on it, but yeah I'll be back to focusing on Rebellion again very soon

Until then tho, hope you enjoyed the chapter and very much thanks to all y'all for reading. Stay safe, stay happy, and I'll see you in the next one.

See ya around
~ Wanderer

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