1 ⚔️ The Wandering Beast

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'Perhaps We Don't Control the Circumstances, were the last words I heard from him. My brother. Although he's alive, but if I don't run, I might not be alive.' She thought. It felt like her stomach crumbled into a ball; when she almost tripped while running for her life. It would be much worse if she had fallen on the ground, but luckily that wasn't the case. A Roar was heard from behind, when suddenly the trees, behind her, bent to the sides to give space to the tremendously Giant Wolf, containing skin made of fire. It seemed like a dragon and a wolf's crossbreed. It could kill Jessica, in just a matter of seconds. She felt insanely lucky when she didn't fall to the ground and kept sprinting as fast as she could. She was running from the Underground Beast Hideout to the depths of Sling Forest

Jessica was a typical girl of 2123. She had the power of better senses, and she was pretty much powerless. She was wearing a blue dress with a White pattern Thin Shoulder Straps, and a blue frock, and her long - Blonde Hair were reaching her upper waist. Her Attractive Blue eyes and a white loose strip on her neck gave her, a decent look.

A small high-tech house, somewhere inside the Sling forest: enters the picture. The main Door Slid open, and Zadar Comes out. Zadar was wearing A white shirt, with a blue design near the neck, and an off-white coat. His brown hair gave him a badass look. Now, The man was a thunder caller, a rare and powerful individual with the ability to control the lightning at will. He was feared and revered by all who knew of him, and his powers were said to be beyond measure. With a single thought, he could summon forth a storm that would shake the earth to its very foundations, or he could unleash a bolt of lightning that would strike his enemies with the force of a thousand suns.

Overall, this man was a formidable force to be reckoned with, a true master of his Powers. He slowly stepped out of the house while stretching his hands in the air, Suddenly a blow from behind pushed him slightly away, zadar looked behind him just to find out that there was no one there! And when he looked back in front,

Ron was standing exactly in front of him, smiling at him stupidly. It was hard to tell by his face, about his earth-cracking stupidity and that he was more dumb than a capybara. He was wearing a black Robe and black trousers; it was hard to see what he was wearing inside the Robe, but his Crocs were kinda melted from the edges and ripped off in the middle. It seemed like his Crocs were from an ancient-modern era.

"Good Morning Dear!" Said, Ron,

"I doubt your masculinity, my friend" Replied Raavi,

who just came out from the same door, wearing a black and yellow hoodie, dark - blue pyjamas, and a lock of pink hair, dangling between her two yellow eyes.

"well, at least he helps in not helping us at all," said Zadar.

"But, Where's Jessica?" Asked Ron

"She might be Sleeping" Replied Raavi.

"I went to her room but there was no one, I think she might be in the shower," Said Zadar

"But I was using her Shower because mine needed to get repaired," said Raavi.

"Where is she then?" Asked Ron.

When Jessica was losing all her hope, A Man arrived to save her, A Big Man with a Muscular body and a Long Katana Sword Appeared! The wolf shot his Powerful Fire Breath at Jessica but The Man came in between and the flame breath vanished in seconds, it vanished in thin air or was it absorbed by the man, Everything, Every Vision Was So Confusing For Her. She never had experienced such thing where someone had to protect her in years, She was strong enough alone, as a Beast Hunter. But this time, The Situation got her off guard, Her Savior, Wandering Beast Saved her, he absorbed the breath and leaped at the wolf while absorbing every attack the wolf tried to do. He Finally Landed on top of the wolf's head While Stabbing the wolf with his katana, He absorbed the whole Beast inside in a matter of seconds and this seemed like an everyday thing for him

After landing safely on the ground, He revealed his Elegant Katana, The blade of the katana was forged from a rare metallic ore that was imbued with the ability to absorb and harness any form of energy that it came into contact with. Its surface shimmered with a deep, almost hypnotic blue hue as if it was constantly pulsating with unseen energy. The hilt was wrapped in blue silk and adorned with intricate gold filigree, giving it an air of regal elegance.

He Walked towards Jessica,

"Hey, Are You Okay?" He asked While giving his Hand to her

"Totally!" She Flustered "All thanks to you, Mr-er-"

"Wandering Beast" He Replied, "Wade For Short, I am Beast Hunter So you can Call me whenever you find yourself in Danger, Here's my contact Number".

Wade was a tall muscular guy, he was wearing a black overcoat, with 'X' shaped gray straps keeping the overcoat in place with a red crystal in the centre of the 'X'. He was wearing a dark green shirt and black pants with a brown belt in between. And a black scar on his right eye, and a Black iris. But his real name was Virat, He didn't tell everyone that his name was Virat, Most of the people he came across called him Wandering Beast OR Wade.

She Was so Disappointed in herself and impressed by Him,

"Would You Like to Get up now?" He asked,

When She realised that she was embarrassing herself, she took his hand and hauled herself into a standing position, they were standing nose to nose when She immediately pulled herself back and also pulled her hand.

"Ayo! Maintain your DISTANCE Man!" She said, "Don't Underestimate my Power, Don't think you are the only one who is strong here!"

"Well. I saw how Strong You were while running from that damn fox" He Replied with a smirk,

"Oh Hello?" She said, "I don't think you are a Beast Hunter, With that attitude, You seem like an Illiterate Rover!"

He Got Completely Embarrassed With this roast, But what else could he even do? So He Acted like He didn't hear anything and started walking by.

"Hey, Well... How do I say it?" She said, "Okay, let's put it simply, Are You a Beast Hunter?"


"Okay then.." She said, "Come with me, I've got something to Show You!"

He Jerked Behind with a Shock.

" I am a Beast Hunter Too!" She said.

"Ohh Really," He said "A weakling like that? Is it a Beast Hunter? Impossible"

"well I am" She replied "and I am not a weakling, My power is my senses, even my sixth sense!"

"Okay then, Show whatever you want to"

"Come with me"

Virat followed Her, They walked towards her base. Finally, they reached the base where the other team members of her were looking for her.

"I am Back, Guys" Jessica Spoke

"Dude!" Ron said "Where have you been? We have been looking for you everywhere!"

"Yeah," Said everyone else.

"Who is this other guy by the way?" Raavi asked

"You won't believe it but" Said Jessica "He is also a Beast Hunter!"

"Really?" Zadar asked while showing some interest

"Yup," said Virat "I am The Wandering Blade, Wade For Short, My Real Name is Virat"

"oh, hey Virat" Said Ron.

"Let me introduce you, Virat," Said Jessica "He is Zadar, He has electric powers and you can call him thunderflash. He is Ron, His power is running in speed, You can call him dash. And She is Raavi the Teleporter"

How original, he told himself, "Hey Everyone!" Said Virat aloud.

The Shook each other's Hands and Zadar Showed Him the Base. Then in the noon after lunch, They left on hunting, They had this habit, would Roam in the wild with their foldable base which they can carry anywhere. Whenever they found a Beast they would hunt it down with ease and move on to repeat.

They Found a Weak beast which they defeated. And After 4 Hours of Roaming, at 7:00 pm They unfolded their base and got in. They had Dinner together and after Dinner, They had a Warm Born Fire Going on just several meters away from the entrance of the base. They were chilling at the born fire At around 9:30 pm.

"I will be right back," said Virat

and he left walking in the dark forest, towards the Underground Beast Hideout. But he forgot his sword there. Virat was walking through the darkness of the terrifying forest with shedding leaves, He walked straight in a narrow pathway With No Fear Seen his eyes but his eyes were telling more than his mouth, He Was suffering, From Pain, Mental pain, Physical pain, His eyes showed the Compulsion while walking through that forest aimlessly, How helpless he was against the beast, those were the only things going through his mind. He was walking and walking until he reached a man.

The Man Stood at least eight feet tall, with long, spindly limbs and a skeletal frame. Its skin was a sickly green colour, and it was covered in bony protrusions and spines. Its head was elongated and topped with a crown of writhing tentacles that seemed to writhe and twist on their own. Its eyes were large and glowing, with a bright Blue colour that seemed to pierce the darkness. It had a wide, lipless mouth filled with rows of sharp teeth and a long, forked tongue that flicked out as it spoke

"Virat... What are you doing? I told you to Catch the Beasts for me and bring them here at me! But you? You are Killing Them! You even Joined the Beast Hunters! Look, Virat... If you wanna live, then follow my orders!" In a Deep Aggressive Voice.

Turns out, he was a Human Beast but in his actual Form.

"I am So Sorry Master," Said Virat With compulsiveness "I Disappointed You, But it will not happen again...I Promise"

"Mark Your Words Young Man," He Said, "Are you sure?"

"Pretty Sure" Virat replied with confidence.

And Returned To The Base Just to Find out that Jessica Took his Blade and also went towards the Forest To Find him.

"And you let her go?" Virat asked with aggression

" Chill Down my friend," Ron said

"she's a Beast Hunter, She'll be safe"

"you Sure?"

"Pretty Sure".

Jessica was also walking in the woods of darkness while dragging the Katana on the ground and only holding it from its handle's tip. After walking for a while fearlessly, She suddenly stopped and slowly turned her head towards her left, it was all darkness but, She saw it, She saw a giant electric gorilla lying down, It was a powerful Beast But she didn't even Blink, The gorilla was 3 times its original size as it was a beast. She went near him, which woke him Woke up, he opened his eyes and looked at her neutrally. he waggled his eyebrows trying to ask what was up. We couldn't see from the gorilla's perspective too, Why didn't the gorilla attack remain a mystery but when he tried to speak something, She pulled the sword and softly touched the sword's point to his body which caused it to absorb the whole beast into the sword. She realised that it was too much power for a normal human to keep.

"How does Wade keep all the beasts inside him? The sword doesn't offer the user, a choice, it just absorbs the power and transfers it into the user's body." Jessica thought

She was confused. She wanted to know, how he was able to absorb the beasts with ease. When she reached the base and entered, she saw Wade sitting alone on the sofa with one leg on top of the other, and both arms stretched out on both sides of the sofa, They all were asleep but Wade was awake.

"Was I So Late?" She asked

"Yup" Wade replied "You are pretty late"

"ok, It happens sometimes," She said

After handing over the sword and while towards her room to sleep. Wade also Got to Bed, He didn't have any other of his clothes with him as Firefox burned his Bag While he was trying to save Jessica. Jessica was right though, He wasn't Illiterate But he was a Rouge, As per his name "Wandering Blade" This man was like a Coconut, with Soft Emotions Inside But Tough Guy on the outside! Why was Jessica able to easily absorb the beast, and why didn't the beast attack him, remained a mystery. But one thing was for sure, that Jessica wasn't a normal human being.

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