2 ⚔️ Hunter's Prey

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As the Sun Began To Set, and the clouds turned orange, everyone in the village scurried to their shelters out of fear of the beasts. Except for Wade, who withdrew his sword from its sheath and headed back into the forest.

"Tonight, I'm going to learn the truth about him," Jessica declared.

Raavi raised an eyebrow. "Are you certain about that?"

"Pretty Certain," Jessica replied before setting out after Wade.

Wade moved cautiously through the shadowy woods, Towards the Underground Beast Hideout. his sword held tightly in one hand and his other hand open and ready. He was determined to uncover the truth about the mysterious man hiding in the forest.

"Is he even concealing anything, or is he just wandering around?" Jessica questioned as she followed Wade.

Suddenly, the same beast from the previous night appeared before them, his expression dark and menacing.

"I don't think you got what I was trying to communicate, did you?" the beast growled.

"I did, but I'm no longer a compulsive rogue who needs someone to keep me alive," Wade retorted.

As Jessica turned around to find the beast standing right behind her. She was confused and frightened, but she also felt an inexplicable connection to the beast. She realised her mistake of following Wade.

The next thing she knew, the beast had grabbed her neck and teleported back where it was, with her.

"Jessica! How did you get here?" Wade demanded angrily.

"I'm sorry, I was just curious!" Jessica pleaded.

"What do you mean by curious?" Wade bellowed.

"I just wanted to know what you were keeping from us!" Jessica cried.

"ENOUGH TALK!" the beast snapped, tightening his grip on her neck.

In an instant, Wade sprang into action. He drew his sword and lunged at the beast, slicing off his head with a swift stroke. The beast's body crumpled to the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust.

As Jessica sobbed with relief, she approached Wade slowly, gripping him tightly. He wasn't used to being held, but he felt a strange sense of comfort in her embrace.

'Is she interested in me too?' he wondered.

'Do I need to present a rough exterior? Or should I attempt to understand her feelings as well?'

Unable to find the right words, he simply lifted his hands, closed his eyes, and wrapped her in the warm embrace of his arms.

Everyone woke up the following day and prepared to go hunting.

"Okay, I'm going with Jessica," Raavi said.

Then, Ron said, "I'm going with Wade."

"What about me, then?" Zadar inquired.

"I'm sorry, but I guess nobody wants to be with you". Jessica remarked mockingly.

Ron left with Wade.

Raavi said, "I think we should leave too."

They all departed in different directions. While Raavi was teleporting back and forth while holding Jessica so that she too teleported, Zadar was walking through the forest. Raavi was in a rainforest when she suddenly found herself in a desert with no sustainable food supply, and before even another second had passed, she had reached the top of a snowy mountain.

Wade and Ron were strolling peacefully at the time. Walking in the plain-uneven fields of nature, there was no beast as far as the eye could see. But surely they were hiding somewhere, because staying small in size until any prey came nearby, was their everyday thing. They would stay as small as an ant and when they smell a prey nearby, they would increase their size and eat it alive, no matter if it's a human, animal or insect.

They were having their walk, talking about each other's hobbies and interests. They had kinda the same interests but quite different hobbies. They both liked killing beasts, ruthlessly; but when Wade enjoyed doing it, Ron wasn't enjoying it much and thinking of it as just his job, but Wade did it for his fun.

Suddenly When Wade was going to continue walking; A Beast Appeared from beneath Wade's feet, tossing him up in the air. It was a Giant Tornado Bunny! It was a giant bunny with the power of manipulating tornadoes.

"Now, Finally I'll get to see Speedster in Action" Wade Smiled while still in the air

"WADE!" Ron yelled, as he didn't know that a fall from this height was nothing for Wad; as he had jumped from a high place.

Because he is overall a better human, having better strength, durability, agility, endurance, stamina, speed, etc; not too much of them though. He could easily survive a fall, a normal human couldn't. But not too high.

'Let's see what this guy can do!' Wade thought

Before he made a rough landing on the turf, with his knees and palms. He hauled himself into a standing position and watched Ron fight the bunny. He was fighting the urge to finish it right off, as he wanted to see Ron in action. Ron then took a deep breath of satisfaction, he then turned to the Beast. Ron was angrily gazing at the bunny, waiting for it to make a move first. Meanwhile, the bunny was also angrily staring at Ron, it seemed like the bunny was giving its best to look dangerous, but he was too cute to be Dangerous.

A tornado suddenly appeared under Ron's feet. But it was too slow, Ron already escaped from it, before it could even start forming itself. Ron ran around the beast in circles. He then climbed the beast from its tail. He climbed on top of its head and pulled out a butterfly knife, and made a scratch on its forehead. And then he jumped back down. Just the scratch was Enough to kill the beast as he was using a special knife, just made for killing beasts. Just one scratch from it would trigger the lysosomes in the beast and it would kill itself.

"That was Fricking Awesome!" Wade Exclaimed

"Why in the Sucking hell," Ron Said Angrily "Did you think it was a good idea to watch me Fight, instead of helping me?"

"I just wanted to see" Wade replied without a sense of guilt in his voice, "How good could you fight? And I was amazed-it will never happen again though"

As soon as the beast was killed, its body started converting into thin-black smoke and flew in the air. The Beast's Body Started Fading in the smoke as Ron Slowly Approached Wade.

"Did you just let that beast die?" Wade Said in Disgust

"Of course, what else am I supposed to do?" Ron Questioned back.

"You guys are doing, what I call, 'Passive Hunting'" Wade Replied "Let me show you how I hunt for beasts"

Ron and Wade continued walking in the fields. Wade walked with a hand on his sword's scabbard and the other hand in his pocket, which wasn't quite visible, as it was covered by his overcoat. Meanwhile - Ron was walking with both of his hands on his belt.

"So" Wade Started "why do you have such a little height? - I mean, is it natural?"

"Yeah," Ron said ignorantly, not showing much interest.

It wasn't Ron's Behavior, but rather he didn't want to talk about his height.

'I don't think he's interested in that topic' Wade thought.

After walking for about half an hour, they finally reached the same forest but from the other corner. They were near the seacoast side of the Underground Beast Hideout, near the Sling Forest, with green trees; a mixture of turf and soil on the ground; Clear Sky; and The wind was howling between the trees, the sound sometimes rising to a banshee wail, sometimes falling to a moan.

"Now, this is the place, where all the demons hide," Wade said confidently.

The wave of confidence was heard in his voice, and the merciless: Evil smile was seen on his face. Ron's heart started beating as fast as a bullet train which could be heard for several miles; due to excitement and curiosity.

'What is he gonna do now?' Ron thought

It felt like there was a demon, hiding inside Wade, just waiting to be unleashed. His eyes were filled with rage. And his face looked like the devil's. He grabbed the handle of his katana and pulled it out of the scabbard. He held it with both of his hands. He aimed the katana toward the ground and stuck it in the ground. The elegant blade started pulsing bluish-purple light. And before Ron could say anything, an energy blast of the same colour, occurred.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Ron Questioned

"This energy blast would Resize all the beasts in its radius" Wade Explained

When suddenly, bushes ahead of them made a noise. Wade pulled out his sword from the ground, and aimed it towards the bush, ready to hit it, at the moment it got out. Ron also prepared himself for the beast. But to their surprise, a normal-looking brown baby deer came out.

"Oh, I thought it was a beast!" Ron sighed

"It is! It's a Hunter's Prey" Wade smiled evilly

The baby deer looked normal, and its eyes made it look even cuter. He seemed as neutral as water, but who would know the snake mindset hiding inside a cute deer?

Before the deer could even blink, Wade jumped at it with his katana aimed at the deer's waist. 'It's just a normal DEER!' Ron wanted to say, but couldn't.

Wade cut straight through the deer's belly, separating the deer from its body from the waist down. Some blue energy fog is released from the exposed organs of the deer. Blood splattered all over the ground and on Wade's clothes. But the blood on Wade's coat seemed to disappear, because of its black color. The deer's eyes turned blue.

"I told ya, its a beast," Wade said excitedly

"I guess you were right. But how did you figure that out?" Ron replied

"I can see what normal eyes can't," Wade said with a coarse voice. "Ahem!" He cleared his throat, to get rid of that coarse voice.

The deer was a beast, a shapeshifter one. It shapeshifted into a normal-looking deer. But it didn't know that Wade had killed many of the normal-looking animals, and all of them turned out to be a beast. The deer wasn't fully dead, but it was begging it could be. The deer had become so powerless, that it couldn't even change its size anymore.

Wade lifted the deer's upper half body, from the back of its neck, and raised it to his eye level.

"Tell me where the other beasts are hiding, NOW!" He demanded the deer.

The deer told him about the other beasts' location by moving its head towards that direction.

"That's pretty Wild," Ron said

"That's why, I would like to call you Passive Hunters," Wade said mockingly.

When they reached another beast, Wade threw the deer, to the side to let it die by itself. And did the same energy blast.

A tortoise beast revealed itself, it had the power to control the land. Before the Beast could make a move, Wade again pulled his katana and threw it at the Beast. The katana went spinning. And it sharply stabbed through the hard shell of the tortoise, as soon as it touched the katana, the tortoise disappeared. It got absorbed inside the sword.

Wade then, went to pick it up. He picked it up and got to Ron. And they continued their walking.

"I would've picked this one up also, but I wasn't in the mood" Wade smiled

"Oh shit dude, you are very merciless!" Ron exclaimed. "Oh, by the way, do you trust me?"

"For what?" Wade said

"I mean - with your secrets?"

"Yeah, I might"

"Go on"

"I guess we'll start with you"

"I don't bath, or brush my teeth, regularly. - your turn"

"Eww. Anyway I don't think I should tell you my secret"

"C-mon you can trust me!"

"I mean - can I?"

"Just spit it already!"

"Okay, I thought Jessica was cute"

"Oh? Then go tell her!"

"I can't, I just - I don't think I will"

"C-mon, you have to build up the strength"

"I told you that I thought she was cute, not that I like her!"

'I Shouldn't've told you that in the first place, Wade thought

"Oh, " Ron replied, "then what about Ravi?"

"What? No!"

"I mean, she's hot too"

"Oh come on, I don't want her. I mean she's also good but, not as good as Jessica. Also, that Jessica isn't my crush!"

"Oh, I know it already. You like her"

"No, I don't"

"Jessica told me, how you hugged her, last night"

"Oh FUCK!"

"Got ya secret!"

"I am gonna Fuck your Stupid Dumbass if you tell her. Or anyone for that matter!"

"Don't worry, I won't"

"You Better!"

"Ok, what would you do if your crush - let's say Jessica for example - proposed to you?"

"It depends on the method. Like the sitting on knees one?"

"No, let's say she said a pickup line or indirectly told you to imagine her as your wife, what would you do?"

"That's a hard one, I don't know about it"

Will Ron spit out Wade's Secret? Will Wade ever be able to Confess his true feelings about Jessica? Will Wade be a Part of their Team Forever?

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